int ACE_TMAIN(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { // Initialize the application, consume any Qt arguments. ACE_Argv_Type_Converter conv(argc, argv); QApplication application(conv.get_argc(), conv.get_ASCII_argv()); QPixmap splashImage(":/jpeg/splash.jpg"); QSplashScreen splash(splashImage);; application.processEvents(); // Initialize the service and consume the ACE+TAO+DDS arguments. TheParticipantFactoryWithArgs(argc, argv); application.processEvents(); // Load the Tcp transport library as we know that we will be // using it. ACE_Service_Config::process_directive( ACE_TEXT("dynamic OpenDDS_Tcp Service_Object * ") ACE_TEXT("OpenDDS_Tcp:_make_TcpLoader()") ); application.processEvents(); // Process the command line arguments left after ACE and Qt have had a go. Monitor::Options options(argc, argv); application.processEvents(); // Instantiate and display. Monitor::Viewer* viewer = new Monitor::Viewer(options); viewer->show(); splash.finish(viewer); // Main GUI processing loop. return application.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { // load qt traduction files QTranslator qtTranslator; qtTranslator.load( "qt_" + QLocale::system().name() ); // load our application traduction file QTranslator myappTranslator; myappTranslator.load( "Quinect_" + QLocale::system().name() ); // create application and set translations QApplication app( argc, argv ); Q_INIT_RESOURCE(resources); QPixmap splashImage( ":/images/splash" ); QSplashScreen splash( splashImage ); splash.setMask( QRegion( splashImage.mask() ) ); // transparency; #if 0 QPalette p (app.palette()); p.setColor (QPalette::Background, QColor (48, 48, 48/*39, 39, 39*/)); // general background p.setColor (QPalette::WindowText, QColor (203, 203, 203)); // general foreground p.setColor (QPalette::Base, QColor (60, 60, 60)); // text entry widget p.setColor (QPalette::AlternateBase, QColor (238, 112, 0)); // Text used on 'Base' p.setColor (QPalette::Text, QColor (145, 145, 145)); // Text used on 'Base' p.setColor (QPalette::Button, QColor (48, 48, 48)); // general bg button color p.setColor (QPalette::ButtonText, QColor (203, 203, 203)); // general foreground button color p.setColor (QPalette::BrightText, QColor (238, 112, 0)); // to ensure contrast p.setColor (QPalette::Highlight, QColor (238, 112, 0)); // marked element p.setColor (QPalette::HighlightedText, QColor (31, 13, 0)); // marked element text app.setPalette(p); #endif /*QFile file( "data/BRGMViewer.qss" ); QFile::ReadOnly ); QString styleSheet = QLatin1String( file.readAll() ); app.setStyleSheet( styleSheet );*/ //app.setWindowIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( ":/icons/brgm-128" ) ) ); app.connect( &app, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), &app, SLOT( quit() ) ); app.installTranslator( &qtTranslator ); app.installTranslator( &myappTranslator ); // create and launch window MainWindow window;; splash.finish(&window); // let the show begin... return app.exec(); }