Beispiel #1
** While a SrcList can in general represent multiple tables and subqueries
** (as in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement) in this case it contains
** the name of a single table, as one might find in an INSERT, DELETE,
** or UPDATE statement.  Look up that table in the symbol table and
** return a pointer.  Set an error message and return NULL if the table 
** name is not found or if any other error occurs.
** The following fields are initialized appropriate in pSrc:
**    pSrc->a[0].pTab       Pointer to the Table object
**    pSrc->a[0].pIndex     Pointer to the INDEXED BY index, if there is one
Table *sqlite3SrcListLookup(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pSrc){
  struct SrcList_item *pItem = pSrc->a;
  Table *pTab;
  assert( pItem && pSrc->nSrc==1 );
  pTab = sqlite3LocateTableItem(pParse, 0, pItem);
  sqlite3DeleteTable(pParse->db, pItem->pTab);
  pItem->pTab = pTab;
  if( pTab ){
  if( sqlite3IndexedByLookup(pParse, pItem) ){
    pTab = 0;
  return pTab;
Beispiel #2
** While a SrcList can in general represent multiple tables and subqueries
** (as in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement) in this case it contains
** the name of a single table, as one might find in an INSERT, DELETE,
** or UPDATE statement.  Look up that table in the symbol table and
** return a pointer.  Set an error message and return NULL if the table  
** name is not found or if any other error occurs.
**而SrcList可以在代表多个表和子查询(如在从SELECT语句的子句)在此情况下,它含有(如在FROM SELECT语句的子句)在此情况下,它包含单个表的名称,因为可能会发现一个INSERT,DELETE或UPDATE语句。查找该表中的符号表,并返回一个指针。设置一个错误信息,如果表名没有找到返回NULL,或如果发生任何错误。
** The following fields are initialized appropriate in pSrc:
**    pSrc->a[0].pTab       Pointer to the Table object  指向目标表
**    pSrc->a[0].pIndex     Pointer to the INDEXED BY index, if there is one  有INDEXED BY语句的指向INDEXED BY 索引
Table *sqlite3SrcListLookup(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pSrc){
  //函数的作用查找所有名字为pSrc的表,如果没有找到任何表,添加一个错误消息pParse - > zErrMsg并返回NULL。如果所有的表都找到,返回一个指针,指向最后一个表。
  struct SrcList_item *pItem = pSrc->a;
  Table *pTab;
  assert( pItem && pSrc->nSrc==1 );
  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pItem->zName, pItem->zDatabase);
  sqlite3DeleteTable(pParse->db, pItem->pTab);
  //功能:删除该表 ,但是还没有调用该函数 
  pItem->pTab = pTab;
  if( pTab ){//如果这个表存在,则逐一检查这个表中的参数   
  if( sqlite3IndexedByLookup(pParse, pItem) ){//如果通过查找索引和该表匹配,则0表示要找的就是这个表 
    pTab = 0;
  return pTab;