Beispiel #1
extFloat80_t f128_to_extF80( float128_t a )
    union ui128_f128 uA;
    uint_fast64_t uiA64, uiA0;
    bool sign;
    int_fast32_t exp;
    uint_fast64_t sig64, sig0;
    struct commonNaN commonNaN;
    struct uint128 uiZ;
    uint_fast16_t uiZ64;
    uint_fast64_t uiZ0;
    struct exp32_sig128 normExpSig;
    struct uint128 sig128;
    union { struct extFloat80M s; extFloat80_t f; } uZ;

    uA.f = a;
    uiA64 = uA.ui.v64;
    uiA0  = uA.ui.v0;
    sign  = signF128UI64( uiA64 );
    exp   = expF128UI64( uiA64 );
    sig64 = fracF128UI64( uiA64 );
    sig0  = uiA0;
    if ( exp == 0x7FFF ) {
        if ( sig64 | sig0 ) {
            softfloat_f128UIToCommonNaN( uiA64, uiA0, &commonNaN );
            uiZ = softfloat_commonNaNToExtF80UI( &commonNaN );
            uiZ64 = uiZ.v64;
            uiZ0  = uiZ.v0;
        } else {
            uiZ64 = packToExtF80UI64( sign, 0x7FFF );
            uiZ0  = UINT64_C( 0x8000000000000000 );
        goto uiZ;
    if ( ! exp ) {
        if ( ! (sig64 | sig0) ) {
            uiZ64 = packToExtF80UI64( sign, 0 );
            uiZ0  = 0;
            goto uiZ;
        normExpSig = softfloat_normSubnormalF128Sig( sig64, sig0 );
        exp   = normExpSig.exp;
        sig64 = normExpSig.sig.v64;
        sig0  = normExpSig.sig.v0;
    } else {
        sig64 |= UINT64_C( 0x0001000000000000 );
    sig128 = softfloat_shortShiftLeft128( sig64, sig0, 15 );
    return softfloat_roundPackToExtF80( sign, exp, sig128.v64, sig128.v0, 80 );
    uZ.s.signExp = uiZ64;
    uZ.s.signif  = uiZ0;
    return uZ.f;

float128_t  f128_scaledResult(int_fast16_t scale)
    int_fast32_t exp;
    union ui128_f128 uZ;
    struct exp32_sig128 z;
    struct uint128 uA;

    exp = softfloat_raw.Exp + 16382 + scale;

    /* Note that the high-order bit of the saved significand is the units position.  This is effectively    */
    /* added to the exponent in packToF128UI64 so that the units position disappears and the exponent is    */
    /* incremented.  So going in, the exponent limit must be one less than the float128 maximum of 0x7FFE.  */

    /* Note also that, unlike the C << operator, the function softfloat_shortShiftLeft128 behaves very      */
    /* badly when passed a shift count of zero.  When passed zero, softfloat_shortShiftLeft128 or's the     */
    /* the second half of the 128-bit significand into the first.  Not a bug, really, because this          */
    /* function is not a part of the Softfloat 3a API, but troubling nontheless.  Softfloat 3b did not      */
    /* change this behavior.                                                                                */

    if (exp < 0 || exp > 0x7FFD)
        uZ.ui.v64 = (defaultNaNF128UI64 & ~UINT64_C(0x0000800000000000)) | UINT64_C(0x00000DEAD0000000);
        uZ.ui.v0 = defaultNaNF128UI0;
        uA = softfloat_shortShiftRight128(softfloat_raw.Sig64, softfloat_raw.Sig0, 14);
        if (softfloat_raw.Tiny && (uA.v64 < 0x0001000000000000ULL))          /* result an unnormallized subnormal?  */
            z = softfloat_normSubnormalF128Sig(uA.v64, uA.v0);
            exp += (z.exp - 1);
            uZ.ui.v64 = packToF128UI64(softfloat_raw.Sign, exp, z.sig.v64);  /* should not be needed  */
            uZ.ui.v0 = z.sig.v0;
            uZ.ui.v64 = packToF128UI64(softfloat_raw.Sign, exp, uA.v64); 
            uZ.ui.v0 = uA.v0;

    softfloat_exceptionFlags &= ~(softfloat_flag_inexact | softfloat_flag_incremented | softfloat_flag_tiny);
    softfloat_exceptionFlags |= (softfloat_raw.Inexact ?  softfloat_flag_inexact     : 0) |
                                (softfloat_raw.Incre   ?  softfloat_flag_incremented : 0);

    return uZ.f;

Beispiel #3
float128_t f128_mul( float128_t a, float128_t b )
    union ui128_f128 uA;
    uint_fast64_t uiA64, uiA0;
    bool signA;
    int_fast32_t expA;
    struct uint128 sigA;
    union ui128_f128 uB;
    uint_fast64_t uiB64, uiB0;
    bool signB;
    int_fast32_t expB;
    struct uint128 sigB;
    bool signZ;
    uint_fast64_t magBits;
    struct exp32_sig128 normExpSig;
    int_fast32_t expZ;
    uint64_t sig256Z[4];
    uint_fast64_t sigZExtra;
    struct uint128 sigZ;
    struct uint128_extra sig128Extra;
    struct uint128 uiZ;
    union ui128_f128 uZ;

    uA.f = a;
    uiA64 = uA.ui.v64;
    uiA0  = uA.ui.v0;
    signA = signF128UI64( uiA64 );
    expA  = expF128UI64( uiA64 );
    sigA.v64 = fracF128UI64( uiA64 );
    sigA.v0  = uiA0;
    uB.f = b;
    uiB64 = uB.ui.v64;
    uiB0  = uB.ui.v0;
    signB = signF128UI64( uiB64 );
    expB  = expF128UI64( uiB64 );
    sigB.v64 = fracF128UI64( uiB64 );
    sigB.v0  = uiB0;
    signZ = signA ^ signB;
    if ( expA == 0x7FFF ) {
        if (
            (sigA.v64 | sigA.v0) || ((expB == 0x7FFF) && (sigB.v64 | sigB.v0))
        ) {
            goto propagateNaN;
        magBits = expB | sigB.v64 | sigB.v0;
        goto infArg;
    if ( expB == 0x7FFF ) {
        if ( sigB.v64 | sigB.v0 ) goto propagateNaN;
        magBits = expA | sigA.v64 | sigA.v0;
        goto infArg;
    if ( ! expA ) {
        if ( ! (sigA.v64 | sigA.v0) ) goto zero;
        normExpSig = softfloat_normSubnormalF128Sig( sigA.v64, sigA.v0 );
        expA = normExpSig.exp;
        sigA = normExpSig.sig;
    if ( ! expB ) {
        if ( ! (sigB.v64 | sigB.v0) ) goto zero;
        normExpSig = softfloat_normSubnormalF128Sig( sigB.v64, sigB.v0 );
        expB = normExpSig.exp;
        sigB = normExpSig.sig;
    expZ = expA + expB - 0x4000;
    sigA.v64 |= UINT64_C( 0x0001000000000000 );
    sigB = softfloat_shortShiftLeft128( sigB.v64, sigB.v0, 16 );
    softfloat_mul128To256M( sigA.v64, sigA.v0, sigB.v64, sigB.v0, sig256Z );
    sigZExtra = sig256Z[indexWord( 4, 1 )] | (sig256Z[indexWord( 4, 0 )] != 0);
    sigZ =
            sig256Z[indexWord( 4, 3 )], sig256Z[indexWord( 4, 2 )],
            sigA.v64, sigA.v0
    if ( UINT64_C( 0x0002000000000000 ) <= sigZ.v64 ) {
        sig128Extra =
                sigZ.v64, sigZ.v0, sigZExtra, 1 );
        sigZ = sig128Extra.v;
        sigZExtra = sig128Extra.extra;
        softfloat_roundPackToF128( signZ, expZ, sigZ.v64, sigZ.v0, sigZExtra );
    uiZ = softfloat_propagateNaNF128UI( uiA64, uiA0, uiB64, uiB0 );
    goto uiZ;
    if ( ! magBits ) {
        softfloat_raiseFlags( softfloat_flag_invalid );
        uiZ.v64 = defaultNaNF128UI64;
        uiZ.v0  = defaultNaNF128UI0;
        goto uiZ;
    uiZ.v64 = packToF128UI64( signZ, 0x7FFF, 0 );
    goto uiZ0;
    uiZ.v64 = packToF128UI64( signZ, 0, 0 );
    uiZ.v0 = 0;
    uZ.ui = uiZ;
    return uZ.f;
