Beispiel #1
  void operator()(const char* name) const
    EntityClassFilterMode filterMode;

      if(string_empty(GlobalRadiant().getGameMode()) || string_equal(GlobalRadiant().getGameMode(), "sp"))
        if(string_equal_n(name, filterMode.sp_ignore_prefix, strlen(filterMode.sp_ignore_prefix)))
          globalOutputStream() << "Ignoring '" << name << "'\n";
        if(string_equal_n(name, filterMode.mp_ignore_prefix, strlen(filterMode.mp_ignore_prefix)))
          globalOutputStream() << "Ignoring '" << name << "'\n";
    // for a given name, we grab the first .def in the vfs
    // this allows to override baseq3/scripts/entities.def for instance
    StringOutputStream relPath(256);
    relPath << m_directory << name;

    scanner.scanFile(g_collector, relPath.c_str());
Beispiel #2
static bool EntityClass_parse( EntityClass& entityClass, Tokeniser& tokeniser ){
	PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, entityClass.m_name ) );

	PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser, "{" ) );

	StringOutputStream usage( 256 );
	StringOutputStream description( 256 );
	CopiedString* currentDescription = 0;
	StringOutputStream* currentString = 0;

	for (;; )
		const char* key;
		PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, key ) );

		const char* last = string_findFirstSpaceOrTab( key );
		CopiedString first( StringRange( key, last ) );

		if ( !string_empty( last ) ) {
			last = string_findFirstNonSpaceOrTab( last );

		if ( currentString != 0 && string_equal( key, "\\" ) ) {
			*currentString << " ";
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, *currentString ) );

		if ( currentDescription != 0 ) {
			*currentDescription = description.c_str();
			currentDescription = 0;
		currentString = 0;

		if ( string_equal( key, "}" ) ) {
		else if ( string_equal( key, "model" ) ) {
			const char* token;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, token ) );
			entityClass.fixedsize = true;
			StringOutputStream buffer( 256 );
			buffer << PathCleaned( token );
			entityClass.m_modelpath = buffer.c_str();
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_color" ) ) {
			const char* value;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, value ) );
			if ( !string_empty( value ) ) {
				entityClass.colorSpecified = true;
				bool success = string_parse_vector3( value, entityClass.color );
				ASSERT_MESSAGE( success, "editor_color: parse error" );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_ragdoll" ) ) {
			//bool ragdoll = atoi(tokeniser.getToken()) != 0;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_mins" ) ) {
			entityClass.sizeSpecified = true;
			const char* value;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, value ) );
			if ( !string_empty( value ) && !string_equal( value, "?" ) ) {
				entityClass.fixedsize = true;
				bool success = string_parse_vector3( value, entityClass.mins );
				ASSERT_MESSAGE( success, "editor_mins: parse error" );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_maxs" ) ) {
			entityClass.sizeSpecified = true;
			const char* value;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, value ) );
			if ( !string_empty( value ) && !string_equal( value, "?" ) ) {
				entityClass.fixedsize = true;
				bool success = string_parse_vector3( value, entityClass.maxs );
				ASSERT_MESSAGE( success, "editor_maxs: parse error" );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_usage" ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, usage ) );
			currentString = &usage;
		else if ( string_equal_n( key, "editor_usage", 12 ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, usage ) );
			currentString = &usage;
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_rotatable" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_showangle" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_showangles" ) // typo? in prey movables.def
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_mover" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_model" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_material" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_combatnode" )
				  || ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_gui" ) )
				  || string_equal_n( key, "editor_copy", 11 ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && ( string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_var" ) || string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_string" ) ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "string";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_float" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "string";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_snd" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "sound";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_bool" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "boolean";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_int" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "integer";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_model" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "model";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_color" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "color";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && ( string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_material" ) || string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_mat" ) ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "shader";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "inherit" ) ) {
			entityClass.inheritanceResolved = false;
			ASSERT_MESSAGE( entityClass.m_parent.empty(), "only one 'inherit' supported per entityDef" );
			const char* token;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, token ) );
			entityClass.m_parent.push_back( token );
		// begin quake4-specific keys
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_targetonsel" ) ) {
			//const char* value =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_menu" ) ) {
			//const char* value =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_ignore" ) ) {
			//const char* value =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		// end quake4-specific keys
		// begin ignore prey (unknown/unused?) entity keys
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_light" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_def def_debrisspawner" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_def def_drop" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_def def_guihand" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_def def_mine" ) ) {
			//const char* value =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		// end ignore prey entity keys
			CopiedString tmp( key );
			if ( string_equal_n( key, "editor_", 7 ) ) {
				globalErrorStream() << "unsupported editor key " << makeQuoted( key ) ;
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, key ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "string";
			const char* value;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, value ) );
			if ( string_equal( value, "}" ) ) { // hack for quake4 powerups.def bug
				globalErrorStream() << "entityDef " << makeQuoted( entityClass.m_name.c_str() ) << " key " << makeQuoted( tmp.c_str() ) << " has no value\n";
				attribute.m_value = value;

	entityClass.m_comments = usage.c_str();

	if ( string_equal( entityClass.m_name.c_str(), "light" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "light_radius" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "vector3";
			attribute.m_value = "300 300 300";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "light_center" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "vector3";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "noshadows" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "boolean";
			attribute.m_value = "0";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "nospecular" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "boolean";
			attribute.m_value = "0";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "nodiffuse" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "boolean";
			attribute.m_value = "0";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "falloff" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "real";

	return true;
Beispiel #3
 bool filter(const Entity& entity) const
   return string_equal_n(entity.getKeyValue("classname"), m_classgroup, m_length);