void updateSwarmWithSignedDistance(int distanceID, float fDeltaTime, float sdInfluence)
	// update the signed distance function based on the time passed.
	updateSD(distanceID, fDeltaTime);

	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIANGLES; i++)
		// update direction based on destination point
		float destDirection[3];
		destDirection[0] = tris.moveToPoint[i][0] - tris.position[i][0];
		destDirection[1] = tris.moveToPoint[i][1] - tris.position[i][1];
		destDirection[2] = tris.moveToPoint[i][2] - tris.position[i][2];
		// normalize the length to where we go so that the speed is fixed.
		normalize(destDirection, 3);
		slerp(tris.direction[i], destDirection, tris.direction[i], 3, 1.8f * fDeltaTime);
		reNormal(tris.normal[i], tris.direction[i], 3);

		// update normal based on signed distance
		float signedDist = getSD(tris.position[i], distanceID);
		getSDNormal(tris.position[i], destDirection, distanceID);
		float t = 1.0f - fabsf(signedDist);
		t = t < 0.0f ? 0.0f : t;
		t = t > 1.0f ? 1.0f : t;
		slerp(tris.normal[i], destDirection, tris.normal[i], 3, t * sdInfluence);
		reNormal(tris.direction[i], tris.normal[i], 3);
Beispiel #2
Quat_<Real> Quat_<Real>::baryCentric(Real f, Real g, const Quat_& q0, const Quat_& q1, const Quat_& q2)
    f = Alge::clamp(f, 0, 1);
    g = Alge::clamp(g, 0, 1);
    Real t = f+g;
    return (t != 0) ? slerp(g/t, slerp(t, q0, q1), slerp(t, q0, q2)) : q0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPepeEngineQuaternion CPepeEngineQuaternion::squad(
    float fT, const CPepeEngineQuaternion& rkP, const CPepeEngineQuaternion& rkA,
    const CPepeEngineQuaternion& rkB, const CPepeEngineQuaternion& rkQ, bool shortestPath)
    float fSlerpT = 2.0f * fT * (1.0f - fT);
    CPepeEngineQuaternion kSlerpP = slerp(fT, rkP, rkQ, shortestPath);
    CPepeEngineQuaternion kSlerpQ = slerp(fT, rkA, rkB);
    return slerp(fSlerpT, kSlerpP , kSlerpQ);
Beispiel #4
void akPoseBlender::blendJoint(BlendMode bmode, RotMode rmode, akScalar weight, const akTransformState& a, const akTransformState& b, akTransformState& out)
	case PB_BM_LERP:
		out.loc =  lerp(weight, a.loc, b.loc);
			out.rot = slerp(weight, a.rot, b.rot);
			out.rot = lerp(weight, a.rot, b.rot);
		out.scale = lerp(weight, a.scale, b.scale);
	case PB_BM_ADD:
		out.loc =  a.loc + b.loc * weight;
			out.rot = slerp(weight, a.rot, a.rot*b.rot);
			out.rot = lerp(weight, a.rot, a.rot*b.rot);
		out.scale = lerp(weight, a.scale, mulPerElem(a.scale, b.scale) );

//		{
//		akTransformState sum;
//		akMathUtils::extractTransform(a.toMatrix()*b.toMatrix(), sum.loc, sum.rot, sum.scale);
//		out.loc =  lerp(weight, a.loc, sum.loc);
//		if(rmode==PB_RM_SLERP)
//			out.rot = slerp(weight, a.rot, sum.rot);
//		else
//			out.rot = lerp(weight, a.rot, sum.rot);
//		out.scale = lerp(weight, a.scale, sum.scale);
//		}

	//TODO test this.
	case PB_BM_SUB:
		out.loc = a.loc - b.loc * weight;
		akQuat invrot = conj(b.rot);
			out.rot = slerp(weight, a.rot, a.rot*invrot);
			out.rot = lerp(weight, a.rot, a.rot*invrot);
		// Needs a check for dision by 0 (not likely to happen).
		out.scale = lerp(weight, a.scale, divPerElem(a.scale, b.scale) );
Beispiel #5
TimeCache::interpolate(const TransformStorage& one,
                       const TransformStorage& two,
                       fawkes::Time time, TransformStorage& output)
  // Check for zero distance case
  if( two.stamp == one.stamp ) {
    output = two;
  //Calculate the ratio
  btScalar ratio =
    (time.in_sec() - one.stamp.in_sec()) /
    (two.stamp.in_sec() - one.stamp.in_sec());

  //Interpolate translation
  output.translation.setInterpolate3(one.translation, two.translation, ratio);

  //Interpolate rotation
  output.rotation = slerp( one.rotation, two.rotation, ratio);

  output.stamp = one.stamp;
  output.frame_id = one.frame_id;
  output.child_frame_id = one.child_frame_id;
Beispiel #6
	void BoneNode::calcFrameTransform( Matrix4& result , float* frame , float* weights , int num )
		assert( keyFrames );

		assert( num != 0 );
		int curFrame = (int)frame[0];
		Quaternion accRotation;
		Vector3    accPos; 
		interpolationMotion( accPos , accRotation , curFrame , frame[0] - curFrame );

		float accWeight = weights[0];
		for( int i = 1 ; i < num ; ++i )
			Quaternion rotate;
			Vector3    pos; 
			curFrame = (int)frame[i];
			interpolationMotion( pos , rotate , curFrame , frame[i] - curFrame );

			accWeight += weights[i];
			float t = weights[i] / accWeight;
			accRotation = slerp( accRotation , rotate , t  );
			accPos    = lerp( accPos , pos , t );

		result.setTransform( accPos , accRotation );
void TransformationMatrix::blend(const TransformationMatrix& from, double progress)
    if (from.isIdentity() && isIdentity())
    // decompose
    DecomposedType fromDecomp;
    DecomposedType toDecomp;

    // interpolate
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.scaleX, toDecomp.scaleX, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.scaleY, toDecomp.scaleY, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.scaleZ, toDecomp.scaleZ, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.skewXY, toDecomp.skewXY, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.skewXZ, toDecomp.skewXZ, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.skewYZ, toDecomp.skewYZ, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.translateX, toDecomp.translateX, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.translateY, toDecomp.translateY, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.translateZ, toDecomp.translateZ, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.perspectiveX, toDecomp.perspectiveX, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.perspectiveY, toDecomp.perspectiveY, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.perspectiveZ, toDecomp.perspectiveZ, progress);
    blendFloat(fromDecomp.perspectiveW, toDecomp.perspectiveW, progress);
    slerp(&fromDecomp.quaternionX, &toDecomp.quaternionX, progress);
    // recompose
void RunQuaternionTests()

    RunPerfTest<quaternion, quaternion>("quaternion conjugate", [](quaternion* value, quaternion& param)
        auto t = param;
        param = *value;
        *value = conjugate(t);

    RunPerfTest<quaternion, quaternion>("quaternion inverse", [](quaternion* value, quaternion& param)
        auto t = param;
        param = *value;
        *value = inverse(t);

    RunPerfTest<quaternion, quaternion>("quaternion slerp", [](quaternion* value, quaternion const& param)
        *value = slerp(*value, param, 0.5f);

    RunPerfTest<quaternion, quaternion>("quaternion concatenate", [](quaternion* value, quaternion const& param)
        *value = concatenate(*value, param);
Beispiel #9
	quat quat::squad(const quat& q1, const quat& q2, const quat& q3, float t, bool shortestPath) const
		float slerpT(2.0f * t * (1.0f - t));
		quat slerpP(slerp(q3, t, shortestPath));
		quat slerpQ(q1.slerp(q2, t, false));
		return slerpP.slerp(slerpQ, slerpT, shortestPath);
Beispiel #10
void inter_dcgan(char *cfgfile, char *weightfile)
    network *net = load_network(cfgfile, weightfile, 0);
    set_batch_network(net, 1);

    clock_t time;
    char buff[256];
    char *input = buff;
    int i, imlayer = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < net->n; ++i) {
        if (net->layers[i].out_c == 3) {
            imlayer = i;
            printf("%d\n", i);
    image start = random_unit_vector_image(net->w, net->h, net->c);
    image end = random_unit_vector_image(net->w, net->h, net->c);
        image im = make_image(net->w, net->h, net->c);
        image orig = copy_image(start);

    int c = 0;
    int count = 0;
    int max_count = 15;

        if(count == max_count){
            count = 0;
            start = end;
            end = random_unit_vector_image(net->w, net->h, net->c);
            if(c > 300){
                end = orig;
            if(c>300 + max_count) return;

        slerp(start.data, end.data, (float)count / max_count, im.w*im.h*im.c, im.data);

        float *X = im.data;
        network_predict(net, X);
        image out = get_network_image_layer(net, imlayer);
        printf("%s: Predicted in %f seconds.\n", input, sec(clock()-time));
        //char buff[256];
        sprintf(buff, "out%05d", c);
        save_image(out, "out");
        save_image(out, buff);
        show_image(out, "out", 0);
Beispiel #11
void AnimationTrack::linearDeformation()
    Vec3 trans = slerp(this->interpolationBeginKeyFrame->getTranslation(),
                       this->interpolationEndKeyFrame->getTranslation(), this->frameProportion);

    Quat rotate = slerp(this->interpolationBeginKeyFrame->getRotation(),
                        this->interpolationEndKeyFrame->getRotation(), this->frameProportion);

    Vec3 scale = slerp(this->interpolationBeginKeyFrame->getScaling(),
                       this->interpolationEndKeyFrame->getScaling(), this->frameProportion);

    auto entity =  this->entity.lock();

    TransformPtr& transform = entity->getTransform();
Beispiel #12
Quaternion XFormNode::get_rotation(long time) const
    Animation *anim = anims[curr_anim];

    /*if the <vector> is empty return an identity quaternion.*/
        return Quaternion();

    KeyframeQuat first_keyframe = anim->get_rotation_keyframe(0);
    KeyframeQuat last_keyframe = anim->get_rotation_keyframe(anim->get_rotation_count() - 1);

    long start_time=first_keyframe.time; //start time of the animation.
    long full_interval=last_keyframe.time-start_time;//full duration of the animation.

    //animation loop algorithm----------
    if(full_interval && anim->is_loop_enabled()){
        time -= start_time;
        time %= full_interval;
        time += start_time;

    if(time < first_keyframe.time){
        return first_keyframe.r;

    if(time >= last_keyframe.time){
        return last_keyframe.r;

	long interval;
	double t;

    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < anim->get_rotation_count() - 1 ; i++){
        KeyframeQuat current = anim->get_rotation_keyframe(i);
        KeyframeQuat next = anim->get_rotation_keyframe(i + 1);

        if( (time >= current.time) && (time <= next.time) ){
            Quaternion tmp_rot;

            /*calculation of the interval between keyframes.*/
            interval = next.time - current.time;

            /*calculation of the interpolated parameter t.*/
            t = (double)(time - current.time) / (double)interval;

            /*Spherical linear interpolation--->>>SLERP!(cause we have rotations).*/
            tmp_rot = slerp(current.r , next.r , t);

            return tmp_rot;
	std::cout<<"Error: Rotation Keyframe not found!!!"<<std::endl;
    return Quaternion();
Beispiel #13
Physics::State Physics::interpolate(const State &a, const State &b, float alpha)
	State state = b;
	state._position = a._position*(1-alpha) + b._position*alpha;							//alpha needs to be checked for errors. it is currently doing 1-1 no matter what.
	state._momentum = a._momentum*(1-alpha) + b._momentum*alpha;
	state._orientation = slerp(a._orientation, b._orientation, alpha);
	state._angularMomentum = a._angularMomentum*(1-alpha) + b._angularMomentum*alpha;
	return state;
// lerp whenever possible
LLQuaternion nlerp(F32 t, const LLQuaternion &a, const LLQuaternion &b)
	if (dot(a, b) < 0.f)
		return slerp(t, a, b);
		return lerp(t, a, b);
LLQuaternion nlerp(F32 t, const LLQuaternion &q)
	if (q.mQ[VW] < 0.f)
		return slerp(t, q);
		return lerp(t, q);
Beispiel #16
const Transform2 slerp(const Transform2& a, const Transform2& b, const float t)
    GEOMETRY_RUNTIME_ASSERT(a.scaling > 0.0f);
    GEOMETRY_RUNTIME_ASSERT(b.scaling > 0.0f);

    return Transform2(
        mix(a.translation, b.translation, t),
        slerp(a.rotation, b.rotation, t),
        Math::mix(a.scaling, b.scaling, t)
Beispiel #17
	void BoneNode::calcFrameTransform( Matrix4& result , int frame0 , int frame1 , float t )
		assert( keyFrames );

		MotionKeyFrame& keyFrame0 = keyFrames[ frame0 ];
		MotionKeyFrame& keyFrame1 = keyFrames[ frame1 ];

		Quaternion q = slerp( keyFrame0.rotation , keyFrame1.rotation , t );
		Vector3    pos = lerp( keyFrame0.pos , keyFrame1.pos , t );

		result.setTransform( pos , q );
// LLKeyframeFallMotion::onUpdate()
BOOL LLKeyframeFallMotion::onUpdate(F32 activeTime, U8* joint_mask)
	BOOL result = LLKeyframeMotion::onUpdate(activeTime, joint_mask);
	F32  slerp_amt = clamp_rescale(activeTime / getDuration(), 0.5f, 0.75f, 0.f, 1.f);

	if (mPelvisState.notNull())
		mPelvisState->setRotation(mPelvisState->getRotation() * slerp(slerp_amt, mRotationToGroundNormal, LLQuaternion()));
	return result;
void MD5Model::animate(float dt) {
	// sanity check #1
	if (currAnim < 0 || currAnim >= int(anims.size()) || !anims[currAnim])
		throw Exception("MD5Model::animate(): currAnim is invalid");

	Anim *anim = anims[currAnim];

	// sanity check #2
	if (currFrame < 0 || currFrame >= int(anim->numFrames))
		throw Exception("MD5Model::animate(): currFrame is invalid");

	// compute index of next frame
	int nextFrameIndex = currFrame >= anim->numFrames - 1 ? 0 : currFrame + 1;

	// update animation time
	animTime += dt*float(anim->frameRate);
	if (animTime > 1.0f) {
		while (animTime > 1.0f)
			animTime -= 1.0f;
		currFrame = nextFrameIndex;
		nextFrameIndex = currFrame >= anim->numFrames - 1 ? 0 : currFrame + 1;

	// make sure size of storage for interpolated frame is correct
	if (int(interpFrame.joints.size()) != numJoints)

	///// now interpolate between the two frames /////

	Frame &frame = anim->frames[currFrame],
		&nextFrame = anim->frames[nextFrameIndex];

	// interpolate between the joints of the current frame and those of the next
	// frame and store them in interpFrame
	for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) {
		Joint &interpJoint = interpFrame.joints[i];

		// linearly interpolate between joint positions
		float *pos1 = frame.joints[i].pos,
			*pos2 = nextFrame.joints[i].pos;
		interpJoint.pos[0] = pos1[0] + animTime*(pos2[0] - pos1[0]);
		interpJoint.pos[1] = pos1[1] + animTime*(pos2[1] - pos1[1]);
		interpJoint.pos[2] = pos1[2] + animTime*(pos2[2] - pos1[2]);

		interpJoint.quat = slerp(frame.joints[i].quat, nextFrame.joints[i].quat, animTime);

Beispiel #20
BOOL LLFollowCam::updateBehindnessConstraint(LLVector3 focus, LLVector3& cam_position)
	BOOL constraint_active = FALSE;
	// only apply this stuff if the behindness angle is something other than opened up all the way
		// horizontalized vector from focus to camera 
		LLVector3 horizontalVectorFromFocusToCamera;
		horizontalVectorFromFocusToCamera.setVec(cam_position - focus);
		horizontalVectorFromFocusToCamera.mV[ VZ ] = 0.0f; 
		F32 cameraZ = cam_position.mV[ VZ ];

		// distance of horizontalized vector
		F32 horizontalDistance = horizontalVectorFromFocusToCamera.magVec();

		// calculate horizontalized back vector of the subject and scale by horizontalDistance
		LLVector3 horizontalSubjectBack( -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
		horizontalSubjectBack *= mSubjectRotation;
		horizontalSubjectBack.mV[ VZ ] = 0.0f; 
		horizontalSubjectBack.normVec(); // because horizontalizing might make it shorter than 1
		horizontalSubjectBack *= horizontalDistance;

		// find the angle (in degrees) between these vectors
		F32 cameraOffsetAngle = 0.f;
		LLVector3 cameraOffsetRotationAxis;
		LLQuaternion camera_offset_rotation;
		camera_offset_rotation.shortestArc(horizontalSubjectBack, horizontalVectorFromFocusToCamera);
		camera_offset_rotation.getAngleAxis(&cameraOffsetAngle, cameraOffsetRotationAxis);
		cameraOffsetAngle *= RAD_TO_DEG;

		if ( cameraOffsetAngle > mBehindnessMaxAngle )
			F32 fraction = ((cameraOffsetAngle - mBehindnessMaxAngle) / cameraOffsetAngle) * LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(mBehindnessLag);
			cam_position = focus + horizontalSubjectBack * (slerp(fraction, camera_offset_rotation, LLQuaternion::DEFAULT));
			cam_position.mV[VZ] = cameraZ; // clamp z value back to what it was before we started messing with it
			constraint_active = TRUE;
	return constraint_active;
Beispiel #21
TEST_F(QuaternionTest, sperical_linear_interpolation_makes_correct_quaternion)
    auto from = create_random_quaternion();
    auto to = create_random_quaternion();

    const auto t =(rand() % 400) / 400.0;
    const auto res = quaternion_slerp(from, to, t);
    const auto correct = slerp(from, to, t);

    EXPECT_EQ(correct.w(), res.w());
    EXPECT_EQ(correct.x(), res.x());
    EXPECT_EQ(correct.y(), res.y());
    EXPECT_EQ(correct.z(), res.z());
Beispiel #22
void Magic3D::Object::lookAt(Vector3 position, Vector3 up, float factor)
    Matrix4 m4EyeFrame;
    Vector3 v3X, v3Y, v3Z;
    Vector3 eyePos = getPositionFromParent();
    v3Y = normalize( up );
    v3Z = normalize( ( position - eyePos ) );
    v3X = normalize( cross( v3Y, v3Z ) );
    v3Y = cross( v3Z, v3X );
    m4EyeFrame = Matrix4( Vector4( v3X ), Vector4( v3Y ), Vector4( v3Z ), Vector4( eyePos ) );

    Quaternion parent = getParent() ? Math::inverse(getParent()->getRotationFromParent()) : Quaternion::identity();
    Quaternion m = slerp(factor, getRotationFromParent(), Quaternion(m4EyeFrame.getUpper3x3()));

    setRotation(parent * m);
Beispiel #23
	void BoneNode::interpolationMotion( Vector3& pos , Quaternion& rotate , int frame  , float t )
		assert( keyFrames );

		MotionKeyFrame& frame0 = keyFrames[ frame ];
		MotionKeyFrame& frame1 = keyFrames[ frame + 1 ];

		if ( t == 0 )
			pos    = frame0.pos;
			rotate = frame0.rotation ;
			pos    = lerp( frame0.pos , frame1.pos , t );
			rotate = slerp( frame0.rotation , frame1.rotation , t );
Foam::tmp<Foam::pointField> Foam::sixDoFRigidBodyMotion::transform
    const pointField& initialPoints,
    const scalarField& scale
) const
    // Calculate the transformation septerion from the initial state
    septernion s
        centreOfRotation() - initialCentreOfRotation(),
        quaternion(Q().T() & initialQ())

    tmp<pointField> tpoints(new pointField(initialPoints));
    pointField& points = tpoints.ref();

    forAll(points, pointi)
        // Move non-stationary points
        if (scale[pointi] > SMALL)
            // Use solid-body motion where scale = 1
            if (scale[pointi] > 1 - SMALL)
                points[pointi] = transform(initialPoints[pointi]);
            // Slerp septernion interpolation
                septernion ss(slerp(septernion::I, s, scale[pointi]));

                points[pointi] =
                  + ss.invTransformPoint
                      - initialCentreOfRotation()

    return tpoints;
Beispiel #25
   * Animate the cube rotations.
   * @param elapsed The elapsed time since the last draw call.
  mat4 Cubie::animateCubeRotation(double elapsed)
    float cosTheta;

    // Spherical linear interpolation (SLERP) between the current and desired
    // orientations.  The orientation needs to be normalized or precision
    // will be lost over time, causing constantly animated cubes.
    this->cubeRot.orientation = normalize(slerp(this->cubeRot.orientation,
      this->cubeRot.desired, this->cubeRot.speed * (float)elapsed));

    // The cosine between the orientation and desired.
    cosTheta = dot(this->cubeRot.orientation, this->cubeRot.desired);

    //if (cosTheta > .999 && cosTheta < 1.001 || cosTheta)
    if (fabs(1 - fabs(cosTheta)) < .00001)
      this->cubeRot.orientation = this->cubeRot.desired;

    return mat4_cast(this->cubeRot.orientation);
Beispiel #26
bool dev::sixense::process_tick(app::event *E)
    const double dt = E->data.tick.dt;

    if (::host->root())

    if (flying)
        quat o = ::host->get_orientation();
        quat q = normal(inverse(init_q) * curr_q);
        quat r = normal(slerp(quat(), q, 1.0 / 30.0));
        vec3 d = (curr_p - init_p) * dt * move_rate;

        ::host->set_orientation(o * r);
        ::host->offset_position(o * d);

    return false;
Beispiel #27
int main( void ) {
    // init
    time_t seed = time(NULL);
    printf("seed: %ld\n", seed);
    srand((unsigned int)seed); // might break in 2038

    for( size_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
        /* Random Data */
        static const size_t k=2;
        double E[2][7], S[2][8], T[2][12], dx[2][6];
        for( size_t j = 0; j < k; j ++ ) {
            rand_tf(E[j], S[j], T[j]);
        /* Run Tests */
        mzlook(dx[0]+0, dx[0]+3, dx[1]+0);
        integrate(E[0], S[0], T[0], dx[0]);
        tf_conj(E, S);

    return 0;
Beispiel #28
TEST(Bullet, Slerp)

  unsigned int runs = 100;

  btQuaternion q1, q2;
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < runs ; i++)
    q2.setEuler(1.0 * ((double) rand() - (double)RAND_MAX /2.0) /(double)RAND_MAX,
                1.0 * ((double) rand() - (double)RAND_MAX /2.0) /(double)RAND_MAX,
                1.0 * ((double) rand() - (double)RAND_MAX /2.0) /(double)RAND_MAX);
    btQuaternion q3 = slerp(q1,q2,0.5);
    EXPECT_NEAR(q3.angle(q1), q2.angle(q3), 1e-5);

Beispiel #29
void Quaternion::slerp(const Quaternion& q1, const Quaternion& q2, float t, Quaternion* dst)
    slerp(q1.x, q1.y, q1.z, q1.w, q2.x, q2.y, q2.z, q2.w, t, &dst->x, &dst->y, &dst->z, &dst->w);
Beispiel #30
void n_tentacle::computeSlerp(const MMatrix &matrix1, const MMatrix &matrix2, const MFnNurbsCurve &curve, double parameter, double blendRot, double iniLength, double curveLength, double stretch, double globalScale, int tangentAxis, MVector &outPos, MVector &outRot)
	//curveLength = curve.length()
        double lenRatio = iniLength / curveLength;

        MQuaternion quat1;
        quat1 = matrix1;

        MQuaternion quat2;
        quat2 = matrix2;

        this->bipolarityCheck(quat1, quat2);

    //need to adjust the parameter in order to maintain the length between elements, also for the stretch
		MVector tangent;
		MPoint pointAtParam;
		MPoint finaPos;
        double p = lenRatio * parameter * globalScale;
        double finalParam = p + (parameter - p) * stretch;
		if(curveLength * finalParam > curveLength)
		  double lengthDiff = curveLength - (iniLength * parameter);

		  double param = curve.knot(curve.numKnots() - 1);
		  tangent = curve.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);

		  curve.getPointAtParam(param, pointAtParam, MSpace::kWorld);
		  finaPos = pointAtParam;
		  pointAtParam += (- tangent) * lengthDiff;
		  double param = curve.findParamFromLength(curveLength * finalParam);
		  tangent = curve.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);
		  curve.getPointAtParam(param, pointAtParam, MSpace::kWorld);

        MQuaternion slerpQuat = slerp(quat1, quat2, blendRot);
        MMatrix slerpMatrix = slerpQuat.asMatrix();

        int axisId = abs(tangentAxis) - 1;
		MVector slerpMatrixYAxis = MVector(slerpMatrix(axisId, 0), slerpMatrix(axisId, 1), slerpMatrix(axisId, 2));
		if(tangentAxis < 0)
			slerpMatrixYAxis = - slerpMatrixYAxis;

		double angle = tangent.angle(slerpMatrixYAxis);
		MVector axis =  slerpMatrixYAxis ^ tangent;

		MQuaternion rotationToSnapOnCurve(angle, axis);

		MQuaternion finalQuat = slerpQuat * rotationToSnapOnCurve;
		MEulerRotation finalEuler = finalQuat.asEulerRotation();

		outRot.x = finalEuler.x;
		outRot.y = finalEuler.y;
		outRot.z = finalEuler.z;
		outPos = pointAtParam;