Beispiel #1
static inline int sp_iensure(spi *i) {
	if (splikely((i->icount + 1) < i->itop))
		return 0;
	i->itop *= 2;
	i->i = sp_realloc(i->a, i->i, i->itop * sizeof(spipage*));
	if (spunlikely(i->i == NULL))
		return -1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
static int sp_node_unsubscribe (struct sp_trie_node **self,
    const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
    int i;
    int j;
    int index;
    int ptr_index;
    int new_min;
    struct sp_trie_node **ch;
    struct sp_trie_node *new_node;
    struct sp_trie_node *ch2;

    if (!size)
        goto found;

    /*  If prefix does not match the data, return. */
    if (sp_node_check_prefix (*self, data, size) != (*self)->prefix_len)
        return 0;

    /*  Skip the prefix. */
    data += (*self)->prefix_len;
    size -= (*self)->prefix_len;

    if (!size)
        goto found;

    /*  Move to the next node. */
    ch = sp_node_next (*self, *data);
    if (!ch)
        return 0; /*  TODO: This should be an error. */

    /*  Recursive traversal of the trie happens here. If the subscription
        wasn't really removed, nothing have changed in the trie and
        no additional pruning is needed. */
    if (sp_node_unsubscribe (ch, data + 1, size - 1) == 0)
        return 0;

    /*  Subscription removal is already done. Now we are going to compact
        the trie. However, if the following node remains in place, there's
        nothing to compact here. */
    if (*ch)
        return 1;

    /*  Sparse array. */
    if ((*self)->type < SP_TRIE_DENSE_TYPE) {

        /*  Get the indices of the removed child. */
        for (index = 0; index != (*self)->type; ++index)
            if ((*self)->sparse.children [index] == *data)
        assert (index != (*self)->type);
        ptr_index = (*self)->sparse.children [index];

        /*  Remove the destroyed child from both lists of children. */
        memmove (
            (*self)->sparse.children + index,
            (*self)->sparse.children + index + 1,
            (*self)->type - index - 1);
        memmove (
            sp_node_child (*self, ptr_index),
            sp_node_child (*self, ptr_index + 1),
            ((*self)->type - index - 1) * sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
        for (i = 0; i != (*self)->type; ++i)
            if ((*self)->sparse.children [i] >= ptr_index)
                --((*self)->sparse.children [i]);
        *self = sp_realloc (*self, sizeof (struct sp_trie_node) +
            ((*self)->type * sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*)));
        assert (*self);
        /*  If there are no more children and no refcount, we can delete
            the node altogether. */
        if (!(*self)->type && !sp_node_has_subscribers (*self)) {
            sp_free (*self);
            *self = NULL;
            return 1;

        /*  Try to merge the node with the following node. */
        *self = sp_node_compact (*self);

        return 1;

    /*  Dense array. */

    /*  In this case the array stays dense. We have to adjust the limits of
        the array, if appropriate. */
    if ((*self)->dense.nbr > SP_TRIE_SPARSE_MAX + 1) {

        /*  If the removed item is the leftmost one, trim the array from
            the left side. */
        if (*data == (*self)->dense.min) {
             for (i = 0; i != (*self)->dense.max - (*self)->dense.min + 1;
                 if (*sp_node_child (*self, i))
             new_min = i + (*self)->dense.min;
             memmove (sp_node_child (*self, 0), sp_node_child (*self, i),
                 ((*self)->dense.max - new_min + 1) *
                 sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
             (*self)->dense.min = new_min;
             *self = sp_realloc (*self, sizeof (struct sp_trie_node) +
                 ((*self)->dense.max - new_min + 1) *
                 sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
             assert (*self);
             return 1;

        /*  If the removed item is the rightmost one, trim the array from
            the right side. */
        if (*data == (*self)->dense.max) {
             for (i = (*self)->dense.max - (*self)->dense.min; i != 0; --i)
                 if (*sp_node_child (*self, i))
             (*self)->dense.max = i + (*self)->dense.min;
             *self = sp_realloc (*self, sizeof (struct sp_trie_node) +
                 ((*self)->dense.max - (*self)->dense.min + 1) *
                 sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
             assert (*self);
             return 1;

        /*  If the item is removed from the middle of the array, do nothing. */
        return 1;

    /*  Convert dense array into sparse array. */
        new_node = sp_alloc (sizeof (struct sp_trie_node) +
            SP_TRIE_SPARSE_MAX * sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*), "trie node");
        assert (new_node);
        new_node->refcount = 0;
        new_node->prefix_len = (*self)->prefix_len;
        memcpy (new_node->prefix, (*self)->prefix, new_node->prefix_len);
        new_node->type = SP_TRIE_SPARSE_MAX;
        j = 0;
        for (i = 0; i != (*self)->dense.max - (*self)->dense.min + 1;
              ++i) {
            ch2 = *sp_node_child (*self, i);
            if (ch2) {
                new_node->sparse.children [j] = i + (*self)->dense.min;
                *sp_node_child (new_node, j) = ch2;
        assert (j == SP_TRIE_SPARSE_MAX);
        sp_free (*self);
        *self = new_node;
        return 1;


    /*  We are at the end of the subscription here. */

    /*  Subscription doesn't exist. */
    if (sp_slow (!*self || !sp_node_has_subscribers (*self)))
        return -EINVAL;

    /*  Subscription exists. Unsubscribe. */

    /*  If reference count has dropped to zero we can try to compact
        the node. */
    if (!(*self)->refcount) {

        /*  If there are no children, we can delete the node altogether. */
        if (!(*self)->type) {
            sp_free (*self);
            *self = NULL;
            return 1;

        /*  Try to merge the node with the following node. */
        *self = sp_node_compact (*self);
        return 1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
int sp_trie_subscribe (struct sp_trie *self, const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
    int i;
    struct sp_trie_node **node;
    struct sp_trie_node **n;
    struct sp_trie_node *ch;
    struct sp_trie_node *old_node;
    int pos;
    uint8_t c;
    uint8_t c2;
    uint8_t new_min;
    uint8_t new_max;
    int old_children;
    int new_children;
    int inserted;
    int more_nodes;

    /*  Step 1 -- Traverse the trie. */

    node = &self->root;
    pos = 0;
    while (1) {

        /*  If there are no more nodes on the path, go to step 4. */
        if (!*node)
            goto step4;

        /*  Check whether prefix matches the new subscription. */
        pos = sp_node_check_prefix (*node, data, size);
        data += pos;
        size -= pos;

        /*  If only part of the prefix matches, go to step 2. */
        if (pos < (*node)->prefix_len)
            goto step2;

        /*  Even if whole prefix matches and there's no more data to match,
            go directly to step 5. */
        if (!size)
            goto step5;

        /*  Move to the next node. If it is not present, go to step 3. */
        n = sp_node_next (*node, *data);
        if (!n)
            goto step3;
        node = n;

    /*  Step 2 -- Split the prefix into two parts if required. */

    ch = *node;
    *node = sp_alloc (sizeof (struct sp_trie_node) +
        sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*), "trie node");
    assert (*node);
    (*node)->refcount = 0;
    (*node)->prefix_len = pos;
    (*node)->type = 1;
    memcpy ((*node)->prefix, ch->prefix, pos);
    (*node)->sparse.children [0] = ch->prefix [pos];
    ch->prefix_len -= (pos + 1);
    memmove (ch->prefix, ch->prefix + pos + 1, ch->prefix_len);
    ch = sp_node_compact (ch);
    *sp_node_child (*node, 0) = ch;
    pos = (*node)->prefix_len;

    /*  Step 3 -- Adjust the child array to accommodate the new character. */

    /*  If there are no more data in the subscription, there's nothing to
        adjust in the child array. Proceed directly to the step 5. */
    if (!size)
        goto step5;

    /*  If the new branch fits into sparse array... */
    if ((*node)->type < SP_TRIE_SPARSE_MAX) {
        *node = sp_realloc (*node, sizeof (struct sp_trie_node) +
            ((*node)->type + 1) * sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
        assert (*node);
        (*node)->sparse.children [(*node)->type] = *data;
        node = sp_node_child (*node, (*node)->type - 1);
        *node = NULL;
        goto step4;

    /*  If the node is already a dense array, resize it to fit the next
        character. */
    if ((*node)->type == SP_TRIE_DENSE_TYPE) {
        c = *data;
        if (c < (*node)->dense.min || c > (*node)->dense.max) {
            new_min = (*node)->dense.min < c ? (*node)->dense.min : c;
            new_max = (*node)->dense.max > c ? (*node)->dense.max : c;
            *node = sp_realloc (*node, sizeof (struct sp_trie_node) +
                (new_max - new_min + 1) * sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
            assert (*node);
            old_children = (*node)->dense.max - (*node)->dense.min + 1;
            new_children = new_max - new_min + 1;
            if ((*node)->dense.min != new_min) {
                inserted = (*node)->dense.min - new_min;
                memmove (sp_node_child (*node, inserted),
                    sp_node_child (*node, 0),
                    old_children * sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
                memset (sp_node_child (*node, 0), 0,
                    inserted * sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
            else {
                memset (sp_node_child (*node, old_children), 0,
                    (new_children - old_children) *
                    sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
            (*node)->dense.min = new_min;
            (*node)->dense.max = new_max;
        node = sp_node_child (*node, c - (*node)->dense.min);
        goto step4;

    /*  This is a sparse array, but no more children can be added to it.
        We have to convert it into a dense array. */
        /*  First, determine the range of children. */
        new_min = 255;
        new_max = 0;
        for (i = 0; i != (*node)->type; ++i) {
            c2 = (*node)->sparse.children [i];
            new_min = new_min < c2 ? new_min : c2;
            new_max = new_max > c2 ? new_max : c2;
        new_min = new_min < *data ? new_min : *data;
        new_max = new_max > *data ? new_max : *data;

        /*  Create a new mode, while keeping the old one for a while. */
        old_node = *node;
        *node = (struct sp_trie_node*) sp_alloc (sizeof (struct sp_trie_node) +
            (new_max - new_min + 1) * sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*),
            "trie node");
        assert (*node);

        /*  Fill in the new node. */
        (*node)->refcount = 0;
        (*node)->prefix_len = old_node->prefix_len;
        (*node)->type = SP_TRIE_DENSE_TYPE;
        memcpy ((*node)->prefix, old_node->prefix, old_node->prefix_len);
        (*node)->dense.min = new_min;
        (*node)->dense.max = new_max;
        (*node)->dense.nbr = old_node->type + 1;
        memset (*node + 1, 0, (new_max - new_min + 1) *
            sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*));
        for (i = 0; i != old_node->type; ++i)
            *sp_node_child (*node, old_node->sparse.children [i] - new_min) =
                *sp_node_child (old_node, i);
        node = sp_node_next (*node, *data);

        /*  Get rid of the obsolete old node. */
        sp_free (old_node);

    /*  Step 4 -- Create new nodes for remaining part of the subscription. */

    assert (!*node);
    while (1) {

        /*  Create a new node to hold the next part of the subscription. */
        more_nodes = size > SP_TRIE_PREFIX_MAX;
        *node = sp_alloc (sizeof (struct sp_trie_node) +
            (more_nodes ? sizeof (struct sp_trie_node*) : 0), "trie node");
        assert (*node);

        /*  Fill in the new node. */
        (*node)->refcount = 0;
        (*node)->type = more_nodes ? 1 : 0;
        (*node)->prefix_len = size < (size_t) SP_TRIE_PREFIX_MAX ?
            size : (size_t) SP_TRIE_PREFIX_MAX;
        memcpy ((*node)->prefix, data, (*node)->prefix_len);
        data += (*node)->prefix_len;
        size -= (*node)->prefix_len;
        if (!more_nodes)
        (*node)->sparse.children [0] = *data;
        node = sp_node_child (*node, 0);

    /*  Step 5 -- Create the subscription as such. */


    /*  Return 1 in case of a fresh subscription. */
    return (*node)->refcount == 1 ? 1 : 0;