Beispiel #1
void K3bVideoDVDRippingView::initActions()
  m_actionCollection = new KActionCollection( this );

  KAction* actionSelectAll = new KAction( i18n("Check All"), 0, 0, this,
					  SLOT(slotCheckAll()), actionCollection(),
					  "check_all" );
  KAction* actionDeselectAll = new KAction( i18n("Uncheck All"), 0, 0, this,
					    SLOT(slotUncheckAll()), actionCollection(),
					    "uncheck_all" );
  KAction* actionSelect = new KAction( i18n("Check Track"), 0, 0, this,
				       SLOT(slotCheck()), actionCollection(),
				       "select_track" );
  KAction* actionDeselect = new KAction( i18n("Uncheck Track"), 0, 0, this,
					 SLOT(slotUncheck()), actionCollection(),
					 "deselect_track" );
  KAction* actionStartRip = new KAction( i18n("Start Ripping"), "gear", 0, this,
					 SLOT(slotStartRipping()), m_actionCollection, "start_rip" );

  actionStartRip->setToolTip( i18n("Open the Video DVD ripping dialog") );

  // setup the popup menu
  m_popupMenu = new KActionMenu( actionCollection(), "popup_menu" );
  KAction* separator = new KActionSeparator( actionCollection(), "separator" );
  m_popupMenu->insert( actionSelect );
  m_popupMenu->insert( actionDeselect );
  m_popupMenu->insert( actionSelectAll );
  m_popupMenu->insert( actionDeselectAll );
  m_popupMenu->insert( separator );
  m_popupMenu->insert( actionStartRip );
EditFilterDialog::EditFilterDialog( QWidget* parent, const QString &text )
    : KDialog( parent )
    , m_appended( false )
    , m_filterText( text )
    setCaption( i18n( "Edit Filter" ) );
    setModal( true );
    setButtons( User1|User2|Default|Ok|Cancel );
    setDefaultButton( Cancel );
    showButtonSeparator( true );
    m_ui.setupUi( mainWidget() );

    // Redefine "Default" button
    KGuiItem defaultButton( i18n("&Append"), "list-add" );
    setButtonWhatsThis( Default, i18n( "<qt><p>By clicking here you can add the defined condition. The \"OK\" button will "
                                        "close the dialog and apply the defined filter. With this button you can add more than "
                                        "one condition to create a more complex filtering condition.</p></qt>" ) );
    setButtonToolTip( Default, i18n( "Add this filter condition to the list" ) );
    setButtonGuiItem( Default, defaultButton );

    // define "User1" button
    KGuiItem user1Button( i18n("&Clear"), "list-remove" );
    setButtonWhatsThis( User1, i18n( "<p>By clicking here you will clear the filter. If you intend to "
                                     "undo the last appending just click on the \"Undo\" button.</p>" ) );
    setButtonToolTip(User1, i18n( "Clear the filter" ) );
    setButtonGuiItem( User1, user1Button );

    // define "User2" button
    KGuiItem user2Button( i18nc("this \"undo\" will undo the last appended filter... be careful how you will translate it "
       "to avoid two buttons (\"Cancel\" and \"Undo\") with same label in the same dialog", "&Undo"), "edit-undo" );
    setButtonWhatsThis( User2, i18n( "<p>Clicking here will remove the last appended filter. "
                "You cannot undo more than one action.</p>" ) );
    setButtonToolTip( User2, i18n( "Remove last appended filter" ) );
    setButtonGuiItem( User2, user2Button );
    //setMainWidget( m_ui );
    m_vector.push_back( "Simple Search" );
    m_vector.push_back( "album" );
    m_vector.push_back( "artist" );
    m_vector.push_back( "composer" );
    m_vector.push_back( "genre" );
    m_vector.push_back( "title" );
    m_vector.push_back( "track" );
    m_vector.push_back( "year" );

    // the "Simple Search" text is selected in the comboKeyword
    m_selectedIndex = 0;
    connect( m_ui.keywordCombo, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), SLOT(selectedKeyword( int ) ) );

    connect( m_ui.minimum1, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), SLOT(minSpinChanged( int ) ) );
    connect( m_ui.maximum1, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), SLOT(maxSpinChanged( int ) ) );

    // type text selected

    // check the "One Value Choosing" by default

    connect( m_ui.conditionCombo, SIGNAL(activated( int ) ), SLOT(chooseCondition( int ) ) );

    m_checkActions << m_ui.matchAll;
    m_checkActions << m_ui.matchAny;
    m_checkActions << m_ui.matchLiteral;
    m_checkActions << m_ui.matchNot;

    connect( m_ui.matchAll,     SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotCheckAll() ) );
    connect( m_ui.matchAny,     SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotCheckAtLeastOne() ) );
    connect( m_ui.matchLiteral, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotCheckExactly() ) );
    connect( m_ui.matchNot,     SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotCheckExclude() ) );

    // check "select all words" as default

    m_ui.invertButton->setEnabled( false );

    connect( m_ui.invertButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( assignPrefixNOT() ) );

    // you need to append at least one filter condition to specify if do
    // an "AND" or an "OR" with the next condition if the filter is empty
    if( m_filterText.isEmpty() )
      m_ui.groupBox_3->setEnabled( false );

    connect( m_ui.andButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCheckAND()) );
    connect( m_ui.orButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCheckOR()) );

    // check "AND" condition as default

    connect( this, SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, SLOT(slotOk() ) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( defaultClicked() ) , this, SLOT(slotDefault() ) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( user1Clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotUser1() ) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( user2Clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotUser2() ) );
    Amarok::Collection *coll = CollectionManager::instance()->primaryCollection();
    if( !coll )

    QueryMaker *artist = coll->queryMaker()->setQueryType( QueryMaker::Artist );
    QueryMaker *album = coll->queryMaker()->setQueryType( QueryMaker::Album );
    QueryMaker *composer = coll->queryMaker()->setQueryType( QueryMaker::Composer );
    QueryMaker *genre = coll->queryMaker()->setQueryType( QueryMaker::Genre );
    QList<QueryMaker*> queries;
    queries << artist << album << composer << genre;

    //MetaQueryMaker will run multiple different queries just fine as long as we do not use it
    //to set the query type. Configuring the queries is ok though

    MetaQueryMaker *dataQueryMaker = new MetaQueryMaker( queries );
    connect( dataQueryMaker, SIGNAL( newResultReady( QString, Meta::ArtistList ) ), SLOT( resultReady( QString, Meta::ArtistList ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
    connect( dataQueryMaker, SIGNAL( newResultReady( QString, Meta::AlbumList ) ), SLOT( resultReady( QString, Meta::AlbumList ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
    connect( dataQueryMaker, SIGNAL( newResultReady( QString, Meta::ComposerList ) ), SLOT( resultReady( QString, Meta::ComposerList ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
    connect( dataQueryMaker, SIGNAL( newResultReady( QString, Meta::GenreList ) ), SLOT( resultReady( QString, Meta::GenreList ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );