Beispiel #1
void smooth(level_type * level, int x_id, int rhs_id, double a, double b){
    fprintf(stderr,"error - NUM_SMOOTHS must be even...\n");

  #ifdef USE_L1JACOBI
  double weight = 1.0;
  double weight = 2.0/3.0;
  int box,s;
    // exchange ghost zone data... Jacobi ping pongs between x_id and VECTOR_TEMP
    if((s&1)==0){exchange_boundary(level,       x_id,stencil_get_shape());apply_BCs(level,       x_id,stencil_get_shape());}

    // apply the smoother... Jacobi ping pongs between x_id and VECTOR_TEMP
    double _timeStart = getTime();
    const int  ghosts = level->box_ghosts;
    const int jStride = level->box_jStride;
    const int kStride = level->box_kStride;
    const int     dim = level->box_dim;
    const double h2inv = 1.0/(level->h*level->h);

      int i,j,k;
      const double * __restrict__ rhs    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[       rhs_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ alpha  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_ALPHA ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_i = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_I] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_j = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_J] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_k = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_K] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ valid  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_VALID ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride); // cell is inside the domain
      #ifdef USE_L1JACOBI
      const double * __restrict__ lambda = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_L1INV ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ lambda = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_DINV  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
        const double * __restrict__ x_n;
              double * __restrict__ x_np1;
                      if((s&1)==0){x_n   = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[         x_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
                                   x_np1 = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_TEMP  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);}
                              else{x_n   = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_TEMP  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
                                   x_np1 = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[         x_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);}
        int ijk = i + j*jStride + k*kStride;
        double Ax_n = apply_op_ijk(x_n);
        x_np1[ijk] = x_n[ijk] + weight*lambda[ijk]*(rhs[ijk]-Ax_n);
    } // box-loop
    level->timers.smooth += (double)(getTime()-_timeStart);
  } // s-loop
// Samuel Williams
// [email protected]
// Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
void smooth(level_type * level, int phi_id, int rhs_id, double a, double b){
  int box,s;

  for(s=0;s<2*NUM_SMOOTHS;s++){ // there are two sweeps (forward/backward) per GS smooth

    double _timeStart = getTime();
    #ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for private(box)
      int i,j,k;
      const int ghosts = level->box_ghosts;
      const int jStride = level->my_boxes[box].jStride;
      const int kStride = level->my_boxes[box].kStride;
      const int     dim = level->my_boxes[box].dim;
      const double h2inv = 1.0/(level->h*level->h);
            double * __restrict__ phi      = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[       phi_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride); // i.e. [0] = first non ghost zone point
      const double * __restrict__ rhs      = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[       rhs_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ alpha    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_ALPHA ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_i   = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_I] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_j   = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_J] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_k   = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_K] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ Dinv     = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_DINV  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);

      if( (s&0x1)==0 ){ // forward sweep... hard to thread
          int ijk = i + j*jStride + k*kStride;
          double Ax = apply_op_ijk(phi);
          phi[ijk] = phi[ijk] + Dinv[ijk]*(rhs[ijk]-Ax);
      }else{ // backward sweep... hard to thread
          int ijk = i + j*jStride + k*kStride;
          double Ax = apply_op_ijk(phi);
          phi[ijk] = phi[ijk] + Dinv[ijk]*(rhs[ijk]-Ax);

    } // boxes
    level->timers.smooth += (double)(getTime()-_timeStart);
  } // s-loop
void residual(level_type * level, int res_id, int x_id, int rhs_id, double a, double b){
  // exchange the boundary for x in prep for Ax...

  // now do residual/restriction proper...
  double _timeStart = getTime();
  const int  ghosts = level->box_ghosts;
  const int jStride = level->box_jStride;
  const int kStride = level->box_kStride;
  const int     dim = level->box_dim;
  const double h2inv = 1.0/(level->h*level->h);
  int box;

    int i,j,k;
    const double * __restrict__ x      = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[         x_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride); // i.e. [0] = first non ghost zone point
    const double * __restrict__ rhs    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[       rhs_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
    const double * __restrict__ alpha  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_ALPHA ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
    const double * __restrict__ beta_i = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_I] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
    const double * __restrict__ beta_j = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_J] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
    const double * __restrict__ beta_k = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_K] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
          double * __restrict__ res    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[       res_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);

      int ijk = i + j*jStride + k*kStride;
      double Ax = apply_op_ijk(x);
      res[ijk] = rhs[ijk]-Ax;
  level->timers.residual += (double)(getTime()-_timeStart);
Beispiel #4
// Samuel Williams
// [email protected]
// Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
// Based on Yousef Saad's Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Algebra, Algorithm 12.1, page 399
void smooth(level_type * level, int x_id, int rhs_id, double a, double b){
    fprintf(stderr,"error... CHEBYSHEV_DEGREE*NUM_SMOOTHS must be even for the chebyshev smoother...\n");
  if( (level->dominant_eigenvalue_of_DinvA<=0.0) && (level->my_rank==0) )fprintf(stderr,"dominant_eigenvalue_of_DinvA <= 0.0 !\n");

  //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  int s;
  int block;

  // compute the Chebyshev coefficients...
  double beta     = 1.000*level->dominant_eigenvalue_of_DinvA;
//double alpha    = 0.300000*beta;
//double alpha    = 0.250000*beta;
//double alpha    = 0.166666*beta;
  double alpha    = 0.125000*beta;
  double theta    = 0.5*(beta+alpha);		// center of the spectral ellipse
  double delta    = 0.5*(beta-alpha);		// major axis?
  double sigma = theta/delta;
  double rho_n = 1/sigma;			// rho_0
  double chebyshev_c1[CHEBYSHEV_DEGREE];	// + c1*(x_n-x_nm1) == rho_n*rho_nm1
  double chebyshev_c2[CHEBYSHEV_DEGREE];	// + c2*(b-Ax_n)
  chebyshev_c1[0] = 0.0;
  chebyshev_c2[0] = 1/theta;
    double rho_nm1 = rho_n;
    rho_n = 1.0/(2.0*sigma - rho_nm1);
    chebyshev_c1[s] = rho_n*rho_nm1;
    chebyshev_c2[s] = rho_n*2.0/delta;

    // get ghost zone data... Chebyshev ping pongs between x_id and VECTOR_TEMP
    if((s&1)==0){exchange_boundary(level,       x_id,stencil_get_shape());apply_BCs(level,       x_id,stencil_get_shape());}
    // apply the smoother... Chebyshev ping pongs between x_id and VECTOR_TEMP
    double _timeStart = getTime();

      const int box = level->my_blocks[block];
      const int ilo = level->my_blocks[block].read.i;
      const int jlo = level->my_blocks[block].read.j;
      const int klo = level->my_blocks[block].read.k;
      const int ihi = level->my_blocks[block].dim.i + ilo;
      const int jhi = level->my_blocks[block].dim.j + jlo;
      const int khi = level->my_blocks[block].dim.k + klo;
      int i,j,k;
      const int ghosts = level->box_ghosts;
      const int jStride = level->my_boxes[box].jStride;
      const int kStride = level->my_boxes[box].kStride;
      const double h2inv = 1.0/(level->h*level->h);
      const double * __restrict__ rhs      = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[       rhs_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      #ifdef VECTOR_ALPHA
      const double * __restrict__ alpha    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_ALPHA ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_i   = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_I] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_j   = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_J] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_k   = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_K] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ Dinv     = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_DINV  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);

            double * __restrict__ x_np1;
      const double * __restrict__ x_n;
      const double * __restrict__ x_nm1;
                       if((s&1)==0){x_n    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[         x_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
                                    x_nm1  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_TEMP  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride); 
                                    x_np1  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_TEMP  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);}
                               else{x_n    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_TEMP  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);
                                    x_nm1  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[         x_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride); 
                                    x_np1  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[         x_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride);}
      const double c1 = chebyshev_c1[s%CHEBYSHEV_DEGREE]; // limit polynomial to degree CHEBYSHEV_DEGREE.
      const double c2 = chebyshev_c2[s%CHEBYSHEV_DEGREE]; // limit polynomial to degree CHEBYSHEV_DEGREE.

        const int ijk = i + j*jStride + k*kStride;
        // According to Saad... but his was missing a Dinv[ijk] == D^{-1} !!!
        //  x_{n+1} = x_{n} + rho_{n} [ rho_{n-1}(x_{n} - x_{n-1}) + (2/delta)(b-Ax_{n}) ]
        //  x_temp[ijk] = x_n[ijk] + c1*(x_n[ijk]-x_temp[ijk]) + c2*Dinv[ijk]*(rhs[ijk]-Ax_n);
        const double Ax_n   = apply_op_ijk(x_n);
        x_np1[ijk] = x_n[ijk] + c1*(x_n[ijk]-x_nm1[ijk]) + c2*Dinv[ijk]*(rhs[ijk]-Ax_n);

    } // box-loop
    level->timers.smooth += (double)(getTime()-_timeStart);
  } // s-loop
Beispiel #5
void smooth(level_type * level, int x_id, int rhs_id, double a, double b){
  // allocate a buffer to hold fluxes...
  if(level->fluxes==NULL)level->fluxes = (double*)MALLOC( ( (4*level->num_threads)*(BLOCKCOPY_TILE_J+1)*(level->box_jStride) + BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE)*sizeof(double) );
  // align fluxes to BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE
  double * __restrict__ fluxes_aligned = level->fluxes;
  uint64_t unaligned_by = (uint64_t)(fluxes_aligned) & (BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE-1)*sizeof(double);
  if(unaligned_by)fluxes_aligned = (double*)( (uint64_t)(fluxes_aligned) + BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double) - unaligned_by );

  int s;for(s=0;s<2*NUM_SMOOTHS;s++){ // there are two sweeps per GSRB smooth

  // exchange the ghost zone...
    exchange_boundary(level,       x_id,stencil_get_shape());
            apply_BCs(level,       x_id,stencil_get_shape());

  // apply the smoother...
  double _timeStart = getTime();
  double h2inv = 1.0/(level->h*level->h);

  // loop over all block/tiles this process owns...
  #ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel if(level->num_my_blocks>1)
    int block;
    int threadID=0;
    #ifdef _OPENMP

    // [thread][flux][ij] layout
    double * __restrict__ flux_i    =  fluxes_aligned + (4*threadID + 0)*(BLOCKCOPY_TILE_J+1)*(level->box_jStride);
    double * __restrict__ flux_j    =  fluxes_aligned + (4*threadID + 1)*(BLOCKCOPY_TILE_J+1)*(level->box_jStride);
    double * __restrict__ flux_k[2] = {fluxes_aligned + (4*threadID + 2)*(BLOCKCOPY_TILE_J+1)*(level->box_jStride),
                                       fluxes_aligned + (4*threadID + 3)*(BLOCKCOPY_TILE_J+1)*(level->box_jStride)};

    // loop over (cache) blocks...
    #ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp for schedule(static,1)
      const int box  = level->my_blocks[block];
      const int jlo  = level->my_blocks[block].read.j;
      const int klo  = level->my_blocks[block].read.k;
      const int jdim = level->my_blocks[block].dim.j;
      const int kdim = level->my_blocks[block].dim.k;

      const int ghosts  = level->my_boxes[box].ghosts;
      const int jStride = level->my_boxes[box].jStride;
      const int kStride = level->my_boxes[box].kStride;

      const double * __restrict__ rhs    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[       rhs_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);
      #ifdef VECTOR_ALPHA
      const double * __restrict__ alpha  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_ALPHA ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ alpha  = NULL;
      const double * __restrict__ beta_i = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_I] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_j = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_J] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ beta_k = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_BETA_K] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ Dinv   = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_DINV  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);
      const double * __restrict__ x_n;
            double * __restrict__ x_np1;
                     if((s&1)==0){x_n    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[         x_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);
                                  x_np1  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_TEMP  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);}
                             else{x_n    = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[VECTOR_TEMP  ] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);
                                  x_np1  = level->my_boxes[box].vectors[         x_id] + ghosts*(1+jStride+kStride) + (jlo*jStride + klo*kStride);}

      #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER
      // superfluous with OMP4 simd (?)
      //__assume_aligned(x_n      ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      //__assume_aligned(x_np1    ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      //__assume_aligned(rhs      ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      //__assume_aligned(alpha    ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      //__assume_aligned(beta_i   ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      //__assume_aligned(beta_j   ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      //__assume_aligned(beta_k   ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      //__assume_aligned(Dinv     ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      //__assume_aligned(flux_i   ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      //__assume_aligned(flux_j   ,BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double));
      __assume(           jStride % BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE == 0); // e.g. jStride%4==0 or jStride%8==0, hence x+jStride is aligned
      __assume(           kStride % BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE == 0);
      __assume(             jStride >=   BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE);
      __assume(             kStride >= 3*BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE);
      __assume(                                   jdim > 0);
      __assume(                                   kdim > 0);
      #elif __xlC__
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), rhs      );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), alpha    );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), beta_i   );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), beta_j   );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), beta_k   );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), Dinv     );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), x_n      );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), x_np1    );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), flux_i   );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), flux_j   );
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), flux_k[0]);
      __alignx(BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double), flux_k[1]);

      int ij,k;
      double * __restrict__ flux_klo = flux_k[0];
      // startup / prolog... calculate flux_klo (bottom of cell)...
      #if (_OPENMP>=201307)
      #pragma omp simd aligned(beta_k,x_n,flux_klo:BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double))
        flux_klo[ij] = beta_dxdk(x_n,ij); // k==0

      // wavefront loop...
        double * __restrict__ flux_klo = flux_k[(k  )&0x1];
        double * __restrict__ flux_khi = flux_k[(k+1)&0x1];

        // calculate flux_i and flux_j together
        #if (_OPENMP>=201307)
        #pragma omp simd aligned(beta_i,beta_j,x_n,flux_i,flux_j:BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double))
          int ijk = ij + k*kStride;
          flux_i[ij] = beta_dxdi(x_n,ijk);
          flux_j[ij] = beta_dxdj(x_n,ijk);

        // calculate flux_jhi
        #if (_OPENMP>=201307)
        #pragma omp simd aligned(beta_j,x_n,flux_j:BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double))
          int ijk = ij + k*kStride;
          flux_j[ij] = beta_dxdj(x_n,ijk);

        // calculate flux_khi (top of cell)
        #if (_OPENMP>=201307)
        #pragma omp simd aligned(beta_k,x_n,flux_khi:BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double))
          int ijk = ij + k*kStride;
          flux_khi[ij] = beta_dxdk(x_n,ijk+kStride); // k+1

        const int color000 = (level->my_boxes[box].low.i^level->my_boxes[box].low.j^level->my_boxes[box].low.k^jlo^klo^s);  // is element 000 of this *BLOCK* 000 red or black on this sweep
        const double * __restrict__ RedBlack = level->RedBlack_FP + ghosts*(1+jStride) + jStride*((k^color000)&0x1); // Red/Black pencils... presumes ghost zones were corectly colored
        #if (_OPENMP>=201307)
        #pragma omp simd aligned(flux_i,flux_j,flux_klo,flux_khi,alpha,rhs,Dinv,x_n,x_np1,RedBlack:BOX_ALIGN_JSTRIDE*sizeof(double)) 
        #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER
        #pragma vector nontemporal // generally, we don't expect to reuse x_np1
          int ijk = ij + k*kStride;
          double Lx = - flux_i[  ij] + flux_i[  ij+      1]
                      - flux_j[  ij] + flux_j[  ij+jStride]
                      - flux_klo[ij] + flux_khi[ij        ];
          #ifdef USE_HELMHOLTZ
          double Ax = a*alpha[ijk]*x_n[ijk] - b*Lx;
          double Ax = -b*Lx;
          x_np1[ijk] = x_n[ijk] + RedBlack[ij]*Dinv[ijk]*(rhs[ijk]-Ax);

      } // kdim

    } // block
  } // omp
  level->timers.smooth += (double)(getTime()-_timeStart);

  } // s-loop