//MsgDest functions.
void MarkovGslSolver::process( const Eref& e, ProcPtr info )
	double nextt = info->currTime + info->dt;
	double t = info->currTime;
	double sum = 0;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nVars_; ++i )
		stateGsl_[i] = state_[i];

	while ( t < nextt ) {
		int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply ( 
			gslEvolve_, gslControl_, gslStep_, &gslSys_, 
			&t, nextt,
			&internalStepSize_, stateGsl_);

		//Simple idea borrowed from Dieter Jaeger's implementation of a Markov
		//channel to deal with potential round-off error.
		sum = 0;
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nVars_; i++ )
			sum += stateGsl_[i];

		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nVars_; i++ )
			stateGsl_[i] /= sum;

		if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nVars_; ++i )
		state_[i] = stateGsl_[i];

	stateOut()->send( e, info->threadIndexInGroup, state_ );
void MarkovGslSolver::reinit( const Eref& e, ProcPtr info )
	state_ = initialState_;
	if ( initialState_.empty() )
		cerr << "MarkovGslSolver::reinit : "
				 "Initial state has not been set. Solver has not been initialized."
				 "Call init() before running.\n";
	stateOut()->send( e, info->threadIndexInGroup, state_ );
void MarkovSolverBase::reinit( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )
	if ( initialState_.empty() )
		cerr << "MarkovSolverBase::reinit : Initial state has not been "
	state_ = initialState_;		

	stateOut()->send( e, p->threadIndexInGroup, state_ );
const Cinfo* MarkovGslSolver::initCinfo()
		// Field definitions
		static ReadOnlyValueFinfo< MarkovGslSolver, bool > isInitialized( 
			"True if the message has come in to set solver parameters.",
		static ValueFinfo< MarkovGslSolver, string > method( "method", 
			"Numerical method to use.",
		static ValueFinfo< MarkovGslSolver, double > relativeAccuracy( 
			"Accuracy criterion",
		static ValueFinfo< MarkovGslSolver, double > absoluteAccuracy( 
			"Another accuracy criterion",
		static ValueFinfo< MarkovGslSolver, double > internalDt( 
			"internal timestep to use.",
		// DestFinfo definitions
		static DestFinfo init( "init",
			"Initialize solver parameters.",
			new OpFunc1< MarkovGslSolver, vector< double > >
			( &MarkovGslSolver::init )

		static DestFinfo handleQ( "handleQ",
			"Handles information regarding the instantaneous rate matrix from "
			"the MarkovRateTable class.",
			new OpFunc1< MarkovGslSolver, vector< vector< double > > >( &MarkovGslSolver::handleQ) );

		static DestFinfo process( "process",
			"Handles process call",
			new ProcOpFunc< MarkovGslSolver >( &MarkovGslSolver::process ) );
		static DestFinfo reinit( "reinit",
			"Handles reinit call",
			new ProcOpFunc< MarkovGslSolver >( &MarkovGslSolver::reinit ) );
		// Shared definitions
		static Finfo* procShared[] = {
			&process, &reinit
		static SharedFinfo proc( "proc",
			"Shared message for process and reinit",
			procShared, sizeof( procShared ) / sizeof( const Finfo* )

	static Finfo* MarkovGslFinfos[] =
		&isInitialized,			// ValueFinfo
		&method,						// ValueFinfo
		&relativeAccuracy,	// ValueFinfo
		&absoluteAccuracy,	// ValueFinfo
		&internalDt,				// ValueFinfo
		&init,							// DestFinfo
		&handleQ,						// DestFinfo	
		&proc,							// SharedFinfo
		stateOut(),  				// SrcFinfo
	static Cinfo MarkovGslSolverCinfo(
		sizeof(MarkovGslFinfos)/sizeof(Finfo *),
		new Dinfo< MarkovGslSolver >

	return &MarkovGslSolverCinfo;
void MarkovSolverBase::process( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )

	stateOut()->send( e, p->threadIndexInGroup, state_ );
const Cinfo* MarkovSolverBase::initCinfo()
	static DestFinfo handleVm("handleVm", 
			"Handles incoming message containing voltage information.",
			new OpFunc1< MarkovSolverBase, double >(&MarkovSolverBase::handleVm)

	static Finfo* channelShared[] = 

	static SharedFinfo channel("channel",
			"This message couples the MarkovSolverBase to the Compartment. The "
			"compartment needs Vm in order to look up the correct matrix "
			"exponential for computing the state.",
			channelShared, sizeof( channelShared ) / sizeof( Finfo* ) 

	static DestFinfo process(	"process",
			"Handles process call",
			new ProcOpFunc< MarkovSolverBase >( &MarkovSolverBase::process ) ); 

	static DestFinfo reinit( "reinit", 
			"Handles reinit call",
			new ProcOpFunc< MarkovSolverBase >( &MarkovSolverBase::reinit ) );

	static Finfo* processShared[] =
		&process, &reinit

	static SharedFinfo proc( "proc", 
			"This is a shared message to receive Process message from the"
			"scheduler. The first entry is a MsgDest for the Process "
			"operation. It has a single argument, ProcInfo, which "
			"holds lots of information about current time, thread, dt and"
			"so on. The second entry is a MsgDest for the Reinit "
			"operation. It also uses ProcInfo.",
		processShared, sizeof( processShared ) / sizeof( Finfo* )

	static DestFinfo ligandConc("ligandconc",
			"Handles incoming message containing ligand concentration.",
			new OpFunc1< MarkovSolverBase, double >(&MarkovSolverBase::handleLigandConc) 

	static DestFinfo init("init",
			"Setups the table of matrix exponentials associated with the"
			" solver object.",
			new OpFunc2< MarkovSolverBase, Id, double >(&MarkovSolverBase::init) 

	static ReadOnlyValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, Matrix > Q("Q",
			"Instantaneous rate matrix.",

	static ReadOnlyValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, Vector > state("state",
			"Current state of the channel.",

	static ValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, Vector > initialstate("initialstate",
			"Initial state of the channel.",

	static ValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, double > xmin( "xmin",
		"Minimum value for x axis of lookup table",
	static ValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, double > xmax( "xmax",
		"Maximum value for x axis of lookup table",
	static ValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, unsigned int > xdivs( "xdivs",
		"# of divisions on x axis of lookup table",
	static ReadOnlyValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, double > invdx( "invdx",
		"Reciprocal of increment on x axis of lookup table",
	static ValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, double > ymin( "ymin",
		"Minimum value for y axis of lookup table",
	static ValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, double > ymax( "ymax",
		"Maximum value for y axis of lookup table",
	static ValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, unsigned int > ydivs( "ydivs",
		"# of divisions on y axis of lookup table",
	static ReadOnlyValueFinfo< MarkovSolverBase, double > invdy( "invdy",
		"Reciprocal of increment on y axis of lookup table",

	static Finfo* markovSolverFinfos[] = 	
		&channel,						//SharedFinfo	
		&proc,							//SharedFinfo
		stateOut(), 				//SrcFinfo
		&ligandConc,				//DestFinfo
		&init,							//DestFinfo
		&Q,									//ReadOnlyValueFinfo
		&state,							//ReadOnlyValueFinfo
		&initialstate,			//ReadOnlyValueFinfo
		&xmin,							//ValueFinfo
		&xmax,							//ValueFinfo
		&xdivs,							//ValueFinfo
		&invdx,							//ReadOnlyValueFinfo
		&ymin,							//ValueFinfo
		&ymax,							//ValueFinfo
		&ydivs,							//ValueFinfo
		&invdy							//ReadOnlyValueFinfo

	static Cinfo markovSolverBaseCinfo(
			sizeof( markovSolverFinfos ) / sizeof( Finfo* ),
			new Dinfo< MarkovSolverBase > 

	return &markovSolverBaseCinfo;
Beispiel #7
void MarkovSolverBase::process( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )

	stateOut()->send( e, state_ );