Beispiel #1
int ns__wsademoResult(struct soap *soap, char *out)
  if (soap_wsa_check(soap))
    return soap_send_empty_response(soap, 500); /* HTTP 500 error */
  printf("Received Result = %s\n", out?out:"");
  return soap_send_empty_response(soap, SOAP_OK); /* HTTP 202 */
Beispiel #2
int Service::DivideBy(_mssadh__DivideBy *req)
  /* check for WS-RM/WSA */
  if (soap_wsrm_check(soap))
    return soap->error;

  if (req && req->n)
    result /= *req->n;
    equation << " / " << *req->n;
    return soap_wsrm_sender_fault(soap, "Invalid data in DivideBy", NULL);

  /* this is a one-way operation over HTTP, so we're done with client */
  soap_send_empty_response(soap, 202);

  /* get the handle to the current sequence of the inbound message */
  soap_wsrm_sequence_handle seq = soap_wsrm_seq(soap);

  /* TODO: send acknowledgement(s) immediately? */
  /* soap_wsrm_acknowledgement(soap, seq, NULL); */

  if (soap_wsrm_request_acks(callback.soap, seq, soap_wsa_rand_uuid(callback.soap), "http://Microsoft.Samples.DualHttp/ICalculatorDuplex/Result"))
    soap_wsrm_seq_release(soap, seq);
    return callback.soap->error;
  callback.soap_endpoint = soap_wsrm_to(seq);
  soap_wsrm_seq_release(soap, seq);

  if (callback.soap_endpoint)
    _mssadh__Result res;
    res.result = &result;
    if (callback.send_Result(&res) == SOAP_OK)
      std::cout << "Result(" << result << ")" << std::endl;

  return SOAP_OK;
Beispiel #3
int SOAP_ENV__Fault(struct soap *soap, char *faultcode, char *faultstring, char *faultactor, struct SOAP_ENV__Detail *detail, struct SOAP_ENV__Code *SOAP_ENV__Code, struct SOAP_ENV__Reason *SOAP_ENV__Reason, char *SOAP_ENV__Node, char *SOAP_ENV__Role, struct SOAP_ENV__Detail *SOAP_ENV__Detail)
  printf("Received Fault:\n");
  /* populate the fault struct from the operation arguments to print it */
  /* SOAP 1.1 */
  soap->fault->faultcode = faultcode;
  soap->fault->faultstring = faultstring;
  soap->fault->faultactor = faultactor;
  soap->fault->detail = detail;
  /* SOAP 1.2 */
  soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code = SOAP_ENV__Code;
  soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason = SOAP_ENV__Reason;
  soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Node = SOAP_ENV__Node;
  soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Role = SOAP_ENV__Role;
  soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail = SOAP_ENV__Detail;
  /* set error */
  soap->error = SOAP_FAULT;
  soap_print_fault(soap, stdout);
  return soap_send_empty_response(soap, SOAP_OK); /* HTTP 202 Accepted */
Beispiel #4
int SOAP_ENV__Fault(struct soap *soap, 
        _QName			 faultcode,		// SOAP 1.1
        char			*faultstring,		// SOAP 1.1
        char			*faultactor,		// SOAP 1.1
        struct SOAP_ENV__Detail	*detail,		// SOAP 1.1
        struct SOAP_ENV__Code	*Code,			// SOAP 1.2
        struct SOAP_ENV__Reason	*Reason,		// SOAP 1.2
        char			*Node,			// SOAP 1.2
        char			*Role,			// SOAP 1.2
        struct SOAP_ENV__Detail	*Detail			// SOAP 1.2
  soap_send_empty_response(soap, 202);

  printf("\n**** Fault Received ****\n");
  if (faultstring)
    printf("reason: %s\n", faultstring);
  else if (Reason && Reason->SOAP_ENV__Text)
    printf("reason: %s\n", Reason->SOAP_ENV__Text);

  if (!detail)
    detail = Detail;
  if (detail && detail->__type == SOAP_TYPE__wsrm__Identifier)
    /* the sequence id is in the Fault Detail __type and fault members */
    char *id = (char*)detail->fault;
    printf("id: %s\n", id);

    /* we opt to treat all faults fatal, so let's terminate the sequence */
    soap_wsrm_sequence_handle seq = soap_wsrm_seq_lookup_id(soap, id);
    if (seq)
      soap_wsrm_error(soap, seq, wsrm__SequenceTerminated);
      soap_wsrm_seq_release(soap, seq);
      return soap->error;

  return SOAP_OK;