Beispiel #1
// helper function for filepeak, filerms, filedc
int findpeakrmsdc(const char *funcname, const char *fname,
	const double starttime, const double endtime, const int chan,
	double *thepeak, double *therms, double *thedc)
	int format, dataloc, nchans;
	double srate;
	long nsamps;
	int fd = open_sound_file(funcname, fname, NULL, &format, &dataloc,
	                         &srate, &nchans, &nsamps);
	if (fd == -1)
		return -1;

	long startframe = long((starttime * srate) + 0.5);
	long nframes = (nsamps / nchans) - startframe;
	if (endtime != -1.0) {
		long endframe = nframes;
		nframes = long((endtime * srate) + 0.5) + startframe;
		if (nframes > endframe)
			nframes = endframe;

	if (chan != ALL_CHANS && chan >= nchans)
		return die(funcname, "You specified channel %d for a %d-channel file.",
		           chan, nchans);
	float peak[nchans];
	long peakloc[nchans];
	double ampavg[nchans];
	double dcavg[nchans];
	double rms[nchans];
   int result = sndlib_findpeak(fd, -1, dataloc, -1, format, nchans,
                    startframe, nframes, peak, peakloc, ampavg, dcavg, rms);
   sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	if (result == -1)
		return -1;

	if (chan == ALL_CHANS) {
		float maxpeak = 0.0;
		float maxrms = 0.0;
		float maxdc = 0.0;
		for (int i = 0; i < nchans; i++) {
			if (peak[i] > maxpeak)
				maxpeak = peak[i];
			if (rms[i] > maxrms)
				maxrms = rms[i];
			if (dcavg[i] > maxdc)
				maxdc = dcavg[i];
		*thepeak = maxpeak;
		*therms = maxrms;
		*thedc = maxdc;
	else {
		*thepeak = peak[chan];
		*therms = rms[chan];
		*thedc = dcavg[chan];
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
double filesr(const Arg args[], const int nargs)
	if (nargs != 1)
		return die("filesr", "Usage:  sr = filesr(\"filename\")");
	const char *fname = args[0];

	double srate;
	int fd = open_sound_file("filesr", fname, NULL, NULL, NULL,
	                         &srate, NULL, NULL);
	if (fd == -1)
		return -1.0;
   sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0);

   return srate;
Beispiel #3
double filechans(const Arg args[], const int nargs)
	if (nargs != 1)
		return die("filechans", "Usage:  chans = filechans(\"filename\")");
	const char *fname = args[0];

	int nchans;
	int fd = open_sound_file("filechans", fname, NULL, NULL, NULL,
	                         NULL, &nchans, NULL);
	if (fd == -1)
		return -1.0;
   sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0);

   return double(nchans);
Beispiel #4
double filedur(const Arg args[], const int nargs)
	if (nargs != 1)
		return die("filedur", "Usage:  duration = filedur(\"filename\")");
	const char *fname = args[0];

	int nchans;
	long nsamps;
	double srate;
	int fd = open_sound_file("filedur", fname, NULL, NULL, NULL,
	                         &srate, &nchans, &nsamps);
	if (fd == -1)
		return -1.0;
   sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0);

   return double(nsamps / nchans) / srate;
Beispiel #5
/* Let user load a function table with samples from a sound file.  The file
   can be 16-bit integer or 32-bit floating point in either byte order, and
   in any of the header formats recognized by sndlib.  The makegen syntax
   used in Minc is:

      frames_read = makegen(slot, 1, size, filename, inskip [, inchan, dump])

   <size> is the duration (in seconds) of the sound file segment, or if it's
   negative, the number of sample frames to read.  If <size> is zero, the
   whole file is slurpped in.  (Beware with large files -- there is no
   check on memory consumption here!)

   <filename> is a double-quoted pathname (as in rtinput).

   <inskip> is the time (in seconds) to skip before reading, or if it's 
   negative, the number of sample frames to skip before reading.

   If <inchan> is missing, reads all channels from the file; otherwise,
   reads just the channel specified by <inchan> (with zero as first chan).

   If <dump> is 1, then dumps the gen table to a header-less sound file,
   called "dumpaudio.raw," in the current directory.  The file is 32-bit
   float, using the host byte order, <inchan> chans, and the sampling
   rate in the source file's header.

   As usual, if the slot number is positive, the table will be rescaled
   to fit in the range [-1,1]; if it's negative, it will not be rescaled.

   Returns to Minc the number of sample frames read.

   JGG, 07 Feb 2001
gen1(struct gen *gen, char *sfname)
   int      i, fd, header_type, data_format, data_location, inchan;
   int      gen_chans, gen_frames, gen_samps, file_chans, file_frames;
   int      start_frame, bytes_per_samp, byteswap, is_float, dump;
   int      buf_start_frame, end_frame, frames_read, buf_frames;
   long     file_samps;
   off_t    seek_to;
   float    request_dur, filedur, inskip;
   double   srate, *block, *blockp;
   char     *buf;

   request_dur = gen->pvals[0];
   inskip = gen->pvals[2];
   if (gen->nargs > 3)
      inchan = (int) gen->pvals[3];
      inchan = -1;   /* read all chans */
   dump = gen->nargs > 4? (int) gen->pvals[4] : 0;

   fd = open_sound_file("gen1", sfname, &header_type, &data_format,
                        &data_location, &srate, &file_chans, &file_samps);
   if (fd == -1)
      return die("gen1", "Can't open input file: \"%s\"!", sfname);

   if (srate != SR()) {
      rtcmix_warn("gen1", "The input file sampling rate is %g, but "
                      "the output rate is currently %g.", srate, SR());

   file_frames = file_samps / file_chans;

   if (inchan == -1)
      gen_chans = file_chans;
      gen_chans = 1;

   if (file_chans == 1)
      inchan = -1;                       /* more efficient copy below */

   if (inchan >= file_chans)
      return die("gen1", "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel file. (\"%s\")",
                                                   inchan, file_chans, sfname);

   if (request_dur < 0.0)
      gen_frames = (int) -request_dur;
   else if (request_dur > 0.0)
      gen_frames = (int) (request_dur * srate);
      gen_frames = file_frames;

   if (inskip < 0.0)
      start_frame = (int) -inskip;
      start_frame = (int) (inskip * srate); 

   if (start_frame + gen_frames > file_frames)
      gen_frames = file_frames - start_frame;

   gen_samps = gen_frames * gen_chans;
   block = (double *) malloc((size_t) (gen_samps * sizeof(double)));
   if (block == NULL)
      return die("gen1", "Not enough memory for function table %d.", gen->slot);

   buf = (char *) malloc((size_t) BUFSIZE);
	if (buf == NULL) {
      return die("gen1", "Not enough memory for temporary buffer.");

   bytes_per_samp = mus_data_format_to_bytes_per_sample(data_format);

   seek_to = data_location + (start_frame * file_chans * bytes_per_samp);
   if (lseek(fd, seek_to, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
		return die("gen1", "lseek() failed");

   byteswap = IS_BIG_ENDIAN_FORMAT(data_format);
   byteswap = IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN_FORMAT(data_format);
   is_float = IS_FLOAT_FORMAT(data_format);

   buf_frames = (BUFSIZE / bytes_per_samp) / file_chans;

   end_frame = start_frame + gen_frames;

   blockp = block;
   frames_read = 0;
   buf_start_frame = start_frame;
   for ( ; buf_start_frame < end_frame; buf_start_frame += frames_read) {
      int  samps_read;
      long bytes_read;

      if (buf_start_frame + buf_frames > end_frame) {      /* last buffer */
         int samps = (end_frame - buf_start_frame) * file_chans;
         bytes_read = read(fd, buf, samps * bytes_per_samp);
         bytes_read = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZE);
      if (bytes_read == -1) {
		  return die("gen1", "read() failed");
      if (bytes_read == 0)          /* EOF, somehow */

      samps_read = bytes_read / bytes_per_samp;
      frames_read = samps_read / file_chans;

      if (is_float) {
         float *bufp = (float *) buf;

         if (inchan == -1) {                 /* store all chans */
            if (byteswap) {
               for (i = 0; i < samps_read; i++) {
                  byte_reverse4(bufp);       /* modify *bufp in place */
                  *blockp++ = (double) *bufp++;
            else {
               for (i = 0; i < samps_read; i++)
                  *blockp++ = (double) *bufp++;
         else {                              /* store only inchan */
            bufp += inchan;
            if (byteswap) {
               for (i = 0; i < samps_read; i += file_chans) {
                  byte_reverse4(bufp);       /* modify *bufp in place */
                  *blockp++ = (double) *bufp;
                  bufp += file_chans;
            else {
               for (i = 0; i < samps_read; i += file_chans) {
                  *blockp++ = (double) *bufp;
                  bufp += file_chans;
      else {                                 /* is shortint file */
         short *bufp = (short *) buf;

         if (inchan == -1) {                 /* store all chans */
            if (byteswap) {
               for (i = 0; i < samps_read; i++, bufp++) {
                  short samp = reverse_int2(bufp);
                  *blockp++ = (double) samp;
            else {
               for (i = 0; i < samps_read; i++)
                  *blockp++ = (double) *bufp++;
         else {                              /* store only inchan */
            bufp += inchan;
            if (byteswap) {
               for (i = 0; i < samps_read; i += file_chans) {
                  short samp = reverse_int2(bufp);
                  *blockp++ = (double) samp;
                  bufp += file_chans;
            else {
               for (i = 0; i < samps_read; i += file_chans) {
                  *blockp++ = (double) *bufp;
                  bufp += file_chans;

   sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0);

   gen->array = block;
   gen->size = gen_samps;


   if (dump)
      dump_gen_to_raw_file(block, gen_samps);

   return (double) gen_frames;
Beispiel #6
/* ------------------------------------------------------ open_sound_file --- */
      const char     *funcname,       // for error messages
      const char     *sfname,         // name of sound file to open
      int     		 *header_type,    // Remaining args are pointers to storage for
      int     		 *data_format,    //    various bits of file header info.  If
      int     		 *data_location,  //    pointer is NULL, it will be ignored.
      double   		 *srate,          //    Info is undefined on error return (-1).
      int     		 *nchans,
      long     		 *nsamps)
   // See if file exists and is a regular file or link.
   struct stat sfst;
   if (stat(sfname, &sfst) == -1) {
      rterror(funcname, "\"%s\": %s", sfname, strerror(errno));
      return -1;
   if (!S_ISREG(sfst.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(sfst.st_mode)) {
      rterror(funcname, "\"%s\" is not a regular file or a link.\n", sfname);
      return -1;

   // Open the file and read its header.
   int fd = sndlib_open_read(sfname);
   if (fd == -1) {
      rterror(funcname, "Can't read header from \"%s\" (%s)\n",
		   sfname, strerror(errno));
      return -1;

   // Now info is available from sndlib query functions.

   int type = mus_header_type();

   if (NOT_A_SOUND_FILE(type)) {
      rterror(funcname, "\"%s\" is probably not a sound file\n", sfname);
      sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      return -1;

   int format = mus_header_format();

   if (INVALID_DATA_FORMAT(format)) {
      rterror(funcname, "\"%s\" has invalid sound data format\n", sfname);
      sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      return -1;

   if (!SUPPORTED_DATA_FORMAT(format)) {
      rterror(funcname, "Can't open \"%s\": can read only 16-bit integer, "
                        "24-bit integer and 32-bit float files.", sfname);
      sndlib_close(fd, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	  return -1;

   if (header_type)
      *header_type = type;
   if (data_format)
      *data_format = format;
   if (data_location)
      *data_location = mus_header_data_location();
   if (srate)
      *srate = (double) mus_header_srate();
   if (nchans)
      *nchans = mus_header_chans();
   if (nsamps)
      *nsamps = mus_header_samples();

   return fd;