Beispiel #1
int histogram_insert(struct histogram *h, double value) {
	uint64_t bucket = bucket_of(h, value);

	struct box_count *box = itable_lookup(h->buckets, bucket);
	if(!box) {
		box = calloc(1, sizeof(*box));
		itable_insert(h->buckets, bucket, box);


	int mode_count = histogram_count(h, histogram_mode(h));

	if(value > h->max_value || mode_count == 0) {
		h->max_value = value;

	if(value < h->min_value || mode_count == 0) {
		h->min_value = value;

	if(box->count > mode_count) {
		h->mode       = start_of(h, bucket);

	return box->count;
Beispiel #2
double *histogram_buckets(struct histogram *h) {

	int n = histogram_size(h);

	if(n < 1) {
		return NULL;

	double *values = calloc(histogram_size(h), sizeof(double));

	int i = 0;
	uint64_t key;
	struct box_count *box;

	while(itable_nextkey(h->buckets, &key, (void **) &box)) {
		values[i] = start_of(h, key);

	qsort(values, n, sizeof(double), cmp_double);

	return values;
Beispiel #3
 *  Start of HydroGlacial
int hydroglacial()

 *  Local Variables
#ifdef DBG
FILE *fid;

int err, ii, jj, kk, indx, glacierind, meltflag;
int dumint;

double elabin, elaerror, approxarea, Parea;
double massavailable, maxmelt, meltday[maxday], shldday[maxday];
double smallgapprox;
double totalmelt, Tcorrection, Tfix, Mice, Mgw, Mout, Mwrap, Minput;
double Tmean;
double Volumelast, Volumeglacierarea;
double lastareakm, glacierareakm;
err = 0;
glacierind = 0;
elabin = 0.0;
Tmean = 0.0;

 *  Approximate the ELA and glaciated area for the
 *  year prior to the model run.
 *  If (floodtry > 0) then keep that lastela and lastarea
 *  from the first time through
if (floodtry == 0) {
    if (ep == 0 && yr == syear[ep]) {
         *  Find the closest elevbin to the ela;
         *  this may be above or below the ela
        if (ELAstart[ep] > maxalt[ep]) {
            lastela = ELAstart[ep] - ELAchange[ep];
            elaerror = 0.0;
            elabin = ELAstart[ep];
            ELAindex = 2*nelevbins;
            smallg = 0.0;
            bigg = 0.0;
            lastarea = 0.0;
        else {
	      lastela  = ELAstart[ep] - ELAchange[ep];
	      elaerror = maxalt[ep];
	      for (kk=0; kk<nelevbins; kk++)
	         if (fabs(lastela - elevbins[kk]) < elaerror) {
                   elabin = elevbins[kk];
                   ELAindex = kk;
                   elaerror = fabs(lastela - elevbins[kk]);

	  *  Calculate the glaciated area above the elabin
	  *  by summing the areas above that point
	 smallgapprox = 0.0;
	 for (kk=ELAindex; kk<nelevbins; kk++)
	      smallgapprox += areabins[kk];

	  *  Determine which bin the ela actually resides in
	 if (elabin > lastela)
	     indx = ELAindex - 1;
	     indx = ELAindex;

	  *  Correct the area by linear interpolation
	 smallg = smallgapprox + areabins[indx]*(elabin-lastela)/elevbinsize;

	  *	Calculate the glaciated area below the ela
	  *	Assume area below ela = 35% of total area
	  *	G = 0.35*Atotal	 g = 0.65*Atotal	G = (0.35/0.65)*g
	 bigg = (0.35/0.65)*smallg;

	  *  Find the estimate glaciated area
	 lastarea = smallg + bigg;

      } /* end if ELA > maxalt */

  *  Keep last years Glaciated area for Mass Balance and Discharge
	else {
		if ( ep != 0 && yr == syear[ep] && setstartmeanQandQs == 0 ){
			initiallastela = ela;
			initiallastarea = glacierarea;
			lastela  = ela;
			lastarea = glacierarea;
		else if (ep != 0 && yr == syear[ep] && setstartmeanQandQs > 0 ){
			lastela = initiallastela;
			lastarea = initiallastarea;
		else if (yr != syear[ep]){
			lastela  = ela;
			lastarea = glacierarea;
}	/* endif floodtry==0 */

 *  Calculate the new ELA
ela = ELAstart[ep] + ELAchange[ep]*((yr-syear[ep]));

 *  Simulate a basin with NO glaciers
if (ela > maxalt[ep]) {
    if (lastela < maxalt[ep]) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\nHydroGlacial WARNING: epoch = %d, year = %d \n", ep+1, yr );
        fprintf(stderr, "   The Glacier completely melted. \n");
        fprintf(stderr, "   This has not been accounted for yet. \n");
        fprintf(stderr, "   There will be a mass balance error for \n");
        fprintf(stderr, "   the remaining part of the glacier. \n");
    glacierelev = maxalt[ep]+elevbinsize;  /* make sure it is above the basin */
    glacierarea = 0.0;
    approxarea = 0.0;
    bigg = 0.0;
    smallg = 0.0;
    smallgapprox = 0.0;

 *  Simulate a basin with glaciers
else {
    for (ii=0; ii<maxday; ii++) {
        meltday[ii] = 0.0;
        shldday[ii] = 0.0;

     *  Find the closest elevbin to the ela;
     *  this may be above or below the ela
    elaerror = maxalt[ep];
    for (kk=0; kk<nelevbins; kk++)
        if (fabs(ela - elevbins[kk]) < elaerror) {
            elabin = elevbins[kk];
            ELAindex = kk;
            elaerror = fabs(ela - elevbins[kk]);

    *	 Calculate the glaciated area above the elabin
    *	 by summing the areas above that point
   smallgapprox = 0.0;
   for (kk=ELAindex; kk<nelevbins; kk++)
       smallgapprox += areabins[kk];

    *  Determine which bin the ela actually resides in
   if (elabin > ela)
       indx = ELAindex - 1;
       indx = ELAindex;

    *  Correct the area by linear interpolation
   smallg = smallgapprox + areabins[indx]*(elabin-ela)/elevbinsize;
    *	 Calculate the glaciated area below the ela
    *	 Assume area below ela = 35% of total area
    *	 G = 0.35*Atotal	 g = 0.65*Atotal	G = (0.35/0.65)*g
   bigg = (0.35/0.65)*smallg;

    *  Find the actual glaciated area (glacierarea)
    *  and elevation of the glacier toe (glacierelev)
    *  and glacierelev's elevbins index (glacierind)
   glacierarea = smallg + bigg;
   approxarea = 0.0;
   kk = nelevbins-1;
   while (approxarea <= glacierarea) {
       approxarea += areabins[kk];
       glacierelev = elevbins[kk];
       glacierind = kk;

    *  Sum the Precip which is above BOTH:
    *	i) the ELA
    *	ii) the Freezing line altitude (FLAindex)
    *	if( FLAindex == FLAflag ) then no T<0 occured on that day at any elev.
   MPglacial = 0.0;   
   for (ii=0; ii<daysiy; ii++) {
        /*  Find area above the ELA */
        if( FLAindex[ii] < ELAindex )
            Parea = smallgapprox;
        /* Find area above the FLA */
        else if( FLAindex[ii] < FLAflag ) {
            Parea = 0.0;
            for (kk=nelevbins-1; kk>=FLAindex[ii]; kk-- )
                 Parea += areabins[kk];
      	 Parea = 0.0; 				/* FLA is above the basin */
      	MPglacial += Pdaily[ii]*Parea;

    *  Track the actual changes in glacier mass so there are
    *  no step changes in mass between years
	if (glacierarea < lastarea){
		lastareakm =(lastarea/1e6);
		glacierareakm =(glacierarea/1e6);
		Volumelast = bethaglacier * pow(lastareakm,bethaexpo);
		Volumeglacierarea = bethaglacier * pow (glacierareakm,bethaexpo);
		Gmass = ((Volumelast*1e6) - (Volumeglacierarea*1e6));	
		Gmass = 0.0;
    *  Calculate the total water available for E, Q, and Gw
    *  = sum( ice balance + Precip in )
   massavailable = Gmass + MPglacial;

    *  Check if there is sufficient mass to grow a glacier
	if( massavailable < 0.0 ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "HydroGlacial ERROR: year = %d, ep =%d \n", yr, ep );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t There is insufficient precipitation on the \n" );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t glaciated area to grow the glacier at the \n" );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t prescribed rate. \n" );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t massavailable < 0.0 \n" );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t massavailable = Gmass + MPglacial \n" );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t massavailable \t = %e \n", massavailable );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t Gmass \t = %e (m^3) \n", Gmass );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t MPglacial  \t = %e (m^3) \n", MPglacial );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t Gmass = (lastarea-glacierarea)*fabs(lastela-ela) \n" );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t lastarea   \t = %e (m^2) \n", lastarea );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t glacierarea\t = %e (m^2) \n", glacierarea );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t lastela    \t = %e  \n", lastela );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t ela        \t = %e  \n", ela );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t Parea       \t = %e  \n", Parea);
		fprintf( stderr, " \t ELAstart[ep]      \t = %e  \n", ELAstart[ep]);
		fprintf( stderr, " \t ELAchange[ep]      \t = %e  \n", ELAchange[ep]);
		fprintf( stderr, " \t setstartmeanQandQs  \t = %d \n", setstartmeanQandQs);

    *  Calculate the amount of ice lost to evaporation
    *  divide by the glaciated area, to get units of m of water equivelant
   Eiceannual = massavailable*dryevap[ep]/glacierarea;

    *  Loop through the year and determine the melt days
    *  scale each event by the Temperature and Precip
    *  Later the scaled days will be assigned the appropriate
    *  amount of runoff
    *  Also check to insure that we melt enough ice, and do not flood
    *  the basin.  Note that meltday will be scaled down further
    *  by the shoulder events.
    *  The ranarray factor will add some randomness to the events
    *  ranarry has a mean of zero and std of 1
   meltflag = 1;
   maxmelt = 0.0;
   Tfix = 0.0;
	while( meltflag == 1 ) {
		totalmelt = 0.0;
		for( ii=0; ii<daysiy; ii++ ) {
			Tcorrection = 0.0;
			if( Pdaily[ii] > 0.0 )
				Tcorrection = 1.0;
			if( Televday[glacierind][ii]+Tfix > 0.0 ) {
				totalmelt += meltday[ii];
				maxmelt = mx( meltday[ii], maxmelt );
		if (totalmelt == 0.0 ) {
			Tmean = 0.0;
//			for (ii=daystrm[5]; ii<dayendm[7]; ii++ )
			for (ii=start_of(Jun); ii<end_of(Aug); ii++ )
				Tmean += Televday[glacierind][ii];
//			Tmean/=(dayendm[7]-daystrm[5]);
			Tfix += mx( -Tmean, 1.0 );	
			meltflag = 0;
	if (Tfix > 0.0) {
		fprintf( stderr, "\n HydroGlacial Warning: epoch = %d, year = %d \n", ep+1, yr );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t The basin was too cold to melt enough glacial ice. \n" );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t The daily temperatures used to melt ice were increased. \n" );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t Tfix = %f (degC) \n", Tfix );
		fprintf( stderr, " \t Tmean = %f (degC) \n", Tmean );
		fprintf( fidlog, " HydroGlacial Warning: \n" );
		fprintf( fidlog, " \t The basin was too cold to melt enough glacial ice. \n" );
		fprintf( fidlog, " \t The daily temperatures used to melt ice were increased. \n" );
		fprintf( fidlog, " \t Tfix = %f (degC) \n", Tfix );
		fprintf( fidlog, " \t Tmean = %f (degC) \n", Tmean );

    *  Create the shoulder events (Murray's version of flood wave attenuation)
    *  there is one left (preceeding) day scaled as:
    *   shoulderleft*event
    *  the main event is scaled down to:
    *   shouldermain*event
    *  there are 1 or more right (following days) scaled to:
    *   shoulderright[]*event
    *  1.0 = Sum(shoulderleft+shouldermain+shoulderright[])
   ii = 0;
   if (meltday[ii] > 0.0) {
       shldday[ii] += shoulderleft*meltday[ii];
       for (jj=0; jj<shouldern-2; jj++)
            shldday[ii+jj+1] += shoulderright[jj]*meltday[ii];
       meltday[ii] = shouldermain*meltday[ii];

   for (ii=1; ii<daysiy; ii++){
   		Qice[ii-1] = 0.0;
   		Qice[ii] = 0.0;
        if (meltday[ii] > 0.0) {
	      shldday[ii-1] += shoulderleft*meltday[ii];
	      for (jj=0; jj<shouldern-2; jj++)
                shldday[ii+jj+1] += shoulderright[jj]*meltday[ii];
	      meltday[ii] = shouldermain*meltday[ii];

    *	 Add the shoulder events and the main events
    *	 to get the total ice derived discharge.
    *	 Also scale the discharges to match the actual ice melt.
    *	 Convert to m^3/s
   for (ii=0; ii<maxday-distbins[ELAindex]; ii++) {

       *  (Mark's version of routing)
       *  Add the time lag for the distance up the basin (distbins[elabin])
       *  Convert to m^3/s
      dumint = distbins[ELAindex];
      Qice[ ii+dumint ] += (meltday[ii]+shldday[ii])

    *  Add the carryover from the previous
    *  year and track it's mass
   Mwrap = 0.0;
   for (ii=0; ii<maxday-daysiy; ii++) {
       Qice[ii] += Qicewrap[ii];
       Mwrap += Qicewrap[ii]*dTOs;

    *  Add to the flux to the Groundwater pool
    *  Actual addition to the GW pool is done in HydroRain.c
   for (ii=0; ii<daysiy; ii++) {
       Qicetogw[ii] += percentgw[ep]*Qice[ii];
       Qice[ii]     -= Qicetogw[ii];

    *  Check the mass balance
   Mice = 0.0;
   Mgw  = 0.0;
   for (ii=0; ii<maxday; ii++)
       Mice += Qice[ii]*dTOs;
   for (ii=0; ii<daysiy; ii++)
       Mgw  += Qicetogw[ii]*dTOs;

   Mout = Mice + Mgw + Eiceannual*glacierarea;
   Minput = massavailable + Mwrap;
   if ( (fabs(Mout-Minput)/Minput) > masscheck ) {
       fprintf( stderr, "ERROR in HydroGlacial: \n");
       fprintf( stderr, "  Mass Balance error: Mout != Minput \n\n");
       fprintf( stderr, "\t fabs(Mout-Minput)/Minput > masscheck \n" );
       fprintf( stderr, "\t note: masscheck set in HydroParams.h \n" );
       fprintf( stderr, "\t masscheck = %f (%%) \n", masscheck );
       fprintf( stderr, "\t fabs(Mout-Minput)/Minput = %f (%%) \n\n", fabs(Mout-Minput)/Minput );
       fprintf( stderr, " \t Minput = massavailable + Mwrap \n" );
       fprintf( stderr, " \t Minput \t\t = %e \n", Minput );
       fprintf( stderr, " \t massavailable \t = %e \n", massavailable );
       fprintf( stderr, " \t Mwrap \t\t = %e \n\n", Mwrap );
       fprintf( stderr, " \t Mout = Mice + Mgw + Eiceannual*glacierarea \n" );
       fprintf( stderr, " \t Mout \t\t = %e \n", Mout );
       fprintf( stderr, " \t Mice \t\t = %e \n", Mice );
       fprintf( stderr, " \t Mgw \t\t = %e \n", Mgw );
       fprintf( stderr, " \t Eiceannual \t = %e \n\n", Eiceannual*glacierarea );

}   /* endif glacial */

#if DBG
   fprintf( fidlog,"\n HydroGlacial: \t year = %d \n\n", yr );

   fprintf( fidlog," \t Mass Wrap \t = %e (m^3) \n\n", Mwrap );

   fprintf( fidlog," \t ela \t\t = %f (m) \n", ela );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t elabin \t = %f (m) \n", elabin );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t elevbinsize \t = %f (m) \n\n", elevbinsize );

   fprintf( fidlog," \t maxalt[ep] \t = %f (m) \n", maxalt[ep] );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t glacierelev \t = %f (m) \n\n", glacierelev );

   fprintf( fidlog," \t smallg \t = %e (m^2) \n", smallg );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t bigg \t\t = %e (m^2) \n", bigg );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t glacierarea \t = %e (m^2) \n", glacierarea );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t approxarea \t = %e (m^2) \n\n", approxarea );

   fprintf( fidlog," \t ela \t\t = %f (m) \n", ela );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t lastela \t = %f (m) \n", lastela );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t diff(ela) \t = %f (m) \n\n", fabs(lastela-ela) );

   fprintf( fidlog," \t lastarea \t = %e (m^2) \n", lastarea );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t glacierarea \t = %e (m^2) \n", glacierarea );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t diff(area) \t = %e (m^2) \n\n", lastarea-glacierarea );

   fprintf( fidlog," \t MPglacial \t = %e (m^3) \n", MPglacial );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t GMass \t\t = %e (m^3) \n", Gmass );
   fprintf( fidlog," \t Mass available\t = %e (m^3) \n\n", massavailable );

   fprintf( fidlog, " \t Mout \t\t = %e \n", Mout );
   fprintf( fidlog, " \t Mout = Mice + Mgw + Eiceannual*glacierarea \n" );
   fprintf( fidlog, " \t Mice \t\t = %e \n", Mice );
   fprintf( fidlog, " \t Mgw \t\t = %e \n", Mgw );
   fprintf( fidlog, " \t Eiceannual \t = %e \n", Eiceannual*glacierarea );

   *  Print out glacial Q for error checking.
   *  The % at the begining of each text line is for a comment line in matlab.
   *  This enables the file to be read directly into matlab for plotting.
  if( tblstart[ep] <= yr && yr <= tblend[ep] ) {
    if( (fid = fopen("","a+")) == NULL) {
      printf("  HydroGlacial ERROR: Unable to open the Qice file \n");
      printf("     non-fatal error, continueing. \n\n");
    else {
	fprintf( fid,"%%\n%%\n%% HydroGlacial output: \n%%\n" );
	fprintf( fid,"%%Daily predicted Qice for epoch %d \n%%\n", ep+1 );
	fprintf( fid,"%%Year \t Day \t Qice(m^3/s) \t Qicetogw(m^3/s) \n" );
	fprintf( fid,"%%---- \t --- \t ----------- \t ------------ \n" );
	for(ii=0; ii<daysiy; ii++ )
           fprintf( fid,"%d \t %d \t %f \t %f \n", yr, ii+1, Qice[ii], Qicetogw[ii] );
	for(ii=daysiy; ii<maxday; ii++ )
           fprintf( fid,"%d \t %d \t %f \t NaN \n", yr, ii+1, Qice[ii] );

}  /* end of HydroGlacial */