Beispiel #1
static int
ary_correl(strm_stream* strm, int argc, strm_value* args, strm_value* ret)
  strm_value* v;
  int i, len;
  double sx, sy, sxx, syy, sxy;

  strm_get_args(strm, argc, args, "a", &v, &len);
  sx = sy = sxx = syy = sxy = 0;
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    strm_value data = v[i];
    strm_value* dv;
    double dx, dy;

    if (!strm_array_p(data) || strm_ary_len(data) != 2) {
      /* skip invalid data */
    dv = strm_ary_ptr(data);
    dx = strm_value_flt(dv[0]) - sx; sx += dx / (i+1);
    dy = strm_value_flt(dv[1]) - sy; sy += dy / (i+1);
    sxx += i * dx * dx / (i+1);
    syy += i * dy * dy / (i+1);
    sxy += i * dx * dy / (i+1);
  sxx = sqrt(sxx / (len-1));
  syy = sqrt(syy / (len-1));
  sxy /= (len-1) * sxx * syy;
  *ret = strm_flt_value(sxy);
  return STRM_OK;
Beispiel #2
static int
exec_call(strm_stream* strm, strm_state* state, strm_string name, int argc, strm_value* argv, strm_value* ret)
  int n = STRM_NG;
  strm_value m;

  if (argc > 0) {
    strm_state* ns = strm_value_ns(argv[0]);
    if (ns) {
      n = strm_var_get(ns, name, &m);
    else if (argc == 1 && strm_array_p(argv[0])) {
      m = strm_str_value(name);
      n = ary_get(strm, argv[0], 1, &m, ret);
      if (n == STRM_OK) return STRM_OK;
  if (n == STRM_NG) {
    n = strm_var_get(state, name, &m);
  if (n == STRM_OK) {
    return strm_funcall(strm, m, argc, argv, ret);
  strm_raise(strm, "function not found");
  return STRM_NG;
Beispiel #3
static int
iter_correl(strm_stream* strm, strm_value data)
  struct correl_data* d = strm->data;
  strm_value *v;
  double dx, dy;

  if (!strm_array_p(data) || strm_ary_len(data) != 2) {
    strm_raise(strm, "invalid data");
    return STRM_NG;

  v = strm_ary_ptr(data);
  if (!strm_number_p(v[0]) || !strm_number_p(v[1])) {
    strm_raise(strm, "correl() requires [num, num]");
    return STRM_NG;
  dx = strm_value_flt(v[0]) - d->sx; d->sx += dx / d->n;
  dy = strm_value_flt(v[1]) - d->sy; d->sy += dy / d->n;
  d->sxx += (d->n-1) * dx * dx / d->n;
  d->syy += (d->n-1) * dy * dy / d->n;
  d->sxy += (d->n-1) * dx * dy / d->n;
  return STRM_OK;
Beispiel #4
static int
iter_rbk(strm_stream* strm, strm_value data)
  struct rbk_data *d = strm->data;
  strm_value k, v;
  khiter_t i;
  int r;

  if (!strm_array_p(data) || strm_ary_len(data) != 2) {
    strm_raise(strm, "reduce_by_key element must be a key-value pair");
    return STRM_NG;
  k = strm_ary_ptr(data)[0];
  v = strm_ary_ptr(data)[1];

  i = kh_put(rbk, d->tbl, k, &r);
  if (r < 0) {                  /* r<0 operation failed */
    return STRM_NG;
  if (r != 0) {                 /* key does not exist */
    kh_value(d->tbl, i) = v;
  else {
    strm_value args[3];

    args[0] = k;
    args[1] = kh_value(d->tbl, i);
    args[2] = v;
    if (strm_funcall(strm, d->func, 3, args, &v) == STRM_NG) {
      return STRM_NG;
    kh_value(d->tbl, i) = v;
  return STRM_OK;
Beispiel #5
strm_value_ns(strm_value val)
  if (strm_array_p(val))
    return strm_ary_ns(val);
  if (strm_value_tag(val) == STRM_TAG_PTR) {
    struct strm_misc* p = strm_ptr(val);

    if (strm_ptr_type(p) == STRM_PTR_MISC) {
      return p->ns;
  return NULL;
Beispiel #6
strm_inspect(strm_value v)
  if (strm_string_p(v)) {
    strm_string str = strm_value_str(v);
    return str_dump(str, str_dump_len(str));
  else if (strm_array_p(v)) {
    char *buf = malloc(32);
    strm_int i, bi = 0, capa = 32;
    strm_array a = strm_value_ary(v);

    for (i=0; i<strm_ary_len(a); i++) {
      strm_string str = strm_inspect(strm_ary_ptr(a)[i]);
      strm_string key = (strm_ary_headers(a) &&
                         strm_string_p(strm_ary_ptr(strm_ary_headers(a))[i])) ?
        strm_value_str(strm_ary_ptr(strm_ary_headers(a))[i]) : strm_str_null;
      strm_int slen = (key ? (strm_str_len(key)+1) : 0) + strm_str_len(str) + 3;

      if (bi+slen > capa) {
        capa *= 2;
        buf = realloc(buf, capa);
      if (bi == 0) {
        buf[bi++] = '[';
      else {
        buf[bi++] = ',';
        buf[bi++] = ' ';
      if (key) {
        if (!str_symbol_p(key)) {
          key = str_dump(key, str_dump_len(key));
        memcpy(buf+bi, strm_str_ptr(key), strm_str_len(key));
        bi += strm_str_len(key);
        buf[bi++] = ':';
      memcpy(buf+bi, strm_str_ptr(str), strm_str_len(str));
      bi += strm_str_len(str);
    buf[bi++] = ']';
    return strm_str_new(buf, bi);
  else {
    return strm_to_str(v);
Beispiel #7
static int
flatmap_len(strm_array ary)
  strm_value* v = strm_ary_ptr(ary);
  strm_int i, len, n = 0;

  len = strm_ary_len(ary);
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    if (strm_array_p(v[i])) {
      n += flatmap_len(v[i]);
    else {
  return n;
Beispiel #8
static int
flatmap_push(strm_stream* strm, strm_array ary, strm_value func, strm_value** p)
  strm_value* v = strm_ary_ptr(ary);
  strm_int i, len;

  len = strm_ary_len(ary);
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    if (strm_array_p(v[i])) {
      if (flatmap_push(strm, v[i], func, p) == STRM_NG) {
        return STRM_NG;
    else {
      if (strm_funcall(strm, func, 1, &v[i], *p) == STRM_NG) {
        return STRM_NG;
      *p += 1;
  return STRM_OK;
Beispiel #9
static int
iter_flatmap(strm_stream* strm, strm_value data)
  struct map_data* d = strm->data;
  strm_value val;
  strm_int i, len;
  strm_value* e;

  if (strm_funcall(strm, d->func, 1, &data, &val) == STRM_NG) {
    return STRM_NG;
  if (!strm_array_p(val)) {
    strm_raise(strm, "no array given for flatmap");
    return STRM_NG;
  len = strm_ary_len(val);
  e = strm_ary_ptr(val);
  for (i=0; i<len; i++){
    strm_emit(strm, e[i], NULL);
  return STRM_OK;
Beispiel #10
strm_value_ns(strm_value val)
  if (strm_array_p(val)) {
    strm_state* ns = strm_ary_ns(val);
    if (ns) return ns;
    return strm_ns_array;
  if (strm_string_p(val)) {
    return strm_ns_string;
  if (strm_number_p(val)) {
    return strm_ns_number;
  if (strm_value_tag(val) == STRM_TAG_PTR) {
    struct strm_misc* p = strm_ptr(val);

    if (!p) return NULL;
    if (strm_ptr_type(p) == STRM_PTR_AUX) {
      return p->ns;
  return NULL;
Beispiel #11
static int
exec_bar(strm_stream* strm, int argc, strm_value* args, strm_value* ret)
  strm_value lhs, rhs;

  assert(argc == 2);
  /* int x int */
  if (strm_int_p(args[0]) && strm_int_p(args[1])) {
    *ret = strm_int_value(strm_value_int(args[0])|strm_value_int(args[1]));
    return STRM_OK;

  lhs = args[0];
  /* lhs: io */
  if (strm_io_p(lhs)) {
    lhs = strm_stream_value(strm_io_stream(lhs, STRM_IO_READ));
  /* lhs: lambda */
  else if (strm_lambda_p(lhs)) {
    strm_lambda lmbd = strm_value_lambda(lhs);
    lhs = strm_stream_value(strm_stream_new(strm_filter, blk_exec, NULL, (void*)lmbd));
  /* lhs: array */
  else if (strm_array_p(lhs)) {
    struct array_data *arrd = malloc(sizeof(struct array_data));
    arrd->arr = strm_value_ary(lhs);
    arrd->n = 0;
    lhs = strm_stream_value(strm_stream_new(strm_producer, arr_exec, NULL, (void*)arrd));
  /* lhs: should be stream */

  rhs = args[1];
  /* rhs: io */
  if (strm_io_p(rhs)) {
    rhs = strm_stream_value(strm_io_stream(rhs, STRM_IO_WRITE));
  /* rhs: lambda */
  else if (strm_lambda_p(rhs)) {
    strm_lambda lmbd = strm_value_lambda(rhs);
    rhs = strm_stream_value(strm_stream_new(strm_filter, blk_exec, NULL, (void*)lmbd));
  /* rhs: cfunc */
  else if (strm_cfunc_p(rhs)) {
    strm_cfunc func = strm_value_cfunc(rhs);
    rhs = strm_stream_value(strm_stream_new(strm_filter, cfunc_exec, NULL, func));

  /* stream x stream */
  if (strm_stream_p(lhs) && strm_stream_p(rhs)) {
    strm_stream* lstrm = strm_value_stream(lhs);
    strm_stream* rstrm = strm_value_stream(rhs);
    if (lstrm == NULL || rstrm == NULL ||
        lstrm->mode == strm_consumer ||
        rstrm->mode == strm_producer) {
      strm_raise(strm, "stream error");
      return STRM_NG;
    strm_stream_connect(strm_value_stream(lhs), strm_value_stream(rhs));
    *ret = rhs;
    return STRM_OK;

  strm_raise(strm, "type error");
  return STRM_NG;
Beispiel #12
static int
exec_bar(strm_state* state, int argc, strm_value* args, strm_value* ret)
  strm_value lhs, rhs;

  assert(argc == 2);
  /* int x int */
  if (strm_int_p(args[0]) && strm_int_p(args[1])) {
    *ret = strm_int_value(strm_value_int(args[0])|strm_value_int(args[1]));
    return STRM_OK;

  lhs = args[0];
  /* lhs: io */
  if (strm_io_p(lhs)) {
    strm_io *io = strm_value_io(lhs);
    lhs = strm_task_value(strm_io_open(io, STRM_IO_READ));
  /* lhs: lambda */
  else if (strm_lambda_p(lhs)) {
    strm_lambda *lmbd = strm_value_lambda(lhs)
    lhs = strm_task_value(strm_task_new(strm_task_filt, blk_exec, NULL, (void*)lmbd));
  /* lhs: array */
  else if (strm_array_p(lhs)) {
    struct array_data *arrd = malloc(sizeof(struct array_data));
    arrd->arr = strm_value_array(lhs);
    arrd->n = 0;
    lhs = strm_task_value(strm_task_new(strm_task_prod, arr_exec, arr_finish, (void*)arrd));
  /* lhs: should be task */

  rhs = args[1];
  /* rhs: io */
  if (strm_io_p(rhs)) {
    strm_io *io = strm_value_io(rhs);
    rhs = strm_task_value(strm_io_open(io, STRM_IO_WRITE));
  /* rhs: lambda */
  else if (strm_lambda_p(rhs)) {
    strm_lambda *lmbd = strm_value_lambda(rhs);
    rhs = strm_task_value(strm_task_new(strm_task_filt, blk_exec, NULL, (void*)lmbd));
  /* rhs: cfunc */
  else if (strm_cfunc_p(rhs)) {
    void *func = rhs.val.p;
    rhs = strm_task_value(strm_task_new(strm_task_filt, cfunc_exec, NULL, func));

  /* task x task */
  if (strm_task_p(lhs) && strm_task_p(rhs)) {
    if (lhs.val.p == NULL || rhs.val.p == NULL) {
      node_raise(state, "task error");
      return STRM_NG;
    strm_task_connect(strm_value_task(lhs), strm_value_task(rhs));
    *ret = rhs;
    return STRM_OK;

  node_raise(state, "type error");
  return STRM_NG;