Beispiel #1
	inline SQInteger DefSQAdvancedNonStaticCallback(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
		/* Find the amount of params we got */
		int nparam = sq_gettop(vm);
		SQUserPointer ptr = NULL;
		SQUserPointer real_instance = NULL;
		HSQOBJECT instance;

		/* Get the 'SQ' instance of this class */
		Squirrel::GetInstance(vm, &instance);

		/* Protect against calls to a non-static method in a static way */
		sq_pushstring(vm, OTTD2SQ(Tcls::GetClassName()), -1);
		sq_get(vm, -2);
		sq_pushobject(vm, instance);
		if (sq_instanceof(vm) != SQTrue) return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("class method is non-static"));
		sq_pop(vm, 3);

		/* Get the 'real' instance of this class */
		sq_getinstanceup(vm, 1, &real_instance, 0);
		/* Get the real function pointer */
		sq_getuserdata(vm, nparam, &ptr, 0);
		if (real_instance == NULL) return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("couldn't detect real instance of class for non-static call"));
		/* Remove the userdata from the stack */
		sq_pop(vm, 1);

		/* Call the function, which its only param is always the VM */
		return (SQInteger)(((Tcls *)real_instance)->*(*(Tmethod *)ptr))(vm);
Beispiel #2
	inline SQInteger DefSQNonStaticCallback(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
		/* Find the amount of params we got */
		int nparam = sq_gettop(vm);
		SQUserPointer ptr = NULL;
		SQUserPointer real_instance = NULL;
		HSQOBJECT instance;

		/* Get the 'SQ' instance of this class */
		Squirrel::GetInstance(vm, &instance);

		/* Protect against calls to a non-static method in a static way */
		sq_pushstring(vm, OTTD2SQ(Tcls::GetClassName()), -1);
		sq_get(vm, -2);
		sq_pushobject(vm, instance);
		if (sq_instanceof(vm) != SQTrue) return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("class method is non-static"));
		sq_pop(vm, 3);

		/* Get the 'real' instance of this class */
		sq_getinstanceup(vm, 1, &real_instance, 0);
		/* Get the real function pointer */
		sq_getuserdata(vm, nparam, &ptr, 0);
		if (real_instance == NULL) return sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("couldn't detect real instance of class for non-static call"));
		/* Remove the userdata from the stack */
		sq_pop(vm, 1);

		try {
			/* Delegate it to a template that can handle this specific function */
			return HelperT<Tmethod>::SQCall((Tcls *)real_instance, *(Tmethod *)ptr, vm);
		} catch (SQInteger e) {
			sq_pop(vm, nparam);
			return e;
SQInteger ScriptText::_SetParam(int parameter, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
	if (parameter >= SCRIPT_TEXT_MAX_PARAMETERS) return SQ_ERROR;

	if (this->paramt[parameter] != NULL) this->paramt[parameter]->Release();

	this->parami[parameter] = 0;
	this->params[parameter] = NULL;
	this->paramt[parameter] = NULL;

	switch (sq_gettype(vm, -1)) {
		case OT_STRING: {
			const SQChar *value;
			sq_getstring(vm, -1, &value);

			this->params[parameter] = strdup(SQ2OTTD(value));

		case OT_INTEGER: {
			SQInteger value;
			sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &value);

			this->parami[parameter] = value;

		case OT_INSTANCE: {
			SQUserPointer real_instance = NULL;
			HSQOBJECT instance;

			sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &instance);

			/* Validate if it is a GSText instance */
			sq_pushstring(vm, _SC("GSText"), -1);
			sq_get(vm, -2);
			sq_pushobject(vm, instance);
			if (sq_instanceof(vm) != SQTrue) return SQ_ERROR;
			sq_pop(vm, 3);

			/* Get the 'real' instance of this class */
			sq_getinstanceup(vm, -1, &real_instance, 0);
			if (real_instance == NULL) return SQ_ERROR;

			ScriptText *value = static_cast<ScriptText *>(real_instance);
			this->paramt[parameter] = value;

		default: return SQ_ERROR;

	if (this->paramc <= parameter) this->paramc = parameter + 1;
	return 0;