Beispiel #1
static _pSLAssoc_Array_Element_Type *
  assoc_aput (SLang_Assoc_Array_Type *a, _pSLAssoc_Array_Element_Type *e, 
	      SLstr_Type *str, unsigned long hash)
   SLang_Object_Type obj;

   if (-1 == SLang_pop (&obj))
     return NULL;
   if ((obj.o_data_type != a->type)
       && (a->type != SLANG_ANY_TYPE)
	(void) SLang_push (&obj);
	if ((-1 == SLclass_typecast (a->type, 1, 0))
	    || (-1 == SLang_pop (&obj)))
	  return NULL;

   if (NULL == (e = store_object (a, e, str, hash, &obj)))
     SLang_free_object (&obj);

   return e;
Beispiel #2
int git_indexer_append(git_indexer *idx, const void *data, size_t size, git_transfer_progress *stats)
	int error = -1;
	size_t processed;
	struct git_pack_header *hdr = &idx->hdr;
	git_mwindow_file *mwf = &idx->pack->mwf;

	assert(idx && data && stats);

	processed = stats->indexed_objects;

	if ((error = append_to_pack(idx, data, size)) < 0)
		return error;

	hash_partially(idx, (unsigned char*) data, (int)size);

	/* Make sure we set the new size of the pack */
	idx->pack->mwf.size += size;

	if (!idx->parsed_header) {
		unsigned int total_objects;

		if ((unsigned)idx->pack->mwf.size < sizeof(struct git_pack_header))
			return 0;

		if ((error = parse_header(&idx->hdr, idx->pack)) < 0)
			return error;

		idx->parsed_header = 1;
		idx->nr_objects = ntohl(hdr->hdr_entries);
		idx->off = sizeof(struct git_pack_header);

		/* for now, limit to 2^32 objects */
		assert(idx->nr_objects == (size_t)((unsigned int)idx->nr_objects));
		if (idx->nr_objects == (size_t)((unsigned int)idx->nr_objects))
			total_objects = (unsigned int)idx->nr_objects;
			total_objects = UINT_MAX;

		idx->pack->idx_cache = git_oidmap_alloc();

		idx->pack->has_cache = 1;
		if (git_vector_init(&idx->objects, total_objects, objects_cmp) < 0)
			return -1;

		if (git_vector_init(&idx->deltas, total_objects / 2, NULL) < 0)
			return -1;

		stats->received_objects = 0;
		stats->local_objects = 0;
		stats->total_deltas = 0;
		stats->indexed_deltas = 0;
		processed = stats->indexed_objects = 0;
		stats->total_objects = total_objects;

		if ((error = do_progress_callback(idx, stats)) != 0)
			return error;

	/* Now that we have data in the pack, let's try to parse it */

	/* As the file grows any windows we try to use will be out of date */

	while (processed < idx->nr_objects) {
		git_packfile_stream *stream = &idx->stream;
		git_off_t entry_start = idx->off;
		size_t entry_size;
		git_otype type;
		git_mwindow *w = NULL;

		if (idx->pack->mwf.size <= idx->off + 20)
			return 0;

		if (!idx->have_stream) {
			error = git_packfile_unpack_header(&entry_size, &type, mwf, &w, &idx->off);
			if (error == GIT_EBUFS) {
				idx->off = entry_start;
				return 0;
			if (error < 0)
				goto on_error;

			idx->entry_start = entry_start;

			if (type == GIT_OBJ_REF_DELTA || type == GIT_OBJ_OFS_DELTA) {
				error = advance_delta_offset(idx, type);
				if (error == GIT_EBUFS) {
					idx->off = entry_start;
					return 0;
				if (error < 0)
					goto on_error;

				idx->have_delta = 1;
			} else {
				idx->have_delta = 0;
				hash_header(&idx->hash_ctx, entry_size, type);

			idx->have_stream = 1;

			error = git_packfile_stream_open(stream, idx->pack, idx->off);
			if (error < 0)
				goto on_error;

		if (idx->have_delta) {
			error = read_object_stream(idx, stream);
		} else {
			error = hash_object_stream(idx, stream);

		idx->off = stream->curpos;
		if (error == GIT_EBUFS)
			return 0;

		/* We want to free the stream reasorces no matter what here */
		idx->have_stream = 0;

		if (error < 0)
			goto on_error;

		if (idx->have_delta) {
			error = store_delta(idx);
		} else {
			error = store_object(idx);

		if (error < 0)
			goto on_error;

		if (!idx->have_delta) {
			stats->indexed_objects = (unsigned int)++processed;

		if ((error = do_progress_callback(idx, stats)) != 0)
			goto on_error;

	return 0;

	return error;
Beispiel #3
 *  Return a list containing the empirical column frequency distributions
 *  for all alignments in the input.
 *  Each file in the list of filenames is read and the species list is
 *  determined.  The counts of each occurring column are tallied.  
 *  All files with the same species lists get their counts combined.
 *  The returned list contains one distribution per species list that 
 *  occurs in some alignment.
OBJECT_LIST_T* get_alignment_column_freqs_list
  (ALPH_T alph, 
   STRING_LIST_T* filenames,
  BOOLEAN_T remove_allgap_seqs) 
  int file_index;
  int num_filenames = get_num_strings(filenames);
  ARRAY_T* alignment_column_freqs = NULL;
  OBJECT_LIST_T* alignment_column_freqs_list
    = new_object_list(equal_string_lists,

  // Consider each alignment in turn.
  for(file_index = 0; file_index < num_filenames; file_index++) { 
    char* filename = get_nth_string(file_index, filenames);

    if (verbosity >= NORMAL_VERBOSE && !(file_index % 1)) {
	"Computing column freqs: alignment file number %d of %d total files.\n",
	file_index+1, num_filenames

    // Read the alignment
    int ref_seq_index = 0;
    ALIGNMENT_T* alignment = 
      read_alignment_from_file(filename, TRUE, remove_allgap_seqs, &ref_seq_index);
    STRING_LIST_T* alignment_species = get_species_names(alignment);

    // Try to retrieve the counts so far for this list of species.
    alignment_column_freqs = 
    // Found counts for current species list?
    if (alignment_column_freqs) {
      // Add counts from current alignment.
      (void) build_alignment_column_counts(alph, alignment, alignment_column_freqs);
      // Note: objects in lists are references, so no need to re-store
      // after modification.
    // Didn't find counts for this species list, so create new array of counts.
    else {
      alignment_column_freqs = build_alignment_column_counts(alph, alignment, NULL);
	0.0, // Score
    // free space used by alignment
  } // each filename
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");

  // Convert counts to frequencies by retrieving each array of counts
  // and dividing by the total counts for that list of species.
  while ( 
    (alignment_column_freqs = retrieve_next_object(alignment_column_freqs_list)
    ) != NULL )
    int i;
    int num_freqs = get_array_length(alignment_column_freqs);
    double total_counts;

    // Get total counts.
    for (i=total_counts=0; i<num_freqs; i++) {
      total_counts += get_array_item(i, alignment_column_freqs);

    // Get frequencies.
    for (i=0; i<num_freqs; i++) {
      double f = get_array_item(i, alignment_column_freqs);
      set_array_item(i, f/total_counts, alignment_column_freqs);

#ifdef DEBUG
      int asize = alph_size(alph, ALPH_SIZE);
      int num_leaves = NINT(log(num_freqs)/log(asize));
      char* alignment_col = mm_malloc((num_leaves + 1) * sizeof(char));
        i, 				//col_index
      printf("%s %g %g\n", alignment_col, f, f/total_counts);
    } // get frequencies
  } // while more species lists

} // get_alignment_column_freqs_list