int cpu_push(cpu_t* _this, char** ptr_current_byte) { ISNOTNULL(_this); int __errnum = 0; char* current_byte = *ptr_current_byte; if (*current_byte == NUM) { current_byte++; double a = *(double*)current_byte; __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, a); current_byte += sizeof(double); } else { if (*current_byte != REG) return ECPUPUSH; current_byte++; if (*current_byte == AX) __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, _this->ax); if (*current_byte == BX) __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, _this->bx); if (*current_byte == CX) __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, _this->cx); if (*current_byte == DX) __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, _this->dx); current_byte++; } ERRHANDLER; *ptr_current_byte = current_byte; return 0; }
void iter_RestoreBlockStack(ITER_ID iter_id,VM_ID vm_id) { struct _vm *vm = (struct _vm*)mem_lock(vm_id); iter_object *iter = (iter_object*)mem_lock(iter_id); stack_Push(vm->blocks,iter->tag); while(!stack_IsEmpty(iter->block_stack)) { OBJECT_ID bo = stack_Pop(iter->block_stack); stack_Push(vm->blocks,bo);//reverserd order } mem_unlock(iter_id,0); mem_unlock(vm_id,0); }
int cpu_call(cpu_t* _this, char** ptr_current_byte) { ISNOTNULL(ptr_current_byte); ISNOTNULL(*ptr_current_byte); ISNOTNULL(_this); char* current_byte = *ptr_current_byte; int __errnum = 0; int addr_func = *(int*)current_byte; current_byte += sizeof(int); if (addr_func < 0) __errnum = EJMPBADLABEL; ERRHANDLER; __errnum = stack_Push(_this->call, (double)(int)current_byte); ERRHANDLER; current_byte = _this->addr + addr_func; *ptr_current_byte = current_byte; return 0; }
void iter_Expand(ITER_ID iter_id,VM_ID vm_id,STACK_ID stack_id) { obj_IncRefCount(iter_id); OBJECT_ID n = 0; STACK_ID tmp = stack_Create(); //BOOL found_none = 0; do { n = iter_NextNow(iter_id,vm_id); stack_Push(tmp,n); }while(obj_GetType(n) != TYPE_NONE); while(!stack_IsEmpty(tmp)) { OBJECT_ID s = stack_Pop(tmp); stack_Push(stack_id,s); } stack_Close(tmp,0); obj_DecRefCount(iter_id); }
static LIST st_TraverseTreeGenPreTest(CONTEXT IndexContext, st_INDEX StIndex, st_MINMAX MinMax) /************************************************************** INPUT: RETURNS: EFFECTS: ***************************************************************/ { int Save; LIST Result, CurrentList; st_INDEX CurrentNode; /* PREPARE TRAVERSAL */ Save = stack_Bottom(); Result = list_Nil(); CurrentList = StIndex->subnodes; cont_StartBinding(); for (;;) { /* BACKTRACK A BIG STEP */ if (list_Empty(CurrentList)) { cont_StopAndBackTrack(); if (stack_Empty(Save)) return Result; CurrentList = stack_PopResult(); } /* DESCENDING */ for (CurrentNode = (st_INDEX)list_Car(CurrentList); (MinMax >= st_Min(CurrentNode)) && subst_Match(IndexContext, CurrentNode->subst); CurrentList = CurrentNode->subnodes, CurrentNode = (st_INDEX)list_Car(CurrentList)) if (st_IsLeaf(CurrentNode)) { Result = list_Append(CurrentNode->entries, Result); break; } else if (list_Cdr(CurrentList)) { stack_Push(list_Cdr(CurrentList)); cont_StartBinding(); } else cont_StopAndStartBinding(); /* BACKTRACK LEAF OR INNER NODE */ CurrentList = list_Cdr(CurrentList); cont_BackTrackAndStart(); } }
void iter_SaveBlockStack(ITER_ID iter_id,VM_ID vm_id) { struct _vm *vm = (struct _vm*)mem_lock(vm_id); iter_object *iter = (iter_object*)mem_lock(iter_id); OBJECT_ID bo = 0; while((bo = stack_Pop(vm->blocks)) != iter->tag) { stack_Push(iter->block_stack,bo);//reverserd order } mem_unlock(iter_id,0); mem_unlock(vm_id,0); }
int cpu_sqrt(cpu_t* _this) { ISNOTNULL(_this); int __errnum = 0; double a = 0.0; __errnum = stack_Pop(_this->stk, &a); ERRHANDLER; __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, sqrt(a)); ERRHANDLER; return 0; }
int cpu_out(cpu_t* _this) { ISNOTNULL(_this); int __errnum = 0; double a = 0.0; __errnum = stack_Pop(_this->stk, &a); ERRHANDLER; __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, a); ERRHANDLER; printf("%lg\n", a); return 0; }
int cpu_dec(cpu_t* _this, char** ptr_current_byte) { ISNOTNULL(ptr_current_byte); ISNOTNULL(*ptr_current_byte); ISNOTNULL(_this); char* current_byte = *ptr_current_byte; int __errnum = 0; if (*current_byte == NOARG) { current_byte++; double a = 0.0; __errnum = stack_Pop(_this->stk, &a); ERRHANDLER; __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, (a - 1)); ERRHANDLER; } else if (*current_byte == REG) { current_byte++; if (*current_byte == AX) _this->ax--; if (*current_byte == BX) _this->bx--; if (*current_byte == CX) _this->cx--; if (*current_byte == DX) _this->dx--; current_byte++; } *ptr_current_byte = current_byte; return 0; }
int cpu_add(cpu_t* _this) { ISNOTNULL(_this); int __errnum = 0; double a = 0.0; __errnum = stack_Pop(_this->stk, &a); ERRHANDLER; double b = 0.0; __errnum = stack_Pop(_this->stk, &b); ERRHANDLER; __errnum = stack_Push(_this->stk, (a + b)); ERRHANDLER; return 0; }
static int kbo_CompVarCondAndWeight(TERM Term1, BOOL *VarCond1, TERM Term2, BOOL *VarCond2) /************************************************************** INPUT: Two terms and two pointers to booleans. EFFECT: Sets the booleans with respect to the kbo variable condition. Computes the kbo weight difference. ***************************************************************/ { SYMBOL MaxVar1,MaxVar2; TERM Term; LIST Scan; int i,Stack,Weight; *VarCond1 = *VarCond2 = TRUE; MaxVar1 = term_MaxVar(Term1); MaxVar2 = term_MaxVar(Term2); Stack = stack_Bottom(); Weight = 0; if (MaxVar1 < MaxVar2) MaxVar1 = MaxVar2; for (i = 0; i <= MaxVar1; i++) { ord_VARCOUNT[i][0] = 0; ord_VARCOUNT[i][1] = 0; } Term = Term1; if (term_IsStandardVariable(Term)) { ord_VARCOUNT[term_TopSymbol(Term)][0]++; Weight += kbo_MINWEIGHT; } else { Weight += symbol_Weight(term_TopSymbol(Term)); if (term_IsComplex(Term)) stack_Push(term_ArgumentList(Term)); } while (!stack_Empty(Stack)) { Scan = stack_Top(); Term = (TERM)list_Car(Scan); stack_RplacTop(list_Cdr(Scan)); if (term_IsStandardVariable(Term)) { Weight += kbo_MINWEIGHT; ord_VARCOUNT[term_TopSymbol(Term)][0]++; } else { Weight += symbol_Weight(term_TopSymbol(Term)); if (term_IsComplex(Term)) stack_Push(term_ArgumentList(Term)); } while (!stack_Empty(Stack) && list_Empty(stack_Top())) stack_Pop(); } Term = Term2; if (term_IsStandardVariable(Term)) { Weight -= kbo_MINWEIGHT; ord_VARCOUNT[term_TopSymbol(Term)][1]++; } else { Weight -= symbol_Weight(term_TopSymbol(Term)); if (term_IsComplex(Term)) stack_Push(term_ArgumentList(Term)); } while (!stack_Empty(Stack)) { Scan = stack_Top(); Term = (TERM)list_Car(Scan); stack_RplacTop(list_Cdr(Scan)); if (term_IsStandardVariable(Term)) { Weight -= kbo_MINWEIGHT; ord_VARCOUNT[term_TopSymbol(Term)][1]++; } else { Weight -= symbol_Weight(term_TopSymbol(Term)); if (term_IsComplex(Term)) stack_Push(term_ArgumentList(Term)); } while (!stack_Empty(Stack) && list_Empty(stack_Top())) stack_Pop(); } for (i = 0; i <= MaxVar1; i++) { if (ord_VARCOUNT[i][0] < ord_VARCOUNT[i][1]) { *VarCond1 = FALSE; if (!*VarCond2) return Weight; } if (ord_VARCOUNT[i][0] > ord_VARCOUNT[i][1]) { *VarCond2 = FALSE; if (!*VarCond1) return Weight; } } return Weight; }