Beispiel #1
static void
st_container_update_pseudo_classes (StContainer *container)
  GList *first_item, *last_item;
  ClutterActor *first_child, *last_child;
  StContainerPrivate *priv = container->priv;

  if (priv->block_update_pseudo_classes)

  first_item = priv->children;
  first_child = first_item ? first_item->data : NULL;
  if (first_child != priv->first_child)
      if (priv->first_child && ST_IS_WIDGET (priv->first_child))
        st_widget_remove_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (priv->first_child),
      if (priv->first_child)
          g_object_unref (priv->first_child);
          priv->first_child = NULL;

      if (first_child && ST_IS_WIDGET (first_child))
        st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (first_child),
      if (first_child)
        priv->first_child = g_object_ref (first_child);

  last_item = g_list_last (priv->children);
  last_child = last_item ? last_item->data : NULL;
  if (last_child != priv->last_child)
      if (priv->last_child && ST_IS_WIDGET (priv->last_child))
        st_widget_remove_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (priv->last_child),
      if (priv->last_child)
          g_object_unref (priv->last_child);
          priv->last_child = NULL;

      if (last_child && ST_IS_WIDGET (last_child))
        st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (last_child),
      if (last_child)
        priv->last_child = g_object_ref (last_child);
Beispiel #2
 * st_entry_set_text:
 * @entry: a #StEntry
 * @text: (allow-none): text to set the entry to
 * Sets the text displayed on the entry
st_entry_set_text (StEntry     *entry,
                   const gchar *text)
  StEntryPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (ST_IS_ENTRY (entry));

  priv = entry->priv;

  /* set a hint if we are blanking the entry */
  if (priv->hint
      && text && !strcmp ("", text)
      && !HAS_FOCUS (priv->entry))
      text = priv->hint;
      priv->hint_visible = TRUE;
      st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (entry), "indeterminate");
      st_widget_remove_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (entry), "indeterminate");

      priv->hint_visible = FALSE;

  clutter_text_set_text (CLUTTER_TEXT (priv->entry), text);

  g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (entry), "text");
Beispiel #3
static void
clutter_text_focus_in_cb (ClutterText  *text,
                          ClutterActor *actor)
  StEntry *entry = ST_ENTRY (actor);
  StEntryPrivate *priv = entry->priv;
  GdkKeymap *keymap;

  /* remove the hint if visible */
  if (priv->hint && priv->hint_visible)
      priv->hint_visible = FALSE;

      clutter_text_set_text (text, "");

  keymap = gdk_keymap_get_for_display (gdk_display_get_default ());
  keymap_state_changed (keymap, entry);
  g_signal_connect (keymap, "state-changed",
                    G_CALLBACK (keymap_state_changed), entry);

  st_widget_remove_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (actor), "indeterminate");
  st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (actor), "focus");
  clutter_text_set_cursor_visible (text, TRUE);
Beispiel #4
static gboolean
handle_button_press_event_cb (ClutterActor       *actor,
                              ClutterButtonEvent *event,
                              StScrollBar        *bar)
  StScrollBarPrivate *priv = bar->priv;

  if (event->button != 1)
    return FALSE;

  if (!clutter_actor_transform_stage_point (priv->handle,
    return FALSE;

  st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (priv->handle), "active");

  /* Account for the scrollbar-trough-handle nesting. */
  priv->x_origin += clutter_actor_get_x (priv->trough);
  priv->y_origin += clutter_actor_get_y (priv->trough);

  g_assert (!priv->grabbed);

  clutter_grab_pointer (priv->handle);
  priv->grabbed = TRUE;
  g_signal_emit (bar, signals[SCROLL_START], 0);

  return TRUE;
Beispiel #5
 * st_widget_set_hover:
 * @widget: A #StWidget
 * @hover: whether the pointer is hovering over the widget
 * Sets @widget's hover property and adds or removes "hover" from its
 * pseudo class accordingly. If #StWidget:has-tooltip is %TRUE, this
 * will also show or hide the tooltip, as appropriate.
 * If you have set #StWidget:track-hover, you should not need to call
 * this directly. You can call st_widget_sync_hover() if the hover
 * state might be out of sync due to another actor's pointer grab.
st_widget_set_hover (StWidget *widget,
                     gboolean  hover)
  StWidgetPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (ST_IS_WIDGET (widget));

  priv = widget->priv;

  if (priv->hover != hover)
      priv->hover = hover;
      if (priv->hover)
          st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (widget, "hover");
          if (priv->has_tooltip)
            st_widget_show_tooltip (widget);
          st_widget_remove_style_pseudo_class (widget, "hover");
          if (priv->has_tooltip)
            st_widget_hide_tooltip (widget);
      g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (widget), "hover");
Beispiel #6
static void
st_button_press (StButton     *button,
                 StButtonMask  mask)
  if (button->priv->pressed == 0)
    st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (button), "active");

  button->priv->pressed |= mask;
Beispiel #7
static void
st_button_press (StButton             *button,
                 ClutterInputDevice   *device,
                 StButtonMask          mask,
                 ClutterEventSequence *sequence)
  StButtonPrivate *priv = st_button_get_instance_private (button);

  if (priv->pressed == 0 || sequence)
    st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (button), "active");

  priv->pressed |= mask;
  priv->press_sequence = sequence;
  priv->device = device;
Beispiel #8
 * st_button_set_checked:
 * @button: a #Stbutton
 * @checked: %TRUE or %FALSE
 * Sets the pressed state of the button. This is only really useful if the
 * button has #toggle-mode mode set to %TRUE.
st_button_set_checked (StButton *button,
                       gboolean  checked)
  g_return_if_fail (ST_IS_BUTTON (button));

  if (button->priv->is_checked != checked)
      button->priv->is_checked = checked;

      if (checked)
        st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (button), "checked");
        st_widget_remove_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (button), "checked");

  g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (button), "checked");
Beispiel #9
 * st_entry_set_hint_text:
 * @entry: a #StEntry
 * @text: (allow-none): text to set as the entry hint
 * Sets the text to display when the entry is empty and unfocused. When the
 * entry is displaying the hint, it has a pseudo class of "indeterminate".
 * A value of NULL unsets the hint.
st_entry_set_hint_text (StEntry     *entry,
                        const gchar *text)
  StEntryPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (ST_IS_ENTRY (entry));

  priv = entry->priv;

  g_free (priv->hint);

  priv->hint = g_strdup (text);

  if (!strcmp (clutter_text_get_text (CLUTTER_TEXT (priv->entry)), "")
      && !HAS_FOCUS (priv->entry))
      priv->hint_visible = TRUE;

      clutter_text_set_text (CLUTTER_TEXT (priv->entry), priv->hint);
      st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (entry), "indeterminate");
Beispiel #10
static void
clutter_text_focus_out_cb (ClutterText  *text,
                           ClutterActor *actor)
  StEntry *entry = ST_ENTRY (actor);
  StEntryPrivate *priv = entry->priv;
  GdkKeymap *keymap;

  st_widget_remove_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (actor), "focus");

  /* add a hint if the entry is empty */
  if (priv->hint && !strcmp (clutter_text_get_text (text), ""))
      priv->hint_visible = TRUE;

      clutter_text_set_text (text, priv->hint);
      st_widget_add_style_pseudo_class (ST_WIDGET (actor), "indeterminate");
  clutter_text_set_cursor_visible (text, FALSE);
  remove_capslock_feedback (entry);

  keymap = gdk_keymap_get_for_display (gdk_display_get_default ());
  g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (keymap, keymap_state_changed, entry);