void TimeLapseWidget::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *event ) { if (event->timerId() != timerId) { QWidget::timerEvent(event); return; } if ( !running || !curCam ) return; if ( QTime::currentTime().secsTo( *stopTime ) <= 0 ) { stopShooting(); makeMovie(); } else { numPics++; emit statusUpdate(tr("Pictures taken: %1").arg(numPics) ); try { imagesCreated << curCam->takePhoto(); } catch (std::runtime_error re) { handleException(&re); // stop shooting, otherwise the suer could get a stupid number of dialog boxes. stopShooting(); } } }
void CharacterUpdaterPlayer::destruct() { if( shootingState != state_stopped ) { stopShooting(); } DELETE_POINTER( path ); super::destruct(); }
void BulletLayer::startShooting(int BulletNum) { switch (BulletNum) { case 1: this->schedule(schedule_selector(BulletLayer::HeroBulletOne), UserDefault::getInstance()->getFloatForKey("intervalOfAddBullet")); UserDefault::getInstance()->setIntegerForKey("levelMyPlane", 1); break; case 2: stopShooting(); this->schedule(schedule_selector(BulletLayer::HeroBulletTwo), UserDefault::getInstance()->getFloatForKey("intervalOfAddBullet")); UserDefault::getInstance()->setIntegerForKey("levelMyPlane", 2); break; case 3: stopShooting(); this->schedule(schedule_selector(BulletLayer::HeroBulletThree), UserDefault::getInstance()->getFloatForKey("intervalOfAddBullet")); UserDefault::getInstance()->setIntegerForKey("levelMyPlane", 3); break; } }
void CannonField::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) { erase( shotRect() ); timerCount++; QRect shotR = shotRect(); if ( shotR.x() > width() || shotR.y() > height() ) { stopShooting(); return; } repaint( shotR, FALSE ); }
bool CharacterUpdaterPlayer::update(const float delta) { movePlayer( delta ); if( shootingState != state_stopped ) { if( shootingState == state_shooting ) { if( shootingTarget != NULL ) { if( shootingTarget->isActive() == false ) { shootingTarget = NULL; } // Update our shoot target as we follow our target else if( shootingBurstTimer > 0.0f ) { shootingLocation = *shootingTarget->positionPtr; } } player->shootWeapon( shootingLocation ); shootingBurstTimer += delta; if( shootingBurstTimer >= 1.0f ) { shootingBurstTimer = 1.0f; shootingState = state_stopping; shootingTarget = NULL; } } else { shootingBurstTimer -= delta * 2.0f; if( shootingBurstTimer > 0.0f ) { // if( shootAudioUsingIndex != -1 ) // { // gEngine->audioManager->setVolume( shootAudioSampleIndices[shootAudioUsingIndex], shootTimer ); // } } else { stopShooting(); } } } return true; }
void TimeLapseWidget::populateCameraList() { cameras = QCCamera::getAttachedCameras(); bool curCamExists = false; attachedCameras->clear(); for (strv_iter iter = cameras.begin(); iter != cameras.end(); ++iter) { if (curCam) { if (*iter == curCam->name()) { curCamExists = true; } } attachedCameras->addItem(*iter); } // If the current camera is no longer in the list, stop shooting. if (curCam && running && !curCamExists ) { stopShooting(); delete curCam; curCam = 0; } }
void TimeLapseWidget::stopPressed() { stopShooting(); // Only ask about the movie if there are any pictures to make into a movie if (numPics>0) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("%1 images were taken before \"Stop\" was pressed.\n").arg(numPics)); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Do you want to make a movie with these images?")); // msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); QPushButton *yesButton = msgBox.addButton(QMessageBox::Yes); msgBox.addButton(QMessageBox::No); QPushButton *noAndDeleteButton = msgBox.addButton(tr("No, and delete images"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); msgBox.exec(); if (msgBox.clickedButton() == yesButton) { makeMovie(); } else if (msgBox.clickedButton() == noAndDeleteButton) { removeImages(); } } }