Beispiel #1
void GFXD3D11TextureTarget::activate()
   GFXDEBUGEVENT_SCOPE( GFXPCD3D11TextureTarget_activate, ColorI::RED );

   AssertFatal( mTargets[GFXTextureTarget::Color0], "GFXD3D11TextureTarget::activate() - You can never have a NULL primary render target!" );
   // Clear the state indicator.
   // Now set all the new surfaces into the appropriate slots.
   ID3D11RenderTargetView* rtViews[MaxRenderSlotId] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};

   ID3D11DepthStencilView* dsView = (ID3D11DepthStencilView*)(mTargetViews[GFXTextureTarget::DepthStencil]);
   for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      rtViews[i] = (ID3D11RenderTargetView*)mTargetViews[GFXTextureTarget::Color0 + i];

   D3D11DEVICECONTEXT->OMSetRenderTargets(MaxRenderSlotId, rtViews, dsView);

void GFXPCD3D9TextureTarget::activate()
   GFXDEBUGEVENT_SCOPE( GFXPCD3D9TextureTarget_activate, ColorI::RED );

   AssertFatal( mTargets[GFXTextureTarget::Color0], 
      "GFXPCD3D9TextureTarget::activate() - You can never have a NULL primary render target!" );

   const U32 NumRenderTargets = getMin( mDevice->getNumRenderTargets(), (U32)Color4 - Color0 );

   LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 d3dDevice = mDevice->getDevice();

   // Clear the state indicator.

   IDirect3DSurface9 *depth = mTargets[GFXTextureTarget::DepthStencil];
   // In debug lets do a complete test to be sure we don't
   // have a bad depth format for this display mode.   
   #ifdef TORQUE_DEBUG

      if ( depth && mTargets[GFXTextureTarget::Color0] )
         D3DSURFACE_DESC desc;
         D3D9Assert( mTargets[GFXTextureTarget::Color0]->GetDesc( &desc ), 
            "GFXPCD3D9TextureTarget::activate() - Failed to get surface description!");
         D3DFORMAT renderFormat = desc.Format;

         D3D9Assert( depth->GetDesc( &desc ), 
            "GFXPCD3D9TextureTarget::activate() - Failed to get surface description!");
         D3DFORMAT depthFormat = desc.Format;

         HRESULT hr = mDevice->getD3D()->CheckDepthStencilMatch(  mDevice->getAdaterIndex(),
                                                                  depthFormat );
         D3D9Assert( hr, "GFXPCD3D9TextureTarget::activate() - Bad depth format for this target!" );


   // First clear the non-primary targets to make the debug DX runtime happy.
   for(U32 i = 1; i < NumRenderTargets; i++)
      D3D9Assert(d3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( i, NULL ), 
         avar("GFXPCD3D9TextureTarget::activate() - failed to clear texture target %d!", i) );

   // Now set all the new surfaces into the appropriate slots.
   for(U32 i = 0; i < NumRenderTargets; i++)
      IDirect3DSurface9 *target = mTargets[GFXTextureTarget::Color0 + i];
      if ( target )
         D3D9Assert(d3dDevice->SetRenderTarget(i, target), 
            avar("GFXPCD3D9TextureTarget::activate() - failed to set slot %d for texture target!", i) );

   // TODO: This is often the same shared depth buffer used by most
   // render targets.  Are we getting performance hit from setting it
   // multiple times... aside from the function call?

   D3D9Assert(d3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( depth ), 
      "GFXPCD3D9TextureTarget::activate() - failed to set depthstencil target!" );