Beispiel #1
void    apf(short *in, short *coeff, short *out, long delayi, short alpha,
	    short beta, short u, short agc, short ltgain, short order, short length, short br)

	static int FirstTime = 1;

	static short FIRmem[ORDER];	/* FIR filter memory */
	static short IIRmem[ORDER];	/* IIR filter memory */
	static short last;
	static short Residual[ACBMemSize + SubFrameSize];	/* local residual */

	short   wcoef1[ORDER];
	short   wcoef2[ORDER];
	short   scratch[SubFrameSize];
	short   temp[SubFrameSize];
	short   mem[ORDER];
	long	sum1, sum2;
	long    gamma, APFgain;
	short   i, j, n, best;
	short	Stemp, shift1, shift2;
	long	Ltemp;

	/* initialization -- should be done in init routine for implementation */
	if (FirstTime)
		FirstTime = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < ORDER; i++)
			FIRmem[i] = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < ORDER; i++)
			IIRmem[i] = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < ACBMemSize; i++)
			Residual[i] = 0;
		last = 0;

	/* Compute weighted LPC coefficients */
	weight(wcoef1, coeff, alpha, order);
	weight(wcoef2, coeff, beta, order);

	/* Tilt speech  */

	/* tilt in non-voiced regions...*/
	for (i = 0, sum2 = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
		sum2 = L_mac(sum2, in[i], in[i + 1]);
	if (sum2 < 0)
		u = 0;		/* tilt...*/

	for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
		scratch[i] = msu_r(L_deposit_h(in[i]), u, last);
		last = in[i];

	/* Compute  residual */
	fir(scratch, scratch, wcoef1, FIRmem, order, length);

	for (i = 0; i < SubFrameSize ; i++)
	  Residual[ACBMemSize+i] = scratch[i];

	/* long term filtering */
	/* Find best integer delay around delayi */
	j = extract_h(L_add(delayi, 32768));
	sum1 = 0;
        shift1 = 1;
	best = j;
	for (i = Max(DMIN, j - 3); i <= Min(DMAX, j + 3); i++)
                shift2 = 1;
		for (n = ACBMemSize, sum2 = 0; n < ACBMemSize + length; n++)
			Ltemp = L_mult(Residual[n], Residual[n - i]);
			Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift2);
			sum2 = L_add(sum2, Ltemp);
			if (sum2 >= 0x40000000)
				sum2 = L_shr(sum2, 1);

                if( ((shift1 >= shift2) && (L_shr(sum2,sub(shift1,shift2)) > sum1))
                   || ((shift1 < shift2) && (sum2 > L_shr(sum1,sub(shift2,shift1)))))
			sum1 = sum2;
			shift1 = shift2;
			best = i;

	/* Get beta for delayi */
	shift1 = 1;
	for (i = ACBMemSize, sum1 = 0; i < ACBMemSize + length; i++)
		Ltemp = L_mult(Residual[i - best], Residual[i - best]);
		Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift1);
		sum1 = L_add(sum1, Ltemp);
		if (sum1 >= 0x40000000)
			sum1 = L_shr(sum1, 1);
	shift2 = 1;
	for (i = ACBMemSize, sum2 = 0; i < ACBMemSize + length; i++)
		Ltemp = L_mult(Residual[i], Residual[i - best]);
		Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift2);
		sum2 = L_add(sum2, Ltemp);
		if (sum2 >= 0x40000000)
			sum2 = L_shr(sum2, 1);
	if (shift1 > shift2)
		shift1 = sub(shift1, shift2);
		sum2 = L_shr(sum2, shift1);
	else if (shift1 < shift2)
		shift2 = sub(shift2, shift1);
		sum1 = L_shr(sum1, shift2);

	if ((sum2 == 0) || (sum1 == 0) || (br == 1))
		for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
			temp[i] = Residual[i + ACBMemSize];
		if (sum2 >= sum1)
			gamma = 0x7fffffff;		/* Clip gamma at 1.0 */
		else if (sum2 < 0)
			gamma = 0;
			shift1 = norm_l(sum1);
			sum1 = L_shl(sum1, shift1);
			sum2 = L_shl(sum2, shift1);
			gamma = L_divide(sum2, sum1);

		if (gamma < 0x40000000)
			for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
				temp[i] = Residual[i + ACBMemSize];
			/* Do actual filtering */
			for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
				Ltemp = L_mpy_ls(gamma, ltgain);
				Ltemp = L_mpy_ls(Ltemp, Residual[ACBMemSize + i - best]);
				temp[i] = add(Residual[ACBMemSize + i], round(Ltemp));


	/* iir short term filter - first run */
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
		scratch[i] = temp[i];
	for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
		mem[i] = IIRmem[i];
	iir(scratch, scratch, wcoef2, mem, order, length);

	/* Get filter gain */
	shift1 = 1;
	for (i = 0, sum1 = 0; i < length; i++)
		Ltemp = L_mult(in[i], in[i]);
		Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift1);
		sum1 = L_add(sum1, Ltemp);
		if (sum1 >= 0x40000000)
			sum1 = L_shr(sum1, 1);
	shift2 = 1;
	for (i = 0, sum2 = 0; i < length; i++)
		Ltemp = L_mult(scratch[i], scratch[i]);
		Ltemp = L_shr(Ltemp, shift2);
		sum2 = L_add(sum2, Ltemp);
		if (sum2 >= 0x40000000)
			sum2 = L_shr(sum2, 1);
	if (shift1 > shift2)
		shift1 = sub(shift1, shift2);
		sum2 = L_shr(sum2, shift1);
	else if (shift1 < shift2)
		shift2 = sub(shift2, shift1);
		sum1 = L_shr(sum1, shift2);

	if (sum2 != 0)
		shift1 = norm_l(sum2);
		sum2 = L_shl(sum2, shift1);
		shift1 = sub(shift1, 2);	/* For (1. < APFgain < 2.) */
		sum1 = L_shl(sum1, shift1);
		Ltemp = L_divide(sum1, sum2);
		shift1 = norm_l(Ltemp);
		Ltemp = L_shl(Ltemp, shift1);
		Stemp = sqroot(Ltemp);
		if (shift1 & 1)
			APFgain = L_mult(0x5a82, Stemp);
			APFgain = L_deposit_h(Stemp);
		shift1 = shr(shift1, 1);
		APFgain = L_shr(APFgain, shift1);

		/* Re-normalize the speech signal */
		for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
			Ltemp = L_mpy_ls(APFgain, temp[i]);
			Ltemp = L_shl(Ltemp, 1);  /* For (1. < APFgain < 2.) */
			temp[i] = round(Ltemp);
		APFgain = 0x40000000;

	/* iir short term filter - second run */
	iir(out, temp, wcoef2, IIRmem, order, length);

	/* Update residual buffer */
	for (i = 0; i < ACBMemSize; i++)
		Residual[i] = Residual[i + length];
Beispiel #2
void oblicz_pierwiastki(struct rownanie * e) {
	if (e->wsp[0]!=0) {
		float d=oblicz_d(e);
		if (d>0) {
			printf("\n2 pierwiastki x1=%f, x2=%f", e->x1r, e->x2r);
		} else if (d==0) {
			printf("\n1 pierwiastek xo=%f",e->x1r);

		} else {
			float absd=d<0?-d:d;
			printf("\nPierwiastki zespolone:\n");
			formatuj_zesp(e->x1r, e->u.x1u);
			formatuj_zesp(e->x2r, e->u.x2u);
	} else {
		if (e->wsp[1]!=0) {
		} else if(e->wsp[1]==0 && e->wsp[2]!=0) printf("\nr.sprzeczne"); 
			else if (e->wsp[1]==0 && e->wsp[2]==0) printf("\nrnieoznaczone"); 
Beispiel #3
int checkprime(int x)
	int i;

	for(i=2;i<=sqroot(x); i++)
		if((x/i)*i==x){return 0;}
	return 1;

Beispiel #4
void fndppf(short *delay, short *beta, short *buf, short dmin, short dmax, short length)
	static short b = -10224;	/* rom storage */

	static short a[3] =
	{-18739, 16024, -4882};		/* a[] scaled down by 4 */

	short dnew = 0;
	short sum;
	long Lsum;
	register short m, i, n;
	static short DECbuf[FrameSize / 4];
	long Lcorrmax, Lcmax, Ltmp;
	short tap1;
	short M1, M2, dnewtmp = 0;
	static short lastgoodpitch = 0;
	static short lastbeta = 0;
	static short memory[3];
	static int FirstTime = 1;
	short Lsum_scale;
	short shift, Lcorr_scale, Lcmax_scale;
	short n1, n2, nq, nq1;
	long Ltempf;
	/* init static variables (should be in init routine for implementation) */
	if (FirstTime)
		FirstTime = 0;
		n1 = (shr(FrameSize, 2));
		for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)
			DECbuf[i] = 0;
		memory[0] = memory[1] = memory[2] = 0;

	/* Shift  memory of DECbuf */
	for (i = 0; i < shr(length, 3); i++)
		DECbuf[i] = DECbuf[i + shr(length, 3)];
	/* filter signal and decimate */
	for (i = 0, n = shr(length, 3); i < shr(length, 1); i++)
		Ltempf = L_shr(L_deposit_h(buf[i + shr(length, 1)]), 4);
		Ltempf = L_msu(Ltempf, memory[0], a[0]);
		Ltempf = L_msu(Ltempf, memory[1], a[1]);
		Ltempf = L_msu(Ltempf, memory[2], a[2]);
		Ltempf = L_shl(Ltempf, 2);

		shift = 0;
		if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0)
			Lsum = L_add(Ltempf, L_deposit_h(memory[2]));
			Lsum = L_mac(Lsum, memory[0], b);
			Lsum = L_mac(Lsum, memory[1], b);

			DECbuf[n++] = round(L_shl(Lsum, 1));
		memory[2] = memory[1];
		memory[1] = memory[0];
		memory[0] = round(Ltempf);

	/* perform first search for best delay value in decimated domain */
	Lcorrmax = (LW_MIN);
        Lcorr_scale = 1;

	for (m = shr(dmin, 2); m <= shr(dmax, 2); m++)
                n1 = 1;
		for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < sub(shr(length, 2), m); i++)
			Ltempf = L_mult(DECbuf[i], DECbuf[i + m]);
			Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, n1);
			Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
			if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
				Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);
		if (
		    ((Lcorr_scale >= n1) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcorr_scale, n1)) > Lcorrmax))
		 || ((Lcorr_scale < n1) && (Lsum > L_shr(Lcorrmax, sub(n1, Lcorr_scale))))
			Lcorrmax = Lsum;
			Lcorr_scale = n1;
			dnew = m;


	/* Compare against lastgoodpitch */
	if (lastgoodpitch != 0 && (abs_s(sub(lastgoodpitch, shl(dnew, 2))) > 2))
		M1 = sub(shr(lastgoodpitch, 2), 2);
		if (M1 < shr(dmin, 2))
			M1 = shr(dmin, 2);
		M2 = add(M1, 4);
		if (M2 > shr(dmax, 2))
			M2 = shr(dmax, 2);

		Lcmax = LW_MIN;
                Lcmax_scale = 1;
		for (m = M1; m <= M2; m++)
                        n1 = 1;
			for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < sub(shr(length, 2), m); i++)
				Ltempf = L_mult(DECbuf[i], DECbuf[i + m]);
				Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, n1);
				Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
				if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
					Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

			if (
			    ((Lcmax_scale >= n1) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcmax_scale, n1)) > Lcmax))
			 || ((Lcmax_scale < n1) && (Lsum > L_shr(Lcmax, sub(n1, Lcmax_scale))))
			{					/* Gives some bias to low delays */
				Lcmax = Lsum;
				Lcmax_scale = n1;
				dnewtmp = m;
		Lsum = L_mpy_ls(Lcorrmax, 27361);
		if (
		    ((Lcmax_scale >= Lcorr_scale) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcmax_scale, Lcorr_scale)) < Lcmax))
		 || ((Lcmax_scale < Lcorr_scale) && (Lsum < L_shr(Lcmax, sub(Lcorr_scale, Lcmax_scale))))
			dnew = dnewtmp;

	/* perform first search for best delay value in non-decimated buffer */
	M1 = Max(sub(shl(dnew, 2), 3), dmin);
	if (M1 < dmin)
		M1 = dmin;
	M2 = Min(add(shl(dnew, 2), 3), dmax);
	if (M2 > dmax)
		M2 = dmax;
	Lcorrmax = LW_MIN;
        Lcorr_scale = 1;
	for (m = M1; m <= M2; m++)
                n1 = 1;
		for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < sub(length, m); i++)
			Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i], buf[i + m]);

			Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, n1);
			Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
			if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
				Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

		if (
		    ((Lcorr_scale >= n1) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcorr_scale, n1)) > Lcorrmax))
		 || ((Lcorr_scale < n1) && (Lsum > L_shr(Lcorrmax, sub(n1, Lcorr_scale))))
			Lcorrmax = Lsum;
			Lcorr_scale = n1;
			dnew = m;
        Lsum_scale = 1;
	for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < sub(length, dnew); i++)
		Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i + dnew], buf[i + dnew]);
		Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, Lsum_scale);
		Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
		if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
			Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

        Lcmax_scale = 1;
	for (i = 0, Lcmax = 0; i < length - dnew; i++)
		Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i], buf[i]);
		Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, Lcmax_scale);
		Lcmax = L_add(Lcmax, Ltempf);
		if (L_abs(Lcmax) >= 0x40000000)
			Lcmax = L_shr(Lcmax, 1);
	nq = norm_l(Lsum);
	Lsum = L_shl(Lsum, nq);
	nq1 = norm_l(Lcmax);
	Lcmax = L_shl(Lcmax, nq1);
	Lsum = L_mpy_ll(Lsum, Lcmax);
	n1 = norm_l(Lsum);
	Lsum = L_shl(Lsum, n1);
	sum = sqroot(Lsum);
	n1 = add(add(n1, nq), nq1);
	n1 = sub(sub(n1, Lcmax_scale), Lsum_scale);
	n2 = shr(n1, 1);

	if (n1 & 1)
		Lsum = L_mult(sum, 23170);
		Lsum = L_deposit_h(sum);

	n2 = add(n2, Lcorr_scale);
	Lcorrmax = L_shl(Lcorrmax, n2);

	if ((Lsum == 0) || (Lcorrmax <= 0))
		*beta = 0;
	else if (Lcorrmax > Lsum)
		*beta = 0x7fff;
		*beta = round(L_divide(Lcorrmax, Lsum));

	/* perform search for best delay value in around old pitch delay */
	if (lastgoodpitch != 0)
		M1 = lastgoodpitch - 6;
		M2 = lastgoodpitch + 6;

		if (M1 < dmin)
			M1 = dmin;
		if (M2 > dmax)
			M2 = dmax;

		if (dnew > M2 || dnew < M1)
			Lcmax = LW_MIN;
                        Lcmax_scale = 1;
			for (m = M1; m <= M2; m++)
                                n1 = 1;
				for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < length - m; i++)
					Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i], buf[i + m]);
					Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, n1);
					Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
					if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
						Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

				if (
				    ((Lcmax_scale >= n1) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcmax_scale, n1)) > Lcmax))
				 || ((Lcmax_scale < n1) && (Lsum > L_shr(Lcmax, sub(n1, Lcmax_scale))))
					Lcmax = Lsum;
					dnewtmp = m;
					Lcmax_scale = n1;
                        Lcorr_scale = 1;
			for (i = 0, Ltmp = 0; i < length - dnewtmp; i++)
				Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i + dnewtmp], buf[i + dnewtmp]);
				Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, Lcorr_scale);
				Ltmp = L_add(Ltmp, Ltempf);
				if (L_abs(Ltmp) >= 0x40000000)
					Ltmp = L_shr(Ltmp, 1);

                        Lsum_scale = 1;
			for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < length - dnewtmp; i++)

				Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i], buf[i]);
				Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, Lsum_scale);
				Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
				if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
					Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

			nq = norm_l(Ltmp);
			Ltmp = L_shl(Ltmp, nq);
			nq1 = norm_l(Lsum);
			Lsum = L_shl(Lsum, nq1);
			Ltmp = L_mpy_ll(Ltmp, Lsum);
			n1 = norm_l(Ltmp);
			Ltmp = L_shl(Ltmp, n1);
			sum = sqroot(Ltmp);

			n1 = add(add(n1, nq), nq1);
			n1 = sub(sub(n1, Lsum_scale), Lcorr_scale);
			n2 = shr(n1, 1);

			if (n1 & 1)
				Ltmp = L_mult(sum, 23170);
				Ltmp = L_deposit_h(sum);

			n2 = add(n2, Lcmax_scale);
			Lcmax = L_shl(Lcmax, n2);

			if ((Ltmp == 0) || (Lcmax <= 0))
				tap1 = 0;
			else if (Lcmax >= Ltmp)
				tap1 = 0x7fff;
				tap1 = round(L_divide(Lcmax, Ltmp));

			/* Replace dnew with dnewtmp if tap1 is large enough */
			if ((dnew > M2 && (shr(tap1, 1) > mult_r(9830, *beta))) ||
				(dnew < M1 && (shr(tap1, 1) > mult_r(19661, *beta))))
				dnew = dnewtmp;
				*beta = (tap1);

	*delay = dnew;
	if (*beta > 13107)
		lastgoodpitch = dnew;
		lastbeta = *beta;
		lastbeta = mult_r(24576, lastbeta);
		if (lastbeta < 9830)
			lastgoodpitch = 0;
Beispiel #5
short e_ran_g(short *seed0)
	static int iset = 0;
	static long gset;
	long rsq, ltemp1, ltemp2;
	short sv1, sv2, rsq_s;
	short shft_fctr, stemp1;
	short shft_fctr1;

/* ======================================================================== */
	long ltmp1, ltmp2;
	short ans = 0;
	short stmp2;
/* ======================================================================== */
	if (iset == 0)
			sv1 = shl(sub(ran0(seed0), 16384), 1);

			sv2 = shl(sub(ran0(seed0), 16384), 1);

			/* rsq = sv1 * sv1 + sv2 * sv2; */
			ltemp1 = L_mult(sv1, sv1);
			ltemp2 = L_mult(sv2, sv2);

			rsq = L_add(L_shr(ltemp1, 1), L_shr(ltemp2, 1));

		if (rsq >= 1073741824 || rsq == 0){
		  /* If condition not met, don't iterate; use */
		  /* rough approximation. */
		   ans = shr(sv1,3);
		   ans = add(ans, shr(sv2,3));
		   ans = add(ans, shr(sub(ran0(seed0), 16384),2));
		   return (ans);
 * error in rsq doesn't seem to contribute to the final error in e_ran_g

		 * rsq scale down by two: input to fnLog must be scaled up by 2.
		rsq = L_shl(rsq, 1);

		/* stemp1 = round(L_negate(fnLog(rsq)));  */
		ltmp1 = L_negate(fnLog(rsq));

		 * rsq must be greater than the log of lsq for the fractional
		 * divide to work. therfore normalize rsq.
		shft_fctr = norm_l(rsq); 
		rsq_s = round(L_shl(rsq, shft_fctr));
		stmp2 = (divide_s(round(ltmp1), rsq_s));

		 * stemp2 must be normalized before taking its square root.
		 * (increases precision).
		shft_fctr1 = norm_s(stmp2);
		ltmp2 = L_deposit_h(shl(stmp2, shft_fctr1));
		stemp1 = sqroot(ltmp2);

		 * shifting involved before taking the square root:
		 * LEFT << shft_fctr. (LEFT because rsq is in the denominator
		 *          of ltemp2 quotion).   
		 * LEFT << 6. (multiply by 2 in original code and multiply by 32
		 *        because output of fnLog scaled down by 32).
		 * RIGHT >> shft_fctr1. (normalization taken before sqroot).
		shft_fctr = shft_fctr + 6 - shft_fctr1;

		 * PROPERTY: sqrt(2^n) = 2^(n/2)
		 * if shft_fctr is odd; multiply stemp1 by sqrt(2)/2  and
		 * increment number of shifts by 1. Can now use shft_fctr / 2.
		if (shft_fctr & 0x0001)
			stemp1 = mult(stemp1, 23170);

		shft_fctr = shr(shft_fctr, 1);

		 * normalize stemp1 for the following multiplication.
		 * adjust shft_fctr accordingly.
		shft_fctr1 = norm_s(stemp1);
		stemp1 = shl(stemp1, shft_fctr1);
		shft_fctr = shft_fctr - shft_fctr1;

		gset = L_mult(sv1, stemp1);

		 * final output is scaled down by 4, therefore shift up by
		 * shft_fctr - 2.
		gset = L_shl(gset, shft_fctr - 2);

		iset = 1;
		return round(L_shl(L_mult(sv2, stemp1), shft_fctr - 2));
		iset = 0;
		return round(gset);
Beispiel #6
float distance(float x, float y, float z)
      float d1 = sqroot((x * x) + (y * y));
      float d2 = sqroot((d1 * d1) + (z * z));
      return d2;