void CAtkisSatz::LoeschSatz(LPCSTR pcDaten) { // Objektnummer des zu löschenden Objektes herausfischen CxString strBuffer(pcDaten); CxString strObjektnummer, strAktualitaet; int pos = strBuffer.Find("DLOB2005EQ"); if (pos >= 0) { strObjektnummer = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 10, 7); pos = strBuffer.Find("DLOB2003EQ"); if (pos >= 0) strAktualitaet = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 10, 2); } // dieses Objekt in TRiAS löschen INT_PTR lMCode = DEX_GetMCodeFromFeatureNameCIEx(DEX_GetDataSourceHandle(), "ALK-Objektnummer"); _ASSERTE(0 != lMCode); if (0 != lMCode) { ENUMRECHTEXTMERKMAL ERTM; INITSTRUCT(ERTM, ENUMRECHTEXTMERKMAL); ERTM.pView = NULL; ERTM.lMCode = lMCode; ERTM.pMWert = (LPSTR)(LPCSTR)strObjektnummer; ERTM.iMode = SMExactMatch; ERTM.eFcn = DeleteUpdatedObject; ERTM.pData = NULL; DEX_EnumRechTextMerkmal(ERTM); } }
bool ExportSettingsManager::LoadSettings( const CHAR* strFileName ) { FILE* fp = nullptr; fopen_s( &fp, strFileName, "r" ); if( !fp ) { return false; } const size_t dwBufferSize = 32 * 1024; std::unique_ptr<CHAR[]> strBuffer( new CHAR[dwBufferSize] ); ZeroMemory( strBuffer.get(), dwBufferSize * sizeof( CHAR ) ); size_t dwReadBytes = fread( strBuffer.get(), sizeof(CHAR), dwBufferSize, fp ); fclose( fp ); if( dwReadBytes == 0 ) { return false; } else { assert( dwReadBytes < dwBufferSize ); strBuffer[dwReadBytes] = '\0'; bool bSuccess = UnMarshalAllSettings( strBuffer.get() ); return bSuccess; } }
bool ExportSettingsManager::SaveSettings( const CHAR* strFileName ) { const size_t dwBufferSize = 32 * 1024; std::unique_ptr<CHAR[]> strBuffer( new CHAR[dwBufferSize] ); ZeroMemory( strBuffer.get(), dwBufferSize * sizeof( CHAR ) ); bool bSuccess = MarshalAllSettings( strBuffer.get(), dwBufferSize, true, nullptr ); if( !bSuccess ) { return false; } FILE* fp = nullptr; fopen_s( &fp, strFileName, "w" ); if( fp ) { fputs( strBuffer.get(), fp ); fclose( fp ); return true; } else { return false; } }
ResourceDotHFile(const char * file) { assert(file != NULL); CCFileData data(GameResourceManager::sharedManager()->storedFullPathFromRelativePath(file), "rb"); const char* buffer = (const char*)data.getBuffer(); std::string strBuffer(buffer); std::stringstream ss(stringstream::in | stringstream::out); ss << strBuffer<<"\r\n"; do { // read the file from hardware char strTemp[1024]; std::string strVal; while(!ss.eof()) { strTemp[0] = '\0'; ss.getline(strTemp, 1024); //CCLog("line : %s", strTemp); strVal = strTemp; string_replace(strVal, "\r\n", ""); string_replace(strVal, "\t" ," "); string_tripleft(strVal); std::string split = " "; int i0 = strVal.find_first_of(split); if (-1 == i0) continue; std::string def = strVal.substr(0, i0); strVal = strVal.substr(i0, strVal.length() - i0); string_tripleft(strVal); int i1 = strVal.find_first_of(split); if (-1 == i1) continue; std::string macro = strVal.substr(0, i1); std::string val = strVal.substr(i1, strVal.length() - i1); string_tripleft(val); if (def.empty() == false && val.empty() == false && def.compare("#define") == 0 && val.length() > 0) { string_replace(macro, " ", ""); string_replace(val, " ", ""); m_mapMacro2Value[macro] = atoi(val.c_str()); } //CCLog("key : %s = Value %s\n", macro.c_str(), val.c_str()); } } while (0); }
int libxml_streams_IO_write(void* context, const char* buffer, int len) { ITRACE(1, "libxml_IO_write({}, {}, {})\n", context, (void*)buffer, len); Trace::Indent _i; Resource stream(static_cast<ResourceData*>(context)); String strBuffer(StringData::Make(buffer, len, CopyString)); Variant ret = HHVM_FN(fwrite)(stream, strBuffer); if (ret.isInteger() && ret.asInt64Val() < INT_MAX) { return (int)ret.asInt64Val(); } else { return -1; } }
inline void simpleThrift_10() { thriftPerformance::simpleThrift_10 input = thriftPerformance::simpleThrift_10(), output; input.__set_att1(1); input.__set_att2(2); input.__set_att3(3); input.__set_att4(4); input.__set_att5(5); input.__set_att6(6); input.__set_att7(7); input.__set_att8(8); input.__set_att9(9); input.__set_att10(10); boost::shared_ptr<TMemoryBuffer> strBuffer(new TMemoryBuffer(100)); boost::shared_ptr<TBufferedTransport> bt(new TBufferedTransport(strBuffer)); boost::shared_ptr<TBinaryProtocol> binaryProtcol(new TBinaryProtocol(bt)); /*boost::shared_ptr<TSocket> socket(new TSocket("localhost", 8585)); boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> transport(new TBufferedTransport(socket)); boost::shared_ptr<TBinaryProtocol> binaryProtcol(new TBinaryProtocol(transport));*/ apache::thrift::protocol::TProtocol* p = binaryProtcol.get(); strBuffer->open(); boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t; boost::chrono::duration<double> program_seconds; boost::chrono::system_clock::time_point program_start = boost::chrono::system_clock::now(); for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LOOPS; ++i) { try{ input.write(p); output.read(p); //std::cout << "writes" << std::endl; }catch (std::exception &ex){ //std::cout << ex.what() << ": " << std::endl; } } //transport->close(); program_seconds = boost::chrono::system_clock::now() - program_start; cout << program_seconds.count() << endl; }
/* ** return TRUE if event applies to pszAsset */ BOOL CEventDef::CheckAsset (LPCSTR pszAsset) const { // no assets specified means ANY if (m_strAssets.IsEmpty()) return TRUE; // else parse the list of included assets CString strBuffer(m_strAssets); CString strThisOne = BreakString(strBuffer, '\t', TRUE); while (strThisOne.GetLength()) { if (0 == strThisOne.CompareNoCase(pszAsset)) return TRUE; strThisOne = BreakString(strBuffer, '\t', TRUE); } return FALSE; }
bool AttributeManager::setAttributeValue( const std::string &name, const std::string &type, const std::string &value ) { bool bRet = false; std::stringstream strBuffer( value ); // the type information is case-insensitve std::string citype; for ( size_t i = 0; i < type.size(); ++i ) citype += toupper( type[ i ] ); if ( ( citype == "BOOLEAN" ) || ( citype == "BOOL" ) ) { std::string bVal; strBuffer >> bVal; bool bValue = ( bVal == "true" ) ? true : false; bRet = setAttributeValue( name, bValue ); }
result_t encoding_base::bsonEncode(v8::Local<v8::Object> data, obj_ptr<Buffer_base> &retVal) { bson bb; result_t hr; hr = encodeObject(&bb, data); if (hr < 0) return hr; std::string strBuffer(bson_data(&bb), bson_size(&bb)); retVal = new Buffer(strBuffer); bson_destroy(&bb); return 0; }
tstring CWidgetAddress::GetAddress() { TRY_CATCH tstring address; int szBuffer = GetWindowTextLength() + 1; if ( szBuffer > 1 ) { boost::scoped_ptr<TCHAR> strBuffer( new TCHAR[szBuffer] ); if ( GetWindowText(strBuffer.get(), szBuffer) ) address = strBuffer.get(); } return address; CATCH_THROW() }
extern NXString GW_remove_sharp_bracket_text(NXString inputString) { std::string strBuffer(inputString.GetLocaleText()); NXString returnString; while (true) { std::string::size_type begin = strBuffer.find("<"); if (-1 == begin) break; std::string::size_type end = strBuffer.find(">"); if (-1 == end) break; strBuffer = strBuffer.erase(begin, end-begin+1); } returnString = strBuffer.c_str(); return returnString; }
ACLStr ACLStr::StripWord(IN const ACLStr& strToStrip) { ACLStr newString; if (strToStrip.Len()) { size_t lenStrToStrip(strToStrip.Len()); LPTSTR strBuffer(_string); LPTSTR findString(NULL); while ((findString = STRSTR(strBuffer, (LPCTSTR)strToStrip))) { newString.Append(strBuffer, (findString - strBuffer)); strBuffer = (findString + lenStrToStrip); } if (strBuffer) newString.Append(strBuffer); } return newString; } // StripWord
/************************************************* Function: serverFunction Description: The logic codes for serving the client request. Calls: read() fprintf() perror() closeCallBack() clown::Event::saveData() std::string::append() write() std::string::clear() std::string::c_str() Input: None. Output: None. Return: void Others: None. *************************************************/ void clown::Event::serveFunction() { char buffer[MAX_LINE]; std::string echoMessage; int nRead = read(clientFD, buffer, MAX_LINE); if(nRead < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "A client happened exception, close this connection.\n"); perror("Details: "); closeCallBack(); } else if(nRead == 0) { closeCallBack(); } else { std::string strBuffer(buffer); if(this->saveData(strBuffer)) { echoMessage.append("Error.\n"); } else { echoMessage.append("Succeeded.\n"); } write(clientFD, echoMessage.c_str(), echoMessage.size()); echoMessage.clear(); } //auto destructing after the event is finished. delete this; }
void ProcessReceive::receive(char* buffer, int32_t length, int32_t sendPid, CorrespondParam::ProtocolId protocalId) { std::string strBuffer(buffer, length); switch (protocalId) { case CorrespondParam::CLIENT_INIT: { printf("PROCESS_CLIENT_INIT, length = %d\n", length); ProtoMessage message; message.from(strBuffer); addClientServerLoginName(message, CSystem::processName(sendPid)); std::string strMessage; message.toString(strMessage); std::string compressMessage; Compress::zlibCompress(compressMessage, strMessage, 9); m_netClient->send(compressMessage.c_str(), compressMessage.length(), protocalId); return; } case CorrespondParam::PROTO_MESSAGE: { //printf("PROTO_MESSAGE, length = %d\n", length); break; } case CorrespondParam::JSON: { break; } case CorrespondParam::XML: { break; } default: break; } std::string compressMessage; Compress::zlibCompress(compressMessage, strBuffer, 9); m_netClient->send(compressMessage.c_str(), compressMessage.length(), protocalId); }
BOOL CSynBCGPEditCtrl::SaveFileEx( const CString& strFileName ) { CString strBuffer(m_strBuffer); strBuffer.Replace(_T("\n"), _T("\r\n")); if (m_File.SaveFile(strFileName, strBuffer)) { m_bIsModified = FALSE; m_posDocSavedUndoPos = m_posUndoBuffer; m_bSavedUndo = !m_bBOL; // Update saved flag: for (POSITION pos = m_lstUndoActions.GetHeadPosition (); pos != NULL;) { POSITION posSave = pos; BCGP_EDIT_UNDO_ACTION* pUndoAction = m_lstUndoActions.GetNext (pos); ASSERT (pUndoAction != NULL); if (m_bEOL && posSave == m_lstUndoActions.GetTailPosition () || !m_bEOL && posSave == m_posUndoBuffer) { // mark as saved pUndoAction->m_dwFlags |= g_dwUAFSaved; } else { // clear saved flag pUndoAction->m_dwFlags &= ~g_dwUAFSaved; } } return TRUE; } else { CFMessageBox(m_File.GetLastErrorMsg(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } }
void CAtkisSatz::LoeschSatz(LPCSTR pcDaten) { // Objektnummer des zu löschenden Objektes herausfischen CString strBuffer(pcDaten); CString strObjektnummer, strAktualitaet; int pos = strBuffer.Find("DLOB2005EQ"); if (pos >= 0) { // DLOB2005 strObjektnummer = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 10, 7); pos = strBuffer.Find("DLOB2003EQ"); if (pos >= 0) strAktualitaet = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 10, 2); } if (pos < 0) { // evtl. DLTA1001 pos = strBuffer.Find("DLTA0001EQ"); if (pos >= 0) strObjektnummer = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 10, 7); strcpy (m_AttrObjNr, strObjektnummer); m_AttrObjNr[7] = '\0'; pos = strBuffer.Find("DLTA0004EQ"); if (pos >= 0) strAktualitaet = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 10, 2); pos = strBuffer.Find("DLTA0002EQ"); m_AttrOTNr[0] = '\0'; if (pos >= 0) { CString strTeilNr = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 10, 3); AllTrimm (strTeilNr); // ggf. ist TeilNr leer strcat (m_AttrOTNr, strTeilNr); } m_fIsFloeDelta = TRUE; // hier alle Attribute dieses Objektes löschen INT_PTR lMCode = DEX_GetMCodeFromFeatureNameCIEx(DEX_GetDataSourceHandle(), "ATKIS-Objektnummer"); _ASSERTE(0 != lMCode); if (0 != lMCode) { #if defined(_DEBUG) DELINFO DI; DI.m_lMCode = lMCode; DI.m_pcObjNr = strObjektnummer; DI.m_ulLen = strObjektnummer.GetLength(); #endif // defined(_DEBUG) ENUMRECHTEXTMERKMAL ERTM; INITSTRUCT(ERTM, ENUMRECHTEXTMERKMAL); ERTM.pView = NULL; ERTM.lMCode = lMCode; ERTM.pMWert = (LPSTR)(LPCSTR)strObjektnummer; ERTM.iMode = SMSubStringStartMatch; ERTM.eFcn = DeleteUpdatedObjectAttributes; #if defined(_DEBUG) ERTM.pData = &DI; #endif // defined(_DEBUG) DEX_EnumRechTextMerkmal(ERTM); } return; } if (pos < 0) return; // nichts für uns // dieses Objekt in TRiAS löschen INT_PTR lMCode = DEX_GetMCodeFromFeatureNameCIEx(DEX_GetDataSourceHandle(), "ATKIS-Objektnummer"); _ASSERTE(0 != lMCode); if (0 != lMCode) { _ASSERTE(strObjektnummer.GetLength() > 0); #if defined(_DEBUG) DELINFO DI; DI.m_lMCode = lMCode; DI.m_pcObjNr = strObjektnummer; DI.m_ulLen = strObjektnummer.GetLength(); #endif // defined(_DEBUG) ENUMRECHTEXTMERKMAL ERTM; INITSTRUCT(ERTM, ENUMRECHTEXTMERKMAL); ERTM.pView = NULL; ERTM.lMCode = lMCode; ERTM.pMWert = (LPSTR)(LPCSTR)strObjektnummer; ERTM.iMode = SMSubStringStartMatch; ERTM.eFcn = DeleteUpdatedObject; #if defined(_DEBUG) ERTM.pData = &DI; #endif // defined(_DEBUG) DEX_EnumRechTextMerkmal(ERTM); } }
void z3ResEx::parseMsfMethod2( TMemoryStream &msf ) { unsigned short strLen( 0 ); unsigned short mrfIndexLen( 0 ); // Folders are now in a table at the top of the file msf.Read( &mrfIndexLen, sizeof( unsigned short ) ); if (mrfIndexLen == 0) { // There are no folders in the filesystem return; } // List of filenames vector<string> vecMsf(mrfIndexLen); vector<unsigned char> strBuffer(MAX_STRING_SIZE); // MRF filenames are now packed in a list for( unsigned short i( 0 ); i != mrfIndexLen; ++i ) { strLen = msf.ReadUShort(); unpackStringEx( msf, strBuffer, strLen ); // Required to rename files //vecMsf[i].first.assign( (char *)strBuffer ); // Cached file opening (and a pointer so we can call the constructor) //vecMsf[i].second = new TFileStream( strBuffer ); vecMsf[i] = string(strBuffer.begin(), strBuffer.end()); } // Files are now listed (similar to before) FILEINDEX_ENTRY2 fiItem; unsigned int items( 0 ), errors( 0 ); //msf.SaveToFile("debugFilesys.dat"); bool bMatchesCriteria = true; string tmpFilename; while( ( msf.Position() < msf.Size() ) && ( errors < MAX_ERRORS ) ) { msf.Read( &fiItem, sizeof( FILEINDEX_ENTRY2 ) ); strLen = msf.ReadUShort(); unpackStringEx( msf, strBuffer, strLen ); if( !m_folderCriteria.empty() ) { tmpFilename = string(strBuffer.begin(), strBuffer.end()); std::transform(tmpFilename.begin(), tmpFilename.end(), tmpFilename.begin(), ::toupper); bMatchesCriteria = !( tmpFilename.find( m_folderCriteria ) == string::npos ); } if( bMatchesCriteria ) { if( m_listContents ) { printf( "%s (%u bytes)\n", &strBuffer[0], fiItem.size ); } else { if( !( extractItem2( fiItem, vecMsf[ fiItem.mrfIndex ], reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&strBuffer[0]) ) ) ) ++errors; } } ++items; } vecMsf.clear(); printf( "Processed %u items (%u issues)\n\n", items, errors ); }
// Execute SQL Query for the established connection // Mostly a SELECT query, Other queries may be executed using Execute() // Returns TRUE on success UINT CSmartDBRecordSet::Open(LPCTSTR strQueryString, CSmartDB *ptrConn, LONG nRSType) { if (ptrConn->IsLibLoaded() == FALSE) return RSOPEN_NOLIBLOADED; if (m_bIsOpen) return RSOPEN_ALREADYOPENED; if (!ptrConn->IsConnected()) return RSOPEN_NOCONNECT; vector<string> *strRSRow; // Record Set holder BOOL bTypesSaved = FALSE; // Flag used to mark if DataTypes are saved for each column char *zErrMsg = 0; sqlite3_stmt *stmtByteCode; const char *strUnused = 0; UINT nCount = 0; UINT nRecCount = 0; INT nType; #ifdef UNICODE string strBuffer = ws2s(strQueryString);// Temp Buffer #else string strBuffer(strQueryString);// Temp Buffer #endif SmartDBPrepare(ptrConn->db, strBuffer.c_str(), strBuffer.length(), &stmtByteCode, &strUnused); nCount = SmartDBColumnCount(stmtByteCode); for (UINT i=0; i < nCount; i++) { strBuffer = SmartDBColumnName (stmtByteCode, i); // column_name m_strFieldsList.push_back(strBuffer); } m_nFieldsCount = m_strFieldsList.size(); // return, If there is no field in the table if (m_nFieldsCount == 0) return RSOPEN_INVALIDQRY; m_bIsOpen = TRUE; int nValue; double nFValue; const char * pszValue = NULL; char strTemp[100]; while (SmartDBStep (stmtByteCode) != SQLITE_DONE) // step { strRSRow = new vector<string>(); for (int i=0; (LONG)i < m_nFieldsCount; i++) { if (!bTypesSaved) // Save Field Types in an array { nType = SmartDBColumnType (stmtByteCode, i); // column_type m_nFieldsType.push_back((UINT)nType); if ((LONG)i == m_nFieldsCount-1) bTypesSaved = TRUE; } switch (m_nFieldsType[i]) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: nValue = SmartDBColumnInt (stmtByteCode, i); sprintf(strTemp,"%d", nValue); strRSRow->push_back(strTemp); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: nFValue = SmartDBColumnDouble (stmtByteCode, i); sprintf(strTemp,"%f", nFValue); strRSRow->push_back(strTemp); break; case SQLITE_TEXT: pszValue = SmartDBColumnText(stmtByteCode, i); if (NULL == pszValue) strRSRow->push_back(""); else strRSRow->push_back(pszValue); break; case SQLITE_BLOB: pszValue = (const char *)SmartDBColumnBlob (stmtByteCode, i); if (NULL == pszValue) strRSRow->push_back(""); else strRSRow->push_back(pszValue); break; case SQLITE_NULL: strRSRow->push_back(""); break; } } orsRows.push_back(strRSRow); nRecCount++; } m_nRecordCount = nRecCount; m_nCurrentRecord = 0; SmartDBFinalize(stmtByteCode); return RSOPEN_SUCCESS; }
void CGnuLocal::OnReceive(int nErrorCode) { byte buffer[1024]; CString Host, LocalHost, NetworkPing, NetworkPong; CString LanName, IRCAddr, InfoURL; UINT Port, LocalPort, Leaves = 0; int buffLength = ReceiveFrom(buffer, 1024, Host, Port); GetSockName(LocalHost, LocalPort); // Handle Errors if(!buffLength || buffLength == SOCKET_ERROR) return; CString strBuffer((char*) buffer, 128); NetworkPing = theApp.m_spGD->ModeNetwork; NetworkPing += _T(" PING\r\n"); NetworkPong = theApp.m_spGD->ModeNetwork; NetworkPong += _T(" PONG\r\n"); // Handle Ping over LAN if(strBuffer.Find(NetworkPing) == 0) { if(Host == LocalHost) { return; } // Send back pong only if not a leaf if(!m_pComm->m_LeafModeActive) { NetworkPong += _T("Port: ") + DWrdtoStr(m_pComm->m_CurrentPort) + _T("\r\n"); if(theApp.m_spGD->m_NetworkModel == NETWORK_PRIVATE) { // LAN header if(theApp.m_spGD->m_Lan) NetworkPong += _T("LAN: ") + theApp.m_spGD->m_LanName + _T("\r\n"); // IRC header if(theApp.m_spGD->m_InternalIRC) NetworkPong += _T("IRC: ") + theApp.m_spGD->m_InternalIRCAddr + _T("\r\n"); } // Leaves header if(m_pComm->m_NodeCapability == CLIENT_ULTRAPEER) { int Leaves = m_pComm->CountLeafConnects(); if(Leaves) NetworkPong += _T("Leaves: ") + DWrdtoStr(Leaves) + _T("\r\n"); } NetworkPong += _T("\r\n"); int pos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\nPort: ")); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; _stscanf((TCHAR*)buffer + pos, _T("Port: %d\r\n"), &Port); } SendTo(NetworkPong, NetworkPong.GetLength(), UDP_PORT, Host); } } // Extract Data from ping/pong if(strBuffer.Find(NetworkPing) == 0 || strBuffer.Find(NetworkPong) == 0) { int pos, backpos; pos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\nPort: ")); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; _stscanf((TCHAR*)buffer + pos, _T("Port: %d\r\n"), &Port); } pos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\nLAN: ")); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; backpos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\n"), pos); LanName = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 5, backpos - pos - 5); } pos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\nIRC: ")); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; backpos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\n"), pos); IRCAddr = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 5, backpos - pos - 5); } pos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\nInfoURL: ")); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; backpos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\n"), pos); InfoURL = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 9, backpos - pos - 9); } pos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\nLeaves: ")); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; backpos = strBuffer.Find(_T("\r\n"), pos); Leaves = _ttoi( strBuffer.Mid(pos + 8, backpos - pos - 8) ); } } // Handle Pong over LAN if(strBuffer.Find(NetworkPong) == 0) { CString Extra; if(Leaves) Extra = _T(" with ") + DWrdtoStr(Leaves) + _T(" leaves"); } for(int i = 0; i < m_HostList.size(); i++) if( m_HostList[i].Host == Host && m_HostList[i].Port == Port) return; LanNode LocalNode; LocalNode.Host = Host; LocalNode.Port = Port; LocalNode.Name = LanName; LocalNode.IRCserver = IRCAddr; LocalNode.InfoPage = InfoURL; LocalNode.Leaves = Leaves; m_HostList.push_back(LocalNode); CAsyncSocket::OnReceive(nErrorCode); }
BOOL HTTPCLUSTER_MONITOR(char *url, char *uid, char *pwd, char *pserver, int pport, char *puid, char *ppwd, char *ostype, char *clusterlog, char *cpath, char *szReturn) { int ret = 0; BOOL bResult = TRUE; char *ca = NULL; char iniFile[256] = {0}; char cmd[256] = {0}; #if _DEBUG sprintf(iniFile, "%s\\templates.os\\%s", FuncGetInstallRootPath(), ostype); #else sprintf(iniFile, "%s\\MonitorManager\\templates.os\\%s", FuncGetInstallRootPath(), ostype); #endif DFN_GetPrivateProfileString("cat", "command", "", cmd, sizeof(cmd), iniFile); if(!*cmd) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_14%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_14%> return FALSE; } if(ca = strstr(cmd, "<file>")) { strcpy(ca, clusterlog); *(ca + strlen(clusterlog)) = 0; } char msg[100 * 1024] = {0}; if(!http_command(url, cmd, READ_TIMEOUT, uid, pwd, pserver, pport, puid, ppwd, msg)) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_15%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_15%> return FALSE; } { int index = 0; CString strBuffer(msg); CString strLine = _T(""); // Cluster if((index = strBuffer.Find("CLUSTER", 0)) >= 0) { strBuffer.Delete(0, index); } else { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", "No Cluster"); // No Cluster return FALSE; } strLine = GetStringFromLineNo(strBuffer, 2); sprintf(szReturn, "%sClusterName=%s$ClusterStatus=%s$", szReturn, GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 1), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 2)); // Node if((index = strBuffer.Find("NODE", 0)) >= 0) { strBuffer.Delete(0, index); } else { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", "No Node"); // No Node return FALSE; } strLine = GetStringFromLineNo(strBuffer, 2); sprintf(szReturn, "%sNodeName=%s$NodeStatus=%s$NodeState=%s$", szReturn, GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 1), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 2), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 3)); // Package if((index = strBuffer.Find("PACKAGE", 0)) >= 0) { strBuffer.Delete(0, index); } else { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", "No Package"); // No Package return FALSE; } strLine = GetStringFromLineNo(strBuffer, 2); sprintf(szReturn, "%sPackageName=%s$PackageStatus=%s$PackageState=%s$PackageAutorun=%s$", szReturn, GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 1), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 2), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 3), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 4)); } return TRUE; }
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncToString(ExecState* exec) { JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue(); bool isRealArray = isJSArray(&exec->globalData(), thisValue); if (!isRealArray && !thisValue.inherits(&JSArray::info)) return throwVMTypeError(exec); JSArray* thisObj = asArray(thisValue); HashSet<JSObject*>& arrayVisitedElements = exec->globalData().arrayVisitedElements; if (arrayVisitedElements.size() >= MaxSmallThreadReentryDepth) { if (arrayVisitedElements.size() >= exec->globalData().maxReentryDepth) return throwVMError(exec, createStackOverflowError(exec)); } bool alreadyVisited = !arrayVisitedElements.add(thisObj).second; if (alreadyVisited) return JSValue::encode(jsEmptyString(exec)); // return an empty string, avoiding infinite recursion. //FYWEBKITMOD begin: setting up StringJoiner (while integrating r148721 due to fix of bug 114779). But not using 'ConstructFromLiteral' optimization which we dont have in our webkit. unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec); if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); //WebCore::String separator(",", WebCore::String::ConstructFromLiteral); //JSStringJoiner stringJoiner(separator, length); JSStringJoiner stringJoiner(",", length); //FYWEBKITMOD end unsigned totalSize = length ? length - 1 : 0; Vector<RefPtr<UString::Rep>, 256> strBuffer(length); for (unsigned k = 0; k < length; k++) { JSValue element; if (isRealArray && thisObj->canGetIndex(k)) element = thisObj->getIndex(k); else { element = thisObj->get(exec, k); //FYWEBKITMOD begin: added while integrating r148721 due to fix of bug 114779 if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); //FYWEBKITMOD end } //FYWEBKITMOD begin: removed (USE_FIX 1) old implementation which joined the strings manually and added usage of JSStringJoiner (while integrating r148721 due to fix of bug 114779) #define USE_FIX 1 //keep this defined!!! #ifdef USE_FIX if (element.isUndefinedOrNull()) stringJoiner.append(WebCore::String()); //FYWEBKITMOD: else stringJoiner.append(element.toString(exec).rep()); //FYWEBKITMOD: using toString() instead of new toWTFString(). Only difference is an optimization used in the toWTFString() case. if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); } arrayVisitedElements.remove(thisObj); return JSValue::encode(stringJoiner.build(exec)); #else if (element.isUndefinedOrNull()) continue; UString str = element.toString(exec); strBuffer[k] = str.rep(); totalSize += str.size(); if (!strBuffer.data()) { throwOutOfMemoryError(exec); } if (exec->hadException()) break; }
BOOL RLOGINCLUSTER_MONITOR(char *server, int port, char *uid, char *pwd, char *pserver, int pport, char *puid, char *ppwd, char *pprompt, char *prompts, char *ostype, char *clusterlog, char *cpath, char *szReturn) { int ret = 0; int hSocket = 0; BOOL bResult = TRUE; char iniFile[256] = {0}; char cmd[256] = {0}; /************************************* * For Reason Of Prompt */ int c = 0; char *ca = prompts, *cb = NULL; char arprompt[PR_NUM][256]; memset(arprompt, 0, sizeof(arprompt)); while(cb = strchr(ca, 0x20)) { if(ca == cb) { ca ++; continue; } strncpy(arprompt[c++], ca, cb - ca); ca = cb + 1; } strcpy(arprompt[c++], ca); /***********************************/ hSocket = rlogin_init(server, port, pserver, pport, puid, ppwd); if(hSocket <= 0) { if(hSocket == -1) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_1%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_1%> else if(hSocket == -2) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_2%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_2%> else if(hSocket == -3) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_3%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_3%> else if(hSocket == -4) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_4%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_4%> else if(hSocket == -5) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_5%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_5%> else sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_6%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_6%> bResult = FALSE; goto err; } if((ret = rlogin_connect(hSocket, uid, pwd, pprompt, arprompt)) < 0) { if(ret == -1) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_7%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_7%> else if(ret == -2) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_8%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_8%> else if(ret == -3) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_9%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_9%> else if(ret == -4) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_10%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_10%> else if(ret == -5) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_11%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_11%> else if(ret == -6) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_12%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_12%> else sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_13%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_13%> bResult = FALSE; goto err; } #if _DEBUG sprintf(iniFile, "%s\\templates.os\\%s", FuncGetInstallRootPath(), ostype); #else sprintf(iniFile, "%s\\MonitorManager\\templates.os\\%s", FuncGetInstallRootPath(), ostype); #endif DFN_GetPrivateProfileString("cat", "command", "", cmd, sizeof(cmd), iniFile); if(!*cmd) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_14%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_14%> bResult = FALSE; goto err; } if(ca = strstr(cmd, "<file>")) { strcpy(ca, clusterlog); *(ca + strlen(clusterlog)) = 0; } if((ret = rlogin_command(hSocket, cmd)) < 0) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_TelMonitor_15%>")); // <%IDS_TelMonitor_15%> bResult = FALSE; goto err; } { int index = 0; CString strBuffer(rlogin_databuffer); CString strLine = _T(""); // Cluster if((index = strBuffer.Find("CLUSTER", 0)) >= 0) { strBuffer.Delete(0, index); } else { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", "No Cluster"); // No Cluster bResult = FALSE; goto err; } strLine = GetStringFromLineNo(strBuffer, 2); sprintf(szReturn, "%sClusterName=%s$ClusterStatus=%s$", szReturn, GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 1), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 2)); // Node if((index = strBuffer.Find("NODE", 0)) >= 0) { strBuffer.Delete(0, index); } else { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", "No Node"); // No Node bResult = FALSE; goto err; } strLine = GetStringFromLineNo(strBuffer, 2); sprintf(szReturn, "%sNodeName=%s$NodeStatus=%s$NodeState=%s$", szReturn, GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 1), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 2), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 3)); // Package if((index = strBuffer.Find("PACKAGE", 0)) >= 0) { strBuffer.Delete(0, index); } else { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", "No Package"); // No Package bResult = FALSE; goto err; } strLine = GetStringFromLineNo(strBuffer, 2); sprintf(szReturn, "%sPackageName=%s$PackageStatus=%s$PackageState=%s$PackageAutorun=%s$", szReturn, GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 1), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 2), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 3), GetColumnFromLine(strLine, 4)); } err: shutdown(hSocket, 0x02); closesocket(hSocket); return bResult; }
int cPasTokenizer::IsKeyword(const char* strLabel) { std::string strBuffer(strLabel); std::transform(strBuffer.begin(), strBuffer.end(), strBuffer.begin(), ::tolower); return cTokenizer::IsKeyword(strBuffer.c_str()); }
void CGnuLocal::OnReceive(int nErrorCode) { byte buffer[1024]; CString Host, LocalHost, NetworkPing, NetworkPong; CString LanName, IRCAddr, InfoURL; UINT Port, LocalPort, Leaves = 0; int buffLength = ReceiveFrom(buffer, 1024, Host, Port); GetSockName(LocalHost, LocalPort); // Handle Errors if(!buffLength || buffLength == SOCKET_ERROR) return; CString strBuffer((char*) buffer, 128); NetworkPing = m_pComm->m_NetworkName; NetworkPing += " PING\r\n"; NetworkPong = m_pComm->m_NetworkName; NetworkPong += " PONG\r\n"; // Handle Ping over LAN if(strBuffer.Find(NetworkPing) == 0) { if(Host == LocalHost) { m_pCore->LogError("UDP: Ping received from localhost"); //return; } // Send back pong only if not a leaf NetworkPong += "Port: " + NumtoStr(m_pNet->m_CurrentPort) + "\r\n"; if(m_pPrefs->m_LanMode) { NetworkPong += "LAN: " + m_pPrefs->m_LanName + "\r\n"; CString RandCache = m_pComm->m_pCache->GetRandWebCache(true); if(!RandCache.IsEmpty()) NetworkPing += "WebCache: " + RandCache + "\r\n"; } // Leaves header if(m_pComm->m_GnuClientMode ==GNU_ULTRAPEER) { int Leaves = m_pComm->CountLeafConnects(); if(Leaves) NetworkPong += "Leaves: " + NumtoStr(Leaves) + "\r\n"; } NetworkPong += "\r\n"; int pos = strBuffer.Find("\r\nPort: "); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; sscanf((char*)buffer + pos, "Port: %d\r\n", &Port); } SendTo(NetworkPong, NetworkPong.GetLength(), UDP_PORT, Host); m_pCore->LogError("UDP: Pong Sent to " + Host + ":" + NumtoStr(Port)); } // Extract Data from ping/pong if(strBuffer.Find(NetworkPing) == 0 || strBuffer.Find(NetworkPong) == 0) { int pos, backpos; pos = strBuffer.Find("\r\nPort: "); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; sscanf((char*)buffer + pos, "Port: %d\r\n", &Port); } pos = strBuffer.Find("\r\nLAN: "); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; backpos = strBuffer.Find("\r\n", pos); LanName = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 5, backpos - pos - 5); } pos = strBuffer.Find("\r\nWebCache: "); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; backpos = strBuffer.Find("\r\n", pos); CString NewWebCache = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 10, backpos - pos - 10); m_pComm->m_pCache->WebCacheAddCache(NewWebCache); } pos = strBuffer.Find("\r\nIRC: "); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; backpos = strBuffer.Find("\r\n", pos); IRCAddr = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 5, backpos - pos - 5); } pos = strBuffer.Find("\r\nInfoURL: "); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; backpos = strBuffer.Find("\r\n", pos); InfoURL = strBuffer.Mid(pos + 9, backpos - pos - 9); } pos = strBuffer.Find("\r\nLeaves: "); if(pos != -1) { pos += 2; backpos = strBuffer.Find("\r\n", pos); Leaves = atoi( strBuffer.Mid(pos + 8, backpos - pos - 8) ); } } // Handle Pong over LAN if(strBuffer.Find(NetworkPong) == 0) { CString Extra; if(Leaves) Extra = " with " + NumtoStr(Leaves) + " leaves"; m_pCore->LogError("UDP: Pong Received from " + Host + ":" + NumtoStr(Port) + Extra); } std::map<int, LanNode>::iterator itNode; for(itNode = m_LanNodeIDMap.begin(); itNode != m_LanNodeIDMap.end(); itNode++) if( itNode->second.Host == Host && itNode->second.Port == Port) return; LanNode LocalNode; LocalNode.Host = Host; LocalNode.Port = Port; LocalNode.Name = LanName; LocalNode.IRCserver = IRCAddr; LocalNode.InfoPage = InfoURL; LocalNode.Leaves = Leaves; int LanNodeID = m_NextLanID++; m_LanNodeIDMap[LanNodeID] = LocalNode; // If we're not in lan mode, just add to cache if(!m_pPrefs->m_LanMode) { Node PermNode; PermNode.Host = Host; PermNode.Port = Port; if(PermNode.Host != LocalHost) m_pComm->m_pCache->m_GnuPerm.push_back(PermNode); } CAsyncSocket::OnReceive(nErrorCode); }
void LastRecentFileList::updateMenu() { NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance(); if (!_hasSeparators && _size > 0) { //add separators NativeLangSpeaker *pNativeLangSpeaker = pNppParam->getNativeLangSpeaker(); generic_string recentFileList = pNativeLangSpeaker->getSpecialMenuEntryName("RecentFiles"); generic_string openAllFiles = pNativeLangSpeaker->getNativeLangMenuString(IDM_OPEN_ALL_RECENT_FILE); generic_string cleanFileList = pNativeLangSpeaker->getNativeLangMenuString(IDM_CLEAN_RECENT_FILE_LIST); if (recentFileList == TEXT("")) recentFileList = TEXT("&Recent Files"); if (openAllFiles == TEXT("")) openAllFiles = TEXT("Open All Recent Files"); if (cleanFileList == TEXT("")) cleanFileList = TEXT("Empty Recent Files List"); if (!isSubMenuMode()) ::InsertMenu(_hMenu, _posBase + 0, MF_BYPOSITION, UINT(-1), 0); ::InsertMenu(_hMenu, _posBase + 1, MF_BYPOSITION, IDM_OPEN_ALL_RECENT_FILE, openAllFiles.c_str()); ::InsertMenu(_hMenu, _posBase + 2, MF_BYPOSITION, IDM_CLEAN_RECENT_FILE_LIST, cleanFileList.c_str()); ::InsertMenu(_hMenu, _posBase + 3, MF_BYPOSITION, UINT(-1), 0); _hasSeparators = true; if (isSubMenuMode()) { ::InsertMenu(_hParentMenu, _posBase + 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, UINT(_hMenu), (LPCTSTR)recentFileList.c_str()); ::InsertMenu(_hParentMenu, _posBase + 1, MF_BYPOSITION, UINT(-1), 0); } } else if (_hasSeparators && _size == 0) //remove separators { ::RemoveMenu(_hMenu, _posBase + 3, MF_BYPOSITION); ::RemoveMenu(_hMenu, IDM_CLEAN_RECENT_FILE_LIST, MF_BYCOMMAND); ::RemoveMenu(_hMenu, IDM_OPEN_ALL_RECENT_FILE, MF_BYCOMMAND); ::RemoveMenu(_hMenu, _posBase + 0, MF_BYPOSITION); _hasSeparators = false; if (isSubMenuMode()) { // Remove "Recent Files" Entry and the separator from the main menu ::RemoveMenu(_hParentMenu, _posBase + 1, MF_BYPOSITION); ::RemoveMenu(_hParentMenu, _posBase + 0, MF_BYPOSITION); // Remove the last left separator from the submenu ::RemoveMenu(_hMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION); } } //Remove all menu items for(int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { ::RemoveMenu(_hMenu, _lrfl.at(i)._id, MF_BYCOMMAND); } //Then readd them, so everything stays in sync for(int j = 0; j < _size; ++j) { generic_string strBuffer(BuildMenuFileName(pNppParam->getRecentFileCustomLength(), j, _lrfl.at(j)._name)); ::InsertMenu(_hMenu, _posBase + j, MF_BYPOSITION, _lrfl.at(j)._id, strBuffer.c_str()); } }
BOOL CISCOCONFIG_MONITOR62(char *server, int port, char *pwd, char *enpwd, char *pwdprompt, char *prompt, char *enpwdprompt, char *enprompt, char *encmd, char *monitorid, char *proxy_server, int proxy_port, char *proxy_uid, char *proxy_pwd, char *custpath, char *szReturn) { int ret = 0; int hSocket = 0; char runcmd[64] = {0}; printf("Server:%s\nPort:%d\n", server, port); hSocket = telnet_init(server, port, proxy_server, proxy_port, proxy_uid, proxy_pwd); if(hSocket <= 0) { if(hSocket == -1) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_1%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_1%> else if(hSocket == -2) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_2%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_2%> else if(hSocket == -3) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_3%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_3%> else if(hSocket == -4) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_4%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_4%> else if(hSocket == -5) sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_5%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_5%> else sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_6%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_6%> return FALSE; } LPGDATA pgd=new GDATA; memset(pgd,0,sizeof(GDATA)); printf("Connect Cisio network set\n"); if((ret = cisco_connect(hSocket, pwd, pwdprompt, prompt,pgd)) < 0) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_7%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_7%> delete pgd; return FALSE; } strncpy(runcmd, "enable\r\n", 8); send(hSocket, runcmd, strlen(runcmd), 0); printf("Login Cisio Config\n"); if((ret = cisco_connect(hSocket, enpwd, enpwdprompt, enprompt,pgd)) < 0) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_8%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_8%> delete pgd; return FALSE; } printf("Execute command\n"); if((ret = cisco_command(hSocket, encmd, enprompt,pgd)) < 0) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_9%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_9%> delete pgd; return FALSE; } int index = 0; char prebuffer[MAX_READ_SIZE] = {0}; CString strBuffer(pgd->databuffer); index = strBuffer.Find("show running-config\r\n", 0); if(index >= 0) strBuffer.Delete(0, index + 21); if(!strBuffer.Right(strlen(enprompt)).Compare(enprompt)) { index = strBuffer.ReverseFind('\r'); if(index >= 0) strBuffer = strBuffer.Left(index); } FILE *cisco_fp = NULL; char prefile[256] = {0}; sprintf(prefile, "%s\\cisco_config_%s", custpath, monitorid); if((_access(prefile, 0x04)) == -1) { if((cisco_fp = fopen(prefile, "w")) == NULL) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_10%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_10%> delete pgd; return FALSE; } sprintf(szReturn,"status=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_11%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_11%> int i = fwrite(strBuffer, sizeof(char), strBuffer.GetLength(), cisco_fp); fclose(cisco_fp); delete pgd; return TRUE; } if((cisco_fp = fopen(prefile, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_12%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_12%> delete pgd; return FALSE; } int j = fread(prebuffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(prebuffer), cisco_fp); fclose(cisco_fp); prebuffer[j] = 0; int m = strlen(prebuffer); int n = strBuffer.GetLength(); if(!strBuffer.Compare(prebuffer)) { char buffer [256] = {0}; char tmp [256] = {0}; #if _DEBUG sprintf(buffer, "%s\\temp\\Cisio_logfile_%s.ini", FuncGetInstallRootPath(), server); #else sprintf(buffer, "%s\\MonitorManager\\temp\\logfile.ini", FuncGetInstallRootPath()); #endif BOOL bChange = DFN_GetPrivateProfileInt(monitorid, "needconfirm", FALSE, buffer); if (!bChange) { sprintf(szReturn, "status=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_13%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_13%> delete pgd; return TRUE; } else { sprintf(szReturn, "status=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_14%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_14%> delete pgd; return TRUE; } } else { sprintf(szReturn, "status=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_14%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_14%> if((cisco_fp = fopen(prefile, "w")) == NULL) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s", FuncGetStringFromIDS("<%IDS_CiscoLog_15%>"));//<%IDS_CiscoLog_15%> delete pgd; return FALSE; } int k = fwrite(strBuffer, sizeof(char), strBuffer.GetLength(), cisco_fp); fclose(cisco_fp); char buffer [256] = {0}; char tmp [256] = {0}; #if _DEBUG sprintf(buffer, "%s\\temp\\Cisio_logfile_%s.ini", FuncGetInstallRootPath(), server); #else sprintf(buffer, "%s\\MonitorManager\\temp\\logfile.ini", FuncGetInstallRootPath()); #endif DFN_WritePrivateProfileString(monitorid, "needconfirm", _ltoa(TRUE, tmp, 10), buffer); delete pgd; return TRUE; } }