Beispiel #1
int main()

	date startdate(1,1,1900,1);
	date enddate(31,12,2000);

	simpleEuler19 s(startdate, enddate);
	char c;
	while (c = getchar())
		if (c == 'q')break;
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
bool MythTimeInputDialog::Create()
    if (!CopyWindowFromBase("MythTimeInputDialog", this))
        return false;

    MythUIText *messageText = NULL;
    MythUIButton *okButton = NULL;

    bool err = false;
    UIUtilE::Assign(this, messageText, "message", &err);
    UIUtilE::Assign(this, m_dateList, "dates", &err);
    UIUtilE::Assign(this, m_timeList, "times", &err);
    UIUtilE::Assign(this, okButton, "ok", &err);

    if (err)
        LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "Cannot load screen 'MythTimeInputDialog'");
        return false;


    MythUIButtonListItem *item;
    // Date
    if (kNoDate != (m_resolution & 0xF))
        const QDate startdate(m_startTime.toLocalTime().date());
        QDate date(startdate);

        int limit = 0;
        if (m_resolution & kFutureDates)
            limit += m_rangeLimit;
        if (m_resolution & kPastDates)
            limit += m_rangeLimit;
            date = date.addDays(0-m_rangeLimit);

        QString text;
        int flags;
        bool selected = false;
        for (int x = 0; x <= limit; x++)
            selected = false;
            if (m_resolution & kDay)
                date = date.addDays(1);
                flags = MythDate::kDateFull | MythDate::kSimplify;
                if (m_rangeLimit >= 356)
                    flags |= MythDate::kAddYear;
                text = MythDate::toString(date, flags);

                if (date == startdate)
                    selected = true;
            else if (m_resolution & kMonth)
                date = date.addMonths(1);
                text = date.toString("MMM yyyy");

                if ((date.month() == startdate.month()) &&
                    (date.year() == startdate.year()))
                    selected = true;
            else if (m_resolution & kYear)
                date = date.addYears(1);
                text = date.toString("yyyy");
                if (date.year() == startdate.year())
                    selected = true;

            item = new MythUIButtonListItem(m_dateList, text, NULL, false);

            if (selected)

    // Time
    if (kNoTime != (m_resolution & 0xF0))
        QDate startdate(m_startTime.toLocalTime().date());
        QTime starttime(m_startTime.toLocalTime().time());
        QTime time(0,0,0);
        QString text;
        bool selected = false;

        int limit = (m_resolution & kMinutes) ? (60 * 24) : 24;

        for (int x = 0; x < limit; x++)
            selected = false;
            if (m_resolution & kMinutes)
                time = time.addSecs(60);
                QDateTime dt = QDateTime(startdate, time, Qt::LocalTime);
                text = MythDate::toString(dt, MythDate::kTime);

                if (time == starttime)
                    selected = true;
            else if (m_resolution & kHours)
                time = time.addSecs(60*60);
                text = time.toString("hh:00");

                if (time.hour() == starttime.hour())
                    selected = true;

            item = new MythUIButtonListItem(m_timeList, text, NULL, false);

            if (selected)

    if (messageText && !m_message.isEmpty())

    connect(okButton, SIGNAL(Clicked()), SLOT(okClicked()));


    return true;
bool QgsAuthPkcs12Edit::validateConfig()
  // required components
  QString bundlepath( lePkcs12Bundle->text() );

  bool bundlefound = QFile::exists( bundlepath );

  QgsAuthGuiUtils::fileFound( bundlepath.isEmpty() || bundlefound, lePkcs12Bundle );

  if ( !bundlefound )
    writePkiMessage( lePkcs12Msg, tr( "Missing components" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );

  if ( !QCA::isSupported( "pkcs12" ) )
    writePkiMessage( lePkcs12Msg, tr( "QCA library has no PKCS#12 support" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );

  // load the bundle
  QCA::SecureArray passarray;
  if ( !lePkcs12KeyPass->text().isEmpty() )
    passarray = QCA::SecureArray( lePkcs12KeyPass->text().toUtf8() );

  QCA::ConvertResult res;
  QCA::KeyBundle bundle( QCA::KeyBundle::fromFile( bundlepath, passarray, &res, QString( "qca-ossl" ) ) );

  if ( res == QCA::ErrorFile )
    writePkiMessage( lePkcs12Msg, tr( "Failed to read bundle file" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );
  else if ( res == QCA::ErrorPassphrase )
    writePkiMessage( lePkcs12Msg, tr( "Incorrect bundle password" ), Invalid );
    lePkcs12KeyPass->setPlaceholderText( QString( "Required passphrase" ) );
    return validityChange( false );
  else if ( res == QCA::ErrorDecode )
    writePkiMessage( lePkcs12Msg, tr( "Failed to decode (try entering password)" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );

  if ( bundle.isNull() )
    writePkiMessage( lePkcs12Msg, tr( "Bundle empty or can not be loaded" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );

  // check for primary cert and that it is valid
  QCA::Certificate cert( bundle.certificateChain().primary() );
  if ( cert.isNull() )
    writePkiMessage( lePkcs12Msg, tr( "Bundle client cert can not be loaded" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );

  // TODO: add more robust validation, including cert chain resolution
  QDateTime startdate( cert.notValidBefore() );
  QDateTime enddate( cert.notValidAfter() );
  QDateTime now( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
  bool bundlevalid = ( now >= startdate && now <= enddate );

  writePkiMessage( lePkcs12Msg,
                   tr( "%1 thru %2" ).arg( startdate.toString() ).arg( enddate.toString() ),
                   ( bundlevalid ? Valid : Invalid ) );

  return validityChange( bundlevalid );
Beispiel #4
bool QgsAuthPkiPathsEdit::validateConfig()
  // required components
  QString certpath( lePkiPathsCert->text() );
  QString keypath( lePkiPathsKey->text() );

  bool certfound = QFile::exists( certpath );
  bool keyfound = QFile::exists( keypath );

  QgsAuthGuiUtils::fileFound( certpath.isEmpty() || certfound, lePkiPathsCert );
  QgsAuthGuiUtils::fileFound( keypath.isEmpty() || keyfound, lePkiPathsKey );

  if ( !certfound || !keyfound )
    writePkiMessage( lePkiPathsMsg, tr( "Missing components" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );

  // check for issue date validity, then notify status
  QSslCertificate cert;
  QFile file( certpath );
  QFileInfo fileinfo( file );
  QString ext( fileinfo.fileName().replace( fileinfo.completeBaseName(), "" ).toLower() );
  if ( ext.isEmpty() )
    writePkiMessage( lePkiPathsMsg, tr( "Certificate file has no extension" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );

  QFile::OpenMode openflags( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
  QSsl::EncodingFormat encformat( QSsl::Der );
  if ( ext == ".pem" )
    openflags |= QIODevice::Text;
    encformat = QSsl::Pem;

  if ( openflags ) )
    cert = QSslCertificate( file.readAll(), encformat );
    writePkiMessage( lePkiPathsMsg, tr( "Failed to read certificate file" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );

  if ( cert.isNull() )
    writePkiMessage( lePkiPathsMsg, tr( "Failed to load certificate from file" ), Invalid );
    return validityChange( false );

  bool certvalid = cert.isValid();
  QDateTime startdate( cert.effectiveDate() );
  QDateTime enddate( cert.expiryDate() );

  writePkiMessage( lePkiPathsMsg,
                   tr( "%1 thru %2" ).arg( startdate.toString(), enddate.toString() ),
                   ( certvalid ? Valid : Invalid ) );

  return validityChange( certvalid );