Beispiel #1
// main
int main(void) {
	unsigned int adcValue,replymask,replyshift,replybyte;
	while(1) {
		uchar i = 0;
		PORTD ^= (1 << 6);
		//jump to bootloader if jumper is HIGH
		if(bit_is_clear(PIND, 5)) {
		for(i = 0; i < ADC_CHANNELS; i++) {
			//adcValue = adc_read(ADC_PRESCALER_32, ADC_VREF_AVCC, i);
			adcValue = i;
			usb_reply[i] = adcValue >> 2;	
			replybyte = 16 + (i / 4);
			replyshift = ((i % 4) * 2);
			replymask = (3 << replyshift);
			usb_reply[replybyte] =	(usb_reply[replybyte] & ~replymask) | (replymask & (adcValue << replyshift));
		usb_reply[20] = PINC;
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - usbFunctionSetup
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uchar usbFunctionSetup(uchar data[8])

    if(data[1] == POLL) {       						// GET ALL ad_values

        reply[0] = 255;          // this comes from the old gnuswitch, mixlevel, does not make sense anymore
        reply[1] = on_tally_idx;
        reply[2] = 0;
        usbMsgPtr = reply;
        return 3;

    } else if(data[1] == cmd_StartBootloader) {			// Start Bootloader for reprogramming the gnusb

    return 0;
// main function
int main(void) {

    char c;
    uint16_t loop = 0;
    uint8_t bootloaderEnableFlag = FALSE;

    // relocate interrupt vector table to bottom of flash
    // in case the bootloader will not be started
    myIVSELREG = 0;        

    // init USART
    myUBRRH = (F_CPU/(BAUDRATE*16L)-1) >> 8;             // calculate baudrate and set high byte
    myUBRRL = (uint8_t)(F_CPU/(BAUDRATE*16L)-1);         // and low byte
    myUCSRB = _BV(myTXEN) | _BV(myRXEN) | _BV(myRXCIE);  // enable transmitter and receiver and receiver interrupt
    myUCSRC = myURSEL | _BV(myUCSZ1) | _BV(myUCSZ0);     // 8 bit character size, 1 stop bit, no parity

    // the bootloader may be activated either if
    // the character 'i' (interactive mode) was received from USART
    // or the flash is (still) empty

    // poll USART receive complete flag 64k times to catch the 'i' reliably
    do {
	if(bit_is_set(myUCSRA, myRXC))
	    if(myUDR == 'i')
		bootloaderEnableFlag = TRUE;
    } while(--loop);

    // test if flash is empty (i.e. flash content is 0xff)
    if(pgm_read_byte_near(0x0000) == 0xFF) {
	bootloaderEnableFlag = TRUE;  // set enable flag

    // check enable flag and start application if FALSE
    if(bootloaderEnableFlag == FALSE) {
        myUCSRB = 0;  // clear USART register to reset default
        startApplication();  // start application code

    // now the bootloader code begins

    // welcome message and prompt

    // loop until a valid character is received
    do {

	c = uartGetChar();  // read a character

	if(c == 'f') {  // 'f' selects flash programming
	    uartPutChar('f');           // echo the 'f'
	    programThisMemory = FLASH;  // set flag

	if(c == 'e') {  // 'e' selects eeprom programming
	    uartPutChar('e');            // echo the 'e'
	    programThisMemory = EEPROM;  // set flag

	if(c == 'g') {  // 'g' starts the application
	    uartPutChar('g');    // echo the 'g'
	    startApplication();  // and jump to 0x0000

    } while(!programThisMemory);  // exit loop when a valid key was pressed

    // move interrupt vector table to boot loader area
    uartPutChar('\r');  // set cursor to next line

    receiveBufferFull = FALSE;  // reset full flag
    receiveBufferPointer = (char *)receiveBuffer;  // reset buffer pointer to start of buffer

    // enable interrupts

    // endless loop
    while(1) {

	// if buffer is full, parse the buffer and write to flash
	if(receiveBufferFull) {

	    cli();  // disable interrupts

	    // if parsing produced an error, restart bootloader
	    if(!parseSrecBuffer(receiveBuffer)) {
		uartPutChar('\r');  // set cursor to next line
		startBootloader();  // restart the bootloader

	    // was an end-of-file s-record found?
	    if(srecEndOfFile) {
		uartPutChar('O');  // 'OK' indicates successful programming
		loop_until_bit_is_set(myUCSRA, myUDRE);  // wait until character is transmitted
		startBootloader();       // restart the bootloader

	    receiveBufferFull = FALSE;  // reset full flag
	    receiveBufferPointer = (char *)receiveBuffer;  // reset buffer pointer to start of buffer

	    sei();  // enable interrupts