Beispiel #1
 * This routine sets up a "context" for evaluation of access control
 * on a given entry for an anonymous user.
 * It just factors out the scope and targetfilter info into a list
 * of indices of the global anom profile list, that apply to this
 * entry, and stores them in the aclpb.
 * It's use relies on the way that access control is checked in the mailine search
 * code in the core server, namely: check filter, check entry, then check each
 * attribute.  So, we call this in acl_access_allowed() before calling
 * aclanom_match_profile()--therafter, aclanom_match_profile() uses the
 * context to evaluate access to the entry and attributes.
 * If there are no anom profiles, or the anom profiles get cancelled
 * due to complex anon acis, then that's OK, aclanom_match_profile()
 * returns -1 and the mainline acl code kicks in.
 * The lifetime of this context info is the time it takes to check
 * access control for all parts of this entry (filter, entry, attributes).
 * So, if for an example an entry changes and a given anom profile entry
 * no longer applies, we will not notice until the next round of access
 * control checking on the entry--this is acceptable.
 * The gain on doing this factoring in the following type of search
 * was approx 6%:
 * anon bind, 20 threads, exact match, ~20 attributes returned, 
 * (searchrate & DirectoryMark).
aclanom_get_suffix_info(Slapi_Entry *e,
							struct acl_pblock *aclpb ) {
	int i;
	char     *ndn = NULL;
	Slapi_DN    *e_sdn;
	const char    *aci_ndn;
	struct scoped_entry_anominfo *s_e_anominfo =


	ndn = slapi_entry_get_ndn ( e ) ;
	e_sdn= slapi_entry_get_sdn ( e ) ;
	for (i=acl_anom_profile->anom_numacls-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
		aci_ndn = slapi_sdn_get_ndn (acl_anom_profile->anom_targetinfo[i].anom_target);
		if (!slapi_sdn_issuffix(e_sdn,acl_anom_profile->anom_targetinfo[i].anom_target)
				|| (!slapi_is_rootdse(ndn) && slapi_is_rootdse(aci_ndn)))
		if ( acl_anom_profile->anom_targetinfo[i].anom_filter ) {
			if ( slapi_vattr_filter_test( aclpb->aclpb_pblock, e,
					0 /*don't do acess chk*/)  != 0)
Beispiel #2
static int
sync_is_entry_in_scope(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *db_entry)
	Slapi_Filter *origfilter;
	slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_FILTER, &origfilter );
	if (db_entry &&
		sync_is_active(db_entry, pb) &&
		(slapi_vattr_filter_test( pb, db_entry, origfilter, 1) == 0)) {
	} else {
Beispiel #3
 * Check if there are any persistent searches.  If so,
 * the check to see if the chgtype is one of those the
 * client is interested in.  If so, then check to see if
 * the entry matches any of the filters the searches.
 * If so, then enqueue the entry on that persistent search's
 * ps_entryqueue and signal it to wake up and send the entry.
 * Note that if eprev is NULL we assume that the entry's DN
 * was not changed by the op. that called this function.  If
 * chgnum is 0 it is unknown so we won't ever send it to a
 * client in the EntryChangeNotification control.
ps_service_persistent_searches( Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *eprev, ber_int_t chgtype,
	ber_int_t chgnum )
	LDAPControl *ctrl = NULL;
	PSearch	*ps = NULL;
	PSEQNode *pe = NULL;
	int  matched = 0;
	const char *edn;


	if ( NULL == e ) {
		/* For now, some backends such as the chaining backend do not provide a post-op entry */

	edn = slapi_entry_get_dn_const(e);

	for ( ps = psearch_list ? psearch_list->pl_head : NULL; NULL != ps; ps = ps->ps_next ) {
		char *origbase = NULL;
		Slapi_DN *base = NULL;
		Slapi_Filter	*f;
		int		scope;

		/* Skip the node that doesn't meet the changetype,
		 * or is unable to use the change in ps_send_results()
		if (( ps->ps_changetypes & chgtype ) == 0 ||
				ps->ps_pblock->pb_op == NULL ||
				slapi_op_abandoned( ps->ps_pblock ) ) {

		slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONNS, "Persistent Search",
						"conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d entry %s with chgtype %d "
						"matches the ps changetype %d\n",
						edn, chgtype, ps->ps_changetypes);

		slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_FILTER, &f );
		slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_ORIGINAL_TARGET_DN, &origbase );
		slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_TARGET_SDN, &base );
		slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_SCOPE, &scope );
		if (NULL == base) {
			base = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref(origbase);
			slapi_pblock_set(ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_TARGET_SDN, base);

		 * See if the entry meets the scope and filter criteria.
		 * We cannot do the acl check here as this thread
		 * would then potentially clash with the ps_send_results()
		 * thread on the aclpb in ps->ps_pblock.
		 * By avoiding the acl check in this thread, and leaving all the acl
		 * checking to the ps_send_results() thread we avoid
		 * the ps_pblock contention problem.
		 * The lesson here is "Do not give multiple threads arbitary access
		 * to the same pblock" this kind of muti-threaded access
		 * to the same pblock must be done carefully--there is currently no
		 * generic satisfactory way to do this.
		if ( slapi_sdn_scope_test( slapi_entry_get_sdn_const(e), base, scope ) &&
			 slapi_vattr_filter_test( ps->ps_pblock, e, f, 0 /* verify_access */ ) == 0 ) {
			PSEQNode *pOldtail;

			/* The scope and the filter match - enqueue it */

			pe = (PSEQNode *)slapi_ch_calloc( 1, sizeof( PSEQNode ));
			pe->pe_entry = slapi_entry_dup( e );
			if ( ps->ps_send_entchg_controls ) {
				/* create_entrychange_control() is more
				 * expensive than slapi_dup_control()
				if ( ctrl == NULL ) {
					int rc;
					rc = create_entrychange_control( chgtype, chgnum,
							eprev ? slapi_entry_get_dn_const(eprev) : NULL,
							&ctrl );
					if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		   				LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ps_service_persistent_searches:"
						" unable to create EntryChangeNotification control for"
						" entry \"%s\" -- control won't be sent.\n",
						slapi_entry_get_dn_const(e), 0, 0 );
				if ( ctrl ) {
					pe->pe_ctrls[0] = slapi_dup_control( ctrl );

			/* Put it on the end of the list for this pers search */
			PR_Lock( ps->ps_lock );
			pOldtail = ps->ps_eq_tail;
			ps->ps_eq_tail = pe;
			if ( NULL == ps->ps_eq_head ) {
				ps->ps_eq_head = ps->ps_eq_tail;
			else {
				pOldtail->pe_next = ps->ps_eq_tail;
			PR_Unlock( ps->ps_lock );


	/* Were there any matches? */
	if ( matched ) {
		ldap_control_free( ctrl );
		/* Turn 'em loose */
		LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ps_service_persistent_searches: enqueued entry "
			"\"%s\" on %d persistent search lists\n", slapi_entry_get_dn_const(e), matched, 0 );
	} else {
		LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ps_service_persistent_searches: entry "
			"\"%s\" not enqueued on any persistent search lists\n", slapi_entry_get_dn_const(e), 0, 0 );

Beispiel #4
 * Thread routine for sending search results to a client
 * which is persistently waiting for them.
 * This routine will terminate when either (a) the ps_complete
 * flag is set, or (b) the associated operation is abandoned.
 * In any case, the thread won't notice until it wakes from
 * sleeping on the ps_list condition variable, so it needs
 * to be awakened.
static void
ps_send_results( void *arg )
    PSearch *ps = (PSearch *)arg;
	PSEQNode *peq, *peqnext;
	struct slapi_filter *filter = 0;
	char *base = NULL;
	Slapi_DN *sdn = NULL;
	char *fstr = NULL;
	char **pbattrs = NULL;
	int conn_acq_flag = 0;

    /* need to acquire a reference to this connection so that it will not
       be released or cleaned up out from under us */
    PR_Lock( ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn->c_mutex );
    conn_acq_flag = connection_acquire_nolock(ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn);    
    PR_Unlock( ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn->c_mutex );

	if (conn_acq_flag) {
		slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONNS, "Persistent Search",
						"conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d Could not acquire the connection - psearch aborted\n",
						ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn->c_connid, ps->ps_pblock->pb_op->o_opid);

    PR_Lock( psearch_list->pl_cvarlock );

    while ( (conn_acq_flag == 0) && !ps->ps_complete ) {
	/* Check for an abandoned operation */
	if ( ps->ps_pblock->pb_op == NULL || slapi_op_abandoned( ps->ps_pblock ) ) {
		slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONNS, "Persistent Search",
						"conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d The operation has been abandoned\n",
						ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn->c_connid, ps->ps_pblock->pb_op->o_opid);
	if ( NULL == ps->ps_eq_head ) {
	    /* Nothing to do */
	    PR_WaitCondVar( psearch_list->pl_cvar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT );
	} else {
	    /* dequeue the item */
	    int		attrsonly;
	    char	**attrs;
	    LDAPControl	**ectrls;
	    Slapi_Entry	*ec;
		Slapi_Filter	*f = NULL;
	    PR_Lock( ps->ps_lock );

		peq = ps->ps_eq_head;
		ps->ps_eq_head = peq->pe_next;
	    if ( NULL == ps->ps_eq_head ) {
			ps->ps_eq_tail = NULL;

	    PR_Unlock( ps->ps_lock );

	    /* Get all the information we need to send the result */
	    ec = peq->pe_entry;
	    slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_ATTRS, &attrs );
	    slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_ATTRSONLY, &attrsonly );
	    if ( !ps->ps_send_entchg_controls || peq->pe_ctrls[0] == NULL ) {
		ectrls = NULL;
	    } else {
		ectrls = peq->pe_ctrls;

	     * Send the result.  Since send_ldap_search_entry can block for
	     * up to 30 minutes, we relinquish all locks before calling it.

		 * The entry is in the right scope and matches the filter
		 * but we need to redo the filter test here to check access
		 * controls. See the comments at the slapi_filter_test()
		 * call in ps_service_persistent_searches().		 
		slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_FILTER, &f );			

		/* See if the entry meets the filter and ACL criteria */
		if ( slapi_vattr_filter_test( ps->ps_pblock, ec, f,
			    1 /* verify_access */ ) == 0 ) {
			int rc = 0;
	    	slapi_pblock_set( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_RESULT_ENTRY, ec );
	    	rc = send_ldap_search_entry( ps->ps_pblock, ec,
										 ectrls, attrs, attrsonly );
			if (rc) {
				slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONNS, "Persistent Search",
								"conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d Error %d sending entry %s with op status %d\n",
								ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn->c_connid, ps->ps_pblock->pb_op->o_opid,
								rc, slapi_entry_get_dn_const(ec), ps->ps_pblock->pb_op->o_status);

		/* Deallocate our wrapper for this entry */
		pe_ch_free( &peq );
    PR_Unlock( psearch_list->pl_cvarlock );
    ps_remove( ps );

    /* indicate the end of search */
    plugin_call_plugins( ps->ps_pblock , SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_SEARCH_FN );

	/* free things from the pblock that were not free'd in do_search() */
	/* we strdup'd this in search.c - need to free */
	slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_ORIGINAL_TARGET_DN, &base );
	slapi_pblock_set( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_ORIGINAL_TARGET_DN, NULL );

	/* Free SLAPI_SEARCH_* before deleting op since those are held by op */
	slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_TARGET_SDN, &sdn );
	slapi_pblock_set( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_TARGET_SDN, NULL );

    slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_STRFILTER, &fstr );
    slapi_pblock_set( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_STRFILTER, NULL );

    slapi_pblock_get( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_ATTRS, &pbattrs );
    slapi_pblock_set( ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_ATTRS, NULL );
	if ( pbattrs != NULL )
		charray_free( pbattrs );
	slapi_pblock_get(ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_FILTER, &filter );
	slapi_pblock_set(ps->ps_pblock, SLAPI_SEARCH_FILTER, NULL );
	slapi_filter_free(filter, 1);

    /* Clean up the connection structure */
    PR_Lock( ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn->c_mutex );

	slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONNS, "Persistent Search",
					"conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d Releasing the connection and operation\n",
					ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn->c_connid, ps->ps_pblock->pb_op->o_opid);
    /* Delete this op from the connection's list */
    connection_remove_operation( ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn, ps->ps_pblock->pb_op );

    /* Decrement the connection refcnt */
    if (conn_acq_flag == 0) { /* we acquired it, so release it */
	connection_release_nolock (ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn);
    PR_Unlock( ps->ps_pblock->pb_conn->c_mutex );

    PR_DestroyLock ( ps->ps_lock );
    ps->ps_lock = NULL;

    slapi_ch_free((void **) &ps->ps_pblock );
	for ( peq = ps->ps_eq_head; peq; peq = peqnext) {
		peqnext = peq->pe_next;
		pe_ch_free( &peq );
    slapi_ch_free((void **) &ps );