Beispiel #1
void cryptos::s1(bybuff& tk, bybuff& r1, bybuff& r2, bybuff& stk)const
    bybuff  sr1(r1.buffer()+8,r1.length()-8);
    bybuff  sr2(r2.buffer()+8,r2.length()-8);
    sr1 << sr2;
    _eee(tk, sr1, stk);
Beispiel #2
void reverse ( const char *arg ) {
//  Round trip
    string_ref sr1 ( arg );
    std::string string1 ( sr1.rbegin (), sr1.rend ());
    string_ref sr2 ( string1 );
    std::string string2 ( sr2.rbegin (), sr2.rend ());

    BOOST_CHECK ( std::equal ( sr2.rbegin (), sr2.rend (), arg ));
    BOOST_CHECK ( string2 == arg );
    BOOST_CHECK ( std::equal ( sr1.begin (), sr1.end (), string2.begin ()));
Beispiel #3
void find ( const char *arg ) {
    string_ref sr1 ( arg );
    const char *p = arg;
//  Find everything at the start
    while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.find(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos == 0 );
        sr1.remove_prefix (1);

//  Find everything at the end
    sr1  = arg;
    p    = arg + strlen ( arg ) - 1;
    while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.rfind(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos == sr1.size () - 1 );
        sr1.remove_suffix (1);
//  Find everything at the start
    sr1  = arg;
    p    = arg;
    while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.find_first_of(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos == 0 );
        sr1.remove_prefix (1);

//  Find everything at the end
    sr1  = arg;
    p    = arg + strlen ( arg ) - 1;
    while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.find_last_of(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos == sr1.size () - 1 );
        sr1.remove_suffix (1);