Beispiel #1
software_list_device *software_list_device::find_by_name(const machine_config &config, const std::string &name)
	// iterate over each device in the system and find a match
	for (software_list_device &swlistdev : software_list_device_iterator(config.root_device()))
		if (swlistdev.list_name() == name)
			return &swlistdev;
	return nullptr;
Beispiel #2
const software_part *device_image_interface::find_software_item(const std::string &identifier, bool restrict_to_interface, software_list_device **dev) const
	// split full software name into software list name and short software name
	std::string list_name, software_name, part_name;
	if (!software_name_parse(identifier, &list_name, &software_name, &part_name))
		return nullptr;

	// determine interface
	const char *interface = restrict_to_interface
		? image_interface()
		: nullptr;

	// find the software list if explicitly specified
	for (software_list_device &swlistdev : software_list_device_iterator(device().mconfig().root_device()))
		if (list_name.empty() || (list_name == swlistdev.list_name()))
			const software_info *info = swlistdev.find(software_name);
			if (info != nullptr)
				const software_part *part = info->find_part(part_name, interface);
				if (part != nullptr)
					if (dev != nullptr)
						*dev = &swlistdev;
					return part;

		if (software_name == swlistdev.list_name())
			// ad hoc handling for the case path = swlist_name:swinfo_name (e.g.
			// gameboy:sml) which is not handled properly by software_name_split
			// since the function cannot distinguish between this and the case
			// path = swinfo_name:swpart_name
			const software_info *info = swlistdev.find(part_name);
			if (info != nullptr)
				const software_part *part = info->find_part("", interface);
				if (part != nullptr)
					if (dev != nullptr)
						*dev = &swlistdev;
					return part;

	// if explicitly specified and not found, just error here
	if (dev != nullptr)
		*dev = nullptr;
	return nullptr;
Beispiel #3
const software_part *device_image_interface::find_software_item(const char *path, bool restrict_to_interface) const
    // split full software name into software list name and short software name
    std::string swlist_name, swinfo_name, swpart_name;
    software_name_split(path, swlist_name, swinfo_name, swpart_name);

    // determine interface
    const char *interface = nullptr;
    if (restrict_to_interface)
        interface = image_interface();

    // find the software list if explicitly specified
    for (software_list_device &swlistdev : software_list_device_iterator(device().mconfig().root_device()))
        if ( || !(swlist_name.length() > 0))
            const software_info *info = swlistdev.find(swinfo_name.c_str());
            if (info != nullptr)
                const software_part *part = info->find_part(swpart_name.c_str(), interface);
                if (part != nullptr)
                    return part;

        if (swinfo_name == swlistdev.list_name())
            // ad hoc handling for the case path = swlist_name:swinfo_name (e.g.
            // gameboy:sml) which is not handled properly by software_name_split
            // since the function cannot distinguish between this and the case
            // path = swinfo_name:swpart_name
            const software_info *info = swlistdev.find(swpart_name.c_str());
            if (info != nullptr)
                const software_part *part = info->find_part(nullptr, interface);
                if (part != nullptr)
                    return part;

    // if explicitly specified and not found, just error here
    return nullptr;
Beispiel #4
void media_identifier::match_hashes(std::vector<file_info> &info)
	std::unordered_set<std::string> listnames;

	// iterate over drivers
	while (
		// iterate over regions and files within the region
		device_t &device = m_drivlist.config()->root_device();
		for (romload::region const &region : romload::entries(device.rom_region()).get_regions())
			for (romload::file const &rom : region.get_files())
				util::hash_collection const romhashes(rom.get_hashdata());
				if (!romhashes.flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP))
					for (file_info &file : info)
						file.match(device, rom, romhashes);

		// next iterate over softlists
		for (software_list_device &swlistdev : software_list_device_iterator(device))
			if (listnames.insert(swlistdev.list_name()).second)
				for (software_info const &swinfo : swlistdev.get_info())
					for (software_part const &part :
						for (rom_entry const *region = part.romdata().data(); region; region = rom_next_region(region))
							for (rom_entry const *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
								util::hash_collection romhashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom));
								if (!romhashes.flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP))
									for (file_info &file : info)
										file.match(swlistdev.list_name(), swinfo, *rom, romhashes);

	// iterator over devices
	machine_config config(GAME_NAME(___empty), m_drivlist.options());
	for (device_type type : registered_device_types)
		// iterate over regions and files within the region
		device_t *const device = config.device_add(&config.root_device(), "_tmp", type, 0);
		for (romload::region const &region : romload::entries(device->rom_region()).get_regions())
			for (romload::file const &rom : region.get_files())
				util::hash_collection const romhashes(rom.get_hashdata());
				if (!romhashes.flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP))
					for (file_info &file : info)
						file.match(*device, rom, romhashes);
		config.device_remove(&config.root_device(), "_tmp");
Beispiel #5
void MyFillSoftwareList(int drvindex, BOOL bForce)
	BOOL is_same = 0;
	HWND hwndSoftwarePicker;
	HWND hwndSoftwareList;
	HWND hwndSoftwareDevView;

	// do we have to do anything?
	if (!bForce)
		if (s_config != NULL)
			is_same = (drvindex == s_config->driver_index);
			is_same = (drvindex < 0);
		if (is_same)

	// free the machine config, if necessary

	// allocate the machine config, if necessary
	if (drvindex >= 0)
		s_config = software_config_alloc(drvindex);

	// locate key widgets
	hwndSoftwarePicker = GetDlgItem(GetMainWindow(), IDC_SWLIST);
	hwndSoftwareList = GetDlgItem(GetMainWindow(), IDC_SOFTLIST);
	hwndSoftwareDevView = GetDlgItem(GetMainWindow(), IDC_SWDEVVIEW);

	// set up the device view
	DevView_SetDriver(hwndSoftwareDevView, s_config);

	// set up the software picker
	SoftwarePicker_SetDriver(hwndSoftwarePicker, s_config);

	// Get the game's software path
	int driver_index = drvindex;
	windows_options o;
	load_options(o, OPTIONS_GAME, driver_index);
	const char* paths = o.value(OPTION_SWPATH);
	if (paths && (paths[0] > 64)) 
	{} else
	// search deeper when looking for software
		// not specified in driver, try parent if it has one
		int nParentIndex = -1;
		if (DriverIsClone(driver_index) == TRUE)
			nParentIndex = GetParentIndex(&driver_list::driver(driver_index));
			if (nParentIndex >= 0)
				load_options(o, OPTIONS_PARENT, nParentIndex);
				paths = o.value(OPTION_SWPATH);
		if (paths && (paths[0] > 64))
		{} else

			// still nothing, try for a system in the 'compat' field
			if (nParentIndex >= 0)
				driver_index = nParentIndex;

			// now recycle variable as a compat system number
			nParentIndex = GetCompatIndex(&driver_list::driver(driver_index));
			if (nParentIndex >= 0)
				load_options(o, OPTIONS_PARENT, nParentIndex);
				paths = o.value(OPTION_SWPATH);

	// These are the only paths that matter
	AddSoftwarePickerDirs(hwndSoftwarePicker, paths, NULL);
	paths = 0;
	// set up the software picker
	SoftwareList_SetDriver(hwndSoftwareList, s_config);

	/* allocate the machine config */
	machine_config config(driver_list::driver(drvindex),MameUIGlobal());

	for (software_list_device &swlistdev : software_list_device_iterator(config.root_device()))
		for (const software_info &swinfo : swlistdev.get_info())
			const software_part &swpart =;

			// search for a device with the right interface
			for (device_image_interface &image : image_interface_iterator(config.root_device()))
				const char *interface = image.image_interface();
				if (interface)
					if (swpart.matches_interface(interface))
						// Extract the Usage data from the "info" fields.
						const char* usage = NULL;
						for (const feature_list_item &flist : swinfo.other_info())
							if ( == "usage")
								usage = flist.value().c_str();
						// Now actually add the item
						SoftwareList_AddFile(hwndSoftwareList, swinfo.shortname().c_str(), swlistdev.list_name().c_str(), swinfo.longname().c_str(), swinfo.publisher().c_str(), swinfo.year().c_str(), usage, image.brief_instance_name());
Beispiel #6
static BOOL DevView_GetOpenItemName(HWND hwndDevView, const machine_config *config, const device_image_interface *dev, LPTSTR pszFilename, UINT nFilenameLength)
	BOOL bResult = 0;
	TCHAR *t_s;
	int i = 0;
	mess_image_type imagetypes[256];
	HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(GetMainWindow(), IDC_LIST);
	int drvindex = Picker_GetSelectedItem(hwndList);
	std::string as, dst;
	const char *s, *opt_name = dev->instance_name();
	windows_options o;
	load_options(o, OPTIONS_GAME, drvindex);
	s = o.value(opt_name);

	/* Get the path to the currently mounted image, chop off any trailing backslash */
	util::zippath_parent(as, s);
	size_t t1 = as.length()-1;
	if (as[t1] == '\\') as[t1]='\0';
	dst = as;

	/* See if an image was loaded, and that the path still exists */
	if ((!osd::directory::open(as.c_str())) || (as.find(':') == std::string::npos))
		/* Get the path from the SL base */
		as = GetSLDir();

		/* We only want the first path; throw out the rest */
		i = as.find(';');
		if (i > 0) as.substr(0, i);

		// Get the path to suitable software
		i = 0;
		for (software_list_device &swlist : software_list_device_iterator(config->root_device()))
			for (const software_info &swinfo : swlist.get_info())
				const software_part &part =;
				if (swlist.is_compatible(part) == SOFTWARE_IS_COMPATIBLE)
					for (device_image_interface &image : image_interface_iterator(config->root_device()))
						if ((i == 0) && (std::string(opt_name) == std::string(image.instance_name())))
							const char *interface = image.image_interface();
							if (interface != nullptr && part.matches_interface(interface))

		dst = as;

		/* Make sure a folder was specified in the tab, and that it exists */
		if ((!osd::directory::open(as.c_str())) || (as.find(':') == std::string::npos))
			/* Default to emu directory */

	SetupImageTypes(config, imagetypes, ARRAY_LENGTH(imagetypes), TRUE, dev);
	t_s = ui_wstring_from_utf8(dst.c_str());
	bResult = CommonFileImageDialog(t_s, GetOpenFileName, pszFilename, config, imagetypes);
	CleanupImageTypes(imagetypes, ARRAY_LENGTH(imagetypes));

	// This crappy code is typical of what you get with strings in c++
	// All we want to do is get the Item name out of the full path
	char t2[nFilenameLength];
	wcstombs(t2, pszFilename, nFilenameLength-1); // convert wide string to a normal one
	std::string t3 = t2; // then convert to a c++ string so we can manipulate it
	t1 = t3.find(".zip"); // get rid of zip name and anything after
	if (t1) t3[t1] = '\0';
	t1 = t3.find(".7z"); // get rid of 7zip name and anything after
	if (t1) t3[t1] = '\0';
//	t1 = t3.find_last_of("\\");   // we can force the swlist name in, if needed
//	t3[t1] = ':';
	t1 = t3.find_last_of("\\"); // get rid of path; we only want the item name
	t3.erase(0, t1+1);

	// set up editbox display text
	mbstowcs(pszFilename, t3.c_str(), nFilenameLength-1); // convert it back to a wide string

	// set up inifile text to signify to MAME that a SW ITEM is to be used
	strcpy(g_szSelectedSoftware, t3.c_str()); // store to global item name
	strcpy(g_szSelectedDevice, opt_name); // get media-device name (brief_instance_name is ok too)

	return bResult;