const char *whichwhois(const char *s) { unsigned long ip; unsigned int i; /* IPv6 address */ if (strchr(s, ':')) { if (strncmp(s, "2001:", 5) == 0) { unsigned long v6net = strtol(s + 5, NULL, 16); v6net = v6net & 0xfe00; /* we care about the first 7 bits */ for (i = 0; ip6_assign[i].serv; i++) if (v6net == ip6_assign[i].net) return ip6_assign[i].serv; return "\x06"; /* unknown allocation */ } else if (strncasecmp(s, "3ffe:", 5) == 0) return ""; /* RPSL hierarchical object like AS8627:fltr-TRANSIT-OUT */ else if (strncasecmp(s, "as", 2) == 0 && isasciidigit(s[2])) return whereas(atoi(s + 2)); else return "\x05"; } /* email address */ if (strchr(s, '@')) return "\x05"; /* no dot and no hyphen means it's a NSI NIC handle or ASN (?) */ if (!strpbrk(s, ".-")) { const char *p; for (p = s; *p; p++); /* go to the end of s */ if (strncasecmp(s, "as", 2) == 0 && /* it's an AS */ (isasciidigit(s[2]) || s[2] == ' ')) return whereas(atoi(s + 2)); else if (strncasecmp(p - 2, "jp", 2) == 0) /* JP NIC handle */ return ""; if (*s == '!') /* NSI NIC handle */ return ""; else return "\x05"; /* probably a unknown kind of nic handle */ } /* smells like an IP? */ if ((ip = myinet_aton(s))) { for (i = 0; ip_assign[i].serv; i++) if ((ip & ip_assign[i].mask) == ip_assign[i].net) return ip_assign[i].serv; return "\x05"; /* not in the unicast IPv4 space */ } /* check the TLDs list */ for (i = 0; tld_serv[i]; i += 2) if (domcmp(s, tld_serv[i])) return tld_serv[i + 1]; /* no dot but hyphen */ if (!strchr(s, '.')) { /* search for strings at the start of the word */ for (i = 0; nic_handles[i]; i += 2) if (strncasecmp(s, nic_handles[i], strlen(nic_handles[i])) == 0) return nic_handles[i + 1]; /* it's probably a network name */ return ""; } /* has dot and maybe a hyphen and it's not in tld_serv[], WTF is it? */ /* either a TLD or a NIC handle we don't know about yet */ return "\x05"; }
static int ChangeReg(lua_State * L) { if(lua_gettop(L) != 3) { luaL_error(L, "bad argument count to 'ChangeReg' (3 expected, got %d)", lua_gettop(L)); lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } if(lua_type(L, 1) != LUA_TSTRING || lua_type(L, 3) != LUA_TNUMBER) { luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TSTRING); luaL_checktype(L, 3, LUA_TNUMBER); lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } size_t szNickLen, szPassLen = 0; char * sNick = (char *)lua_tolstring(L, 1, &szNickLen); char * sPass = NULL; if(lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TSTRING) { char * sPass = (char *)lua_tolstring(L, 2, &szPassLen); if(szPassLen == 0 || szPassLen > 64 || strpbrk(sPass, "|") != NULL) { lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } } else if(lua_type(L, 2) != LUA_TNIL) { luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TSTRING); lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 503 uint16_t i16Profile = (uint16_t)lua_tonumber(L, 3); #else uint16_t i16Profile = (uint16_t)lua_tounsigned(L, 3); #endif if(i16Profile > clsProfileManager::mPtr->iProfileCount-1 || szNickLen == 0 || szNickLen > 64 || strpbrk(sNick, " $|") != NULL) { lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } RegUser *reg = clsRegManager::mPtr->Find(sNick, szNickLen); if(reg == NULL) { lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } clsRegManager::mPtr->ChangeReg(reg, sPass, i16Profile); lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushboolean(L, 1); return 1; }
static int parse_commitment_line(char *line, const char *host, size_t host_len, const char *service, size_t service_len, time_t now, const gnutls_datum_t * skey) { char *p, *kp; char *savep = NULL; size_t kp_len, phash_size; time_t expiration; int ret; const mac_entry_st *hash_algo; uint8_t phash[MAX_HASH_SIZE]; uint8_t hphash[MAX_HASH_SIZE * 2 + 1]; /* read host */ p = strtok_r(line, "|", &savep); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); if (p[0] != '*' && host != NULL && strcmp(p, host) != 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); /* read service */ p = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &savep); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); if (p[0] != '*' && service != NULL && strcmp(p, service) != 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); /* read expiration */ p = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &savep); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); expiration = (time_t) atol(p); if (expiration > 0 && now > expiration) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_EXPIRED); /* read hash algorithm */ p = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &savep); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); hash_algo = mac_to_entry(atol(p)); if (_gnutls_digest_get_name(hash_algo) == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); /* read hash */ kp = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &savep); if (kp == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); p = strpbrk(kp, "\n \r\t|"); if (p != NULL) *p = 0; /* hash and hex encode */ ret = _gnutls_hash_fast((gnutls_digest_algorithm_t)hash_algo->id, skey->data, skey->size, phash); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); phash_size = _gnutls_hash_get_algo_len(hash_algo); p = _gnutls_bin2hex(phash, phash_size, (void *) hphash, sizeof(hphash), NULL); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR); kp_len = strlen(kp); if (kp_len != phash_size * 2) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_CERTIFICATE_KEY_MISMATCH); if (memcmp(kp, hphash, kp_len) != 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_CERTIFICATE_KEY_MISMATCH); /* key found and matches */ return 0; }
/* * name can be defined */ int Vstat(PCStr(file),PVStr(path),PVStr(name),int isDGV,int lev,FileStat *st){ refQStr(dp,path); refQStr(ep,name); FILE *fp; CStr(line,4096); CStr(facts,4096); CStr(fact1,128); const char *fcp; int rcc; int isdgv; if( 8 < lev ){ return -1; } if( isDGV ){ dp = 0; }else{ dp = strrchr(path,'.'); if( dp == 0 || !strcaseeq(dp,VNODE_EXT) ) return -2; } if( (fp = fopen(path,"r+")) == 0 ){ return -3; } truncVStr(facts); while( fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp) != NULL ){ if( strncaseeq(line,"MLST-Facts:",11) ){ lineScan(line+11,facts); break; } if( *line == ' ' && strcasestr(line,"Type=") ){ lineScan(line+1,facts); break; } } if( lev == 0 ){ FileStat vst; if( dp ){ setVStrEnd(dp,0); } strcpy(name,file); if( ep = strrchr(name,'.') ) setVStrEnd(ep,0); bzero(st,sizeof(FileStat)); st->st_mode |= S_IFDIR; st->st_nlink = 1; if( stat(path,&vst) == 0 ){ st->st_dev = vst.st_dev; st->st_ino = vst.st_ino; } } isdgv = 0; for( fcp = facts; *fcp; ){ refQStr(f1,fact1); fcp = scan_ListElem1(fcp,';',AVStr(fact1)); if( f1 = strpbrk(fact1,"\r\n") ) setVStrEnd(f1,0); if( *fact1 == ' ' ){ break; }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"x-ref=",6) ){ CStr(xpath,1024); refQStr(xp,xpath); strcpy(xpath,path); if( xp = strrpbrk(xpath,"/\\") ){ truncVStr(xp); } chdir_cwd(AVStr(xpath),fact1+6,0); if( File_is(xpath) ){ if( isdgv ){ fprintf(stderr,"--->>>> dgv ... %s\n",xpath); Vstat(file,AVStr(xpath),BVStr(name),1,lev+1,st); }else stat(xpath,st); }else{ strcat(xpath,VNODE_EXT); Vstat(file,AVStr(xpath),BVStr(name),1,lev+1,st); } }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"type=",5) ){ if( strcaseeq(fact1+5,"file") ) st->st_mode |= S_IFREG; else if( strcaseeq(fact1+5,"dir") ) st->st_mode |= S_IFDIR; else if( strcaseeq(fact1+5,"vno") ) isdgv = 1; else if( strcaseeq(fact1+5,"MLST") ) isdgv = 2; }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"perm=",5) ){ st->st_mode |= permMode(fact1+5); }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"size=",5) ){ st->st_size = atoi(fact1+5); }else if( strncaseeq(fact1,"modify=",7) ){ st->st_mtime = scanYmdHMS_GMT(fact1+7); } } fclose(fp); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int err; int hasSetLogFormat = 0; int clearLog = 0; int getLogSize = 0; int mode = O_RDONLY; const char *forceFilters = NULL; log_device_t* devices = NULL; log_device_t* dev; bool needBinary = false; g_logformat = android_log_format_new(); if (argc == 2 && 0 == strcmp(argv[1], "--test")) { logprint_run_tests(); exit(0); } if (argc == 2 && 0 == strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) { android::show_help(argv[0]); exit(0); } for (;;) { int ret; ret = getopt(argc, argv, "cdt:gsQf:r::n:v:b:B"); if (ret < 0) { break; } switch(ret) { case 's': // default to all silent android_log_addFilterRule(g_logformat, "*:s"); break; case 'c': clearLog = 1; mode = O_WRONLY; break; case 'd': g_nonblock = true; break; case 't': g_nonblock = true; g_tail_lines = atoi(optarg); break; case 'g': getLogSize = 1; break; case 'b': { char* buf = (char*) malloc(strlen(LOG_FILE_DIR) + strlen(optarg) + 1); strcpy(buf, LOG_FILE_DIR); strcat(buf, optarg); bool binary = strcmp(optarg, "events") == 0; if (binary) { needBinary = true; } if (devices) { dev = devices; while (dev->next) { dev = dev->next; } dev->next = new log_device_t(buf, binary, optarg[0]); } else { devices = new log_device_t(buf, binary, optarg[0]); } android::g_devCount++; } break; case 'B': android::g_printBinary = 1; break; case 'f': // redirect output to a file android::g_outputFileName = optarg; break; case 'r': if (optarg == NULL) { android::g_logRotateSizeKBytes = DEFAULT_LOG_ROTATE_SIZE_KBYTES; } else { long logRotateSize; char *lastDigit; if (!isdigit(optarg[0])) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid parameter to -r\n"); android::show_help(argv[0]); exit(-1); } android::g_logRotateSizeKBytes = atoi(optarg); } break; case 'n': if (!isdigit(optarg[0])) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid parameter to -r\n"); android::show_help(argv[0]); exit(-1); } android::g_maxRotatedLogs = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': err = setLogFormat (optarg); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid parameter to -v\n"); android::show_help(argv[0]); exit(-1); } hasSetLogFormat = 1; break; case 'Q': /* this is a *hidden* option used to start a version of logcat */ /* in an emulated device only. it basically looks for androidboot.logcat= */ /* on the kernel command line. If something is found, it extracts a log filter */ /* and uses it to run the program. If nothing is found, the program should */ /* quit immediately */ #define KERNEL_OPTION "androidboot.logcat=" #define CONSOLE_OPTION "androidboot.console=" { int fd; char* logcat; char* console; int force_exit = 1; static char cmdline[1024]; fd = open("/proc/cmdline", O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { int n = read(fd, cmdline, sizeof(cmdline)-1 ); if (n < 0) n = 0; cmdline[n] = 0; close(fd); } else { cmdline[0] = 0; } logcat = strstr( cmdline, KERNEL_OPTION ); console = strstr( cmdline, CONSOLE_OPTION ); if (logcat != NULL) { char* p = logcat + sizeof(KERNEL_OPTION)-1;; char* q = strpbrk( p, " \t\n\r" );; if (q != NULL) *q = 0; forceFilters = p; force_exit = 0; } /* if nothing found or invalid filters, exit quietly */ if (force_exit) exit(0); /* redirect our output to the emulator console */ if (console) { char* p = console + sizeof(CONSOLE_OPTION)-1; char* q = strpbrk( p, " \t\n\r" ); char devname[64]; int len; if (q != NULL) { len = q - p; } else len = strlen(p); len = snprintf( devname, sizeof(devname), "/dev/%.*s", len, p ); fprintf(stderr, "logcat using %s (%d)\n", devname, len); if (len < (int)sizeof(devname)) { fd = open( devname, O_WRONLY ); if (fd >= 0) { dup2(fd, 1); dup2(fd, 2); close(fd); } } } } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized Option\n"); android::show_help(argv[0]); exit(-1); break; } } if (!devices) { devices = new log_device_t(strdup("/dev/"LOGGER_LOG_MAIN), false, 'm'); android::g_devCount = 1; int accessmode = (mode & O_RDONLY) ? R_OK : 0 | (mode & O_WRONLY) ? W_OK : 0; // only add this if it's available if (0 == access("/dev/"LOGGER_LOG_SYSTEM, accessmode)) { devices->next = new log_device_t(strdup("/dev/"LOGGER_LOG_SYSTEM), false, 's'); android::g_devCount++; } } if (android::g_logRotateSizeKBytes != 0 && android::g_outputFileName == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"-r requires -f as well\n"); android::show_help(argv[0]); exit(-1); } android::setupOutput(); if (hasSetLogFormat == 0) { const char* logFormat = getenv("ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG"); if (logFormat != NULL) { err = setLogFormat(logFormat); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid format in ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG '%s'\n", logFormat); } } } if (forceFilters) { err = android_log_addFilterString(g_logformat, forceFilters); if (err < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid filter expression in -logcat option\n"); exit(0); } } else if (argc == optind) { // Add from environment variable char *env_tags_orig = getenv("ANDROID_LOG_TAGS"); if (env_tags_orig != NULL) { err = android_log_addFilterString(g_logformat, env_tags_orig); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid filter expression in" " ANDROID_LOG_TAGS\n"); android::show_help(argv[0]); exit(-1); } } } else { // Add from commandline for (int i = optind ; i < argc ; i++) { err = android_log_addFilterString(g_logformat, argv[i]); if (err < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid filter expression '%s'\n", argv[i]); android::show_help(argv[0]); exit(-1); } } } dev = devices; while (dev) { dev->fd = open(dev->device, mode); if (dev->fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open log device '%s': %s\n", dev->device, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (clearLog) { int ret; ret = android::clearLog(dev->fd); if (ret) { perror("ioctl"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (getLogSize) { int size, readable; size = android::getLogSize(dev->fd); if (size < 0) { perror("ioctl"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } readable = android::getLogReadableSize(dev->fd); if (readable < 0) { perror("ioctl"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("%s: ring buffer is %dKb (%dKb consumed), " "max entry is %db, max payload is %db\n", dev->device, size / 1024, readable / 1024, (int) LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_LEN, (int) LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD); } dev = dev->next; } if (getLogSize) { return 0; } if (clearLog) { return 0; } //LOG_EVENT_INT(10, 12345); //LOG_EVENT_LONG(11, 0x1122334455667788LL); //LOG_EVENT_STRING(0, "whassup, doc?"); if (needBinary) android::g_eventTagMap = android_openEventTagMap(EVENT_TAG_MAP_FILE); android::readLogLines(devices); return 0; }
/* Format of _o: column1 [ASC|DESC], column2 [ASC|DESC], ... */ int dbt_parse_orderbyclause(db_key_t **_o_k, char **_o_op, int *_o_n, db_key_t _o) { char *_po, *_ps, *_pe; char _c = '\0'; char _d[8]; int _n; int _i; str *_s; /* scan _o, count ',' -> upper bound for no of columns */ _n = 1; for (_i=0; _i < _o->len; _i++) if (_o->s[_i] == ',') _n++; /* *_o_k will include the db_key_ts, the strs, a copy of _o and \0 */ *_o_k = pkg_malloc((sizeof(db_key_t)+sizeof(str)) * _n + _o->len + 1); if (!*_o_k) return -1; _s = (str *)((char *)(*_o_k) + sizeof(db_key_t) * _n); for (_i=0; _i < _n; _i++) (*_o_k)[_i] = &_s[_i]; _po = (char *)(*_o_k) + (sizeof(db_key_t) + sizeof(str)) * _n; memcpy(_po, _o->s, _o->len); *(_po+_o->len) = '\0'; *_o_op = pkg_malloc(sizeof(char) * _n); if (!*_o_op) { pkg_free(*_o_k); return -1; } *_o_n = 0; _ps = _po; while (*_o_n < _n) { while (*_ps == ' ') _ps++; if (*_ps == '\0') break; strcpy(_d, " \f\n\r\t\v,"); /* isspace() and comma */ if (*_ps == '"' || *_ps == '\'') /* detect quote */ { _d[0] = *_ps; _d[1] = '\0'; _ps++; } _pe = strpbrk(_ps, _d); /* search quote, space, comma or eos */ if (!_pe && _d[0] == ' ') /* if token is last token in string */ _pe = _po + _o->len; /* point to end of string */ if (! _pe) /* we were looking for quote but found none */ goto parse_error; /* _ps points to start of column-name, * _pe points after the column-name, on quote, space, comma, or '\0' */ _c = *_pe; *_pe = '\0'; (*_o_k)[*_o_n]->s = _ps; (*_o_k)[*_o_n]->len = _pe - _ps; (*_o_op)[*_o_n] = '<'; /* default */ (*_o_n)++; if (_c == '\0') break; /* go beyond current token */ _ps = _pe + 1; if (_c == ',') continue; while (*_ps == ' ') _ps++; if (*_ps == ',') { _ps++; continue; } if (*_ps == '\0') break; /* there is ASC OR DESC qualifier */ if (strncasecmp(_ps, "DESC", 4) == 0) { (*_o_op)[*_o_n-1] = '>'; _ps += 4; } else if (strncasecmp(_ps, "ASC", 3) == 0) { _ps += 3; } else goto parse_error; /* point behind qualifier */ while (*_ps == ' ') _ps++; if (*_ps == ',') { _ps++; continue; } if (*_ps == '\0') break; goto parse_error; } if (*_ps != '\0' && _c != '\0') /* that means more elements than _tbc->nrcols */ goto parse_error; if (*_o_n == 0) /* there weren't actually any columns */ { pkg_free(*_o_k); pkg_free(*_o_op); *_o_op = NULL; *_o_k = NULL; return 0; /* return success anyway */ } return 0; parse_error: pkg_free(*_o_k); pkg_free(*_o_op); *_o_op = NULL; *_o_k = NULL; *_o_n = 0; return -1; }
static int pw_set_passwd(struct passwd *pwd, int fd, bool precrypted, bool update) { int b, istty; struct termios t, n; login_cap_t *lc; char line[_PASSWORD_LEN+1]; char *p; if (fd == '-') { if (!pwd->pw_passwd || *pwd->pw_passwd != '*') { pwd->pw_passwd = "*"; /* No access */ return (1); } return (0); } if ((istty = isatty(fd))) { if (tcgetattr(fd, &t) == -1) istty = 0; else { n = t; n.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO); tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &n); printf("%s%spassword for user %s:", update ? "new " : "", precrypted ? "encrypted " : "", pwd->pw_name); fflush(stdout); } } b = read(fd, line, sizeof(line) - 1); if (istty) { /* Restore state */ tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &t); fputc('\n', stdout); fflush(stdout); } if (b < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "-%c file descriptor", precrypted ? 'H' : 'h'); line[b] = '\0'; if ((p = strpbrk(line, "\r\n")) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (!*line) errx(EX_DATAERR, "empty password read on file descriptor %d", fd); if (precrypted) { if (strchr(line, ':') != NULL) errx(EX_DATAERR, "bad encrypted password"); pwd->pw_passwd = strdup(line); } else { lc = login_getpwclass(pwd); if (lc == NULL || login_setcryptfmt(lc, "sha512", NULL) == NULL) warn("setting crypt(3) format"); login_close(lc); pwd->pw_passwd = pw_pwcrypt(line); } return (1); }
/* * fill the addr and mask fields in the instruction as appropriate from av. * Update length as appropriate. * The following formats are allowed: * any matches any IP6. Actually returns an empty instruction. * me returns O_IP6_*_ME * * 03f1::234:123:0342 single IP6 addres * 03f1::234:123:0342/24 address/mask * 03f1::234:123:0342/24,03f1::234:123:0343/ List of address * * Set of address (as in ipv6) not supported because ipv6 address * are typically random past the initial prefix. * Return 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ static int fill_ip6(ipfw_insn_ip6 *cmd, char *av) { int len = 0; struct in6_addr *d = &(cmd->addr6); /* * Needed for multiple address. * Note d[1] points to struct in6_add r mask6 of cmd */ cmd->o.len &= ~F_LEN_MASK; /* zero len */ if (strcmp(av, "any") == 0) return (1); if (strcmp(av, "me") == 0) { /* Set the data for "me" opt*/ cmd->o.len |= F_INSN_SIZE(ipfw_insn); return (1); } if (strcmp(av, "me6") == 0) { /* Set the data for "me" opt*/ cmd->o.len |= F_INSN_SIZE(ipfw_insn); return (1); } av = strdup(av); while (av) { /* * After the address we can have '/' indicating a mask, * or ',' indicating another address follows. */ char *p; int masklen; char md = '\0'; if ((p = strpbrk(av, "/,")) ) { md = *p; /* save the separator */ *p = '\0'; /* terminate address string */ p++; /* and skip past it */ } /* now p points to NULL, mask or next entry */ /* lookup stores address in *d as a side effect */ if (lookup_host6(av, d) != 0) { /* XXX: failed. Free memory and go */ errx(EX_DATAERR, "bad address \"%s\"", av); } /* next, look at the mask, if any */ masklen = (md == '/') ? atoi(p) : 128; if (masklen > 128 || masklen < 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "bad width \"%s\''", p); else n2mask(&d[1], masklen); APPLY_MASK(d, &d[1]) /* mask base address with mask */ /* find next separator */ if (md == '/') { /* find separator past the mask */ p = strpbrk(p, ","); if (p != NULL) p++; } av = p; /* Check this entry */ if (masklen == 0) { /* * 'any' turns the entire list into a NOP. * 'not any' never matches, so it is removed from the * list unless it is the only item, in which case we * report an error. */ if (cmd->o.len & F_NOT && av == NULL && len == 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "not any never matches"); continue; } /* * A single IP can be stored alone */ if (masklen == 128 && av == NULL && len == 0) { len = F_INSN_SIZE(struct in6_addr); break; } /* Update length and pointer to arguments */ len += F_INSN_SIZE(struct in6_addr)*2; d += 2; } /* end while */
int parse_variable_list( job_data_container *dest_hash, /* This is the dest hashmap for vars found */ job_data_container *user_env, /* This is the source hashmap */ int var_type, /* Type for vars not pulled from the source hash */ int op_type, /* Op for vars not pulled from the source hash */ char *the_list) /* name=value,name1=value1,etc to be parsed */ { int alloc_size = 0; std::string job_env = ""; char name[JOB_ENV_START_SIZE]; char *s = NULL; char *c = NULL; char *delim = NULL; s = the_list; while (s) { delim = strpbrk(s, "=,"); if (delim == s) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid -v syntax\n"); return(3); } /* If delim is ','or NULL we have no value. Get the environment variable in s */ /* If delim is '=' and delim+1 is ',' or NULL we also need to get the environment variable in s */ if (delim == NULL || *delim == ',' || ((*delim == '=') && (*(delim + 1) == ',')) || ((*delim == '=') && ((delim + 1) == NULL))) { if (delim == NULL) alloc_size = strlen(s); else alloc_size = delim - s; memcpy(name, s, alloc_size); name[alloc_size] = '\0'; c = getenv(name); if (c != NULL) { job_env += name; job_env += "="; job_env += c; if (delim == NULL) s = NULL; else { job_env += ","; s = delim + 1; if (*s == ',') /* This ended in '='. Move one more */ s++; } } else { /* No environment variable set for this name. Pass it on with value "" */ if (delim == NULL) { snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", s); job_env += "name"; job_env += "="; s = NULL; } else { memcpy(name, s, delim - s); name[delim - s] = '\0'; job_env += name; job_env += "=,"; s = delim + 1; } } } else { /* We have a key value pair */ delim = strchr(s, ','); if (delim == NULL) { alloc_size = strlen(s); /* we are at the end */ job_env += s; s = NULL; } else { /* We have another variable in the list. Take care of the current one */ alloc_size = delim - s; memcpy(name, s, alloc_size); name[alloc_size] = '\0'; job_env += name; job_env += ","; s = delim + 1; } } } hash_add_or_exit(dest_hash, ATTR_v, job_env.c_str(), ENV_DATA); return(PBSE_NONE); } /* END parse_variable_list() */
/* * Read an ascii label in from FILE f, * in the same format as that put out by display(), * and fill in lp. */ int getasciilabel(FILE *f, struct disklabel *lp) { char **cpp, *cp; const char *errstr; struct partition *pp; char *tp, *s, line[BUFSIZ]; int lineno = 0, errors = 0; u_int32_t v, fsize; u_int64_t lv; lp->d_version = 1; lp->d_bbsize = BBSIZE; /* XXX */ lp->d_sbsize = SBSIZE; /* XXX */ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { lineno++; if ((cp = strpbrk(line, "#\r\n"))) *cp = '\0'; cp = skip(line); if (cp == NULL) continue; tp = strchr(cp, ':'); if (tp == NULL) { warnx("line %d: syntax error", lineno); errors++; continue; } *tp++ = '\0', tp = skip(tp); if (!strcmp(cp, "type")) { if (tp == NULL) tp = "unknown"; else if (strcasecmp(tp, "IDE") == 0) tp = "ESDI"; cpp = dktypenames; for (; cpp < &dktypenames[DKMAXTYPES]; cpp++) if ((s = *cpp) && !strcasecmp(s, tp)) { lp->d_type = cpp - dktypenames; goto next; } v = GETNUM(lp->d_type, tp, 0, &errstr); if (errstr || v >= DKMAXTYPES) warnx("line %d: warning, unknown disk type: %s", lineno, tp); lp->d_type = v; continue; } if (!strcmp(cp, "flags")) { for (v = 0; (cp = tp) && *cp != '\0';) { tp = word(cp); if (!strcmp(cp, "badsect")) v |= D_BADSECT; else if (!strcmp(cp, "vendor")) v |= D_VENDOR; else { warnx("line %d: bad flag: %s", lineno, cp); errors++; } } lp->d_flags = v; continue; } if (!strcmp(cp, "drivedata")) { int i; for (i = 0; (cp = tp) && *cp != '\0' && i < NDDATA;) { v = GETNUM(lp->d_drivedata[i], cp, 0, &errstr); if (errstr) warnx("line %d: bad drivedata %s", lineno, cp); lp->d_drivedata[i++] = v; tp = word(cp); } continue; } if (sscanf(cp, "%d partitions", &v) == 1) { if (v == 0 || v > MAXPARTITIONS) { warnx("line %d: bad # of partitions", lineno); lp->d_npartitions = MAXPARTITIONS; errors++; } else lp->d_npartitions = v; continue; } if (tp == NULL) tp = ""; if (!strcmp(cp, "disk")) { strncpy(lp->d_typename, tp, sizeof (lp->d_typename)); continue; } if (!strcmp(cp, "label")) { strncpy(lp->d_packname, tp, sizeof (lp->d_packname)); continue; } if (!strcmp(cp, "duid")) { if (duid_parse(lp, tp) != 0) { warnx("line %d: bad %s: %s", lineno, cp, tp); errors++; } continue; } if (!strcmp(cp, "bytes/sector")) { v = GETNUM(lp->d_secsize, tp, 1, &errstr); if (errstr || (v % 512) != 0) { warnx("line %d: bad %s: %s", lineno, cp, tp); errors++; } else lp->d_secsize = v; continue; } if (!strcmp(cp, "sectors/track")) { v = GETNUM(lp->d_nsectors, tp, 1, &errstr); if (errstr) { warnx("line %d: bad %s: %s", lineno, cp, tp); errors++; } else lp->d_nsectors = v; continue; } if (!strcmp(cp, "sectors/cylinder")) { v = GETNUM(lp->d_secpercyl, tp, 1, &errstr); if (errstr) { warnx("line %d: bad %s: %s", lineno, cp, tp); errors++; } else lp->d_secpercyl = v; continue; } if (!strcmp(cp, "tracks/cylinder")) { v = GETNUM(lp->d_ntracks, tp, 1, &errstr); if (errstr) { warnx("line %d: bad %s: %s", lineno, cp, tp); errors++; } else lp->d_ntracks = v; continue; } if (!strcmp(cp, "cylinders")) { v = GETNUM(lp->d_ncylinders, tp, 1, &errstr); if (errstr) { warnx("line %d: bad %s: %s", lineno, cp, tp); errors++; } else lp->d_ncylinders = v; continue; } /* Ignore fields that are no longer in the disklabel. */ if (!strcmp(cp, "rpm") || !strcmp(cp, "interleave") || !strcmp(cp, "trackskew") || !strcmp(cp, "cylinderskew") || !strcmp(cp, "headswitch") || !strcmp(cp, "track-to-track seek")) continue; /* Ignore fields that are forcibly set when label is read. */ if (!strcmp(cp, "total sectors") || !strcmp(cp, "boundstart") || !strcmp(cp, "boundend")) continue; if ('a' <= *cp && *cp <= 'z' && cp[1] == '\0') { unsigned int part = *cp - 'a'; if (part >= lp->d_npartitions) { if (part >= MAXPARTITIONS) { warnx("line %d: bad partition name: %s", lineno, cp); errors++; continue; } else { lp->d_npartitions = part + 1; } } pp = &lp->d_partitions[part]; #define NXTNUM(n, field, errstr) { \ if (tp == NULL) { \ warnx("line %d: too few fields", lineno); \ errors++; \ break; \ } else \ cp = tp, tp = word(cp), (n) = GETNUM(field, cp, 0, errstr); \ } NXTNUM(lv, lv, &errstr); if (errstr) { warnx("line %d: bad partition size: %s", lineno, cp); errors++; } else { DL_SETPSIZE(pp, lv); } NXTNUM(lv, lv, &errstr); if (errstr) { warnx("line %d: bad partition offset: %s", lineno, cp); errors++; } else { DL_SETPOFFSET(pp, lv); } if (tp == NULL) { pp->p_fstype = FS_UNUSED; goto gottype; } cp = tp, tp = word(cp); cpp = fstypenames; for (; cpp < &fstypenames[FSMAXTYPES]; cpp++) if ((s = *cpp) && !strcasecmp(s, cp)) { pp->p_fstype = cpp - fstypenames; goto gottype; } if (isdigit((unsigned char)*cp)) v = GETNUM(pp->p_fstype, cp, 0, &errstr); else v = FSMAXTYPES; if (errstr || v >= FSMAXTYPES) { warnx("line %d: warning, unknown filesystem type: %s", lineno, cp); v = FS_UNUSED; } pp->p_fstype = v; gottype: switch (pp->p_fstype) { case FS_UNUSED: /* XXX */ if (tp == NULL) /* ok to skip fsize/bsize */ break; NXTNUM(fsize, fsize, &errstr); if (fsize == 0) break; NXTNUM(v, v, &errstr); pp->p_fragblock = DISKLABELV1_FFS_FRAGBLOCK(fsize, v / fsize); break; case FS_BSDFFS: NXTNUM(fsize, fsize, &errstr); if (fsize == 0) break; NXTNUM(v, v, &errstr); pp->p_fragblock = DISKLABELV1_FFS_FRAGBLOCK(fsize, v / fsize); NXTNUM(pp->p_cpg, pp->p_cpg, &errstr); break; default: break; } continue; } warnx("line %d: unknown field: %s", lineno, cp); errors++; next: ; } errors += checklabel(lp); return (errors > 0); }
int bbfile(pMesh mesh) { FILE *in; pSolution ps; double a,b,c,lambda[3],eigv[3][3],m[6],vp[2][2]; float dummy; int j,k,l,dim,np,nfield,nf,i1,i2,i3,i4,err,iord; char *ptr,data[128],tmp[128]; ubyte bigbb; /* default */ strcpy(tmp,mesh->name); ptr = (char *)strstr(tmp,".mesh"); if ( ptr ) *ptr = '\0'; sprintf(data,"",tmp); in = fopen(data,"r"); bigbb = 0; if ( !in ) { sprintf(data,"%s.pbb",tmp); in = fopen(data,"r"); } if ( !in ) { bigbb = 1; sprintf(data,"%s.BB",tmp); in = fopen(data,"r"); if ( !in ) { /* hack FH pour le mac */ sprintf(data,"%s.gbb",tmp); in = fopen(data,"r"); } } if ( !in ) return(0); /* if ( !quiet ) fprintf(stdout," Reading %s\n",data); */ i1=i2=i3=i4=-1; /* read file format */ err=0; fscanf(in,"%d",&dim); if(EatSpace(in)) err++; fscanf(in,"%d",&i1); if(EatSpace(in)) err++; fscanf(in,"%d",&i2); if(EatSpace(in)) err++; fscanf(in,"%d",&i3); bigbb= (EatSpace(in)==0); /* not nl after the 4 integer => BB */ if ( !quiet ) if(bigbb) fprintf(stdout," Reading BB file %s\n",data); else fprintf(stdout," Reading bb file %s\n",data); if ( dim < 2 || dim > 3 || err ) { fprintf(stderr," %%%% Wrong file (dim=%d) (err=%d). Ignored\n",dim,err); return(0); } /* read number of field(s) */ nf = 0; if ( bigbb ) { /* get only 1st field */ /* fscanf(in,"%d",&nfield);*/ nfield=i1; /*fscanf(in,"%d",&mesh->nfield);*/ mesh->nfield = i2; if (nfield>1) { nf += i3; for (k=1; k<nfield-1; k++) { fscanf(in,"%d",&np); nf += np; } fscanf(in,"%d",&np); } else np = i3; /* read file type */ fscanf(in,"%d",&mesh->typage); printf(" np= %d, type= %d\n",np,mesh->typage); } else { /* fscanf(in,"%d",&mesh->nfield); fscanf(in,"%d",&np);*/ /* read file type */ /* fscanf(in,"%d",&mesh->typage);*/ mesh->nfield=i1; np=i2; mesh->typage=i3; } if ( mesh->typage == 2 ) { if ( np < mesh->np ) { fprintf(stderr," %%%% Wrong solution number (%d , %d). Ignored\n",np,mesh->np); fclose(in); return(0); } mesh->nbb = mesh->np; } else if ( mesh->typage == 1 ) { if ( np < mesh->ne ) { fprintf(stderr," %%%% Wrong solution number (%d , %d). Ignored\n",np,mesh->ne); fclose(in); return(0); } mesh->nbb = mesh->ne; } else { fprintf(stderr," %%%% Wrong typage (%d). Ignored\n",mesh->typage); fclose(in); return(0); } /* read solutions */ mesh->bbmin = 1.e10; mesh->bbmax = -1.e10; /* allocate memory */ if ( !zaldy2(mesh) ) { mesh->nbb = 0; fclose(in); return(0); } /* scalar field */ if ( mesh->nfield == 1 ) { if ( ddebug ) printf(" scalar (isotropic) field\n"); for (k=1; k<=mesh->nbb; k++) { ps = &mesh->sol[k]; ps->bb = 0.0; if ( fscanf(in,"%s",data) != 1 ) continue; if ( ptr = strpbrk(data,"dD") ) *ptr = 'E'; sscanf(data,"%f",&ps->bb); if ( ps->bb < mesh->bbmin ) mesh->bbmin = ps->bb; if ( ps->bb > mesh->bbmax ) mesh->bbmax = ps->bb; for (j=1; j<=nf; j++) fscanf(in,"%f",&dummy); } } /* vector field */ else if ( mesh->nfield == mesh->dim ) { if ( ddebug ) fprintf(stdout," vector field \n"); for (k=1; k<=mesh->nbb; k++) { ps = &mesh->sol[k]; ps->bb = 0.0; for (l=0; l<mesh->dim; l++) { if ( fscanf(in,"%s",data) != 1 ) continue; if ( ptr = strpbrk(data,"dD") ) *ptr = 'E'; sscanf(data,"%f",&ps->m[l]); ps->bb += ps->m[l]*ps->m[l]; } ps->bb = sqrt(ps->bb); if ( ps->bb < mesh->bbmin ) mesh->bbmin = ps->bb; if ( ps->bb > mesh->bbmax ) mesh->bbmax = ps->bb; for (j=1; j<nf; j++) fscanf(in,"%f",&dummy); } fclose(in); return(0); } else if ( dim == 2 && mesh->nfield == 3 ) { if ( ddebug ) fprintf(stdout," 2D metric field\n"); for (k=1; k<=mesh->np; k++) { ps = &mesh->sol[k]; fscanf(in,"%lf %lf %lf",&a,&b,&c); ps->m[0] = a; ps->m[1] = b; ps->m[2] = c; m[0] = a; m[1] = b; m[2] = c; eigen2(m,lambda,vp); ps->bb = MEDIT_MIN(lambda[0],lambda[1]); if ( ps->bb < mesh->bbmin ) mesh->bbmin = ps->bb; if ( ps->bb > mesh->bbmax ) mesh->bbmax = ps->bb; for (j=1; j<nf; j++) fscanf(in,"%f",&dummy); } } else if ( dim == 3 && mesh->nfield == 6 ) { if ( ddebug ) fprintf(stdout," 3D metric field\n"); for (k=1; k<=mesh->np; k++) { ps = &mesh->sol[k]; ps->bb = 0.0f; for (l=0; l<6; l++) { if ( fscanf(in,"%s",data) != 1 ) continue; if ( ptr = strpbrk(data,"dD") ) *ptr = 'E'; sscanf(data,"%f",&dummy); m[l] = dummy; } ps->m[0] = m[0]; ps->m[1] = m[1]; ps->m[2] = m[3]; ps->m[3] = m[2]; ps->m[4] = m[4]; ps->m[5] = m[5]; m[2] = ps->m[2]; m[3] = ps->m[3]; iord = eigenv(1,m,lambda,eigv); if ( iord ) { ps->bb = lambda[0]; ps->bb = MEDIT_MAX(ps->bb,lambda[1]); ps->bb = MEDIT_MAX(ps->bb,lambda[2]); if ( ps->bb < mesh->bbmin ) mesh->bbmin = ps->bb; if ( ps->bb > mesh->bbmax ) mesh->bbmax = ps->bb; } else { fprintf(stdout," ## Eigenvalue problem.\n"); } for (j=1; j<nf; j++) fscanf(in,"%f",&dummy); } } else { fprintf(stderr," %%%% Solution not suitable. Ignored\n"); mesh->nbb = 0; } fclose(in); return(np); }
static int parsespec(const char *spec) { char *p; const char *q; int count; priv_set_t ***toupd; priv_set_t *upd; int i; boolean_t freeupd = B_TRUE; if (pri == NULL) loadprivinfo(); p = strpbrk(spec, "+-="); if (p == NULL || p - spec > pri->priv_nsets) badspec(spec); if (p[1] == '\0' || (upd = priv_str_to_set(p + 1, ",", NULL)) == NULL) badspec(p + 1); count = p - spec; switch (*p) { case '+': toupd = &add; break; case '-': toupd = &rem; priv_inverse(upd); break; case '=': toupd = &assign; break; } /* Update all sets? */ if (count == 0 || *spec == 'a' || *spec == 'A') { count = pri->priv_nsets; q = sets; } else q = spec; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { int ind = strindex(q[i], sets); if (ind == -1) badspec(spec); /* Assign is mutually exclusive with add/remove and itself */ if (((toupd == &rem || toupd == &add) && assign[ind] != NULL) || (toupd == &assign && (assign[ind] != NULL || rem[ind] != NULL || add[ind] != NULL))) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: conflicting spec: %s\n", command, spec); exit(1); } if ((*toupd)[ind] != NULL) { if (*p == '-') priv_intersect(upd, (*toupd)[ind]); else priv_union(upd, (*toupd)[ind]); } else { (*toupd)[ind] = upd; freeupd = B_FALSE; } } if (freeupd) priv_freeset(upd); return (0); }
static bool IgnoreDeprecated; static bool NameOnly; static bool PrintName; static bool PrintNewline; static bool IgnoreError; static bool Quiet; static char *pattern; /* Function prototypes. */ static int pattern_match(const char *string, const char *pat); static int DisplayAll(const char *restrict const path); static void slashdot(char *restrict p, char old, char new) { int warned = 1; p = strpbrk(p, "/."); if (!p) /* nothing -- can't be, but oh well */ return; if (*p == new) /* already in desired format */ return; while (p) { char c = *p; if ((*(p + 1) == '/' || *(p + 1) == '.') && warned) { xwarnx(_("separators should not be repeated: %s"), p); warned = 0; } if (c == old) *p = new; if (c == new)
int pkg_perform(char **pkgs) { static const char *home; char *pkg = *pkgs; /* Only one arg to create */ char *cp; FILE *pkg_in, *fp; Package plist; int len; const char *suf; /* Preliminary setup */ if (InstalledPkg == NULL) sanity_check(); if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf("Creating package %s\n", pkg); /* chop suffix off if already specified, remembering if we want to compress */ len = strlen(pkg); if (len > 4) { if (!strcmp(&pkg[len - 4], ".tbz")) { Zipper = BZIP2; pkg[len - 4] = '\0'; } else if (!strcmp(&pkg[len - 4], ".tgz")) { Zipper = GZIP; pkg[len - 4] = '\0'; } else if (!strcmp(&pkg[len - 4], ".txz")) { Zipper = XZ; pkg[len - 4] = '\0'; } else if (!strcmp(&pkg[len - 4], ".tar")) { Zipper = NONE; pkg[len - 4] = '\0'; } } if (Zipper == BZIP2) { suf = "tbz"; setenv("BZIP2", "--best", 0); } else if (Zipper == GZIP) { suf = "tgz"; setenv("GZIP", "-9", 0); } else if (Zipper == XZ) { suf = "txz"; } else suf = "tar"; if (InstalledPkg != NULL) { char *pkgglob[] = { InstalledPkg, NULL }; char **matched, **pkgs; int i, error; pkgs = pkgglob; if (MatchType != MATCH_EXACT) { matched = matchinstalled(MatchType, pkgs, &error); if (!error && matched != NULL) pkgs = matched; else if (MatchType != MATCH_GLOB) errx(1, "no packages match pattern"); } /* * Is there is only one installed package matching the pattern, * we need to respect the optional pkg-filename parameter. If, * however, the pattern matches several packages, this parameter * makes no sense and is ignored. */ if (pkgs[1] == NULL) { if (pkg == InstalledPkg) pkg = *pkgs; InstalledPkg = *pkgs; if (!Recursive) return (create_from_installed(InstalledPkg, pkg, suf)); return (create_from_installed_recursive(pkg, suf)); } for (i = 0; pkgs[i] != NULL; i++) { InstalledPkg = pkg = pkgs[i]; if (!Recursive) create_from_installed(pkg, pkg, suf); else create_from_installed_recursive(pkg, suf); } return TRUE; } get_dash_string(&Comment); get_dash_string(&Desc); if (!strcmp(Contents, "-")) pkg_in = stdin; else { pkg_in = fopen(Contents, "r"); if (!pkg_in) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: unable to open contents file '%s' for input", __func__, Contents); } } plist.head = plist.tail = NULL; /* Stick the dependencies, if any, at the top */ if (Pkgdeps) { char **deps, *deporigin; int i; int ndeps = 0; if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf("Registering depends:"); /* Count number of dependencies */ for (cp = Pkgdeps; cp != NULL && *cp != '\0'; cp = strpbrk(++cp, " \t\n")) { ndeps++; } if (ndeps != 0) { /* Create easy to use NULL-terminated list */ deps = alloca(sizeof(*deps) * ndeps + 1); if (deps == NULL) { errx(2, "%s: alloca() failed", __func__); /* Not reached */ } for (i = 0; Pkgdeps;) { cp = strsep(&Pkgdeps, " \t\n"); if (*cp) { deps[i] = cp; i++; } } ndeps = i; deps[ndeps] = NULL; sortdeps(deps); for (i = 0; i < ndeps; i++) { deporigin = strchr(deps[i], ':'); if (deporigin != NULL) { *deporigin = '\0'; add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_DEPORIGIN, ++deporigin); } add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_PKGDEP, deps[i]); if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf(" %s", deps[i]); } } if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf(".\n"); } /* Put the conflicts directly after the dependencies, if any */ if (Conflicts) { if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf("Registering conflicts:"); while (Conflicts) { cp = strsep(&Conflicts, " \t\n"); if (*cp) { add_plist(&plist, PLIST_CONFLICTS, cp); if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf(" %s", cp); } } if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf(".\n"); } /* If a SrcDir override is set, add it now */ if (SrcDir) { if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf("Using SrcDir value of %s\n", SrcDir); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_SRC, SrcDir); } /* Slurp in the packing list */ read_plist(&plist, pkg_in); /* Prefix should add an @cwd to the packing list */ if (Prefix) { if (Prefix[0] != '/') { char resolved_prefix[PATH_MAX]; if (realpath(Prefix, resolved_prefix) == NULL) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "couldn't resolve path for prefix: %s", Prefix); add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_CWD, resolved_prefix); } else { add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_CWD, Prefix); } } /* Add the origin if asked, at the top */ if (Origin) add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_ORIGIN, Origin); /* * Run down the list and see if we've named it, if not stick in a name * at the top. */ if (find_plist(&plist, PLIST_NAME) == NULL) add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_NAME, basename(pkg)); if (asprintf(&cp, "PKG_FORMAT_REVISION:%d.%d", PLIST_FMT_VER_MAJOR, PLIST_FMT_VER_MINOR) == -1) { errx(2, "%s: asprintf() failed", __func__); } add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_COMMENT, cp); free(cp); /* * We're just here for to dump out a revised plist for the FreeBSD ports * hack. It's not a real create in progress. */ if (PlistOnly) { check_list(home, &plist); write_plist(&plist, stdout); exit(0); } /* Make a directory to stomp around in */ home = make_playpen(PlayPen, 0); signal(SIGINT, cleanup); signal(SIGHUP, cleanup); /* Make first "real contents" pass over it */ check_list(home, &plist); (void) umask(022); /* * Make sure gen'ed directories, files don't have * group or other write bits. */ /* copy_plist(home, &plist); */ /* mark_plist(&plist); */ /* Now put the release specific items in */ if (!Prefix) { add_plist(&plist, PLIST_CWD, "."); } write_file(COMMENT_FNAME, Comment); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, COMMENT_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, COMMENT_FNAME); write_file(DESC_FNAME, Desc); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, DESC_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, DESC_FNAME); if (Install) { copy_file(home, Install, INSTALL_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, INSTALL_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, INSTALL_FNAME); } if (PostInstall) { copy_file(home, PostInstall, POST_INSTALL_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, POST_INSTALL_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, POST_INSTALL_FNAME); } if (DeInstall) { copy_file(home, DeInstall, DEINSTALL_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, DEINSTALL_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, DEINSTALL_FNAME); } if (PostDeInstall) { copy_file(home, PostDeInstall, POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME); } if (Require) { copy_file(home, Require, REQUIRE_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, REQUIRE_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, REQUIRE_FNAME); } if (Display) { copy_file(home, Display, DISPLAY_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, DISPLAY_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, DISPLAY_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_DISPLAY, DISPLAY_FNAME); } if (Mtree) { copy_file(home, Mtree, MTREE_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, MTREE_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, MTREE_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_MTREE, MTREE_FNAME); } /* Finally, write out the packing list */ fp = fopen(CONTENTS_FNAME, "w"); if (!fp) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: can't open file %s for writing", __func__, CONTENTS_FNAME); } write_plist(&plist, fp); if (fclose(fp)) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: error while closing %s", __func__, CONTENTS_FNAME); } /* And stick it into a tar ball */ make_dist(home, pkg, suf, &plist); /* Cleanup */ free(Comment); free(Desc); free_plist(&plist); leave_playpen(); return TRUE; /* Success */ }
int custom_expand (char * param, char ***argvptr, int *argcptr) { int count,sl; size_t bufsize; char *filenamebuf; char *ptr,*safeptr; /* * Check to see if we should do wild card expansion. * We only perform wildcard expansion if the parameter * was not a string and if it contains one of the * wild card characters. * * We also do not expand any option that starts with '-' * as we then assume that it is a unix stylew option. */ if ((*param == '-') || (strpbrk (param,"*?") == NULL) ) { return 0; } if ((filenamebuf = malloc (bufsize = FILEBUF_INIT)) == NULL) { return -1; } TRYAGAIN: count = getfnl (param, filenamebuf, bufsize, QDR_ALL); if (count == -1 && errno == ENOMEM) { /* * We have overflowed the buffer, so we try * to get a bigger buffer and try again. */ bufsize += FILEBUF_INCR; if ((filenamebuf = realloc (filenamebuf, bufsize)) == NULL) { return -1; } else { goto TRYAGAIN; } } /* * If no files were found, then return unexpanded. */ if (count == 0) { free (filenamebuf); return 0; } /* * Files were found, so add these to the list instead * of the original parameter typed by the user. */ for ( ptr=filenamebuf ; count > 0 ; count -- ) { *argvptr = (char **) realloc (*argvptr, (size_t) (((*argcptr) + 2) * sizeof (char *))); safeptr= (char *) malloc ((size_t) (sl=strlen (ptr) + 1)); if (safeptr == NULL || *argvptr == NULL) { return -1; } (void) memcpy (safeptr,ptr, (size_t) sl); (*argvptr) [*argcptr] = safeptr; *argcptr += 1; ptr += sl; } free (filenamebuf); return *argcptr; }
void KFMExec::slotMimeType( const char *_type ) { // A dirty hack for passing the character set char *typestr=0; const char *aType=0; const char *aCharset=0; if ( _type ) { typestr=new char[strlen(_type)+1]; strcpy(typestr,_type); aType=strtok(typestr," ;\t\n"); char *tmp; while((tmp=strtok(0," ;\t\n"))){ if ( strncmp(tmp,"charset=",8)==0 ) aCharset=tmp+8; } if ( aCharset != 0 ) { tmp=strpbrk((char*)aCharset," ;\t\n"); if ( tmp != 0 ) *tmp=0; } } // Stop browsing. We need an application job->stop(); // delete job; // job = 0L; // GZIP if ( aType && strcmp( aType, "application/x-gzip" ) == 0L ) { job->stop(); tryURL += "#gzip:/"; openURL( tryURL ); } // TAR else if ( aType && strcmp( aType, "application/x-tar" ) == 0L ) { // Is this tar file perhaps hosted in a gzipped file ? KURL u( tryURL ); // ... then we already have a 'gzip' subprotocol if ( u.hasSubProtocol() ) { KURL u2( u.nestedURL() ); if ( strcmp( u2.protocol(), "gzip" ) == 0 ) { // Remove the 'gzip' protocol. It will only slow down the process, // since two subprotocols '#gzip:/#tar:/' are not very fast // right now. tryURL = u.parentURL(); } } job->stop(); tryURL += "#tar:/"; openURL( tryURL ); } // No HTML ? else if ( aType == 0L || strcmp( aType, "text/html" ) != 0L ) { bool bdone = false; // Do we know the mime type ? if ( aType != 0L ) { KMimeType *mime = KMimeType::findByName( aType ); // Try to run the URL if we know the mime type if ( mime && mime->run( tryURL ) ) { // We are a zombie now prepareToDie(); bdone = true; } } if ( !bdone ) { // Ask the user what we should do OpenWithDlg l( klocale->translate("Open With:"), "", 0L, true ); if ( l.exec() ) { KMimeBind *bind = l.mimeBind(); if ( bind ) { bind->runBinding( tryURL ); } else { QString pattern = l.getText(); // The user did not something ? if ( !pattern.isEmpty() ) { QStrList list; list.append( tryURL ); openWithOldApplication( pattern, list ); } // We are a zombie now prepareToDie(); } } } } // It is HTML else { // Ok, lets open a new window KfmGui *m = new KfmGui( 0L, 0L, tryURL ); if ( aCharset != 0 ) m->setCharset(aCharset); if ( dlg ) { delete dlg; dlg = 0L; } m->show(); // We are a zombie now prepareToDie(); } delete typestr; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static void quote_matches(char** matches) { // The least disruptive way to inject quotes into the command line is do it // at the last possible moment. Either the first match (the lcd) needs a // quote, or the next character the user may type needs quoting char** m; int need_quote; int lcd_length; int lcd_needs_quote; // Does the lcd have a quote char? Readline will add the quote if it thinks // it's completing file names. lcd_needs_quote = strpbrk(matches[0], rl_filename_quote_characters) != NULL; if (lcd_needs_quote && (rl_filename_completion_desired != 0)) { return; } if (rl_completion_quote_character == '\"') { return; } if (rl_completion_suppress_quote) { return; } // Check other matches for characters that need quoting. need_quote = lcd_needs_quote; lcd_length = (int)strlen(matches[0]); m = matches + 1; while (*m && !need_quote) { int i; i = strlen(*m); if (i > lcd_length) { int c = *(*m + lcd_length); need_quote = strchr(rl_filename_quote_characters, c) != NULL; } ++m; } // So... do we need to prepend a quote? if (need_quote) { char* c = malloc(strlen(matches[0]) + 8); strcpy(c + 1, matches[0]); free(matches[0]); c[0] = '\"'; matches[0] = c; // If there's a single match then there should be a closing quote. if (m - matches == 1) { strcat(c, "\""); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* System call shell command */ system("ls -l >> assignment.txt"); /* Read shell command results */ char temp_hold[LENGTH]; char permission_hold[LENGTH]; char *filesize_hold; int permission_check = 0; int filesize_check = 0; char *delim = " "; int loop_control; char *permission_argv; int condition = 0; char *filesize_temp; int temp_int = 0; int flag = 0; FILE *fp; fp = fopen("./assignment.txt", "r"); if(fp == NULL) { printf("No Such File !!!\n"); } fgets(temp_hold, STRING, fp); char *num = "1234567890"; char *p; if(argc == 2) { p = strpbrk(argv[1], num); if(!p) { //Only Permission Check while(!feof(fp)) { flag = 2; fgets(temp_hold, STRING, fp); strcpy(permission_hold, strtok(temp_hold, delim)); permission_argv = strndup(permission_hold+1, 9); condition = check_permission(permission_argv, argv[1]); if(condition == 1) { permission_check += 1; } } } else { //Only Filesize Check while(!feof(fp)) { flag = 1; loop_control = 0; fgets(temp_hold, STRING, fp); filesize_hold = strtok_r(temp_hold, " ", &filesize_temp); while(filesize_hold != NULL) { if(loop_control == 4) { break; } filesize_hold = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &filesize_temp); loop_control++; } if(filesize_hold) { temp_int = atoi(filesize_hold); if(temp_int >= atoi(argv[1])) { filesize_check += 1; } } } } } else if(argc == 3) { while(!feof(fp)) { loop_control = 0; fgets(temp_hold, STRING, fp); filesize_hold = strtok_r(temp_hold, " ", &filesize_temp); while (filesize_hold != NULL) { if(loop_control == 4) { break; } filesize_hold = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &filesize_temp); loop_control++; } if(filesize_hold) { temp_int = atoi(filesize_hold); if(temp_int >= atoi(argv[1])) { filesize_check += 1; } } } fclose(fp); FILE *fptr; fptr = fopen("./assignment.txt", "r"); if(fptr == NULL) { printf("No Such File !!!\n"); } fgets(temp_hold, STRING, fptr); while(!feof(fptr)) { fgets(temp_hold, STRING, fptr); strcpy(permission_hold, strtok(temp_hold, delim)); permission_argv = strndup(permission_hold+1, 9); condition = check_permission(permission_argv, argv[2]); if(condition == 1) { permission_check += 1; } } fclose(fptr); } else if(argc == 1) { printf("No argument !!\n"); } permission_check = permission_check - 1; if(argc == 2) { if(flag == 1) { printf("%d \n", filesize_check); } if(flag == 2) { printf("%d \n", permission_check); } } if(argc == 3) { if(filesize_check > permission_check) { printf("%d \n", permission_check); } else { printf("%d \n", filesize_check); } } return 0; }
void SetupDebug(void) { char var[256]; kprintf("** codesets.library %s (%s) startup ****************************\n", LIB_REV_STRING, LIB_DATE); kprintf("Initializing runtime debugging:\n"); if(GetVar("codesets.library.debug", var, sizeof(var), 0) > 0) { char *s = var; // static list of our debugging classes tokens. // in the yamdebug variable these classes always start with a @ static struct { const char *token; unsigned long flag; } dbclasses[] = { { "ctrace", DBC_CTRACE }, { "report", DBC_REPORT }, { "assert", DBC_ASSERT }, { "timeval", DBC_TIMEVAL }, { "debug", DBC_DEBUG }, { "error", DBC_ERROR }, { "warning", DBC_WARNING }, { "all", DBC_ALL }, { NULL, 0 } }; static struct { const char *token; unsigned long flag; } dbflags[] = { { "always", DBF_ALWAYS }, { "startup", DBF_STARTUP }, { "utf", DBF_UTF }, { "all", DBF_ALL }, { NULL, 0 } }; // we parse the env variable token-wise while(*s) { ULONG i; char *e; if((e = strpbrk(s, " ,;")) == NULL) e = s+strlen(s); // check if the token is class definition or // just a flag definition if(s[0] == '@') { // skip the '@' s++; // check if this call is a negation or not if(s[0] == '!') { // skip the '!' s++; // search for the token and clear the flag for(i=0; dbclasses[i].token; i++) { if(strnicmp(s, dbclasses[i].token, strlen(dbclasses[i].token)) == 0) { kprintf("clear '%s' debug class flag.\n", dbclasses[i].token); CLEAR_FLAG(debug_classes, dbclasses[i].flag); } } } else { // search for the token and set the flag for(i=0; dbclasses[i].token; i++) { if(strnicmp(s, dbclasses[i].token, strlen(dbclasses[i].token)) == 0) { kprintf("set '%s' debug class flag\n", dbclasses[i].token); SET_FLAG(debug_classes, dbclasses[i].flag); } } } } else { // check if this call is a negation or not if(s[0] == '!') { // skip the '!' s++; for(i=0; dbflags[i].token; i++) { if(strnicmp(s, dbflags[i].token, strlen(dbflags[i].token)) == 0) { kprintf("clear '%s' debug flag\n", dbflags[i].token); CLEAR_FLAG(debug_flags, dbflags[i].flag); } } } else { // check if the token was "ansi" and if so enable the ANSI color // output if(strnicmp(s, "ansi", 4) == 0) { kprintf("ansi output enabled\n"); ansi_output = TRUE; } else { for(i=0; dbflags[i].token; i++) { if(strnicmp(s, dbflags[i].token, strlen(dbflags[i].token)) == 0) { kprintf("set '%s' debug flag\n", dbflags[i].token); SET_FLAG(debug_flags, dbflags[i].flag); } } } } } // set the next start to our last search if(*e) s = ++e; else break; } } kprintf("set debug classes/flags (env:codesets.library.debug): %08lx/%08lx\n", debug_classes, debug_flags); kprintf("** Normal processing follows ***************************************\n"); }
/* EAM Nov 2012: * Unbelievably, the count parameter has been silently ignored or * improperly applied ever since this routine was introduced back * in version 3.7. Now fixed to prevent buffer overflow. */ void gprintf( char *outstring, size_t count, char *format, double log10_base, double x) { char tempdest[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1]; char temp[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1]; char *t; TBOOLEAN seen_mantissa = FALSE; /* remember if mantissa was already output */ double stored_power_base = 0; /* base for the last mantissa output*/ int stored_power = 0; /* power matching the mantissa output earlier */ TBOOLEAN got_hash = FALSE; char *dest = &tempdest[0]; char *limit = &tempdest[MAX_LINE_LEN]; #define remaining_space (size_t)(limit-dest) *dest = '\0'; set_numeric_locale(); /* Oct 2013 - default format is now expected to be "%h" */ if (((term->flags & TERM_IS_LATEX)) && !strcmp(format, DEF_FORMAT)) format = DEF_FORMAT_LATEX; for (;;) { /*{{{ copy to dest until % */ while (*format != '%') if (!(*dest++ = *format++) || (remaining_space == 0)) { goto done; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ check for %% */ if (format[1] == '%') { *dest++ = '%'; format += 2; continue; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ copy format part to temp, excluding conversion character */ t = temp; *t++ = '%'; if (format[1] == '#') { *t++ = '#'; format++; got_hash = TRUE; } /* dont put isdigit first since side effect in macro is bad */ while (*++format == '.' || isdigit((unsigned char) *format) || *format == '-' || *format == '+' || *format == ' ' || *format == '\'') *t++ = *format; /*}}} */ /*{{{ convert conversion character */ switch (*format) { /*{{{ x and o */ case 'x': case 'X': case 'o': case 'O': if (fabs(x) >= (double)INT_MAX) { t[0] = 'l'; t[1] = 'l'; t[2] = *format; t[3] = '\0'; snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, (long long) x); } else { t[0] = *format; t[1] = '\0'; snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, (int) x); } break; /*}}} */ /*{{{ e, f and g */ case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'F': case 'g': case 'G': t[0] = *format; t[1] = 0; snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, x); break; case 'h': case 'H': /* g/G with enhanced formating (if applicable) */ t[0] = (*format == 'h') ? 'g' : 'G'; t[1] = 0; if ((term->flags & (TERM_ENHANCED_TEXT | TERM_IS_LATEX)) == 0) { /* Not enhanced, not latex, just print it */ snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, x); } else if (table_mode) { /* Tabular output should contain no markup */ snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, x); } else { /* in enhanced mode -- convert E/e to x10^{foo} or *10^{foo} */ #define LOCAL_BUFFER_SIZE 256 char tmp[LOCAL_BUFFER_SIZE]; char tmp2[LOCAL_BUFFER_SIZE]; int i,j; TBOOLEAN bracket_flag = FALSE; snprintf(tmp, 240, temp, x); /* magic number alert: why 240? */ for (i=j=0; tmp[i] && (i < LOCAL_BUFFER_SIZE); i++) { if (tmp[i]=='E' || tmp[i]=='e') { if ((term-> flags & TERM_IS_LATEX)) { if (*format == 'h') { strcpy(&tmp2[j], "\\times"); j+= 6; } else { strcpy(&tmp2[j], "\\cdot"); j+= 5; } } else if (encoding == S_ENC_UTF8) { strcpy(&tmp2[j], "\xc3\x97"); /* UTF character '×' */ j+= 2; } else if (encoding == S_ENC_CP1252) { tmp2[j++] = (*format=='h') ? 0xd7 : 0xb7; } else { tmp2[j++] = (*format=='h') ? 'x' : '*'; } strcpy(&tmp2[j], "10^{"); j += 4; bracket_flag = TRUE; /* Skip + and leading 0 in exponent */ i++; /* skip E */ if (tmp[i] == '+') i++; else if (tmp[i] == '-') /* copy sign */ tmp2[j++] = tmp[i++]; while (tmp[i] == '0') i++; i--; /* undo following loop increment */ } else { tmp2[j++] = tmp[i]; } } if (bracket_flag) tmp2[j++] = '}'; tmp2[j] = '\0'; strncpy(dest, tmp2, remaining_space); #undef LOCAL_BUFFER_SIZE } break; /*}}} */ /*{{{ l --- mantissa to current log base */ case 'l': { double mantissa; t[0] = 'f'; t[1] = 0; stored_power_base = log10_base; mant_exp(stored_power_base, x, FALSE, &mantissa, &stored_power, temp); seen_mantissa = TRUE; snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, mantissa); break; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ t --- base-10 mantissa */ case 't': { double mantissa; t[0] = 'f'; t[1] = 0; stored_power_base = 1.0; mant_exp(stored_power_base, x, FALSE, &mantissa, &stored_power, temp); seen_mantissa = TRUE; snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, mantissa); break; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ s --- base-1000 / 'scientific' mantissa */ case 's': { double mantissa; t[0] = 'f'; t[1] = 0; stored_power_base = 1.0; mant_exp(stored_power_base, x, TRUE, &mantissa, &stored_power, temp); seen_mantissa = TRUE; snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, mantissa); break; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ b --- base-1024 mantissa */ case 'b': { double mantissa; t[0] = 'f'; t[1] = 0; stored_power_base = log10(1024); mant_exp(stored_power_base, x, FALSE, &mantissa, &stored_power, temp); seen_mantissa = TRUE; snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, mantissa); break; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ L --- power to current log base */ case 'L': { int power; t[0] = 'd'; t[1] = 0; if (seen_mantissa) if (stored_power_base == log10_base) power = stored_power; else int_error(NO_CARET, "Format character mismatch: %%L is only valid with %%l"); else stored_power_base = log10_base; mant_exp(log10_base, x, FALSE, NULL, &power, "%.0f"); snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, power); break; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ T --- power of ten */ case 'T': { int power; t[0] = 'd'; t[1] = 0; if (seen_mantissa) if (stored_power_base == 1.0) power = stored_power; else int_error(NO_CARET, "Format character mismatch: %%T is only valid with %%t"); else mant_exp(1.0, x, FALSE, NULL, &power, "%.0f"); snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, power); break; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ S --- power of 1000 / 'scientific' */ case 'S': { int power; t[0] = 'd'; t[1] = 0; if (seen_mantissa) if (stored_power_base == 1.0) power = stored_power; else int_error(NO_CARET, "Format character mismatch: %%S is only valid with %%s"); else mant_exp(1.0, x, TRUE, NULL, &power, "%.0f"); snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, power); break; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ c --- ISO decimal unit prefix letters */ case 'c': { int power; t[0] = 'c'; t[1] = 0; if (seen_mantissa) if (stored_power_base == 1.0) power = stored_power; else int_error(NO_CARET, "Format character mismatch: %%c is only valid with %%s"); else mant_exp(1.0, x, TRUE, NULL, &power, "%.0f"); if (power >= -24 && power <= 24) { /* -18 -> 0, 0 -> 6, +18 -> 12, ... */ /* HBB 20010121: avoid division of -ve ints! */ power = (power + 24) / 3; snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, "yzafpnum kMGTPEZY"[power]); } else { /* please extend the range ! */ /* name power name power ------------------------- yocto -24 yotta 24 zepto -21 zetta 21 atto -18 Exa 18 femto -15 Peta 15 pico -12 Tera 12 nano -9 Giga 9 micro -6 Mega 6 milli -3 kilo 3 */ /* fall back to simple exponential */ snprintf(dest, remaining_space, "e%+02d", power); } break; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ B --- IEC 60027-2 A.2 / ISO/IEC 80000 binary unit prefix letters */ case 'B': { int power; t[0] = 'c'; t[1] = 'i'; t[2] = 0; if (seen_mantissa) if (stored_power_base == log10(1024)) power = stored_power; else int_error(NO_CARET, "Format character mismatch: %%B is only valid with %%b"); else mant_exp(log10(1024), x, FALSE, NULL, &power, "%.0f"); if (power > 0 && power <= 8) { /* name power ----------- Yobi 8 Zebi 7 Exbi 9 Pebi 5 Tebi 4 Gibi 3 Mebi 2 kibi 1 */ snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, " kMGTPEZY"[power]); } else if (power > 8) { /* for the larger values, print x2^{10}Gi for example */ snprintf(dest, remaining_space, "x2^{%d}Yi", power-8); } else if (power < 0) { snprintf(dest, remaining_space, "x2^{%d}", power*10); } break; } /*}}} */ /*{{{ P --- multiple of pi */ case 'P': { t[0] = 'f'; t[1] = 0; snprintf(dest, remaining_space, temp, x / M_PI); break; } /*}}} */ default: reset_numeric_locale(); int_error(NO_CARET, "Bad format character"); } /* switch */ /*}}} */ if (got_hash && (format != strpbrk(format,"oeEfFgG"))) { reset_numeric_locale(); int_error(NO_CARET, "Bad format character"); } /* change decimal '.' to the actual entry in decimalsign */ if (decimalsign != NULL) { char *dotpos1 = dest; char *dotpos2; size_t newlength = strlen(decimalsign); /* dot is the default decimalsign we will be replacing */ int dot = *get_decimal_locale(); /* replace every dot by the contents of decimalsign */ while ((dotpos2 = strchr(dotpos1,dot)) != NULL) { if (newlength == 1) { /* The normal case */ *dotpos2 = *decimalsign; dotpos1++; } else { /* Some multi-byte decimal marker */ size_t taillength = strlen(dotpos2); dotpos1 = dotpos2 + newlength; if (dotpos1 + taillength > limit) int_error(NO_CARET, "format too long due to decimalsign string"); /* move tail end of string out of the way */ memmove(dotpos1, dotpos2 + 1, taillength); /* insert decimalsign */ memcpy(dotpos2, decimalsign, newlength); } } } /* this was at the end of every single case, before: */ dest += strlen(dest); ++format; } /* for ever */ done: #if (0) /* Oct 2013 - Not safe because it fails to recognize LaTeX macros. */ /* For LaTeX terminals, if the user has not already provided a */ /* format in math mode, wrap whatever we got by default in $...$ */ if (((term->flags & TERM_IS_LATEX)) && !strchr(tempdest, '$')) { *(outstring++) = '$'; strcat(tempdest, "$"); count -= 2; } #endif /* Copy as much as fits */ safe_strncpy(outstring, tempdest, count); reset_numeric_locale(); }
void test_str(void) { char v1[128], *sep, *p; pr("strlen"); if (strlen("\0") != 0) fail("strlen-1"); if (strlen("0123456789abcdef") != 16) fail("strlen-2"); pr("strcmp"); if (strcmp("\0", "\0")) fail("strcmp-1"); if (strcmp("abcdef", "abcdef")) fail("strcmp-2"); if (strcmp("abcdef", "abcdefg") >= 0) fail("strcmp-3"); if (strcmp("abcdefg", "abcdef") <= 0) fail("strcmp-4"); if (strcmp("abcdef0", "abcdef3") >= 0) fail("strcmp-5"); pr("strcpy"); strcpy(v1, "0123456789ABCDEF"); if (strcmp(v1, "0123456789ABCDEF")) fail("strcpy-1"); strcpy(v1, "ABCDEF"); if (strcmp(v1, "ABCDEF")) fail("strcpy-2"); if (v1[7] != '7') fail("strcpy-3"); pr("strcat"); strcpy(v1, "abcXXXXX"); v1[3] = 0; strcat(v1, "DEF"); if (strcmp(v1, "abcDEF")) fail("strcat-1"); if (v1[7] != 'X') fail("strcat-2"); pr("strncmp"); if (strncmp("abcdef", "abcdef", 6)) fail("strncmp-1"); if (strncmp("abcdxx", "abcdyy", 4)) fail("strncmp-2"); if (strncmp("abcdx0", "abcdy9", 5) >= 0) fail("strncmp-3"); if (strncmp("abcdy0", "abcdx9", 5) <= 0) fail("strncmp-4"); if (strncmp("abcdef", "abcdef", 10)) fail("strncmp-5"); if (strncmp("abcdefg", "abcdef", 7) <= 0) fail("strncmp-6"); if (strncmp("abcdef", "abcdefg", 7) >= 0) fail("strncmp-7"); if (strncmp("abcdefg", "abcdef", 10) <= 0) fail("strncmp-8"); if (strncmp("abcdef", "abcdefg", 10) >= 0) fail("strncmp-9"); pr("strncpy"); strcpy(v1, "0123456789"); strncpy(v1, "abcdef", 6); if (strcmp(v1, "abcdef6789")) fail("strncpy-1"); strcpy(v1, "0123456789"); strncpy(v1, "0123", 5); if (memcmp(v1, "0123\00056789", 10)) fail("strncpy-2"); strncpy(v1, "0123", 10); if (memcmp(v1, "0123\0\0\0\0\0\0", 10)) fail("strncpy-3"); pr("strncat"); strcpy(v1, "012345"); strncat(v1, "6789", 5); if (strcmp(v1, "0123456789")) fail("strncat-1"); strncat(v1, "abcdef0000", 6); if (strcmp(v1, "0123456789abcdef")) fail("strncat-2"); pr("strspn"); if (strspn("abcdefg", "abc") != 3) fail("strspn-1"); if (strspn("abcabcabcdefg", "abc") != 9) fail("strspn-2"); if (strspn("abcdefg", "") != 0) fail("strspn-3"); pr("strcspn"); if (strcspn("abcdefg", "def") != 3) fail("strcspn-1"); if (strcspn("abcabcabcdefg", "def") != 9) fail("strcspn-2"); if (strcspn("abcdefg", "") != 7) fail("strcspn-2"); if (strcspn("abcdefg", "xyz") != 7) fail("strcspn-3"); pr("strpbrk"); strcpy(v1, "abcdef"); if (strpbrk(v1, "def") != v1 + 3) fail("strpbrk-1"); strcpy(v1, "abcabcabcdef"); if (strpbrk(v1, "def") != v1 + 9) fail("strpbrk-2"); if (strpbrk("abcdef", "") != NULL) fail("strpbrk-2"); if (strpbrk("abcdef", "xyz") != NULL) fail("strpbrk-3"); pr("strtok"); sep = "+-*"; strcpy(v1, "foo++bar---baz*goo"); if (!(p = strtok(v1, sep)) || strcmp(p, "foo")) fail("strtok-1"); if (!(p = strtok(NULL, sep)) || strcmp(p, "bar")) fail("strtok-2"); if (!(p = strtok(NULL, sep)) || strcmp(p, "baz")) fail("strtok-3"); if (!(p = strtok(NULL, sep)) || strcmp(p, "goo")) fail("strtok-4"); if (strtok(NULL, sep) != NULL) fail("strtok-5"); if (strtok(NULL, sep) != NULL) fail("strtok-6"); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ short mtn_cfg_ReadConfigString(char *p_blockname, char *p_config, char *p_parameter) { char buffer[BUFSIZ+1]; char *ptr; short status; short ii, ll, blkno; status = OPENERR; blkno = -1; /* search through the cfg_table for block identified by <p_blockname> */ for (ii=0; ii<cfg_count; ii++) { if (strcmp(p_blockname, cfg_table[ii].prf_blk_name) == 0) { blkno = ii; break; // ii = cfg_count + 1;, once find the first, donot continue to search and waist time, 20080915 } } status = OPENERR; if (blkno != -1) { status = OPENERR; /* the desired block found, now, move the file pointer to the */ /* starting line for that block */ fseek(fp_config, cfg_table[blkno].start_file_pos, 0); /* try to locate the configuration string within the number of line */ /* of the block, and then read it value */ for (ll=0; ll<cfg_table[blkno].num_of_lines && status == OPENERR; ll++) { if (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, fp_config) != NULL) { // Added 30Oct2003 ptr = &buffer[0]; while(ptr[0] == ' ') // skip the space at the beginning ptr++; if (*ptr != '#' && *ptr != ';') // if the line starts with '#' or ';', the line is a comment line { /* this is not a remark line, locate the desired string */ /* if string found, check for equal sign then read the */ /* parameter */ ptr = strstr(ptr, p_config); if (ptr != NULL) { ptr = ptr + strlen(p_config); // Added 5Jan2004 to exactly match the config string // seperation string can only be one of followings 20080915 // ' ': space, // '=': equality, // '\t': Tab if (ptr[0] != ' ' && ptr[0] != '=' && ptr[0] != '\t') // 20080915 { continue; } /* look for equal sign */ ptr = strpbrk(ptr, "="); if (ptr != NULL) { ptr++; while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++; if (*ptr == '\"') // ignore the string starting and ending: " { ptr++; ii=0; while (*(ptr+ii) != '\"') ii++; *(ptr+ii) = 0; strcpy(p_parameter, ptr); // MTN_API_MAX_STRLEN_FEATURENAME, status = READOK; } //@a, add one more case. // can read a block structure else if (*ptr == '<') { ptr++; ii=0; while (*(ptr+ii) != '>') ii++; *(ptr+ii) = 0; strcpy(p_parameter, ptr); status = READOK; } else { ii=0; while ((*(ptr+ii) != ' ') && (*(ptr+ii) != '#') && (*(ptr+ii) != '\n') && (*(ptr+ii) != '\r') && (*(ptr+ii) != '\t') && // 20080915 (*(ptr+ii) != 0) ) ii++; *(ptr+ii) = 0; /* end the string */ strcpy(p_parameter, ptr); status = READOK; } /* is it string or number */ } /* if equal sign found */ } /* if string found */ } /* if not remark line */ } /* if fgets ... */ } /* for loop */ } return (status); }
void dir2ls(PCStr(dirpath),FileStat *stp,PCStr(opt),xPVStr(fmt),FILE *fp) { const char *op; const char *dp; int onow; int flags; char sortspec; LsArg lsa; CStr(fmt_s,256); CStr(fmt_a,256); CStr(line,2048); int f_l,f_s; CStr(fmt_b,256); CStr(spath,1024); const char *vbase = 0; CStr(vbaseb,1024); CStr(xpath,1024); if( pathnorm("sort_ls",dirpath,AVStr(xpath)) ){ dirpath = xpath; } if( opt == NULL ) opt = ""; bzero(&lsa,sizeof(lsa)); lsa.l_tfmt = getenv("LSTFMT"); flags = 0; for( op = opt; *op; op++ ){ switch( *op ){ case 'a': lsa.l_all = 1; break; case 'l': flags |= O_FORM_L; break; case 's': flags |= O_FORM_S; break; case 'L': lsa.l_reflink = 1; break; case 'V': lsa.l_virtual = 1; break; case 'd': flags |= O_PUTSELF; break; case 't': flags |= O_TIMESORT; break; case 'z': flags |= O_SIZESORT; break; case 'u': flags |= O_BYATIME; break; case '*': flags |= O_REXP; break; case '/': flags |= O_VBASE; vbase = op + 1; while( op[1] ) *op++; /* skip remaining */ if( strpbrk(vbase,"*?[") ){ /* vbase is "const" */ strcpy(vbaseb,vbase); vbase = vbaseb; if( dp = strrchr(vbase,'/') ) ((char*)dp)[1] = 0; else Xstrcpy(QVStr((char*)vbase,vbaseb),""); } break; } } if( (DoFileRexp || (flags & O_REXP)) && strpbrk(dirpath,"*?[") ){ strcpy(spath,dirpath); dirpath = spath; if( dp = strrchr(dirpath,'/') ){ lsa.l_maskrexp = frex_create(dp + 1); truncVStr(dp); }else{ lsa.l_maskrexp = frex_create(dirpath); dirpath = "."; } } if( fmt == NULL ){ cpyQStr(fmt,fmt_b); setVStrEnd(fmt,0); if( flags & O_FORM_S ) strcat(fmt,"%4K "); if( flags & O_FORM_L ) strcat(fmt,"%T%M %2L %-8O %8S %D "); /* strcat(fmt,"%T%M%3L %-8O %8S %D "); */ if( flags & O_VBASE ) strcat(fmt,"%V"); else strcat(fmt,"%N"); } if( flags & O_TIMESORT ){ if( flags & O_BYATIME ) sortspec = 'a'; else sortspec = 'm'; sprintf(fmt_s,"%%%c%s",sortspec,fmt); fmt = fmt_s; } if( flags & O_SIZESORT ){ sprintf(fmt_s,"%%%c%s",'z',fmt); fmt = fmt_s; } if( flags & O_BYATIME ){ strcpy(fmt_a,fmt); fmt = fmt_a; if( dp = strstr(fmt,"%D") ) ((char*)dp)[1] = 'U'; } lsa.l_dir = dirpath; lsa.l_vbase = (char*)vbase; lsa.l_stp = stp; lsa.l_fmt = (char*)fmt; lsa.l_out = fp; setQStr(lsa.l_buf,line,sizeof(line)); line[0] = 0; onow = TIME_NOW; TIME_NOW = time(0); setpwent(); if( !(flags & O_PUTSELF) && fileIsdir(dirpath) ) sort_ls(dirpath,&lsa); else{ lsa.l_dir = ""; lsa.l_all = 1; ls1(dirpath,&lsa); fprintf(fp,"%s\r\n",lsa.l_buf); } endpwent(); TIME_NOW = onow; if( lsa.l_maskrexp ) frex_free(lsa.l_maskrexp); return; }
void dmstk_combine_filters( char *inString, char *filter ) { char region[MAX_ITEM_SIZE]; char *tok; int bin, col, ext, filt; bin=0; col=0; ext=0; filt=0; tok = strtok( inString, "[]"); while ( tok != NULL) { bin += ( strstr( tok, "bin " ) || strstr(tok, "BIN ") ); col += ( strstr( tok, "cols ") || strstr(tok, "COLS ") || strstr( tok, "columns ") || strstr(tok, "COLUMNS ") ); filt += ( !bin & (strpbrk( tok, "<=>:" ) != NULL)); if ( !bin && !col && !filt ) ext+=1; if ( filt && !bin ) { sprintf( region, "%s[%s,%s]", region, tok, filter ); } else if ( !filt && bin ) { sprintf( region, "%s[%s][%s]", region, filter, tok ); filt =1; } else if ( !filt && col ) { sprintf( region, "%s[%s][%s]", region, filter, tok ); filt =1; } else if ( !filt && ( ext > 2 ) ) { sprintf( region, "%s[%s][%s]", region, filter, tok ); filt = 1; } else if ( tok == inString ) { strcpy(region, tok ); } else if ( ext <= 2 ) { sprintf( region, "%s[%s]", region, tok ); } else { sprintf( region, "%s[%s]", region, filter ); } tok = strtok( NULL, "[]"); } if ( !filt ) sprintf( region, "%s[%s]", region, filter ); strcpy( inString, region ); return; }
static int AddReg(lua_State * L) { if(lua_gettop(L) == 3) { if(lua_type(L, 1) != LUA_TSTRING || lua_type(L, 2) != LUA_TSTRING || lua_type(L, 3) != LUA_TNUMBER) { luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TSTRING); luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TSTRING); luaL_checktype(L, 3, LUA_TNUMBER); lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } size_t szNickLen, szPassLen; char *sNick = (char *)lua_tolstring(L, 1, &szNickLen); char *sPass = (char *)lua_tolstring(L, 2, &szPassLen); #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 503 uint16_t i16Profile = (uint16_t)lua_tonumber(L, 3); #else uint16_t i16Profile = (uint16_t)lua_tounsigned(L, 3); #endif if(i16Profile > clsProfileManager::mPtr->iProfileCount-1 || szNickLen == 0 || szNickLen > 64 || szPassLen == 0 || szPassLen > 64 || strpbrk(sNick, " $|") != NULL || strchr(sPass, '|') != NULL) { lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } bool bAdded = clsRegManager::mPtr->AddNew(sNick, sPass, i16Profile); lua_settop(L, 0); if(bAdded == false) { lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } lua_pushboolean(L, 1); return 1; } else if(lua_gettop(L) == 2) { if(lua_type(L, 1) != LUA_TSTRING || lua_type(L, 2) != LUA_TNUMBER) { luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TSTRING); luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TNUMBER); lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } size_t szNickLen; char *sNick = (char *)lua_tolstring(L, 1, &szNickLen); #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 503 uint16_t ui16Profile = (uint16_t)lua_tonumber(L, 2); #else uint16_t ui16Profile = (uint16_t)lua_tounsigned(L, 2); #endif if(ui16Profile > clsProfileManager::mPtr->iProfileCount-1 || szNickLen == 0 || szNickLen > 64 || strpbrk(sNick, " $|") != NULL) { lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } // check if user is registered if(clsRegManager::mPtr->Find(sNick, szNickLen) != NULL) { lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } User * pUser = clsHashManager::mPtr->FindUser(sNick, szNickLen); if(pUser == NULL) { lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } if(pUser->uLogInOut == NULL) { pUser->uLogInOut = new LoginLogout(); if(pUser->uLogInOut == NULL) { pUser->ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_ERROR; pUser->Close(); AppendDebugLog("%s - [MEM] Cannot allocate new pUser->uLogInOut in RegMan.AddReg\n", 0); lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } } pUser->SetBuffer(clsProfileManager::mPtr->ProfilesTable[ui16Profile]->sName); pUser->ui32BoolBits |= User::BIT_WAITING_FOR_PASS; int iMsgLen = sprintf(clsServerManager::sGlobalBuffer, "<%s> %s.|$GetPass|", clsSettingManager::mPtr->sPreTexts[clsSettingManager::SETPRETXT_HUB_SEC], clsLanguageManager::mPtr->sTexts[LAN_YOU_WERE_REGISTERED_PLEASE_ENTER_YOUR_PASSWORD]); if(CheckSprintf(iMsgLen, clsServerManager::szGlobalBufferSize, "RegMan.AddReg1") == true) { pUser->SendCharDelayed(clsServerManager::sGlobalBuffer, iMsgLen); } lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushboolean(L, 1); return 1; } else { luaL_error(L, "bad argument count to 'RegMan.AddReg' (2 or 3 expected, got %d)", lua_gettop(L)); lua_settop(L, 0); lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } }
/* * Ensure that any exponent, if present, is at least MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS * in length. */ static void _ensure_minimum_exponent_length(char* buffer, size_t buf_size) { char *p = strpbrk(buffer, "eE"); if (p && (*(p + 1) == '-' || *(p + 1) == '+')) { char *start = p + 2; int exponent_digit_cnt = 0; int leading_zero_cnt = 0; int in_leading_zeros = 1; int significant_digit_cnt; /* Skip over the exponent and the sign. */ p += 2; /* Find the end of the exponent, keeping track of leading zeros. */ while (*p && isdigit(Py_CHARMASK(*p))) { if (in_leading_zeros && *p == '0') { ++leading_zero_cnt; } if (*p != '0') { in_leading_zeros = 0; } ++p; ++exponent_digit_cnt; } significant_digit_cnt = exponent_digit_cnt - leading_zero_cnt; if (exponent_digit_cnt == MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS) { /* * If there are 2 exactly digits, we're done, * regardless of what they contain */ } else if (exponent_digit_cnt > MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS) { int extra_zeros_cnt; /* * There are more than 2 digits in the exponent. See * if we can delete some of the leading zeros */ if (significant_digit_cnt < MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS) { significant_digit_cnt = MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS; } extra_zeros_cnt = exponent_digit_cnt - significant_digit_cnt; /* * Delete extra_zeros_cnt worth of characters from the * front of the exponent */ assert(extra_zeros_cnt >= 0); /* * Add one to significant_digit_cnt to copy the * trailing 0 byte, thus setting the length */ memmove(start, start + extra_zeros_cnt, significant_digit_cnt + 1); } else { /* * If there are fewer than 2 digits, add zeros * until there are 2, if there's enough room */ int zeros = MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS - exponent_digit_cnt; if (start + zeros + exponent_digit_cnt + 1 < buffer + buf_size) { memmove(start + zeros, start, exponent_digit_cnt + 1); memset(start, '0', zeros); } } } }
// // Tests if a file name (WITHOUT PATH) is FAT compliant // 1 - FAT compliant // 0 - non FAT compliant // // ... could be better but seems to work ! // int isfat(pchar component) { int len = strlen(component); int i, j, pos; if (strcmp(component, ".") == 0) { // "." return 1; } if (strcmp(component, "..") == 0) { // ".." return 1; } if ((len > 12) || (len == 0)) { return 0; // lenght > 8.3 or null } for (i = 0;i < nb_forbiden_names ; i++) { if (strcmp(component, forbidden_names[i]) == 0) { return 0; } /* endif */ } /* endfor */ if (strpbrk(component, forbidden_chars) > 0) { return 0; // Forbidden characters present } j = 0; pos = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (component[i] == '.') { j++; } else{ if (j == 0) { pos++; } /* endif */ } } if (j > 1) { // More than one '.' return 0; } if (j == 0) { // No '.' if (len > 8) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } if (j == 1) { if ((len - pos > 4) || (pos == 0)) { // '.' in front or extension > 3 return 0; } else { if (pos > 8) { return 0; // name > 8 } else { return 1; } /* endif */ } } return 0; }
/** * gst_rtsp_url_parse: * @urlstr: the url string to parse * @url: location to hold the result. * * Parse the RTSP @urlstr into a newly allocated #GstRTSPUrl. Free after usage * with gst_rtsp_url_free(). * * Returns: a #GstRTSPResult. */ GstRTSPResult gst_rtsp_url_parse (const gchar * urlstr, GstRTSPUrl ** url) { GstRTSPUrl *res; gchar *p, *delim, *at, *col; gchar *host_end = NULL; guint i; g_return_val_if_fail (urlstr != NULL, GST_RTSP_EINVAL); g_return_val_if_fail (url != NULL, GST_RTSP_EINVAL); res = g_new0 (GstRTSPUrl, 1); p = (gchar *) urlstr; col = strstr (p, "://"); if (col == NULL) goto invalid; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (rtsp_schemes_map); i++) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (rtsp_schemes_map[i].scheme, p, col - p) == 0) { res->transports = rtsp_schemes_map[i].transports; p = col + 3; break; } } if (res->transports == GST_RTSP_LOWER_TRANS_UNKNOWN) goto invalid; delim = strpbrk (p, "/?"); at = strchr (p, '@'); if (at && delim && at > delim) at = NULL; if (at) { col = strchr (p, ':'); /* must have a ':' and it must be before the '@' */ if (col == NULL || col > at) goto invalid; res->user = g_strndup (p, col - p); col++; res->passwd = g_strndup (col, at - col); /* move to host */ p = at + 1; } if (*p == '[') { res->family = GST_RTSP_FAM_INET6; /* we have an IPv6 address in the URL, find the ending ] which must be * before any delimiter */ host_end = strchr (++p, ']'); if (!host_end || (delim && host_end >= delim)) goto invalid; /* a port specifier must follow the address immediately */ col = host_end[1] == ':' ? host_end + 1 : NULL; } else { res->family = GST_RTSP_FAM_INET; col = strchr (p, ':'); /* we have a ':' and a delimiter but the ':' is after the delimiter, it's * not really part of the hostname */ if (col && delim && col >= delim) col = NULL; host_end = col ? col : delim; } if (!host_end) res->host = g_strdup (p); else { res->host = g_strndup (p, host_end - p); if (col) { res->port = strtoul (col + 1, NULL, 10); } else { /* no port specified, set to 0. gst_rtsp_url_get_port() will return the * default port */ res->port = 0; } } p = delim; if (p && *p == '/') { delim = strchr (p, '?'); if (!delim) res->abspath = g_strdup (p); else res->abspath = g_strndup (p, delim - p); p = delim; } else { res->abspath = g_strdup ("/"); } if (p && *p == '?') res->query = g_strdup (p + 1); *url = res; return GST_RTSP_OK; /* ERRORS */ invalid: { gst_rtsp_url_free (res); return GST_RTSP_EINVAL; } }
static int parse_line(char *line, const char *host, size_t host_len, const char *service, size_t service_len, time_t now, const gnutls_datum_t * rawkey, const gnutls_datum_t * b64key) { char *p, *kp; char *savep = NULL; size_t kp_len; time_t expiration; /* read version */ p = strtok_r(line, "|", &savep); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); if (strncmp(p, "c0", 2) == 0) return parse_commitment_line(p + 3, host, host_len, service, service_len, now, rawkey); if (strncmp(p, "g0", 2) != 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); /* read host */ p = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &savep); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); if (p[0] != '*' && host != NULL && strcmp(p, host) != 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); /* read service */ p = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &savep); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); if (p[0] != '*' && service != NULL && strcmp(p, service) != 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); /* read expiration */ p = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &savep); if (p == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); expiration = (time_t) atol(p); if (expiration > 0 && now > expiration) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_EXPIRED); /* read key */ kp = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &savep); if (kp == NULL) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_PARSING_ERROR); p = strpbrk(kp, "\n \r\t|"); if (p != NULL) *p = 0; kp_len = strlen(kp); if (kp_len != b64key->size) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_CERTIFICATE_KEY_MISMATCH); if (memcmp(kp, b64key->data, b64key->size) != 0) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_CERTIFICATE_KEY_MISMATCH); /* key found and matches */ return 0; }
/** * Reads in binary program from file filename. */ int process_file(const char* filename, binPrg& bp) { assert(NULL != filename); assert(0 < strlen(filename)); FILE* fp; char buf[MAX_LINE_LEN]; char* s; char* check; char space[2] = " "; int lines = 0; int rows = 0, cols; READ_MODE mode = READ_COLS; if (NULL == (fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s\n", filename); goto readError;; } while (NULL != (s = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp))) { char* t = strpbrk(s, "#\n\r"); lines++; if (NULL != t) /* else line is not terminated or too long */ *t = '\0'; /* clip comment or newline */ /* Skip over leading space */ while (isspace(*s)) s++; /* Skip over empty lines */ if (!*s) /* <=> (*s == '\0') */ continue; /* Process binary program here */ switch (mode) { case (READ_COLS): bp.columns = strtol(s, &check, 10); //check errors in format if (*check && !isspace(*check)) { /* (*check != '\0')*/ fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d: Wrong input format for columns. \n", lines); goto readError; } if (strtok(check, space)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d: Too many arguments for columns. \n", lines); goto readError; } if (1 > bp.columns || LIMIT < bp.columns) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d: cols = %d. Allowed limits: 0 < cols <= %d \n", lines, bp.columns, LIMIT); goto readError; } mode = READ_ROWS; break; case (READ_ROWS): bp.rows = strtol(s, &check, 10); if (*check && !isspace(*check)) { /* (*check != '\0')*/ fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d: Wrong input format for rows. \n", lines); goto readError; } if (strtok(check, space)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d: Too many arguments for rows. \n", lines); goto readError; } if (1 > bp.rows || LIMIT < bp.rows) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d. rows = %d. Allowed limits: 0 < rows <= %d \n", lines, bp.rows, LIMIT); goto readError; } mode = READ_MATRIX; break; case (READ_MATRIX): if (rows >= bp.rows) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line: %d. Expected %d rows, " "got at least %d rows. Check your file.\n", lines, bp.rows, rows + 1); goto readError; } // read row for (cols = 0; cols < bp.columns; cols++) { bp.A[rows][cols] = strtod(s, &t); if (s == t) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line: %d. Expected %d columns with digits. Got %d columns. \n", lines, bp.columns, cols); goto readError; } s = t; } // skip white spaces while (isspace(*s)) { s++; } if (!strncmp(s, "<=", 2)) { s += 2; bp.b[rows] = strtod(s, &t); if (s == t) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line: %d. Expected constraint value. \n", lines); goto readError; } if (strtok(t, space)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d: Too many arguments for constraints. \n", lines); goto readError; } } else if (!strncmp(s, ">=", 2)) { s += 2; bp.multiplyRow(rows, -1); bp.b[rows] = -1 * strtod(s, &t); if (s == t) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line: %d. Expected constraint value. \n", lines); goto readError; } if (strtok(t, space)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d: Too many arguments for constraints. \n", lines); goto readError; } } else if (!strncmp(s, "==", 2)) { s += 2; bp.b[rows] = strtod(s, &t); bp.comparator[rows] = true; if (s == t) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line: %d. Expected constraint value. \n", lines); goto readError; } if (strtok(t, space)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d: Too many arguments for constraints. \n", lines); goto readError; } } else if (!strncmp(s, "=", 1)) { s += 1; bp.b[rows] = strtod(s, &t); bp.comparator[rows] = true; if (s == t) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line: %d. Expected constraint value. \n", lines); goto readError; } if (strtok(t, space)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line %d: Too many arguments for constraints. \n", lines); goto readError; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error in line: %d. Expected =, <= or >=.\n", lines); goto readError; } rows++; break; } } fclose(fp); return lines; /** * Error handling */ readError: fprintf(stderr, "Error in file. Terminated.\n"); fclose(fp); return -1; }