void SerializedMap<T,A>::set(::boost::uint64_t id, const T & value)
    int result;
    try {
      // Step 1 is to serialize the object. There is no way to know how big the object will be
      // so unfortunately, this will incur an extra copy.
      // The binary flag is important here.
      std::ostringstream oss(std::ios_base::binary);
      oarchive_t oa(oss);
      oa << value;
      //std::cout << "Saving " << oss.str().size() << " bytes\n";
      // Step 2 is to bind the frameId and data to the insert statement.
      // http://sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html
      result = sqlite3_bind_int64(_iStmt, 1, id);
      SM_ASSERT_EQ(SqlException, result, SQLITE_OK, "Unable to bind id " << id << " to INSERT statement: " << sqlite3_errmsg(_db->db()));
      result = static_cast<int>(sqlite3_bind_blob(_iStmt, 2, oss.str().c_str(), oss.str().size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT));
      SM_ASSERT_EQ(SqlException, result, SQLITE_OK, "Unable to bind blob of size " << oss.str().size() << " to INSERT statement: " << sqlite3_errmsg(_db->db()));
      // Finally, we execute the bound insert statement.
      result = sqlite3_step(_iStmt);
      SM_ASSERT_EQ(SqlException, result, SQLITE_DONE, "Unable to execute INSERT statement for id " << id << " and blob of size " << oss.str().size() << ": " << sqlite3_errmsg(_db->db()));
    catch(const SqlException & e)

    // After executing, we have to reset the statement
    // http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/step.html
    result = sqlite3_reset(_iStmt);
    SM_ASSERT_EQ(SqlException, result, SQLITE_OK, "Unable to reset the INSERT  statement: " << sqlite3_errmsg(_db->db()));
static GError *
__del_container_one_service(struct sqlx_sqlite3_s *sq3,
		struct oio_url_s *url, const char *srvtype, gint64 seq)
	static const char *sql = "DELETE FROM services WHERE cid = ? AND srvtype = ? AND seq = ?";
	sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
	GError *err = NULL;
	int rc;

	sqlite3_prepare_debug(rc, sq3->db, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
		err = M1_SQLITE_GERROR(sq3->db, rc);
	else {
		(void) sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 1, oio_url_get_id(url), oio_url_get_id_size(url), NULL);
		(void) sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, srvtype, -1, NULL);
		(void) sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 3, seq);
		sqlite3_step_debug_until_end (rc, stmt);
		if (rc != SQLITE_OK && rc != SQLITE_DONE)
			err = M1_SQLITE_GERROR(sq3->db, rc);
		sqlite3_finalize_debug(rc, stmt);

	return err;
Beispiel #3
static bool
insert_pr(struct prbot_pr *pr)
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    if (sqlite3_prepare(db, INSERT_PR, -1, &stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) {
        // Something broke. :(
        return false;
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, pr->nick, -1, NULL);
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, pr->lift, -1, NULL);
    sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 3, (sqlite3_int64) pr->date);
    sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 4, pr->sets);
    sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 5, pr->reps);
    sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 6, pr->kgs);
    if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) {
        // Couldn't run this statement.
        return false;
    if (sqlite3_finalize(stmt)) {
        // Couldn't finalize statement.
        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #4
		SQLiteBundleSet::SQLiteBundleSet(const size_t id, bool persistant, dtn::data::BundleSet::Listener *listener, dtn::data::Size bf_size, dtn::storage::SQLiteDatabase& database)
		 : _set_id(id), _bf_size(bf_size), _bf(bf_size * 8), _listener(listener), _consistent(true),_sqldb(database), _persistent(persistant)
			// if this is a persitant bundle-set
			if (_persistent) {
				// rebuild the bloom filter

				// load the next expiration from the storage
				try {
					SQLiteDatabase::Statement st(_sqldb._database, SQLiteDatabase::_sql_queries[SQLiteDatabase::BUNDLE_SET_EXPIRE_NEXT_TIMESTAMP]);
					sqlite3_bind_int64(*st, 1, _set_id);

					int err = st.step();

					if (err == SQLITE_ROW)
						_next_expiration = sqlite3_column_int64(*st, 0);
				} catch (const SQLiteDatabase::SQLiteQueryException&) {
					// error
Beispiel #5
		void SQLiteBundleSet::rebuild_bloom_filter()
			// rebuild the bloom-filter

			try {
				SQLiteDatabase::Statement st(_sqldb._database, SQLiteDatabase::_sql_queries[SQLiteDatabase::BUNDLE_SET_GET_ALL]);
				sqlite3_bind_int64(*st, 1, _set_id);

				std::set<dtn::data::MetaBundle> ret;
				dtn::data::BundleID id;

				while (st.step() == SQLITE_ROW)
					// get the bundle id
					get_bundleid(st, id);

				_consistent = true;
			} catch (const SQLiteDatabase::SQLiteQueryException&) {
				// error
Beispiel #6
static int term_select(fulltext_vtab *v, const char *zTerm, int nTerm,
                       sqlite_int64 iFirst,
                       sqlite_int64 *rowid,
                       DocList *out){
  sqlite3_stmt *s;
  int rc = sql_get_statement(v, TERM_SELECT_STMT, &s);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

  rc = sqlite3_bind_text(s, 1, zTerm, nTerm, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

  rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(s, 2, iFirst);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

  rc = sql_step_statement(v, TERM_SELECT_STMT, &s);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ) return rc==SQLITE_DONE ? SQLITE_ERROR : rc;

  *rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(s, 0);
  docListInit(out, DL_POSITIONS_OFFSETS,
              sqlite3_column_blob(s, 1), sqlite3_column_bytes(s, 1));

  rc = sqlite3_step(s);
  return rc==SQLITE_DONE ? SQLITE_OK : rc;
Beispiel #7
/* caller must free the memory */
csync_file_stat_t *csync_statedb_get_stat_by_hash(CSYNC *ctx,
                                                  uint64_t phash)
  csync_file_stat_t *st = NULL;
  int rc;

  if( !ctx || ctx->db_is_empty ) {
      return NULL;

  if( ctx->statedb.by_hash_stmt == NULL ) {
      const char *hash_query = "SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE phash=?1";

      SQLITE_BUSY_HANDLED(sqlite3_prepare_v2(ctx->statedb.db, hash_query, strlen(hash_query), &ctx->statedb.by_hash_stmt, NULL));
      ctx->statedb.lastReturnValue = rc;
      if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) {
          CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "WRN: Unable to create stmt for hash query.");
          return NULL;

  if( ctx->statedb.by_hash_stmt == NULL ) {
    return NULL;

  sqlite3_bind_int64(ctx->statedb.by_hash_stmt, 1, (long long signed int)phash);

  rc = _csync_file_stat_from_metadata_table(&st, ctx->statedb.by_hash_stmt);
  ctx->statedb.lastReturnValue = rc;
  if( !(rc == SQLITE_ROW || rc == SQLITE_DONE) )  {
      CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "WRN: Could not get line from metadata: %d!", rc);

  return st;
Beispiel #8
void QgsOSMXmlImport::readNode( QXmlStreamReader& xml )
  // <node id="2197214" lat="50.0682113" lon="14.4348483" user="******" uid="595326" visible="true" version="10" changeset="10714591" timestamp="2012-02-17T19:58:49Z">
  QXmlStreamAttributes attrs = xml.attributes();
  QgsOSMId id = attrs.value( "id" ).toString().toLongLong();
  double lat = attrs.value( "lat" ).toString().toDouble();
  double lon = attrs.value( "lon" ).toString().toDouble();

  // insert to DB
  sqlite3_bind_int64( mStmtInsertNode, 1, id );
  sqlite3_bind_double( mStmtInsertNode, 2, lat );
  sqlite3_bind_double( mStmtInsertNode, 3, lon );

  if ( sqlite3_step( mStmtInsertNode ) != SQLITE_DONE )
    xml.raiseError( QString( "Storing node %1 failed." ).arg( id ) );

  sqlite3_reset( mStmtInsertNode );

  while ( !xml.atEnd() )

    if ( xml.isEndElement() ) // </node>

    if ( xml.isStartElement() )
      if ( xml.name() == "tag" )
        readTag( false, id, xml );
        xml.raiseError( "Invalid tag in <node>" );
void irc_sq_lite_db_Insert (IRCMessage* message) {
	char* commandText;
	sqlite3_stmt* statement;
	sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
	sqlite3_stmt* _tmp1_;
	g_return_if_fail (message != NULL);
	if (irc_sq_lite_db_DataBase == NULL) {
		fprintf (stdout, "Datenbank wird erstellt!\n");
		irc_sq_lite_db_CreateDB ();
	commandText = g_strdup ("INSERT INTO MyLogData (Username, Message, Channel, Server, Timestamp) " \
"VALUES (@1, @2, @3, @4, @5)");
	statement = NULL;
	sqlite3_prepare_v2 (irc_sq_lite_db_DataBase, commandText, -1, &_tmp0_, NULL);
	statement = (_tmp1_ = _tmp0_, _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement), _tmp1_);
	sqlite3_bind_text (statement, 1, g_strdup (irc_message_get_Username (message)), -1, g_free);
	sqlite3_bind_text (statement, 2, g_strdup (irc_message_get_MessageContent (message)), -1, g_free);
	sqlite3_bind_text (statement, 3, g_strdup (irc_message_get_Channel (message)), -1, g_free);
	sqlite3_bind_text (statement, 4, g_strdup (irc_message_get_Server (message)), -1, g_free);
	sqlite3_bind_int64 (statement, 5, irc_message_get_UnixTime (message));
	sqlite3_step (statement);
	_sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
	_g_free0 (commandText);
Beispiel #10
 * Find unchanged files from a specified time from the DB
 * Input:
 *      query_callback  :       query callback fuction to handle
 *                              result records from the query
 *      for_time        :        Time from where the file/s are not changed
 * */
gf_sqlite3_find_unchanged_for_time (void *db_conn,
                                        gf_query_callback_t query_callback,
                                        void *query_cbk_args,
                                        gfdb_time_t *for_time)
        int ret                                 =       -1;
        char *query_str                         =       NULL;
        gf_sql_connection_t *sql_conn           =       db_conn;
        sqlite3_stmt *prep_stmt                 =       NULL;
        long int  for_time_usec                =       0;

        CHECK_SQL_CONN (sql_conn, out);
        GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO(GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, query_callback, out);

        query_str = "select GF_FILE_TB.GF_ID,"
                " (select group_concat( GF_PID || ',' || FNAME || ','"
                " || FPATH || ',' || W_DEL_FLAG ||',' || LINK_UPDATE , '::')"
                " from GF_FLINK_TB where GF_FILE_TB.GF_ID = GF_FLINK_TB.GF_ID)"
                "  from GF_FILE_TB where "
                /*First condition: For writes*/
                "((" GF_COL_TB_WSEC " * " TOSTRING(GFDB_MICROSEC) " + "
                GF_COL_TB_WMSEC ") <= ? )"
                " OR "
                /*Second condition: For reads*/
                "((" GF_COL_TB_RWSEC " * " TOSTRING(GFDB_MICROSEC) " + "
                GF_COL_TB_RWMSEC ") <= ?)";

        for_time_usec = gfdb_time_2_usec(for_time);

        ret = sqlite3_prepare(sql_conn->sqlite3_db_conn, query_str, -1,
                                &prep_stmt, 0);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed preparing statment %s : %s", query_str,
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Bind write wind time*/
        ret = sqlite3_bind_int64(prep_stmt, 1, for_time_usec);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed binding for_time_usec %ld : %s", for_time_usec,
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Bind read wind time*/
        ret = sqlite3_bind_int64(prep_stmt, 2, for_time_usec);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed binding for_time_usec %ld : %s", for_time_usec,
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Execute the query*/
        ret = gf_sql_query_function(prep_stmt, query_callback, query_cbk_args);
        if (ret) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed Query %s", query_str);
                goto out;

        ret = 0;
        return ret;
Beispiel #11
// Bind a 64bits int value to a parameter "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const char* apName, const sqlite3_int64& aValue)
    int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(mStmtPtr, apName);
    int ret   = sqlite3_bind_int64(mStmtPtr, index, aValue);
Beispiel #12
int db_share_files( const struct pub_file *files, size_t count, const struct client *owner )
        /* todo: do it in transaction */

        while ( count-- > 0 ) {
                sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
                const char *ext;
                int ext_len;
                int i;
                uint64_t fid;

                if ( !files->name_len ) {

                fid = MAKE_FID(files->hash);

                // find extension
                ext = file_extension(files->name, files->name_len);
                if ( ext ) 
                        ext_len = files->name + files->name_len - ext;
                        ext_len = 0;

                stmt = s_stmt[SHARE_UPD];
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_reset(stmt) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i++, files->name, files->name_len, SQLITE_STATIC) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i++, ext, ext_len, SQLITE_STATIC) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, files->size) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, files->type) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, files->media_length) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, files->media_bitrate) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i++, files->media_codec, files->media_codec_len, SQLITE_STATIC) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++,  fid) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_DONE == sqlite3_step(stmt) );

                if ( !sqlite3_changes(s_db) ) {
                        stmt = s_stmt[SHARE_INS];
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_reset(stmt) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++,  fid) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, i++, files->hash, sizeof(files->hash), SQLITE_STATIC) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i++, files->name, files->name_len, SQLITE_STATIC) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i++, ext, ext_len, SQLITE_STATIC) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, files->size) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, files->type) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, files->media_length) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, files->media_bitrate) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i++, files->media_codec, files->media_codec_len, SQLITE_STATIC) );
                        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_DONE == sqlite3_step(stmt) );

                stmt = s_stmt[SHARE_SRC];
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_reset(stmt) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, fid) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, MAKE_SID(owner)) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, files->complete) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, files->rating) );
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_DONE == sqlite3_step(stmt) );


        return 1;

        ED2KD_LOGERR("failed to add file to db (%s)", sqlite3_errmsg(s_db));
        return 0;
Beispiel #13
 statement& statement::bind(int idx, uint64_t value)
     THROW_ERR(sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt_, idx, static_cast<int64_t>(value)));
     return *this;
Beispiel #14
static VALUE db_execute(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
	sqlite3 * db = NULL;
	void **ppDB = NULL;		
	sqlite3_stmt *statement = NULL;
	const char* sql = NULL;
	VALUE arRes = rb_ary_new();
    VALUE* colNames = NULL;
	int nRes = 0;
    char * szErrMsg = 0;
    int is_batch = 0;

	if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3))
		rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 3)",argc);
	Data_Get_Struct(self, void *, ppDB);
	db = (sqlite3 *)rho_db_get_handle(*ppDB);
	sql = RSTRING_PTR(argv[0]);
    is_batch = argv[1] == Qtrue ? 1 : 0;

    RAWTRACE1("db_execute: %s", sql);

    if ( is_batch )

        nRes = sqlite3_exec(db, sql,  NULL, NULL, &szErrMsg);

        nRes = rho_db_prepare_statement(*ppDB, sql, -1, &statement);
        //nRes = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &statement, NULL);
        if ( nRes != SQLITE_OK)
            szErrMsg = (char *)sqlite3_errmsg(db);

            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "could not prepare statement: %d; Message: %s",nRes, (szErrMsg?szErrMsg:""));

        if ( argc > 2 )
            int i = 0;
            VALUE args = argv[2];
            if ( RARRAY_LEN(args) > 0 && TYPE(RARRAY_PTR(args)[0]) == T_ARRAY )
                args = RARRAY_PTR(args)[0];

            for( ; i < RARRAY_LEN(args); i++ )
                VALUE arg = RARRAY_PTR(args)[i];
                if (NIL_P(arg))
                    sqlite3_bind_null(statement, i+1);

                switch( TYPE(arg) )
                case T_STRING:
                    sqlite3_bind_text(statement, i+1, RSTRING_PTR(arg), RSTRING_LEN(arg), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
                case T_FLOAT:
                    sqlite3_bind_double(statement, i+1, NUM2DBL(arg));
                case T_FIXNUM:
                case T_BIGNUM:
                    sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, i+1, NUM2LL(arg));
						VALUE strVal = rb_funcall(arg, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);	
	                    sqlite3_bind_text(statement, i+1, RSTRING_PTR(strVal), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);	

        nRes = sqlite3_step(statement);

	    while( nRes== SQLITE_ROW ) {
		    int nCount = sqlite3_data_count(statement);
		    int nCol = 0;
		    VALUE hashRec = rb_hash_new();

            //if ( !colNames )
            //    colNames = getColNames(statement, nCount);

			    int nColType = sqlite3_column_type(statement,nCol);
			    const char* szColName = sqlite3_column_name(statement,nCol);
			    VALUE colName = rb_str_new2(szColName);
			    VALUE colValue = Qnil;
				    case SQLITE_NULL:
                    case SQLITE_FLOAT:
                        double dVal = sqlite3_column_double(statement, nCol);
                        colValue = DBL2NUM(dVal);
                    case SQLITE_INTEGER:
                        sqlite_int64 nVal = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, nCol);
                        colValue = LL2NUM(nVal);
                        sqlite3_value * sqlValue = sqlite3_column_value(statement, nCol);
                        int nLen = sqlite3_value_bytes(sqlValue);
                        const char*  szValue = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(sqlValue);
					    //char *text = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(statement, nCol);
					    colValue = rb_str_new(szValue, nLen);
			    rb_hash_aset(hashRec, colName/*colNames[nCol]*/, colValue);
		    rb_ary_push(arRes, hashRec);

            nRes = sqlite3_step(statement);




    if ( statement )

    if ( colNames )

    if ( nRes != SQLITE_OK && nRes != SQLITE_ROW && nRes != SQLITE_DONE )
        if ( !szErrMsg )
            szErrMsg = (char*)sqlite3_errmsg(db);

        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "could not execute statement: %d; Message: %s",nRes, (szErrMsg?szErrMsg:""));


	return arRes;
Beispiel #15
void QgsOSMDatabase::exportSpatiaLiteWays( bool closed, const QString& tableName,
    const QStringList& tagKeys,
    const QStringList& notNullTagKeys )
  Q_UNUSED( tagKeys );

  QString sqlInsertLine = QString( "INSERT INTO %1 VALUES (?" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( tableName ) );
  for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
    sqlInsertLine += QString( ",?" );
  sqlInsertLine += ", GeomFromWKB(?, 4326))";
  sqlite3_stmt* stmtInsert;
  if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2( mDatabase, sqlInsertLine.toUtf8().constData(), -1, &stmtInsert, nullptr ) != SQLITE_OK )
    mError = "Prepare SELECT FROM ways failed.";

  QgsOSMWayIterator ways = listWays();
  QgsOSMWay w;
  while (( w = ways.next() ).isValid() )
    QgsOSMTags t = tags( true, w.id() );

    QgsPolyline polyline = wayPoints( w.id() );

    if ( polyline.count() < 2 )
      continue; // invalid way

    bool isArea = ( polyline.first() == polyline.last() ); // closed way?
    // filter out closed way that are not areas through tags
    if ( isArea && ( t.contains( "highway" ) || t.contains( "barrier" ) ) )
      // make sure tags that indicate areas are taken into consideration when deciding on a closed way is or isn't an area
      // and allow for a closed way to be exported both as a polygon and a line in case both area and non-area tags are present
      if (( t.value( "area" ) != "yes" && !t.contains( "amenity" ) && !t.contains( "landuse" ) && !t.contains( "building" ) && !t.contains( "natural" ) && !t.contains( "leisure" ) && !t.contains( "aeroway" ) ) || !closed )
        isArea = false;

    if ( closed != isArea )
      continue; // skip if it's not what we're looking for

    //check not null tags
    bool skipNull = false;
    for ( int i = 0; i < notNullTagKeys.count() && !skipNull; ++i )
      if ( !t.contains( notNullTagKeys[i] ) )
        skipNull = true;

    if ( skipNull )

    QgsGeometry geom = closed ? QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( QgsPolygon() << polyline ) : QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( polyline );
    int col = 0;
    sqlite3_bind_int64( stmtInsert, ++col, w.id() );

    // tags
    for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
      if ( t.contains( tagKeys[i] ) )
        sqlite3_bind_text( stmtInsert, ++col, t.value( tagKeys[i] ).toUtf8().constData(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );
        sqlite3_bind_null( stmtInsert, ++col );

    if ( !geom.isEmpty() )
      sqlite3_bind_blob( stmtInsert, ++col, geom.asWkb(), ( int ) geom.wkbSize(), SQLITE_STATIC );
      sqlite3_bind_null( stmtInsert, ++col );

    int insertRes = sqlite3_step( stmtInsert );
    if ( insertRes != SQLITE_DONE )
      mError = QString( "Error inserting way %1 [%2]" ).arg( w.id() ).arg( insertRes );

    sqlite3_reset( stmtInsert );
    sqlite3_clear_bindings( stmtInsert );

  sqlite3_finalize( stmtInsert );
Beispiel #16
void Database::Statement::bind(int parameter, uint64_t value)
	if(!parameter) return;
	if(sqlite3_bind_int64(mStmt, parameter, sqlite3_int64(value)) != SQLITE_OK)
		throw DatabaseException(mDb, String("Unable to bind parameter ") + String::number(parameter));
Beispiel #17
static void
result_or_bind(sqlite3_context *ctx, sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int idx,
	       char *data, int len, int type)
    char *endp;

    if (!data) {
	if (ctx) {
	} else {
	    sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, idx);
    if (type == SQLITE_INTEGER) {
	sqlite_int64 val;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
	char endc;

	if (sscanf(data, "%I64d%c", &val, &endc) == 1) {
	    if (ctx) {
		sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, val);
	    } else {
		sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, idx, val);
	endp = 0;
#ifdef __osf__
	val = strtol(data, &endp, 0);
	val = strtoll(data, &endp, 0);
	if (endp && (endp != data) && !*endp) {
	    if (ctx) {
		sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, val);
	    } else {
		sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, idx, val);
    } else if (type == SQLITE_FLOAT) {
	double val;

	endp = 0;
	val = strtod(data, &endp);
	if (endp && (endp != data) && !*endp) {
	    if (ctx) {
		sqlite3_result_double(ctx, val);
	    } else {
		sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, idx, val);
    if (ctx) {
	sqlite3_result_text(ctx, data, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
    } else {
	sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, idx, data, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
Beispiel #18
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int ret;
    sqlite3 *handle;
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    char sql[256];
    char *err_msg = NULL;
    double x;
    double y;
    int pk;
    int ix;
    int iy;
    gaiaGeomCollPtr geo = NULL;
    unsigned char *blob;
    int blob_size;
    int i;
    char **results;
    int n_rows;
    int n_columns;
    char *count;
    clock_t t0;
    clock_t t1;
    void *cache;

    if (argc != 2)
	  fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s test_db_path\n", argv[0]);
	  return -1;

trying to connect the test DB: 
- this demo is intended to create a new, empty database
    ret = sqlite3_open_v2 (argv[1], &handle,
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
	  printf ("cannot open '%s': %s\n", argv[1], sqlite3_errmsg (handle));
	  sqlite3_close (handle);
	  return -1;
    cache = spatialite_alloc_connection ();
    spatialite_init_ex (handle, cache, 0);

/* showing the SQLite version */
    printf ("SQLite version: %s\n", sqlite3_libversion ());
/* showing the SpatiaLite version */
    printf ("SpatiaLite version: %s\n", spatialite_version ());
    printf ("\n\n");

we are supposing this one is an empty database,
so we have to create the Spatial Metadata
    strcpy (sql, "SELECT InitSpatialMetadata(1)");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("InitSpatialMetadata() error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

now we can create the test table
for simplicity we'll define only one column, the primary key
    strcpy (sql, "CREATE TABLE test (");
    strcat (sql, "PK INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("CREATE TABLE 'test' error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

... we'll add a Geometry column of POINT type to the test table 
    strcpy (sql, "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test', 'geom', 3003, 'POINT', 2)");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("AddGeometryColumn() error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

and finally we'll enable this geo-column to have a Spatial Index based on R*Tree
    strcpy (sql, "SELECT CreateSpatialIndex('test', 'geom')");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("CreateSpatialIndex() error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

	("\nnow we are going to insert 1 million POINTs; wait, please ...\n\n");

    t0 = clock ();
beginning a transaction

*** this step is absolutely critical ***

the SQLite engine is a TRANSACTIONAL one
the whole batch of INSERTs has to be performed as an unique transaction,
otherwise performance will be surely very poor
    strcpy (sql, "BEGIN");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("BEGIN error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

preparing to populate the test table
we'll use a Prepared Statement we can reuse in order to insert each row
    strcpy (sql, "INSERT INTO test (pk, geom) VALUES (?, ?)");
    ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (handle, sql, strlen (sql), &stmt, NULL);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("INSERT SQL error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg (handle));
	  goto abort;

    pk = 0;
    for (ix = 0; ix < 1000; ix++)
	  x = 1000000.0 + (ix * 10.0);
	  for (iy = 0; iy < 1000; iy++)
/* this double loop will insert 1 million rows into the the test table */

		y = 4000000.0 + (iy * 10.0);
		if ((pk % 25000) == 0)
		      t1 = clock ();
		      printf ("insert row: %d\t\t[elapsed time: %1.3f]\n",
			      pk, (double) (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

/* preparing the geometry to insert */
		geo = gaiaAllocGeomColl ();
		geo->Srid = 3003;
		gaiaAddPointToGeomColl (geo, x, y);

/* transforming this geometry into the SpatiaLite BLOB format */
		gaiaToSpatiaLiteBlobWkb (geo, &blob, &blob_size);

/* we can now destroy the geometry object */
		gaiaFreeGeomColl (geo);

/* resetting Prepared Statement and bindings */
		sqlite3_reset (stmt);
		sqlite3_clear_bindings (stmt);

/* binding parameters to Prepared Statement */
		sqlite3_bind_int64 (stmt, 1, pk);
		sqlite3_bind_blob (stmt, 2, blob, blob_size, free);

/* performing actual row insert */
		ret = sqlite3_step (stmt);
		if (ret == SQLITE_DONE || ret == SQLITE_ROW)
/* an unexpected error occurred */
		      printf ("sqlite3_step() error: %s\n",
			      sqlite3_errmsg (handle));
		      sqlite3_finalize (stmt);
		      goto abort;

/* we have now to finalize the query [memory cleanup] */
    sqlite3_finalize (stmt);

committing the transaction

*** this step is absolutely critical ***

if we don't confirm the still pending transaction,
any update will be lost
    strcpy (sql, "COMMIT");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("COMMIT error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

now we'll optimize the table
    strcpy (sql, "ANALYZE test");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("ANALYZE error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

    for (ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
	  printf ("\nperforming test#%d - not using Spatial Index\n", ix);
now we'll perform the spatial query WITHOUT using the Spatial Index
we'll loop 3 times in order to avoid buffering-caching side effects
	  strcpy (sql, "SELECT Count(*) FROM test ");
	  strcat (sql, "WHERE MbrWithin(geom, BuildMbr(");
	  strcat (sql, "1000400.5, 4000400.5, ");
	  strcat (sql, "1000450.5, 4000450.5))");
	  t0 = clock ();
	  ret = sqlite3_get_table (handle, sql, &results, &n_rows, &n_columns,
	  if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
		printf ("NoSpatialIndex SQL error: %s\n", err_msg);
		sqlite3_free (err_msg);
		goto abort;
	  count = "";
	  for (i = 1; i <= n_rows; i++)
		count = results[(i * n_columns) + 0];
	  t1 = clock ();
	  printf ("Count(*) = %d\t\t[elapsed time: %1.4f]\n", atoi (count),
		  (double) (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
/* we can now free the table results */
	  sqlite3_free_table (results);

    for (ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
	  printf ("\nperforming test#%d - using the R*Tree Spatial Index\n",
now we'll perform the spatial query USING the R*Tree Spatial Index
we'll loop 3 times in order to avoid buffering-caching side effects
	  strcpy (sql, "SELECT Count(*) FROM test ");
	  strcat (sql, "WHERE MbrWithin(geom, BuildMbr(");
	  strcat (sql, "1000400.5, 4000400.5, ");
	  strcat (sql, "1000450.5, 4000450.5)) AND ROWID IN (");
	  strcat (sql, "SELECT pkid FROM idx_test_geom WHERE ");
	  strcat (sql, "xmin > 1000400.5 AND ");
	  strcat (sql, "xmax < 1000450.5 AND ");
	  strcat (sql, "ymin > 4000400.5 AND ");
	  strcat (sql, "ymax < 4000450.5)");
YES, this query is a very unhappy one
the idea is simply to simulate exactly the same conditions as above
	  t0 = clock ();
	  ret = sqlite3_get_table (handle, sql, &results, &n_rows, &n_columns,
	  if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
		printf ("SpatialIndex SQL error: %s\n", err_msg);
		sqlite3_free (err_msg);
		goto abort;
	  count = "";
	  for (i = 1; i <= n_rows; i++)
		count = results[(i * n_columns) + 0];
	  t1 = clock ();
	  printf ("Count(*) = %d\t\t[elapsed time: %1.4f]\n", atoi (count),
		  (double) (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
/* we can now free the table results */
	  sqlite3_free_table (results);

/* disconnecting the test DB */
    ret = sqlite3_close (handle);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
	  printf ("close() error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg (handle));
	  return -1;
    spatialite_cleanup_ex (cache);
    printf ("\n\nsample successfully terminated\n");
    return 0;

    sqlite3_close (handle);
    spatialite_cleanup_ex (cache);
    return -1;
Beispiel #19
 * Stores an hdb_entry in the database. If flags contains HDB_F_REPLACE
 * a previous entry may be replaced.
 * @param context The current krb5_context
 * @param db      Heimdal database handle
 * @param flags   May currently only contain HDB_F_REPLACE
 * @param entry   The data to store
 * @return        0 if everything worked, an error code if not
static krb5_error_code
hdb_sqlite_store(krb5_context context, HDB *db, unsigned flags,
                 hdb_entry_ex *entry)
    int ret;
    int i;
    sqlite_int64 entry_id;
    char *principal_string = NULL;
    char *alias_string;
    const HDB_Ext_Aliases *aliases;

    hdb_sqlite_db *hsdb = (hdb_sqlite_db *)(db->hdb_db);
    krb5_data value;
    sqlite3_stmt *get_ids = hsdb->get_ids;

    ret = hdb_sqlite_exec_stmt(context, hsdb->db,
                               "BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION", EINVAL);
    if(ret != SQLITE_OK) {
        krb5_set_error_string(context, "SQLite BEGIN TRANSACTION failed: %s",
        goto rollback;
    ret = krb5_unparse_name(context,
                            entry->entry.principal, &principal_string);
    if (ret) {
        goto rollback;

    ret = hdb_seal_keys(context, db, &entry->entry);
    if(ret) {
        goto rollback;

    ret = hdb_entry2value(context, &entry->entry, &value);
    if(ret) {
        goto rollback;

    sqlite3_bind_text(get_ids, 1, principal_string, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
    ret = hdb_sqlite_step(context, hsdb->db, get_ids);

    if(ret == SQLITE_DONE) { /* No such principal */

        sqlite3_bind_blob(hsdb->add_entry, 1,
                          value.data, value.length, SQLITE_STATIC);
        ret = hdb_sqlite_step(context, hsdb->db, hsdb->add_entry);
        if(ret != SQLITE_DONE)
            goto rollback;

        sqlite3_bind_text(hsdb->add_principal, 1,
                          principal_string, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
        ret = hdb_sqlite_step(context, hsdb->db, hsdb->add_principal);
        if(ret != SQLITE_DONE)
            goto rollback;

        entry_id = sqlite3_column_int64(get_ids, 1);
    } else if(ret == SQLITE_ROW) { /* Found a principal */

        if(! (flags & HDB_F_REPLACE)) /* Not allowed to replace it */
            goto rollback;

        entry_id = sqlite3_column_int64(get_ids, 1);

        sqlite3_bind_int64(hsdb->delete_aliases, 1, entry_id);
        ret = hdb_sqlite_step_once(context, db, hsdb->delete_aliases);
        if(ret != SQLITE_DONE)
            goto rollback;

        sqlite3_bind_blob(hsdb->update_entry, 1,
                          value.data, value.length, SQLITE_STATIC);
        sqlite3_bind_int64(hsdb->update_entry, 2, entry_id);
        ret = hdb_sqlite_step_once(context, db, hsdb->update_entry);
        if(ret != SQLITE_DONE)
            goto rollback;

    } else {
	/* Error! */
        goto rollback;

    ret = hdb_entry_get_aliases(&entry->entry, &aliases);
    if(ret || aliases == NULL)
        goto commit;

    for(i = 0; i < aliases->aliases.len; i++) {

        ret = krb5_unparse_name(context, &aliases->aliases.val[i],
        if (ret) {
            goto rollback;

        sqlite3_bind_text(hsdb->add_alias, 1, alias_string,
                          -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
        sqlite3_bind_int64(hsdb->add_alias, 2, entry_id);
        ret = hdb_sqlite_step_once(context, db, hsdb->add_alias);

        if(ret != SQLITE_DONE)
            goto rollback;

    ret = 0;



    ret = hdb_sqlite_exec_stmt(context, hsdb->db, "COMMIT", EINVAL);
    if(ret != SQLITE_OK)
	krb5_warnx(context, "hdb-sqlite: COMMIT problem: %d: %s",
		   ret, sqlite3_errmsg(hsdb->db));

    return ret;


    krb5_warnx(context, "hdb-sqlite: store rollback problem: %d: %s",
	       ret, sqlite3_errmsg(hsdb->db));


    ret = hdb_sqlite_exec_stmt(context, hsdb->db,
                               "ROLLBACK", EINVAL);
    return ret;
static void
vxpath_read_row (VirtualXPathCursorPtr cursor)
/* trying to read a row from the real-table */
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    int ret;
    sqlite3_int64 pk;
    int eof;
    if (cursor->stmt == NULL || cursor->xpathExpr == NULL)

    if (cursor->xpathObj)
	xmlXPathFreeObject (cursor->xpathObj);
    if (cursor->xpathContext)
	xmlXPathFreeContext (cursor->xpathContext);
    if (cursor->xmlDoc)
	xmlFreeDoc (cursor->xmlDoc);
    cursor->xmlDoc = NULL;
    cursor->xpathContext = NULL;
    cursor->xpathObj = NULL;

    stmt = cursor->stmt;
    sqlite3_bind_int64 (stmt, 1, cursor->current_row);
    while (1)
	  ret = sqlite3_step (stmt);
	  if (ret == SQLITE_ROW)
		pk = sqlite3_column_int64 (stmt, 0);
		/* filtering the PK value */
		eof = 0;
		switch (cursor->keyOp1)
		      if (pk > cursor->keyVal1)
			  eof = 1;
		      if (pk >= cursor->keyVal1)
			  eof = 1;
		      if (pk > cursor->keyVal1)
			  eof = 1;
		switch (cursor->keyOp2)
		      if (pk > cursor->keyVal2)
			  eof = 1;
		      if (pk >= cursor->keyVal2)
			  eof = 1;
		      if (pk > cursor->keyVal2)
			  eof = 1;
		if (eof)
		      cursor->eof = 1;

		if (sqlite3_column_type (stmt, 1) == SQLITE_BLOB)
		      xmlDocPtr xml_doc;
		      int xml_len;
		      unsigned char *xml;
		      const unsigned char *blob = sqlite3_column_blob (stmt, 1);
		      int size = sqlite3_column_bytes (stmt, 1);
		      gaiaXmlFromBlob (blob, size, -1, &xml, &xml_len);
		      if (!xml)
		      xml_doc =
			  xmlReadMemory ((const char *) xml, xml_len,
					 "noname.xml", NULL, 0);
		      if (xml_doc != NULL)
			    xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx;
			    xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj;
			    if (vxpath_eval_expr
				(cursor->pVtab->p_cache, xml_doc,
				 cursor->xpathExpr, &xpathCtx, &xpathObj))
				  free (xml);
				  if (cursor->xpathObj)
				      xmlXPathFreeObject (cursor->xpathObj);
				  if (cursor->xpathContext)
				  if (cursor->xmlDoc)
				      xmlFreeDoc (cursor->xmlDoc);
				  cursor->xmlDoc = xml_doc;
				  cursor->xpathContext = xpathCtx;
				  cursor->xpathObj = xpathObj;
				  cursor->xpathIdx = 0;
			    free (xml);
			    xmlFreeDoc (xml_doc);
		/* an error occurred */
		cursor->eof = 1;
    cursor->eof = 0;
    cursor->current_row = pk;
Beispiel #21
 statement& statement::bind(int idx, int64_t value)
     THROW_ERR(sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt_, idx, value));
     return *this;
Beispiel #22
 int statement::bind(int idx, sqlite3_int64 value)
   return sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt_, idx, value);
Beispiel #23
static int
pkg_repo_binary_register_conflicts(const char *origin, char **conflicts,
		int conflicts_num, sqlite3 *sqlite)
	const char clean_conflicts_sql[] = ""
			"DELETE FROM pkg_conflicts "
			"WHERE package_id = ?1;";
	const char select_id_sql[] = ""
			"SELECT id FROM packages "
			"WHERE origin = ?1;";
	const char insert_conflict_sql[] = ""
			"INSERT INTO pkg_conflicts "
			"(package_id, conflict_id) "
			"VALUES (?1, ?2);";
	sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
	int ret, i;
	int64_t origin_id, conflict_id;

	pkg_debug(4, "pkgdb_repo_register_conflicts: running '%s'", select_id_sql);
	if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlite, select_id_sql, -1, &stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) {
		ERROR_SQLITE(sqlite, select_id_sql);
		return (EPKG_FATAL);

	sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, origin, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
	ret = sqlite3_step(stmt);

	if (ret == SQLITE_ROW) {
		origin_id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 0);
	else {
		ERROR_SQLITE(sqlite, select_id_sql);
		return (EPKG_FATAL);

	pkg_debug(4, "pkgdb_repo_register_conflicts: running '%s'", clean_conflicts_sql);
	if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlite, clean_conflicts_sql, -1, &stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) {
		ERROR_SQLITE(sqlite, clean_conflicts_sql);
		return (EPKG_FATAL);

	sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, origin_id);
	/* Ignore cleanup result */


	for (i = 0; i < conflicts_num; i ++) {
		/* Select a conflict */
		pkg_debug(4, "pkgdb_repo_register_conflicts: running '%s'", select_id_sql);
		if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlite, select_id_sql, -1, &stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) {
			ERROR_SQLITE(sqlite, select_id_sql);
			return (EPKG_FATAL);

		sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, conflicts[i], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
		ret = sqlite3_step(stmt);

		if (ret == SQLITE_ROW) {
			conflict_id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 0);
		else {
			ERROR_SQLITE(sqlite, select_id_sql);
			return (EPKG_FATAL);


		/* Insert a pair */
		pkg_debug(4, "pkgdb_repo_register_conflicts: running '%s'", insert_conflict_sql);
		if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlite, insert_conflict_sql, -1, &stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) {
			ERROR_SQLITE(sqlite, insert_conflict_sql);
			return (EPKG_FATAL);

		sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, origin_id);
		sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 2, conflict_id);
		ret = sqlite3_step(stmt);

		if (ret != SQLITE_DONE) {
			ERROR_SQLITE(sqlite, insert_conflict_sql);
			return (EPKG_FATAL);


	return (EPKG_OK);
Beispiel #24
void sqlite3_command::bind(int index, long long data) {
	if(sqlite3_bind_int64(this->stmt, index, data)!=SQLITE_OK)
		throw database_error(this->con);
Beispiel #25
int db_search_files( struct search_node *snode, struct evbuffer *buf, size_t *count )
        int err;
        const char *tail;
        sqlite3_stmt *stmt = 0;
        size_t i;
        struct {
                char name_term[MAX_NAME_TERM_LEN+1];
                size_t name_len;
                uint64_t minsize;
                uint64_t maxsize;
                uint64_t srcavail;
                uint64_t srccomplete;
                uint64_t minbitrate;
                uint64_t minlength;
                struct search_node *ext_node;
                struct search_node *codec_node;
                struct search_node *type_node;
        } params;
        char query[MAX_SEARCH_QUERY_LEN+1] =
                " SELECT f.hash,f.name,f.size,f.type,f.ext,f.srcavail,f.srccomplete,f.rating,f.rated_count,"
                "  (SELECT sid FROM sources WHERE fid=f.fid LIMIT 1) AS sid,"
                "  f.mlength,f.mbitrate,f.mcodec "
                " FROM fnames n"
                " JOIN files f ON f.fid = n.docid"
                " WHERE fnames MATCH ?"

        memset(&params, 0, sizeof params);

        while ( snode ) {
                if ( (ST_AND <= snode->type) && (ST_NOT >= snode->type) ) {
                        if ( !snode->left_visited ) {
                                if ( snode->string_term ) {
                                        DB_CHECK( params.name_len < sizeof params.name_term );
                                        strcat(params.name_term, "(");
                                snode->left_visited = 1;
                                snode = snode->left;
                        } else if ( !snode->right_visited ) {
                                if ( snode->string_term ) {
                                        const char *oper = 0;
                                        switch( snode->type ) {
                                        case ST_AND:
                                                params.name_len += 5;
                                                oper = " AND ";
                                        case ST_OR:
                                                params.name_len += 4;
                                                oper = " OR ";
                                        case ST_NOT:
                                                params.name_len += 5;
                                                oper = " NOT ";

                                        DB_CHECK( params.name_len < sizeof params.name_term );
                                        strcat(params.name_term, oper);
                                snode->right_visited = 1;
                                snode = snode->right;
                        } else {
                                if ( snode->string_term ) {
                                        DB_CHECK( params.name_len < sizeof params.name_term);
                                        strcat(params.name_term, ")");
                } else {
                        switch ( snode->type ) {
                        case ST_STRING:
                                params.name_len += snode->str_len;
                                DB_CHECK( params.name_len < sizeof params.name_term );
                                strncat(params.name_term, snode->str_val, snode->str_len);
                        case ST_EXTENSION:
                                params.ext_node = snode;
                        case ST_CODEC:
                                params.codec_node = snode;
                        case ST_MINSIZE:
                                params.minsize = snode->int_val;
                        case ST_MAXSIZE:
                                params.maxsize = snode->int_val;
                        case ST_SRCAVAIL:
                                params.srcavail = snode->int_val;
                        case ST_SRCCOMLETE:
                                params.srccomplete = snode->int_val;
                        case ST_MINBITRATE:
                                params.minbitrate = snode->int_val;
                        case ST_MINLENGTH:
                                params.minlength = snode->int_val;
                        case ST_TYPE:
                                params.type_node = snode;

                snode = snode->parent;

        if ( params.ext_node ) {
                strcat(query, " AND f.ext=?");
        if ( params.codec_node ) {
                strcat(query, " AND f.mcodec=?");
        if ( params.minsize ) {
                strcat(query, " AND f.size>?");
        if ( params.maxsize ) {
                strcat(query, " AND f.size<?");
        if ( params.srcavail ) {
                strcat(query, " AND f.srcavail>?");
        if ( params.srccomplete ) {
                strcat(query, " AND f.srccomplete>?");
        if ( params.minbitrate ) {
                strcat(query, " AND f.mbitrate>?");
        if ( params.minlength ) {
                strcat(query, " AND f.mlength>?");
        if ( params.type_node ) {
                strcat(query, " AND f.type=?");
        strcat(query, " LIMIT ?");

        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_prepare_v2(s_db, query, strlen(query)+1, &stmt, &tail) );

        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i++, params.name_term, params.name_len+1, SQLITE_STATIC) );

        if ( params.ext_node ) {
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i++, params.ext_node->str_val, params.ext_node->str_len, SQLITE_STATIC) );
        if ( params.codec_node ) {
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i++, params.codec_node->str_val, params.codec_node->str_len, SQLITE_STATIC) );
        if ( params.minsize ) {
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, params.minsize) );
        if ( params.maxsize ) {
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, params.maxsize) );
        if ( params.srcavail ) {
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, params.srcavail) );
        if ( params.srccomplete ) {
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, params.srccomplete) );
        if ( params.minbitrate ) {
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, params.minbitrate) );
        if ( params.minlength ) {
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i++, params.minlength) );
        if ( params.type_node ) {
                uint8_t type = get_ed2k_file_type(params.type_node->str_val, params.type_node->str_len);
                DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, type) );

        DB_CHECK( SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i++, *count) );

        i = 0;
        while ( ((err = sqlite3_step(stmt)) == SQLITE_ROW) && (i < *count) ) {
                struct search_file sfile;
                uint64_t sid;
                int col = 0;

                memset(&sfile, 0, sizeof sfile);

                sfile.hash = (const unsigned char*)sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col++);

                sfile.name_len = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col);
                sfile.name_len = sfile.name_len > MAX_FILENAME_LEN ? MAX_FILENAME_LEN : sfile.name_len;
                sfile.name = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, col++);

                sfile.size = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
                sfile.type = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);

                sfile.ext_len = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col);
                sfile.ext_len = sfile.ext_len > MAX_FILEEXT_LEN ? MAX_FILEEXT_LEN : sfile.ext_len;
                sfile.ext = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, col++);

                sfile.srcavail = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);
                sfile.srccomplete = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);
                sfile.rating = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);
                sfile.rated_count = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);

                sid = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col++);
                sfile.client_id = GET_SID_ID(sid);
                sfile.client_port = GET_SID_PORT(sid);

                sfile.media_length = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);
                sfile.media_bitrate = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col++);

                sfile.media_codec_len = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col);
                sfile.media_codec_len = sfile.media_codec_len > MAX_FILEEXT_LEN ? MAX_FILEEXT_LEN : sfile.media_codec_len;
                sfile.media_codec = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, col++);

                write_search_file(buf, &sfile);


        DB_CHECK( (i==*count) || (SQLITE_DONE == err) );

        *count = i;
        return 1;

        if ( stmt ) sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
        ED2KD_LOGERR("failed perform search query (%s)", sqlite3_errmsg(s_db));

        return 0;
int PinnedMediaDBManager::selectPinnedMediaItem(const std::string& object_id, u64 device_id, PinnedMediaItem& output_pinned_media_item)
    int rv = 0;
    int rc;
            "SELECT path, object_id, device_id "
            "FROM pin_item "
            "WHERE object_id=? AND device_id=?";
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;

    CHECK_DB_HANDLE(rv, m_db, end);

    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(m_db, SQL_SELECT_PINNED_MEDIA_ITEM_BY_OBJECT_ID_AND_DEVICE_ID, -1, &stmt, NULL);

    rc = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, object_id.c_str(), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
    CHECK_BIND(rv, rc, m_db, end);

    rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 2, device_id);
    CHECK_BIND(rv, rc, m_db, end);

        std::string path;
        std::string object_id;
        u64 device_id;
        int sql_type;
        rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
        CHECK_STEP(rv, rc, m_db, end);
        CHECK_ROW_EXIST(rv, rc, m_db, end);

        sql_type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, 0);
        if (sql_type == SQLITE_TEXT) {
            path = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0));
        } else {
            LOG_WARN("Bad column type index: %d", 0);
            rv = -1;
            goto end;

        sql_type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, 1);
        if (sql_type == SQLITE_TEXT) {
            object_id = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1));
        } else {
            LOG_WARN("Bad column type index: %d", 1);
            rv = -1;
            goto end;

        sql_type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, 2);
        if (sql_type == SQLITE_INTEGER) {
            device_id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 2);
        } else {
            LOG_WARN("Bad column type index: %d", 2);
            rv = -1;
            goto end;

        output_pinned_media_item.path = path;
        output_pinned_media_item.object_id = object_id;
        output_pinned_media_item.device_id = device_id;

    FINALIZE_STMT(rv, rc, m_db, stmt);
    return rv;
Beispiel #27
// Bind a 64bits int value to a parameter "?", "?NNN", ":VVV", "@VVV" or "$VVV" in the SQL prepared statement
void Statement::bind(const int aIndex, const sqlite3_int64& aValue)
    int ret = sqlite3_bind_int64(mStmtPtr, aIndex, aValue);
Beispiel #28
int sqlite3_bind_int(sqlite3_stmt *p, int i, int iValue){
  return sqlite3_bind_int64(p, i, (i64)iValue);
Beispiel #29
 * Find unchanged files from a specified time, w.r.t to frequency, from the DB
 * Input:
 *      query_callback  :       query callback fuction to handle
 *                              result records from the query
 *      for_time       :        Time from where the file/s are not changed
 *      freq_write_cnt  :       Frequency thresold for write
 *      freq_read_cnt   :       Frequency thresold for read
 *      clear_counters  :       Clear counters (r/w) for all inodes in DB
 * */
gf_sqlite3_find_unchanged_for_time_freq (void *db_conn,
                                        gf_query_callback_t query_callback,
                                        void *query_cbk_args,
                                        gfdb_time_t *for_time,
                                        int freq_write_cnt,
                                        int freq_read_cnt,
                                        gf_boolean_t clear_counters)
        int ret                                 =       -1;
        char *query_str                         =       NULL;
        gf_sql_connection_t *sql_conn           =       db_conn;
        sqlite3_stmt *prep_stmt                 =       NULL;
        long int  for_time_usec                 =       0;

        CHECK_SQL_CONN (sql_conn, out);
        GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, query_callback, out);

        query_str = "select GF_FILE_TB.GF_ID,"
                " (select group_concat( GF_PID || ',' || FNAME || ','"
                " || FPATH || ',' || W_DEL_FLAG ||',' || LINK_UPDATE , '::')"
                " from GF_FLINK_TB where GF_FILE_TB.GF_ID = GF_FLINK_TB.GF_ID)"
                "  from GF_FILE_TB where "
                /*First condition: For Writes
                 * Files that have write wind time smaller than for_time
                 * OR
                 * File that have write wind time greater than for_time,
                 * but write_frequency less than freq_write_cnt*/
                "( ((" GF_COL_TB_WSEC " * " TOSTRING(GFDB_MICROSEC) " + "
                GF_COL_TB_WMSEC ") < ? )"
                " OR "
                "( (" GF_COL_TB_WFC " < ? ) AND"
                "((" GF_COL_TB_WSEC " * " TOSTRING(GFDB_MICROSEC) " + "
                GF_COL_TB_WMSEC ") >= ? ) ) )"
                " OR "
                /*Second condition: For Reads
                 * Files that have read wind time smaller than for_time
                 * OR
                 * File that have read wind time greater than for_time,
                 * but write_frequency less than freq_write_cnt*/
                "( ((" GF_COL_TB_RWSEC " * " TOSTRING(GFDB_MICROSEC) " + "
                GF_COL_TB_RWMSEC ") < ? )"
                " OR "
                "( (" GF_COL_TB_RFC " < ? ) AND"
                "((" GF_COL_TB_RWSEC " * " TOSTRING(GFDB_MICROSEC) " + "
                GF_COL_TB_RWMSEC ") >= ? ) ) )";

        for_time_usec = gfdb_time_2_usec(for_time);

        ret = sqlite3_prepare (sql_conn->sqlite3_db_conn, query_str, -1,
                                &prep_stmt, 0);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed preparing delete statment %s : %s", query_str,
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Bind write wind time*/
        ret = sqlite3_bind_int64 (prep_stmt, 1, for_time_usec);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed binding for_time_usec %ld : %s",
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Bind write frequency thresold*/
        ret = sqlite3_bind_int (prep_stmt, 2, freq_write_cnt);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed binding freq_write_cnt %d : %s",
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Bind write wind time*/
        ret = sqlite3_bind_int64 (prep_stmt, 3, for_time_usec);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed binding for_time_usec %ld : %s",
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Bind read wind time*/
        ret = sqlite3_bind_int64 (prep_stmt, 4, for_time_usec);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed binding for_time_usec %ld : %s",
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Bind read frequency thresold*/
        ret = sqlite3_bind_int (prep_stmt, 5, freq_read_cnt);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed binding freq_read_cnt %d : %s",
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Bind read wind time*/
        ret = sqlite3_bind_int64 (prep_stmt, 6, for_time_usec);
        if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed binding for_time_usec %ld : %s",
                ret = -1;
                goto out;

        /*Execute the query*/
        ret = gf_sql_query_function (prep_stmt, query_callback, query_cbk_args);
        if (ret) {
                gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                        "Failed Query %s", query_str);
                goto out;

        /*Clear counters*/
        if (clear_counters) {
                ret = gf_sql_clear_counters (sql_conn);
                if (ret) {
                        gf_log (GFDB_STR_SQLITE3, GF_LOG_ERROR,
                                "Failed clearing counters!");
                        goto out;

        ret = 0;
        return ret;
Beispiel #30
void QgsOSMDatabase::exportSpatiaLiteNodes( const QString& tableName, const QStringList& tagKeys, const QStringList& notNullTagKeys )
  QString sqlInsertPoint = QString( "INSERT INTO %1 VALUES (?" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( tableName ) );
  for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
    sqlInsertPoint += QString( ",?" );
  sqlInsertPoint += ", GeomFromWKB(?, 4326))";
  sqlite3_stmt* stmtInsert;
  if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2( mDatabase, sqlInsertPoint.toUtf8().constData(), -1, &stmtInsert, nullptr ) != SQLITE_OK )
    mError = "Prepare SELECT FROM nodes failed.";

  QgsOSMNodeIterator nodes = listNodes();
  QgsOSMNode n;
  while (( n = nodes.next() ).isValid() )
    QgsOSMTags t = tags( false, n.id() );

    // skip untagged nodes: probably they form a part of ways
    if ( t.count() == 0 )

    //check not null tags
    bool skipNull = false;
    for ( int i = 0; i < notNullTagKeys.count() && !skipNull; ++i )
      if ( !t.contains( notNullTagKeys[i] ) )
        skipNull = true;

    if ( skipNull )

    QgsGeometry* geom = QgsGeometry::fromPoint( n.point() );
    int col = 0;
    sqlite3_bind_int64( stmtInsert, ++col, n.id() );

    // tags
    for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
      if ( t.contains( tagKeys[i] ) )
        sqlite3_bind_text( stmtInsert, ++col, t.value( tagKeys[i] ).toUtf8().constData(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );
        sqlite3_bind_null( stmtInsert, ++col );

    sqlite3_bind_blob( stmtInsert, ++col, geom->asWkb(), ( int ) geom->wkbSize(), SQLITE_STATIC );

    int insertRes = sqlite3_step( stmtInsert );
    if ( insertRes != SQLITE_DONE )
      mError = QString( "Error inserting node %1 [%2]" ).arg( n.id() ).arg( insertRes );
      delete geom;

    sqlite3_reset( stmtInsert );
    sqlite3_clear_bindings( stmtInsert );
    delete geom;

  sqlite3_finalize( stmtInsert );