ClientStreamTest::ClientStreamTest(int argc, char ** argv) : QApplication( argc, argv )
	// set up client stream
	myConnector = new KNetworkConnector( 0 );
	//myConnector->setOptHostPort( "localhost", 8300 );
	myConnector->setOptHostPort( "", 5050 );
	myTestObject = new ClientStream( myConnector, myConnector);
	// notify when the transport layer is connected
	connect( myTestObject, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(slotConnected()) );
	// notify and start sending
	//connect( myTestObject, SIGNAL(warning(int)), SLOT(slotWarning(int)) );

	// do test once the event loop is running
	QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotDoTest()) );
	connected = false;
LoginTest::LoginTest(int argc, char ** argv) : QApplication( argc, argv )
	// set up client stream
	myConnector = new KNetworkConnector( 0 );
	myConnector->setOptHostPort( "", 5190 );
	myTestObject = new ClientStream( myConnector, myConnector);
	// notify when the transport layer is connected
	//connect( myTestObject, SIGNAL( connected() ), SLOT( slotConnected() ) );
	myClient = new Client();
	myConnection = new Connection( myConnector, myTestObject, "AUTHORIZER" );
	myConnection->setClient( myClient );
	// do test once the event loop is running
	QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( slotDoTest() ) );
	connected = false;