Beispiel #1
/* Returns whether the node in question should be displayed in the
 * diagram or not */
static gboolean
display_node (node_t * node)
  double diffms;

  if (!node)
    return FALSE;

  diffms = substract_times_ms(&, &node->node_stats.stats.last_time);

  /* There are problems if a canvas_node is deleted if it still
   * has packets, so we have to check that as well */

  /* Remove canvas_node if node is too old */
  if (diffms >= pref.gui_node_timeout_time
      && pref.gui_node_timeout_time 
      && !node->node_stats.pkt_list.length)
    return FALSE;

#if 1
  if ((pref.gui_node_timeout_time == 1) && !node->node_stats.pkt_list.length)
    g_my_critical ("Impossible situation in display node");

  return TRUE;
}				/* display_node */
Beispiel #2
/* This function is called to discard packets from the list 
 * of packets beloging to a node or a link, and to calculate
 * the average traffic for that node or link */
node_update(node_id_t * node_id, node_t *node, gpointer delete_list_ptr)
  double diffms;


  if (traffic_stats_update(&node->node_stats, pref.averaging_time, 
      /* packet(s) active, update the most used protocols for this link */
      guint i = STACK_SIZE;
      while (i + 1)
          if (node->main_prot[i])
            g_free (node->main_prot[i]);
          node->main_prot[i] = protocol_stack_sort_most_used(&node->node_stats.stats_protos, i);
      node_name_update (node);
      /* no packets remaining on node - if node expiration active, see if the
       * node is expired */
      if (pref.node_timeout_time)
          diffms = substract_times_ms(&, &node->node_stats.stats.last_time);
          if (diffms >= pref.node_timeout_time)
              /* node expired, remove */
              GList **delete_list = (GList **)delete_list_ptr;

              if (DEBUG_ENABLED)
                  gchar *msg = node_id_dump(&node->node_id);
                  g_my_debug(_("Queuing node '%s' for remove"), msg);
              /* First thing we do is delete the node from the list of new_nodes,
               * if it's there */
              /* adds current to list of nodes to be delete */
              *delete_list = g_list_prepend( *delete_list, node_id);

  return FALSE;
Beispiel #3
static gint
update_link(link_id_t* link_id, link_t * link, gpointer delete_list_ptr)
  double diffms;


  /* update stats - returns true if there are active packets */
  if (traffic_stats_update(&link->link_stats, pref.averaging_time, 
      /* packet(s) active, update the most used protocols for this link */
      guint i = STACK_SIZE;
      while (i + 1)
          if (link->main_prot[i])
            g_free (link->main_prot[i]);
            = protocol_stack_sort_most_used(&link->link_stats.stats_protos, i);

      /* no packets remaining on link - if link expiration active, see if the
       * link is expired */
      if (pref.link_timeout_time)
          diffms = substract_times_ms(&, &link->link_stats.stats.last_time);
          if (diffms >= pref.link_timeout_time)
              /* link expired, remove */
              GList **delete_list = (GList **)delete_list_ptr;
              /* adds current to list of links to delete */
              *delete_list = g_list_prepend( *delete_list, link_id);
              g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,_("Queuing link for remove"));

  return FALSE;
Beispiel #4
/* Refreshes the diagram. Called each refresh_period ms
 * 1. Checks for new protocols and displays them
 * 2. Updates nodes looks
 * 3. Updates links looks
guint update_diagram(GtkWidget * canvas)
  static struct timeval last_refresh_time = { 0, 0 };
  double diffms;
  enum status_t status;

  /* if requested and enabled, dump to xml */
  if (appdata.request_dump && appdata.export_file_signal)
      g_warning (_("SIGUSR1 received: exporting to %s"), appdata.export_file_signal);
      appdata.request_dump = FALSE; 
  status = get_capture_status();
  if (status == PAUSE)
    return FALSE;

  if (status == CAP_EOF)
      gui_eof_capture ();
      return FALSE;
   * It could happen that during an intensive calculation, in order
   * to update the GUI and make the application responsive gtk_main_iteration
   * is called. But that could also trigger this very function's timeout.
   * If we let it run twice many problems could come up. Thus,
   * we are preventing it with the already_updating variable

  if (already_updating)
      g_my_debug ("update_diagram called while already updating");
      return FALSE;

  already_updating = TRUE;
  gettimeofday (&, NULL);

  /* update nodes */

  /* update links */

  /* Update protocol information */

  /* update proto legend */

  /* Now update info windows */
  update_info_windows ();

  /* With this we make sure that we don't overload the
   * CPU with redraws */

  if ((last_refresh_time.tv_sec == 0) && (last_refresh_time.tv_usec == 0))
    last_refresh_time =;

  /* Force redraw */
  while (gtk_events_pending ())
    gtk_main_iteration ();

  gettimeofday (&, NULL);
  diffms = substract_times_ms(&, &last_refresh_time);
  last_refresh_time =;

  already_updating = FALSE;

  if (!is_idle)
      if (diffms > pref.refresh_period * 1.2)
        return FALSE;		/* Removes the timeout */
      if (diffms < pref.refresh_period)
        return FALSE;		/* removes the idle */

  if (stop_requested)
  return TRUE;			/* Keep on calling this function */
}				/* update_diagram */
Beispiel #5
/* - calls update_links, so that the related link updates its average
 *   traffic and main protocol, and old links are deleted
 * - caculates link size and color fading */
static gint
canvas_link_update(link_id_t * link_id, canvas_link_t * canvas_link,
		     GList **delete_list)
  const link_t *link;
  const canvas_node_t *canvas_dst;
  const canvas_node_t *canvas_src;
  guint32 scaledColor;
  double xs, ys, xd, yd, scale;

  /* We used to run update_link here, but that was a major performance penalty, 
   * and now it is done in update_diagram */
  link = links_catalog_find(link_id);
  if (!link)
      *delete_list = g_list_prepend( *delete_list, link_id);
      g_my_debug ("Queing canvas link to remove.");
      return FALSE;

  /* If either source or destination has disappeared, we hide the link
   * until it can be show again */

  /* We get coords for the destination node */
  canvas_dst = g_tree_lookup (canvas_nodes, &link_id->dst);
  if (!canvas_dst || !canvas_dst->shown)
      gnome_canvas_item_hide (canvas_link->src_item);
      gnome_canvas_item_hide (canvas_link->dst_item);
      return FALSE;

  /* We get coords from source node */
  canvas_src = g_tree_lookup (canvas_nodes, &link_id->src);
  if (!canvas_src || !canvas_src->shown)
      gnome_canvas_item_hide (canvas_link->src_item);
      gnome_canvas_item_hide (canvas_link->dst_item);
      return FALSE;

  /* What if there never is a protocol?
   * I have to initialize canvas_link->color to a known value */
  if (link->main_prot[pref.stack_level])
      double diffms;
      canvas_link->color = protohash_color(link->main_prot[pref.stack_level]);

      /* scale color down to 10% at link timeout */
      diffms = substract_times_ms(&, &link->link_stats.stats.last_time);
      scale = pow(0.10, diffms / pref.gui_link_timeout_time);

      scaledColor =
        (((int) (scale * canvas_link-> & 0xFF00) << 16) |
        (((int) (scale * canvas_link-> & 0xFF00) << 8) |
        ((int) (scale * canvas_link-> & 0xFF00) | 0xFF;
      guint32 black = 0x000000ff;
      scaledColor = black;

  /* retrieve coordinates of node centers */
  g_object_get (G_OBJECT (canvas_src->group_item), "x", &xs, "y", &ys, NULL);
  g_object_get (G_OBJECT (canvas_dst->group_item), "x", &xd, "y", &yd, NULL);

  /* first draw triangle for src->dst */
  draw_oneside_link(xs, ys, xd, yd, &(link->link_stats.stats_out), scaledColor, 

  /* then draw triangle for dst->src */
  draw_oneside_link(xd, yd, xs, ys, &(link->link_stats.stats_in), scaledColor, 

  return FALSE;

}				/* update_canvas_links */