// OvrSliderComponent::OnTouchRelative
eMsgStatus OvrSliderComponent::OnTouchRelative( App * app, VrFrame const & vrFrame, OvrVRMenuMgr & menuMgr,
		VRMenuObject * self, VRMenuEvent const & event )
	//LOG( "event.FloatValue = ( %.8f, %.8f )", event.FloatValue.x, event.FloatValue.y );
	// project on to the normalized slide delta so that the movement on the pad matches the orientation of the slider
	Vector2f slideDelta( LocalSlideDelta.x, LocalSlideDelta.y );
	Vector2f touchXY( event.FloatValue.x, event.FloatValue.y );
	float dot = slideDelta.Dot( touchXY );
	float const r = dot * SensitivityScale;
	SliderFrac = Alg::Clamp( SliderFrac - r, 0.0f, 1.0f );
	SetCaretPoseFromFrac( menuMgr, self, SliderFrac );
	Menu.OnItemEvent( app, RootId, event );

	// update the bubble text
	UpdateText( menuMgr, self, BubbleId );

// OvrSliderComponent::OnTouchUp
eMsgStatus OvrSliderComponent::OnTouchUp( OvrGuiSys & guiSys, VrFrame const & vrFrame, 
		VRMenuObject * self, VRMenuEvent const & event )
	OVR_UNUSED( guiSys );
	OVR_UNUSED( vrFrame );
	OVR_UNUSED( self );
	OVR_UNUSED( event );

	BubbleFadeOutTime = vrapi_GetTimeInSeconds() + 1.5;

	//LOG( "event.FloatValue = ( %.8f, %.8f )", event.FloatValue.x, event.FloatValue.y );
	// project on to the normalized slide delta so that the movement on the pad matches the orientation of the slider
	Vector2f slideDelta( LocalSlideDelta.x, LocalSlideDelta.y );
	Vector2f touchXY( event.FloatValue.x, event.FloatValue.y );
	float dot = slideDelta.Dot( touchXY );
	if ( fabsf( dot ) < 0.7071f )
		// if we're more than 45 degrees off axis, don't move at all
		dot = 0.0f;
		// move as if we were perfectly aligned with the slider direction
		if ( dot < 0.0f )
			dot = -1.0f;
			dot = 1.0f;
	LastDot = dot;

	if ( LastDot != 0.0f )
		float range = MaxValue - MinValue;
		float cur = floor( SliderFrac * range ) + MinValue;
		if ( LastDot < 0.0f )
			SliderFrac = ( cur + 1.0f ) * ( 1.0f / range );
			SliderFrac = ( cur - 1.0f ) * ( 1.0f / range );
		SliderFrac = Alg::Clamp( SliderFrac, 0.0f, 1.0f );

		SetCaretPoseFromFrac( guiSys.GetVRMenuMgr(), self, SliderFrac );
		Menu.OnItemEvent( guiSys, RootId, event );

		// update the bubble text
		UpdateText( guiSys.GetVRMenuMgr(), self, BubbleId );
	LastDot = 0.0f;
