Beispiel #1
//######################### MAKE SMOOTH TUBE ######################
void Mesh::makeSmoothTube(FuncPtr spineX, FuncPtr spineY, FuncPtr spineZ, double tMax)
	// make tube: wrap polygon about spine
	int numSpinePts = 200;
	int numSlices = 12; // # vrtices in polygon
	float radius = 1.0;
	float fractForInnerOuterRadii = 0.4f; // use inner-outer radii n-gon for polygon

	//---------------------------- make space for lists -----------------
	numVerts = numSlices *  numSpinePts; // total # vertices in mesh
	numFaces = numSlices * (numSpinePts - 1);       // total # faces in mesh
	numNorms = numVerts;
	pt = new Point3[numVerts];  assert(pt != NULL); // make space for the lists
	face = new Face[numFaces];    assert(face != NULL);
	norm = new Vector3[numNorms]; assert(norm != NULL);

	//make polygon that wraps spine:
	Point2 *p = new Point2[numSlices];  assert(p);// place for polygon that wraps
	float ang = 0, delAng = TWOPI / numSlices;
	for (int j = 0; j < numSlices; j++, ang += delAng) // numSlices should be even
		float rad = radius;
		//if(j%2) rad = fractForInnerOuterRadii * radius; //alternating radius
		p[j].x = rad * cos(ang);
		p[j].y = rad * sin(ang);
	double t = 0, delT, eps = 0.0001;
	delT = tMax / (numSpinePts - 1);
	int last = -1;

	// loop over values of t for different spine segments
	for (int k = 0; k < numSpinePts; k++, t += delT) // for each spine point..
		Point3 spine(spineX(t), spineY(t), spineZ(t));
		//make Frenet frame at spine points:
		Vector3 tangent, spinePrimePrime, B, N;
		//do tangent with numerical derivative
		double xderiv = (spineX(t + eps) - spineX(t - eps)) / (2 * eps);
		double yderiv = (spineY(t + eps) - spineY(t - eps)) / (2 * eps);
		double zderiv = (spineZ(t + eps) - spineZ(t - eps)) / (2 * eps);
		tangent.set(xderiv, yderiv, zderiv);
		// second differences for the acceleration
		double xDoublePrime = (spineX(t - eps) - 2 * spineX(t) + spineX(t + eps)) / (eps*eps);
		double yDoublePrime = (spineY(t - eps) - 2 * spineY(t) + spineY(t + eps)) / (eps*eps);
		double zDoublePrime = (spineZ(t - eps) - 2 * spineZ(t) + spineZ(t + eps)) / (eps*eps);

		spinePrimePrime.set(xDoublePrime, yDoublePrime, zDoublePrime);
		B = tangent.cross(spinePrimePrime); B.normalize();
		N = B.cross(tangent); N.normalize();
		checkOrthogVects(tangent, B, N); // are tangent, B, and n orthonormal?
		//compute vertex list
		for (int j = 0; j < numSlices; j++)
			Vector3 V(p[j].x * B.x + p[j].y * N.x, // construct new vector
				p[j].x * B.y + p[j].y * N.y,
				p[j].x * B.z + p[j].y * N.z);
			pt[++last].set(spine.x + V.x, spine.y + V.y, spine.z + V.z);
			norm[last].set(V.x, V.y, V.z);
		} // end: for each polygon vertex at this spine point
	} // end: for each spine segment
	// ----------------- make face lists --------------------
	int ind = -1;
	for (int spinePt = 0; spinePt < numSpinePts - 1; spinePt++)
		for (int f = 0; f < numSlices; f++) // for each face in this segment
			face[++ind].nVerts = 4;
			face[ind].vert = new VertexID[4]; assert(face[ind].vert != NULL);
			int i0 = spinePt * numSlices + f; // first index of the vert in this face
			int i1 = (f == numSlices - 1) ? spinePt * numSlices : (i0 + 1);
			int i2 = i1 + numSlices;
			int i3 = i0 + numSlices;  // last index of the vert in this face
			face[ind].vert[0].vertIndex = face[ind].vert[0].normIndex = i0;
			face[ind].vert[1].vertIndex = face[ind].vert[1].normIndex = i1;
			face[ind].vert[2].vertIndex = face[ind].vert[2].normIndex = i2;
			face[ind].vert[3].vertIndex = face[ind].vert[3].normIndex = i3;
		} // end: for each face in this segment
	} // end: for each spine segment - building face and normal lists
} // end: makeTube()
int main() {
  std::cout << "LUL" << std::endl;
        BST<int> bst({3});
        // 3

        BST<int> bst({3, 4});
        // 3    |
        //  \   |
        //   4  |

        BST<int> bst({3, 4, 1});
        //   3    |
        //  / \   |
        // 1   4  |

        BST<int> bst({3, 4, 1, 2});
        //    3    |
        //   / \   |
        //  1   4  |
        //   \     |
        //    2    |
        BST<int> bst({3,4,1,2,7});
        //    3      |
        //   / \     |
        //  1   4    |
        //   \   \   |
        //    2   7  |
        std::cout << bst << std::endl;
        std::cout << bst.height() << std::endl;
    BST<int> bst({3,4,1,2,7,3});
    //    3          |
    //   / \         |
    //  1   4        |
    //   \   \       |
    //    2   7      |
    //     \         |
    //      3        |
    //  */

    std::vector<int> temp;
    int sign = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
      sign *= -1;
      temp.push_back(i * sign);

    BST<int> bst(temp.begin(), temp.end());

    std::cout << bst << std::endl; // prints 1 2 3 3 4 7
    std::cout << bst.size() << std::endl; //prints 6
    std::cout << bst.min() << std::endl; // prints 1
    std::cout << bst.max() << std::endl; // prints 7
    std::cout << bst.height() << std::endl; // prints 4
    std::cout << spine(bst).height() << std::endl; // prints 6
    std::cout << spine(bst) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "FIND 4 : " << bst.find(4) << std::endl; // prints 4 7
    std::cout << "FIND 11 : " << bst.find(11) << std::endl; //prints nothing (possibly one space)
    std::cout << max_diff(bst) << std::endl; //prints 3

    return 0;