Beispiel #1
/* constructor */
TaskView::TaskView(QWidget * parent, const char * name,	bool padd_sub,
                  bool pmul_div, unsigned int pnr_ratios, unsigned int pmax_md):
		ExerciseBase(parent, name), add_sub(padd_sub), mul_div(pmul_div),
		nr_ratios(pnr_ratios), max_md(pmax_md)
#ifdef DEBUG
	kdDebug() << "constructor TaskView()" << endl;

	curr_nr_ratios = nr_ratios;

	/* create a new task */
	QApplication::setOverrideCursor(waitCursor); /* show the sand clock */
	current_task.create_task(max_md, nr_ratios, add_sub, mul_div);
	QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); /* show the normal cursor */

	// the next thing to do on a button click would be to check the entered
	// result
	m_currentState = _CHECK_TASK;

	baseWidget = new QWidget(this, "baseWidget");
	baseGrid = new QGridLayout(this, 1, 1, 0, -1, "baseGrid"); 
	baseGrid->addWidget(baseWidget, 0, 0);

	// this is a VBox
	realLayout = new QVBoxLayout(baseWidget, 5, 5, "realLayout");

	// add a spacer at the top of the VBox
	QSpacerItem * v_spacer = new QSpacerItem(1, 1);

	// now a line holding the task, input fields and result
	QHBoxLayout * taskLineHBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(5, "taskLineHBoxLayout");

	// first left is the task widget
	m_taskWidget = new TaskWidget(baseWidget, "m_taskWidget", current_task);

	// now we have the input fields aligned in a VBox
	QVBoxLayout * inputLayout = new QVBoxLayout(5, "inputLayout");

	// to validate, that the input is an int
	KIntValidator *valnum = new KIntValidator( this );

	/* add input box so the user can enter numerator */
	numer_edit = new QLineEdit(baseWidget, "numer_edit");
	numer_edit->setValidator( valnum ); // use the int validator
	QToolTip::add(numer_edit, i18n("Enter the numerator of your result"));

	/* add a line between the edit boxes */
	edit_line = new QFrame(baseWidget, "edit_line");
	edit_line->setGeometry(QRect(100, 100, 20, 20));
	edit_line->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken);

	/* add input box so the user can enter denominator */
	deno_edit = new QLineEdit(baseWidget, "deno_edit");
	deno_edit->setValidator( valnum ); // use the int validator
	QToolTip::add(deno_edit, i18n("Enter the denominator of your result"));

	// next is the result widget
	m_resultWidget = new ResultWidget(baseWidget, "m_resultWidget", *new ratio());

	// at the right end we have a label just showing CORRECT or WRONG
	result_label = new QLabel(baseWidget, "result_label");

	// add another spacer in the middle of the VBox
	v_spacer = new QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);

	// --- that is the end of the horizontal line ---
	// in RTL desktops, we still need to allign the
	// execise to the left. On Qt4, you can set the direction
	// of the layout to LTR (instead of inherit), but on Qt3
	// the only way of fixing it is inserting the widgets in reversed
	// order to the layout.
	// if you need help with this feel free to contact me - Diego <*****@*****.**> )
	// This should fix parts of bug #116831
	if (QApplication::reverseLayout())
	// add another spacer in the middle of the VBox
	v_spacer = new QSpacerItem(1, 1);

	// the lower part of the VBox holds just a right aligned button
	QHBoxLayout * lowerHBox = new QHBoxLayout(1, "lowerHBox");

	// the right aligned button
	m_checkButton = new QPushButton( baseWidget, "m_checkButton" );
	m_checkButton->setText(i18n("&Check Task"));
	m_checkButton->setDefault(true); // is the default button of the dialog
	QToolTip::add(m_checkButton, i18n("Click on this button to check your result. The button will not work if you have not entered a result yet."));
	lowerHBox->addWidget(m_checkButton, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
	QObject::connect(m_checkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCheckButtonClicked()));

	// that the user can start typing without moving the focus

	// show the whole layout

	// show the whole layout

	// add tooltip and qwhatsthis help to the widget
	QToolTip::add(this, i18n("In this exercise you have to solve a given task with fractions."));
	QWhatsThis::add(this, i18n("In this exercise you have to solve the generated task. You have to enter numerator and denominator. You can adjust the difficulty of the task with the boxes in the toolbar. Do not forget to reduce the result!"));
Beispiel #2
/* constructor */
ExerciseFactorize::ExerciseFactorize(QWidget * parent, const char * name):
    ExerciseBase(parent, name)
    QPalette pal;
    QColorGroup cg;
#ifdef DEBUG
    kdDebug() << "constructor ExerciseFactorize()" << endl;

    /* create a new task */
    QApplication::setOverrideCursor(waitCursor); /* show the sand clock */
    QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); /* show the normal cursor */

    // the next thing to do on a button click would be to check the entered
    // result
    m_currentState = _CHECK_TASK;

    Form1Layout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 11, 6, "Form1Layout");

    layout9 = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout9");

    // The following method fix the problem in
    // bug  #116831, reverse order in RTL desktops.
    // Amit Ramon [email protected]
    layout4 = createFactorsLayout();

    spacer2 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 21, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
    layout9->addItem( spacer2 );

    layout2 = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout2");

    // The following method fix the problem in
    // bug  #116831, reverse order in RTL desktops.
    // Amit Ramon [email protected]
    layout1 = createButtonsLayout();

    m_removeLastFactorButton = new QPushButton( this, "m_removeLastFactorButton" );
    layout2->addWidget( m_removeLastFactorButton );
    layout9->addLayout( layout2 );

    spacer4 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 21, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
    layout9->addItem( spacer4 );

    layout7 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout7");
    spacer3 = new QSpacerItem( 361, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
    layout7->addItem( spacer3 );

    m_checkButton = new QPushButton( this, "m_checkButton" );
    layout7->addWidget( m_checkButton );
    layout9->addLayout( layout7 );
    Form1Layout->addLayout( layout9 );

    // the current task
    QString tmp_str;

    // now set the color for the task label

    // the equal sign

    // now set the color for the equal sign

    // the wrong/correct label, we hide it

    // the prime factor buttons
    m_factor2Button->setText( i18n( "2" ) );
    m_factor3Button->setText( i18n( "3" ) );
    m_factor5Button->setText( i18n( "5" ) );
    m_factor7Button->setText( i18n( "7" ) );
    m_factor11Button->setText( i18n( "11" ) );
    m_factor13Button->setText( i18n( "13" ) );
    m_factor17Button->setText( i18n( "17" ) );
    m_factor19Button->setText( i18n( "19" ) );
    QObject::connect(m_factor2Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFactor2ButtonClicked()));
    QObject::connect(m_factor3Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFactor3ButtonClicked()));
    QObject::connect(m_factor5Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFactor5ButtonClicked()));
    QObject::connect(m_factor7Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFactor7ButtonClicked()));
    QObject::connect(m_factor11Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFactor11ButtonClicked()));
    QObject::connect(m_factor13Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFactor13ButtonClicked()));
    QObject::connect(m_factor17Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFactor17ButtonClicked()));
    QObject::connect(m_factor19Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFactor19ButtonClicked()));

    // add tooltips to the factor buttons
    QToolTip::add(m_factor2Button, i18n("Add prime factor 2."));
    QToolTip::add(m_factor3Button, i18n("Add prime factor 3."));
    QToolTip::add(m_factor5Button, i18n("Add prime factor 5."));
    QToolTip::add(m_factor7Button, i18n("Add prime factor 7."));
    QToolTip::add(m_factor11Button, i18n("Add prime factor 11."));
    QToolTip::add(m_factor13Button, i18n("Add prime factor 13."));
    QToolTip::add(m_factor17Button, i18n("Add prime factor 17."));
    QToolTip::add(m_factor19Button, i18n("Add prime factor 19."));

    // the remove last factor button
    m_removeLastFactorButton->setText( i18n( "&Remove Last Factor" ) );
    QObject::connect(m_removeLastFactorButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveLastFactorButtonClicked()));
    QToolTip::add(m_removeLastFactorButton, i18n("Removes the last entered prime factor."));

    // the check task button
    m_checkButton->setText( i18n( "&Check Task" ) );
    QToolTip::add(m_checkButton, i18n("Click on this button to check your result. The button will not work if you have not entered a result yet."));
    QObject::connect(m_checkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCheckButtonClicked()));
    m_checkButton->setDefault(true); // is the default button of the dialog

    // that the user can start choosing the prime factors

    // set the tab order
    setTabOrder(m_factor2Button, m_factor3Button);
    setTabOrder(m_factor3Button, m_factor5Button);
    setTabOrder(m_factor5Button, m_factor7Button);
    setTabOrder(m_factor7Button, m_factor11Button);
    setTabOrder(m_factor13Button, m_factor17Button);
    setTabOrder(m_factor17Button, m_factor19Button);
    setTabOrder(m_factor19Button, m_removeLastFactorButton);

    // add tooltip and qwhatsthis help to the widget
    QToolTip::add(this, i18n("In this exercise you have to factorize a given number."));
    QWhatsThis::add(this, i18n("In this exercise you have to factorize a given number. You have to enter all prime factors of the number. You can add a prime factor by clicking on the corresponding button. The chosen prime factors will be shown in the input field. Do not forget to enter all prime factors, even when a prime factor repeats several times!"));