 * Removes reinforces walls from tiles around given slab, except given owner.
 * @param keep_plyr_idx The owning player whose walls are not to be affected.
 * @param slb_x Central slab for the unprettying effect, X coord.
 * @param slb_y Central slab for the unprettying effect, Y coord.
void do_unprettying(PlayerNumber keep_plyr_idx, MapSlabCoord slb_x, MapSlabCoord slb_y)
    long n;
    for (n=0; n < SMALL_AROUND_SLAB_LENGTH; n++)
        long sslb_x,sslb_y;
        struct SlabMap *slb;
        sslb_x = slb_x + (long)small_around[n].delta_x;
        sslb_y = slb_y + (long)small_around[n].delta_y;
        slb = get_slabmap_block(sslb_x, sslb_y);
        struct SlabAttr *slbattr;
        slbattr = get_slab_attrs(slb);
        if ((slbattr->category == SlbAtCtg_FortifiedWall) && (slabmap_owner(slb) != keep_plyr_idx))
            if (!slab_by_players_land(slabmap_owner(slb), sslb_x, sslb_y))
                SlabKind newslab;
                newslab = choose_rock_type(keep_plyr_idx, sslb_x, sslb_y);
                place_slab_type_on_map(newslab, slab_subtile_center(sslb_x), slab_subtile_center(sslb_y), game.neutral_player_num, 0);
                unfill_reinforced_corners(keep_plyr_idx, sslb_x, sslb_y);
                do_slab_efficiency_alteration(sslb_x, sslb_y);
TbBool can_build_room_at_slab(PlayerNumber plyr_idx, RoomKind rkind,
    MapSlabCoord slb_x, MapSlabCoord slb_y)
    if (!subtile_revealed(slab_subtile_center(slb_x), slab_subtile_center(slb_y), plyr_idx)) {
        SYNCDBG(7,"Cannot place %s owner %d as slab (%d,%d) is not revealed",room_code_name(rkind),(int)plyr_idx,(int)slb_x,(int)slb_y);
        return false;
    struct SlabMap *slb;
    slb = get_slabmap_block(slb_x, slb_y);
    if (slb->room_index > 0) {
        SYNCDBG(7,"Cannot place %s owner %d as slab (%d,%d) has room index %d",room_code_name(rkind),(int)plyr_idx,(int)slb_x,(int)slb_y,(int)slb->room_index);
        return false;
    if (slab_has_trap_on(slb_x, slb_y) || slab_has_door_thing_on(slb_x, slb_y)) {
        SYNCDBG(7,"Cannot place %s owner %d as slab (%d,%d) has blocking thing on it",room_code_name(rkind),(int)plyr_idx,(int)slb_x,(int)slb_y);
        return false;
    if (rkind == RoK_BRIDGE) {
        return slab_kind_is_liquid(slb->kind) && slab_by_players_land(plyr_idx, slb_x, slb_y);
    if (slabmap_owner(slb) != plyr_idx) {
        return false;
    return (slb->kind == SlbT_CLAIMED);
TbBool jailbreak_possible(struct Room *room, long plyr_idx)
    unsigned long i;
    unsigned long k;
    struct SlabMap *slb;
    if (room->owner == plyr_idx) {
        return false;
    k = 0;
    i = room->slabs_list;
    while (i > 0)
        slb = get_slabmap_direct(i);
        if (slabmap_block_invalid(slb))
            ERRORLOG("Jump to invalid room slab detected");
        if (slab_by_players_land(plyr_idx, slb_num_decode_x(i), slb_num_decode_y(i)))
            return true;
        i = get_next_slab_number_in_room(i);
        if (k > map_tiles_x * map_tiles_y)
            ERRORLOG("Infinite loop detected when sweeping room slabs");
    return false;
void make_safe(struct PlayerInfo *player)
    unsigned char *areamap;
    areamap = (unsigned char *)scratch;
    MapSlabCoord slb_x, slb_y;
    // Prepare the array to remember which slabs were already taken care of
    for (slb_y=0; slb_y < map_tiles_y; slb_y++)
        for (slb_x=0; slb_x < map_tiles_x; slb_x++)
            SlabCodedCoords slb_num;
            struct SlabMap *slb;
            slb_num = get_slab_number(slb_x, slb_y);
            slb = get_slabmap_direct(slb_num);
            struct SlabAttr *slbattr;
            slbattr = get_slab_attrs(slb);
            if ((slbattr->block_flags & (SlbAtFlg_Filled|SlbAtFlg_Digable|SlbAtFlg_Valuable)) != 0)
                areamap[slb_num] = 0x01;
                areamap[slb_num] = 0x00;
        const struct Coord3d *center_pos;
        center_pos = dungeon_get_essential_pos(player->id_number);
        slb_x = subtile_slab_fast(center_pos->x.stl.num);
        slb_y = subtile_slab_fast(center_pos->y.stl.num);
        SlabCodedCoords slb_num;
        slb_num = get_slab_number(slb_x, slb_y);
        areamap[slb_num] |= 0x02;

    unsigned int list_cur, list_len;
    PlayerNumber plyr_idx;
    plyr_idx = player->id_number;
    SlabCodedCoords *slblist;
    slblist = (SlabCodedCoords *)(scratch + map_tiles_x*map_tiles_y);
    list_len = 0;
    list_cur = 0;
    while (list_cur <= list_len)
        SlabCodedCoords slb_num;

        if (slb_x > 0)
            slb_num = get_slab_number(slb_x-1, slb_y);
            if ((areamap[slb_num] & 0x01) != 0)
                areamap[slb_num] |= 0x02;
                struct SlabMap *slb;
                slb = get_slabmap_direct(slb_num);
                struct SlabAttr *slbattr;
                slbattr = get_slab_attrs(slb);
                if ((slbattr->category == SlbAtCtg_FriableDirt) && slab_by_players_land(plyr_idx, slb_x-1, slb_y))
                    unsigned char pretty_type;
                    pretty_type = choose_pretty_type(plyr_idx, slb_x-1, slb_y);
                    place_slab_type_on_map(pretty_type, slab_subtile(slb_x-1,0), slab_subtile(slb_y,0), plyr_idx, 1);
                    do_slab_efficiency_alteration(slb_x-1, slb_y);
                    fill_in_reinforced_corners(plyr_idx, slb_x-1, slb_y);
            } else
            if ((areamap[slb_num] & 0x02) == 0)
                areamap[slb_num] |= 0x02;
                slblist[list_len] = slb_num;
        if (slb_x < map_tiles_x-1)
            slb_num = get_slab_number(slb_x+1, slb_y);
            if ((areamap[slb_num] & 0x01) != 0)
                areamap[slb_num] |= 0x02;
                struct SlabMap *slb;
                slb = get_slabmap_direct(slb_num);
                struct SlabAttr *slbattr;
                slbattr = get_slab_attrs(slb);
                if ((slbattr->category == SlbAtCtg_FriableDirt) &&  slab_by_players_land(plyr_idx, slb_x+1, slb_y))
                    unsigned char pretty_type;
                    pretty_type = choose_pretty_type(plyr_idx, slb_x+1, slb_y);
                    place_slab_type_on_map(pretty_type, slab_subtile(slb_x+1,0), slab_subtile(slb_y,0), plyr_idx, 1u);
                    do_slab_efficiency_alteration(slb_x+1, slb_y);
                    fill_in_reinforced_corners(plyr_idx, slb_x+1, slb_y);
            } else
            if ((areamap[slb_num] & 0x02) == 0)
                areamap[slb_num] |= 0x02;
                slblist[list_len] = slb_num;
        if (slb_y > 0)
            slb_num = get_slab_number(slb_x, slb_y-1);
            if ((areamap[slb_num] & 0x01) != 0)
                areamap[slb_num] |= 0x02;
                struct SlabMap *slb;
                slb = get_slabmap_direct(slb_num);
                struct SlabAttr *slbattr;
                slbattr = get_slab_attrs(slb);
                if ((slbattr->category == SlbAtCtg_FriableDirt) && slab_by_players_land(plyr_idx, slb_x, slb_y-1))
                    unsigned char pretty_type;
                    pretty_type = choose_pretty_type(plyr_idx, slb_x, slb_y-1);
                    place_slab_type_on_map(pretty_type, slab_subtile(slb_x,0), slab_subtile(slb_y-1,0), plyr_idx, 1u);
                    do_slab_efficiency_alteration(slb_x, slb_y-1);
                    fill_in_reinforced_corners(plyr_idx, slb_x, slb_y-1);
            } else
            if ((areamap[slb_num] & 0x02) == 0)
                areamap[slb_num] |= 0x02;
                slblist[list_len] = slb_num;
        if (slb_y < map_tiles_y-1)
            slb_num = get_slab_number(slb_x, slb_y+1);
            if ((areamap[slb_num] & 0x01) != 0)
                areamap[slb_num] |= 0x02;
                struct SlabMap *slb;
                slb = get_slabmap_direct(slb_num);
                struct SlabAttr *slbattr;
                slbattr = get_slab_attrs(slb);
                if ((slbattr->category == SlbAtCtg_FriableDirt) && slab_by_players_land(plyr_idx, slb_x, slb_y+1))
                    unsigned char pretty_type;
                    pretty_type = choose_pretty_type(plyr_idx, slb_x, slb_y+1);
                    place_slab_type_on_map(pretty_type, slab_subtile(slb_x,0), slab_subtile(slb_y+1,0), plyr_idx, 1u);
                    do_slab_efficiency_alteration(slb_x, slb_y+1);
                    fill_in_reinforced_corners(plyr_idx, slb_x, slb_y+1);
            } else
            if ((areamap[slb_num] & 0x02) == 0)
                areamap[slb_num] |= 0x02;
                slblist[list_len] = slb_num;

        slb_x = slb_num_decode_x(slblist[list_cur]);
        slb_y = slb_num_decode_y(slblist[list_cur]);
    pannel_map_update(0, 0, map_subtiles_x+1, map_subtiles_y+1);