Beispiel #1
size_t restoreSplayedValue(const std::string& name, size_t interval) {
  // Attempt to restore a previously-calculated splay.
  std::string content;
  getDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, "interval." + name, content);
  if (!content.empty()) {
    // This query name existed before, check the last requested interval.
    auto details = osquery::split(content, ":");
    if (details.size() == 2) {
      long last_interval, last_splay;
      if (safeStrtol(details[0], 10, last_interval) &&
          safeStrtol(details[1], 10, last_splay)) {
        if (last_interval == static_cast<long>(interval) && last_splay > 0) {
          // This is a matching interval, use the previous splay.
          return static_cast<size_t>(last_splay);

  // If the splayed interval was not restored from the database.
  auto splay = splayValue(interval, FLAGS_schedule_splay_percent);
  content = std::to_string(interval) + ":" + std::to_string(splay);
  setDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, "interval." + name, content);
  return splay;
Beispiel #2
inline void additionalScheduledQuery(const std::string& name,
                                     const tree_node& node,
                                     ConfigData& conf) {
  // Read tree/JSON into a query structure.
  ScheduledQuery query;
  query.query = node.second.get<std::string>("query", "");
  query.interval = node.second.get<int>("interval", 0);
  if (query.interval == 0) {
    VLOG(1) << "Setting invalid interval=0 to 84600 for query: " << name;
    query.interval = 86400;

  // This is a candidate for a catch-all iterator with a catch for boolean type.
  query.options["snapshot"] = node.second.get<bool>("snapshot", false);
  query.options["removed"] = node.second.get<bool>("removed", true);

  // Check if this query exists, if so, check if it was changed.
  if (conf.schedule.count(name) > 0) {
    if (query == {

  // This is a new or updated scheduled query, update the splay.
  query.splayed_interval =
      splayValue(query.interval, FLAGS_schedule_splay_percent);
  // Update the schedule map and replace the all_data node record.
  conf.schedule[name] = query;
Beispiel #3
// inline void mergeScheduledQuery(const tree_node& node, ConfigData& conf) {
inline void mergeScheduledQuery(const std::string& name,
                                const tree_node& node,
                                ConfigData& conf) {
  // Read tree/JSON into a query structure.
  ScheduledQuery query;
  query.query = node.second.get<std::string>("query", "");
  query.interval = node.second.get<int>("interval", 0);

  // Check if this query exists, if so, check if it was changed.
  if (conf.schedule.count(name) > 0) {
    if (query == {

  // This is a new or updated scheduled query, update the splay.
  query.splayed_interval =
      splayValue(query.interval, FLAGS_schedule_splay_percent);
  // Update the schedule map and replace the all_data node record.
  conf.schedule[name] = query;
  if (conf.all_data.count("schedule") > 0) {
  conf.all_data.add_child("schedule." + name, node.second);
TEST_F(ConfigTests, test_splay) {
  auto val1 = splayValue(100, 10);
  EXPECT_GE(val1, 90);
  EXPECT_LE(val1, 110);

  auto val2 = splayValue(100, 10);
  EXPECT_GE(val2, 90);
  EXPECT_LE(val2, 110);

  auto val3 = splayValue(10, 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(val3, 10);

  auto val4 = splayValue(100, 1);
  EXPECT_GE(val4, 99);
  EXPECT_LE(val4, 101);

  auto val5 = splayValue(1, 10);
  EXPECT_EQ(val5, 1);
Beispiel #5
TEST_F(PacksTests, test_splay) {
  auto val1 = splayValue(100, 10);
  EXPECT_GE(val1, 90U);
  EXPECT_LE(val1, 110U);

  auto val2 = splayValue(100, 10);
  EXPECT_GE(val2, 90U);
  EXPECT_LE(val2, 110U);

  auto val3 = splayValue(10, 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(val3, 10U);

  auto val4 = splayValue(100, 1);
  EXPECT_GE(val4, 99U);
  EXPECT_LE(val4, 101U);

  auto val5 = splayValue(1, 10);
  EXPECT_EQ(val5, 1U);
Beispiel #6
void Pack::initialize(const std::string& name,
                      const std::string& source,
                      const pt::ptree& tree) {
  name_ = name;
  source_ = source;
  if (tree.count("discovery") > 0) {
    for (const auto& item : tree.get_child("discovery")) {

  discovery_cache_ = std::make_pair<int, bool>(0, false);
  stats_ = {0, 0, 0};

  if (tree.count("platform") > 0) {
    platform_ = tree.get<std::string>("platform");

  if (tree.count("version") > 0) {
    version_ = tree.get<std::string>("version");

  if (tree.count("queries") > 0) {
    for (const auto& q : tree.get_child("queries")) {
      if (q.second.count("platform")) {
        if (!checkPlatform(q.second.get<std::string>("platform"))) {

      if (q.second.count("version")) {
        if (!checkVersion(q.second.get<std::string>("version"))) {

      ScheduledQuery query;
      query.interval =
          q.second.get<int>("interval", FLAGS_schedule_default_interval);
      query.splayed_interval =
          splayValue(query.interval, FLAGS_schedule_splay_percent);
      query.query = q.second.get<std::string>("query");
      query.options["snapshot"] = q.second.get<bool>("snapshot", false);
      query.options["removed"] = q.second.get<bool>("removed", true);
      schedule_[q.first] = query;