obvious::Matrix RandomNormalMatching::match(obvious::Matrix* M,
    const bool* maskM,
    obvious::Matrix* NM,
    obvious::Matrix* S,
    const bool* maskS,
    double phiMax,
    const double transMax,
    const double resolution)
  obvious::Matrix TBest(3, 3);

  const int pointsInM = M->getRows();
  const int pointsInS = S->getRows();

  if(pointsInM != pointsInS)
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Model and scene need to be of same size, size of M: " << pointsInM << ", size of S: " << pointsInS);
    return TBest;

  if(pointsInM < 3)
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Model and scene contain too less points, size of M: " << pointsInM << ", size of S: " << pointsInS);
    return TBest;

  // ----------------- Model ------------------
  obvious::Matrix* NMpca = new Matrix(pointsInM, 2); // Normals for model
  double* phiM           = new double[pointsInM];    // Orientation of model points
  bool* maskMpca         = new bool[pointsInM];      // Validity mask of model points

  memcpy(maskMpca, maskM, pointsInM*sizeof(bool));

    calcPhi(NM, maskM, phiM);
  else // if normals are not supplied
    calcNormals(M, NMpca, maskM, maskMpca, _pcaSearchRange/2);
    calcPhi(NMpca, maskMpca, phiM);
  vector<unsigned int> idxMValid = extractSamples(M, maskMpca, _pcaSearchRange/2);

  initKDTree(M, idxMValid);
  // -------------------------------------------

  // ----------------- Scene -------------------
  obvious::Matrix* NSpca = new Matrix(pointsInS, 2); // Normals for scene
  double* phiS           = new double[pointsInS];    // Orientation of scene points
  bool* maskSpca         = new bool[pointsInS];      // Validity mask of scene points
  memcpy(maskSpca, maskS, pointsInS*sizeof(bool));

  // Determine number of valid samples in local scene neighborhood
  // only from these points a valid orientation is computable
  unsigned int validPoints = 0;
  for(int i=0; i<pointsInS; i++)
    if(maskSpca[i]) validPoints++;

  // Probability of point masking
  double probability = 180.0/(double)validPoints;
    subsampleMask(maskSpca, pointsInS, probability);

  calcNormals(S, NSpca, maskS, maskSpca, _pcaSearchRange/2);
  calcPhi(NSpca, maskSpca, phiS);

  vector<unsigned int> idxSValid = extractSamples(S, maskSpca, _pcaSearchRange/2);
  // -------------------------------------------

  // --------------- Control set ---------------
  vector<unsigned int> idxControl;  //represents the indices of points used for Control in S.
  obvious::Matrix* Control = pickControlSet(S, idxSValid, idxControl);
  obvious::Matrix* NControl = new obvious::Matrix(idxControl.size(), 2);
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<Control->getCols(); i++)
    (*NControl)(i, 0) = (*NSpca)(idxControl[i], 0);
    (*NControl)(i, 1) = (*NSpca)(idxControl[i], 1);
  unsigned int pointsInC = Control->getCols();
  unsigned int cntMatchThresh = pointsInC / 3; // TODO: Determine meaningful parameter
  double* phiControl = new double[pointsInC];  // Orientation of control points
  calcPhi(NControl, NULL, phiControl);
  // -------------------------------------------//

  // Determine frustum, i.e., direction of leftmost and rightmost model point
  double thetaBoundMin = atan2((*M)(idxMValid.front(),1), (*M)(idxMValid.front(),0)); // real bounding
  double thetaBoundMax = atan2((*M)(idxMValid.back(),1),  (*M)(idxMValid.back(),0));  // real bounding

  LOGMSG(DBG_DEBUG, "Valid points in scene: " << idxSValid.size() << ", valid points in model: " << idxMValid.size() << ", Control set: " << Control->getCols());
  LOGMSG(DBG_DEBUG, "Model phi min:: " << rad2deg(thetaBoundMin) << ", Model phi max: " << rad2deg(thetaBoundMax));

  if(idxSValid.size() < 3)
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Too less valid points in scene, matchable size: " << idxSValid.size());
    return TBest;

  if(idxMValid.size() < 3)
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Too less valid points in model, matchable size: " << idxMValid.size());
    return TBest;

  // Check for maximum meaningful trials
  unsigned int trials = _trials;
    trials = idxMValid.size();

    _trace->setModel(M, idxMValid);
    _trace->setScene(S, idxSValid);

  // Calculate search "radius", i.e., maximum difference in polar indices because of rotation
  phiMax = min(phiMax, M_PI * 0.5);
  int span;
  if(resolution > 1e-6)
    span = floor(phiMax / resolution);
    if(span > (int)pointsInM) span = (int)pointsInM;
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Resolution not properly set: resolution = " << resolution);
    return TBest;

  srand (time(NULL));

  double       bestRatio = 0.0;
  unsigned int bestCnt   = 0;
  double       bestErr   = 1e12;

#ifndef DEBUG
  // trace is only possible for single threaded execution
    LOGMSG(DBG_WARN, "Configured single-threaded execution due to application of trace module");

  //Timer t;
  vector<unsigned int> idxTrials = idxMValid;
#pragma omp parallel
    bool* maskControl        = new bool[pointsInC];
    double* thetaControl     = new double[pointsInC];

#pragma omp for
    for(unsigned int trial = 0; trial < trials; trial++)

      int idx;
#pragma omp critical
        const int randIdx = rand() % (idxTrials.size());
        idx               = idxTrials[randIdx];

        // remove chosen element to avoid picking same index a second time
        idxTrials.erase(idxTrials.begin() + randIdx);

      // leftmost scene point
      const int iMin = max(idx-span, _pcaSearchRange/2);
      // rightmost scene point
      const int iMax = min(idx+span, pointsInS-_pcaSearchRange/2);

      for(int i=iMin; i<iMax; i++)

          double phi              = phiM[idx] - phiS[i];
          if(phi>M_PI)       phi -= 2.0*M_PI;
          else if(phi<-M_PI) phi += 2.0*M_PI;

          if(fabs(phi) < phiMax)
            obvious::Matrix T = obvious::MatrixFactory::TransformationMatrix33(phi, 0, 0);

            // Calculate translation
            const double sx = (*S)(i,0);
            const double sy = (*S)(i,1);
            T(0, 2) = (*M)(idx,0) - (T(0, 0) * sx + T(0, 1) * sy);
            T(1, 2) = (*M)(idx,1) - (T(1, 0) * sx + T(1, 1) * sy);

            // Transform control set
            obvious::Matrix STemp = T * (*Control);
            unsigned int pointsInControl = STemp.getCols();

            // Determine number of control points in field of view
            unsigned int maxCntMatch = 0;
            for(unsigned int j=0; j<pointsInControl; j++)
              thetaControl[j] = atan2(STemp(1, j), STemp(0, j));
              if(thetaControl[j]>thetaBoundMax || thetaControl[j]<thetaBoundMin)
                maskControl[j] = false;
                maskControl[j] = true;

            // Determine how many nearest neighbors (model <-> scene) are close enough
            unsigned int cntMatch = 0;
            flann::Matrix<int> indices(new int[1], 1, 1);
            flann::Matrix<double> dists(new double[1], 1, 1);
            double errSum = 0;
            //double scoreSum = 0.0;

            for(unsigned int s = 0; s < pointsInControl; s++)
              // clip points outside of model frustum

                // find nearest neighbor of control point
                double q[2];
                q[0] = STemp(0, s);
                q[1] = STemp(1, s);
                flann::Matrix<double> query(q, 1, 2);
                flann::SearchParams p(-1, 0.0);
                _index->knnSearch(query, indices, dists, 1, p);
                const int idxQuery = idxMValid[indices[0][0]];
                double distConsensus   = dists[0][0];
                // speeded-up NN search through back projection
                const int idxQuery = round((thetaControl[s]-thetaMin) / resolution);

                if(!maskM[idxQuery]) continue;

                double distX = (*M)(idxQuery, 0) - STemp(0, s);
                double distY = (*M)(idxQuery, 1) - STemp(1, s);
                double distConsensus  = distX*distX + distY*distY;

                // Experimental idea: rate matching results additionally with normal consensus
                // consensus score is in range [0, 1] -> perfect match = 0
                double normalConsensus = (1.0 - cos(phiM[idxQuery] - phiControl[s] - phi))/2.0;
                // Normalized error (weight distance and normal consensus)
                double err = distConsensus*_scaleDistance + normalConsensus*_scaleOrientation;
                double err = distConsensus*_scaleDistance;

                errSum += err;

            delete[] indices.ptr();
            delete[] dists.ptr();

            if(cntMatch <= cntMatchThresh)

            // Experimental rating
            double ratio = (double)cntMatch / (double) maxCntMatch;

#pragma omp critical
              // Rating from Markus Kuehn
              double equalThres = 1e-5;
              bool rateCondition = ((ratio-bestRatio) > equalThres) && (cntMatch > bestCnt);
              bool similarityCondition = fabs( (ratio-bestRatio) < equalThres ) && (cntMatch == bestCnt) && errSum < bestErr;
              bool goodMatch = rateCondition ||similarityCondition;

                bestRatio = ratio;
                bestCnt = cntMatch;
                bestErr = errSum;
                TBest = T;


              //trace is only possible for single threaded execution
              vector<unsigned int> idxM;
              vector<unsigned int> idxS;
              _trace->addAssignment(M, idxM, S, idxS, &STemp, errSum, trial);

          }// if phiMax
        } // if maskS
      } // for i
    } // for trials

    delete [] maskControl;

  } // OMP

  //cout << "elapsed: " << t.elapsed() << endl;

  delete NMpca;
  delete NSpca;
  delete [] phiM;
  delete [] phiS;
  delete [] phiControl;
  delete [] maskMpca;
  delete [] maskSpca;

  delete Control;

  return TBest;
Beispiel #2
obvious::Matrix TSD_PDFMatching::match( const obvious::Matrix TSensor,
                                        const obvious::Matrix* M,
                                        const bool* maskM,
                                        const obvious::Matrix* NM,
                                        const obvious::Matrix* S,
                                        const bool* maskS,
                                        double phiMax,
                                        const double transMax,
                                        const double resolution)
  obvious::Matrix TBest(3, 3);

  const int pointsInM = M->getRows();
  const int pointsInS = S->getRows();

  if(pointsInM != pointsInS)
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Model and scene need to be of same size, size of M: " << pointsInM << ", size of S: " << pointsInS);
    return TBest;

  if(pointsInM < 3)
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Model and scene contain too less points, size of M: " << pointsInM << ", size of S: " << pointsInS);
    return TBest;

  // ----------------- Model ------------------
  obvious::Matrix* NMpca = new Matrix(pointsInM, 2);  // Normals for model
  double* phiM = new double[pointsInM];    // Orientation of model points
  bool* maskMpca = new bool[pointsInM];      // Validity mask of model points

  memcpy(maskMpca, maskM, pointsInM * sizeof(bool));

    calcPhi(NM, maskM, phiM);
  else  // if normals are not supplied
    calcNormals(M, NMpca, maskM, maskMpca, _pcaSearchRange/2);
    calcPhi(NMpca, maskMpca, phiM);
  vector<unsigned int> idxMValid = extractSamples(M, maskMpca, _pcaSearchRange / 2);

  // -------------------------------------------

  // ----------------- Scene -------------------
  obvious::Matrix* NSpca = new Matrix(pointsInS, 2);  // Normals for scene
  double* phiS = new double[pointsInS];    // Orientation of scene points
  bool* maskSpca = new bool[pointsInS];      // Validity mask of scene points
  memcpy(maskSpca, maskS, pointsInS * sizeof(bool));

  // Determine number of valid samples in local scene neighborhood
  // only from these points a valid orientation is computable
  unsigned int validPoints = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < pointsInS; i++)

  // Probability of point masking
  double probability = 180.0 / (double)validPoints;
  if(probability < 0.99)
    subsampleMask(maskSpca, pointsInS, probability);

  calcNormals(S, NSpca, maskS, maskSpca, _pcaSearchRange/2);
  calcPhi(NSpca, maskSpca, phiS);

  vector<unsigned int> idxSValid = extractSamples(S, maskSpca, _pcaSearchRange / 2);
  // -------------------------------------------

  // --------------- Control set ---------------
  vector<unsigned int> idxControl;  //represents the indices of points used for Control in S.
  obvious::Matrix* Control = pickControlSet(S, idxSValid, idxControl);
  obvious::Matrix* NControl = new obvious::Matrix(idxControl.size(), 2);
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Control->getCols(); i++)
    (*NControl)(i, 0) = (*NSpca)(idxControl[i], 0);
    (*NControl)(i, 1) = (*NSpca)(idxControl[i], 1);
  unsigned int pointsInC = Control->getCols();
  double* phiControl = new double[pointsInC];  // Orientation of control points
  calcPhi(NControl, NULL, phiControl);
  // -------------------------------------------//

  // Determine frustum, i.e., direction of leftmost and rightmost model point
  //double thetaMin = -((double)pointsInM - 1.0) / 2.0 * resolution;  // theoretical bounding
  double thetaBoundMin = atan2((*M)(idxMValid.front(), 1), (*M)(idxMValid.front(), 0));  // real bounding
  double thetaBoundMax = atan2((*M)(idxMValid.back(), 1), (*M)(idxMValid.back(), 0));  // real bounding

  LOGMSG(DBG_DEBUG, "Valid points in scene: " << idxSValid.size() << ", valid points in model: " << idxMValid.size() << ", Control set: " << Control->getCols());
  LOGMSG(DBG_DEBUG, "Model phi min:: " << rad2deg(thetaBoundMin) << ", Model phi max: " << rad2deg(thetaBoundMax));

  if(idxSValid.size() < 3)
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Too less valid points in scene, matchable size: " << idxSValid.size());
    return TBest;

  if(idxMValid.size() < 3)
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Too less valid points in model, matchable size: " << idxMValid.size());
    return TBest;

  // Check for maximum meaningful trials
  unsigned int trials = _trials;
  if(idxMValid.size() < _trials)
    trials = idxMValid.size();

    _trace->setModel(M, idxMValid);
    _trace->setScene(S, idxSValid);

  // Calculate search "radius", i.e., maximum difference in polar indices because of rotation
  phiMax = min(phiMax, M_PI * 0.5);
  int span;
  if(resolution > 1e-6)
    span = floor(phiMax / resolution);
    if(span > (int)pointsInM)
      span = (int)pointsInM;
    LOGMSG(DBG_ERROR, "Resolution not properly set: resolution = " << resolution);
    return TBest;


  double bestProb = 0.0;

#ifndef DEBUG
  // trace is only possible for single threaded execution
    LOGMSG(DBG_WARN, "Configured single-threaded execution due to application of trace module");

  //Timer t;
  vector<unsigned int> idxTrials = idxMValid;

  bool* maskControl = new bool[pointsInC];

#pragma omp parallel for
  for(unsigned int trial = 0; trial < trials; trial++)

    int idx;
#pragma omp critical
      const int randIdx = rand() % (idxTrials.size());
      idx = idxTrials[randIdx];

      // remove chosen element to avoid picking same index a second time
      idxTrials.erase(idxTrials.begin() + randIdx);

    // leftmost scene point
    const int iMin = max(idx - span, _pcaSearchRange / 2);
    // rightmost scene point
    const int iMax = min(idx + span, pointsInS - _pcaSearchRange / 2);

    for(int i = iMin; i < iMax; i++)

        double phi = phiM[idx] - phiS[i];
        if(phi > M_PI)
          phi -= 2.0 * M_PI;
        else if(phi < -M_PI)
          phi += 2.0 * M_PI;

        if(fabs(phi) < phiMax)
          obvious::Matrix T = obvious::MatrixFactory::TransformationMatrix33(phi, 0, 0);

          // Calculate translation
          const double sx = (*S)(i, 0);
          const double sy = (*S)(i, 1);
          T(0, 2) = (*M)(idx, 0) - (T(0, 0) * sx + T(0, 1) * sy);
          T(1, 2) = (*M)(idx, 1) - (T(1, 0) * sx + T(1, 1) * sy);

          obvious::Matrix TMap = TSensor * T;

          // Transform control set
          obvious::Matrix STemp = TMap * (*Control);
          unsigned int pointsInControl = STemp.getCols();

          // Rating Daniel Ammon & Tobias Fink
          std::vector<double> probOfAllScans;  // vector for probabilities of single scans in one measurement
          double probOfActualMeasurement = 1.0;

          for (unsigned int s = 0; s < pointsInControl; s++)	// whole control set
            obfloat coord[2];
            coord[0] = STemp(0, s);
            coord[1] = STemp(1, s);

            // todo: magic numbers 0.05 / 0.95
            obfloat tsd;
            if( !_grid.interpolateBilinear(coord, &tsd) )
              // rating function: clipped probability --> avoid prob of 0
              // multiply all probabilities for probability of whole scan
              probOfActualMeasurement *= (1.0 - (1.0 - _zrand) * fabs(tsd));
              probOfActualMeasurement *= _zrand;
          }  // whole control set

#pragma omp critical
          // update T and bestProb if better than last iteration
          if(probOfActualMeasurement > bestProb)
            TBest = T;
            bestProb = probOfActualMeasurement;

#ifndef DEBUG
              //trace is only possible for single threaded execution
              vector<unsigned int> idxM;
              vector<unsigned int> idxS;
              _trace->addAssignment(M, idxM, S, idxS, &STemp, 10 * probOfActualMeasurement, trial);
        } // if(fabs(phi) < phiMax)
      } // if(maskSpca[i])
    }  // for i
  }  // for trials

  //cout << "elapsed: " << t.elapsed() << endl;

  delete [] maskControl;
  delete    NMpca;
  delete    NSpca;
  delete [] phiM;
  delete [] phiS;
  delete [] phiControl;
  delete [] maskMpca;
  delete [] maskSpca;

  delete Control;

  return TBest;