Beispiel #1
int main()
  std::array<double, 40> values = {  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,
  std::cout << "Sum of squaresof 1,2, ...,40 is " << sum_of_squares(values) << std::endl;
  std::array<double, 10000> more_values;
  srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
  std::generate(more_values.begin(), more_values.end(), []{return static_cast<double>(rand());});
  std::cout << "Sum of squares of " << more_values.size() << " random number is " 
            << sum_of_squares(more_values) << std::endl;

  return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main() {
    const int VALUE = 100;
    std::cout << "Result: " << square_of_sum(VALUE) - sum_of_squares(VALUE) << std::endl;
Beispiel #3
// correlate binaryish with vector
Eigen::MatrixXf  multi_correlate(std::vector<float> & y_data, float * x_data, int x_vector_size, int size, int stride, int offset){
    std::vector<float> sum(x_vector_size + 1);
    std::vector<float> sum_of_squares(x_vector_size + 1);

    int skipped = sum_calc(x_data, x_vector_size, size,,, stride, offset);
    skipped += sum_calc(, 1, size, &sum[x_vector_size], &sum_of_squares[x_vector_size]);

    //qDebug() << "skipped: " << skipped << "size: " << size;

    Eigen::MatrixXf sum_productmat(x_vector_size + 1, x_vector_size + 1);
    sum_productmat_calc(, x_data, x_vector_size, size, sum_productmat, stride, offset);

    Eigen::MatrixXf correlation_mat(x_vector_size + 1, x_vector_size + 1);

    for(int r = 0; r < x_vector_size + 1; r++){
        for(int c = r+1; c < x_vector_size + 1; c++){
            // qDebug() << r << c << ": " <<  sum[c] << sum_of_squares[c] << sum[r] << sum_of_squares[r] << sum_productmat(r, c);
            correlation_mat(r, c) = correlate(sum[c], sum_of_squares[c], sum[r], sum_of_squares[r], sum_productmat(r, c), size-skipped);
            correlation_mat(c, r) = correlation_mat(r, c);

    return correlation_mat;
Beispiel #4
 * Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient of two vectors.
 * r(X,Y) = \frac{\sum X_i Y_i - \frac{\sum X_i \sum Y_i}{n}}
 *         {\sqrt{\left( \sum X_i^2 - \frac{(\sum X_i)^2}{n} \right)
 *                 \left( \sum Y_i^2 - \frac{(\sum Y_i)^2}{n}\right)}}
ATYPE correlation
  (ARRAY_T* array1,
   ARRAY_T* array2)
  ATYPE length;
  ATYPE sum1;
  ATYPE sum2;
  ATYPE dotproduct;
  ATYPE numerator;
  ATYPE variance1;
  ATYPE variance2;
  ATYPE denominator;
  ATYPE return_value;

  length = (ATYPE)get_array_length(array1);
  if (length != (ATYPE)get_array_length(array2)) {
    die("Computing correlation of vectors of different lengths.");

  sum1 = array_total(array1);
  sum2 = array_total(array2);
  dotproduct = dot_product(array1, array2);

  numerator = dotproduct - ((sum1 * sum2) / length);
  variance1 = sum_of_squares(array1) - ((sum1 * sum1) / length);
  variance2 = sum_of_squares(array2) - ((sum2 * sum2) / length);

  denominator = sqrt(variance1 * variance2);

  return_value = numerator / denominator;

  /*fprintf(stderr, "return_value=%g\n", return_value);*/
  assert(return_value <= 1.0);
  assert(return_value >= -1.0);
Beispiel #5
static void
    unsigned int n_loops;
    int src_ofs;
    int dst_ofs;
    int n_bits;

    n_loops = 0;
    for (n_bits = 0; n_bits <= 64; n_bits++) {
        for (src_ofs = 0; src_ofs < 64 - n_bits; src_ofs++) {
            for (dst_ofs = 0; dst_ofs < 64 - n_bits; dst_ofs++) {
                ovs_be64 src = htonll(random_uint64());
                ovs_be64 dst = htonll(random_uint64());
                ovs_be64 orig_dst = dst;
                ovs_be64 expect;

                if (n_bits == 64) {
                    expect = dst;
                } else {
                    uint64_t mask = (UINT64_C(1) << n_bits) - 1;
                    expect = orig_dst & ~htonll(mask << dst_ofs);
                    expect |= htonll(((ntohll(src) >> src_ofs) & mask)
                                     << dst_ofs);

                bitwise_copy(&src, sizeof src, src_ofs,
                             &dst, sizeof dst, dst_ofs,
                if (expect != dst) {
                    fprintf(stderr,"copy_bits(0x%016"PRIx64",8,%d, "
                            "0x%016"PRIx64",8,%d, %d) yielded 0x%016"PRIx64" "
                            "instead of the expected 0x%016"PRIx64"\n",
                            ntohll(src), src_ofs,
                            ntohll(orig_dst), dst_ofs,
                            ntohll(dst), ntohll(expect));


    if (n_loops != sum_of_squares(64)) {
Beispiel #6
float* kernel_matrix(float sigma, int radius){
    int diameter = radius * 2 + 1;
    float *k_matrix = malloc(sizeof(float) * diameter * diameter);

    int i, j, k_index;

    float square_sigma_mult_by_2 = pow(sigma, 2) * 2;
    float base_calculation = 1 / (M_PI * square_sigma_mult_by_2);
    float result = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < diameter; i++){
        for(j = 0; j < diameter; j++){
            k_index = i * diameter + j;
            result = base_calculation * pow(M_E, -1 * (sum_of_squares(i - radius, j - radius) / square_sigma_mult_by_2));
            k_matrix[k_index] =  result;
            //printf("%1.4f ", result);
    return k_matrix;
long squares::difference(int a)
    return square_of_sums(a) - sum_of_squares(a);
Beispiel #8
int is_right(int a, int b, int c)
     return (sum_of_squares(a, b) == c * c ? 1 : 0 );
void view_individual_events() {

	Displays an 3D occupancy plot for each SM Event (stop mode event). The h5_file_num chosen must have working Hits and EventsCR files (_Hits.root and _EventsCR.root files).

	Can choose which SM event to start at. (find "CHOOSE THIS" in this script)

	// Setting up files, treereaders, histograms
	string file_kind = "aggr"; // string that is either "aggr" or "non_aggr" to indicate whether or not its an aggregate file pair or not.
	int file_num_input = 19;
	string view_option = "1"; // choose what to view:
	// "1" or "3d": view the events with their 3d reconstruction and line fit
	// "2" or "SM_rel_BCID": numHits per SMRelBCID with the 3d reconstruction

	TFile *fileHits;
	TFile *fileEventsCR;
	if ("non_aggr") == 0) {
		fileHits = new TFile(("/home/pixel/pybar/tags/2.0.2_new/pyBAR-master/pybar/module_202_new/" + to_string(file_num_input) + "_module_202_new_stop_mode_ext_trigger_scan_interpreted_Hits.root").c_str());
		fileEventsCR = new TFile(("/home/pixel/pybar/tags/2.0.2_new/pyBAR-master/pybar/module_202_new/" + to_string(file_num_input) + "_module_202_new_stop_mode_ext_trigger_scan_interpreted_EventsCR.root").c_str());
	} else if ("aggr") == 0) {
		// fileHits = new TFile("/home/pixel/pybar/tags/2.0.2_new/pyBAR-master/pybar/homemade_scripts/aggregate_data/1_module_202_new_AggrHits.root");
		fileHits = new TFile(("/home/pixel/pybar/tags/2.0.2_new/pyBAR-master/pybar/homemade_scripts/aggregate_data/" + to_string(file_num_input) + "_module_202_new_AggrHits.root").c_str());
		// fileEventsCR = new TFile("/home/pixel/pybar/tags/2.0.2_new/pyBAR-master/pybar/homemade_scripts/aggregate_data/1_module_202_new_AggrEventsCR.root");
		fileEventsCR = new TFile(("/home/pixel/pybar/tags/2.0.2_new/pyBAR-master/pybar/homemade_scripts/aggregate_data/" + to_string(file_num_input) + "_module_202_new_AggrEventsCR.root").c_str());
	} else {
		cout << "Error: Input file_kind is not valid.";

	TTreeReader *readerHits = new TTreeReader("Table", fileHits);
	TTreeReaderValue<UInt_t> h5_file_num_Hits(*readerHits, "h5_file_num");
	TTreeReaderValue<Long64_t> event_number(*readerHits, "event_number");
	TTreeReaderValue<UChar_t> tot(*readerHits, "tot");
	TTreeReaderValue<UChar_t> relative_BCID(*readerHits, "relative_BCID");
	TTreeReaderValue<Long64_t> SM_event_num_Hits(*readerHits, "SM_event_num");
	TTreeReaderValue<UInt_t> SM_rel_BCID(*readerHits, "SM_rel_BCID");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> x(*readerHits, "x");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> y(*readerHits, "y");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> z(*readerHits, "z");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> s(*readerHits, "s");

	TTreeReader *readerEventsCR = new TTreeReader("Table", fileEventsCR);

	TTreeReaderValue<UInt_t> h5_file_num_EventsCR(*readerEventsCR, "h5_file_num");
	TTreeReaderValue<Long64_t> SM_event_num_EventsCR(*readerEventsCR, "SM_event_num");
	TTreeReaderValue<UInt_t> num_hits(*readerEventsCR, "num_hits");
	TTreeReaderValue<UInt_t> sum_tots(*readerEventsCR, "sum_tots");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> mean_x(*readerEventsCR, "mean_x");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> mean_y(*readerEventsCR, "mean_y");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> mean_z(*readerEventsCR, "mean_z");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> line_fit_param0(*readerEventsCR, "line_fit_param0");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> line_fit_param1(*readerEventsCR, "line_fit_param1");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> line_fit_param2(*readerEventsCR, "line_fit_param2");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> line_fit_param3(*readerEventsCR, "line_fit_param3");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> sum_of_squares(*readerEventsCR, "sum_of_squares");

	TTreeReaderValue<UInt_t> event_status(*readerEventsCR, "event_status");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> fraction_inside_sphere(*readerEventsCR, "fraction_inside_sphere");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> length_track(*readerEventsCR, "length_track");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> sum_tots_div_by_length_track(*readerEventsCR, "sum_tots_div_by_length_track");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> sum_squares_div_by_DoF(*readerEventsCR, "sum_squares_div_by_DoF");
	TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> zenith_angle(*readerEventsCR, "zenith_angle");
	TTreeReaderValue<UInt_t> duration(*readerEventsCR, "duration");

	// Initialize the canvas and graph_3d
	TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","3D Occupancy for Specified SM Event", 1000, 10, 900, 1000);
	// c1->SetRightMargin(0.25);
	TPad *pad1 = new TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.5, 1, 1.0); // upper pad
	TPad *pad2 = new TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0, 1, 0.5); // lower pad
	// pad2->SetRightMargin(0.35);

	TH2F *h_2d_occupancy = new TH2F("h_2d_occupancy", "2D Occupancy", 80, 0, 20, 336, -16.8, 0);
	h_2d_occupancy->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x (mm)");
	h_2d_occupancy->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y (mm)");
	h_2d_occupancy->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("SM Relative BCID (BCIDs)");

	TH1F *h_SM_rel_BCID = new TH1F("h_SM_rel_BCID", "Num Hits per SMRelBCID", 256, 0, 256);
	h_SM_rel_BCID->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Stop Mode Relative BCID (BCIDs)");
	h_SM_rel_BCID->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Count (hits)");

	bool quit = false; // if pressed q
	// Main Loop (loops for every entry in readerEventsCR)
	while (readerEventsCR->Next() && !quit) {
		if (readerEventsCR->GetCurrentEntry() == 0 &&"non_aggr") == 0) {
			continue; // skip the entry num 0, because it probably contains no data

		// Get startEntryNum_Hits and endEntryNum_Hits (for readerHits)
		vector<int> entryNumRange_include(2);
		entryNumRange_include = getEntryNumRangeWithH5FileNumAndSMEventNum(readerHits, *h5_file_num_EventsCR, *SM_event_num_EventsCR);
		if (entryNumRange_include[0] == -1) {
			cout << "Error: h5_file_num and SM_event_num should be able to be found in the Hits file.\n";

		// If statement for choosing which graph_3d/h_2d_occupancy to view
		TGraph2D *graph_3d = new TGraph2D(); // create a new TGraph to refresh; the graph_3d is the 3d plot, the h_2d_occupancy is the 2d plot.
		h_2d_occupancy->Reset(); // must do reset for histograms, cannot create a new hist to refresh it

		// Fill graph_3d and h_2d_occupancy with points and set title and axes
		for (int i = 0; i < entryNumRange_include[1] - entryNumRange_include[0] + 1; i++) {
			graph_3d->SetPoint(i, (*x - 0.001), (*y + 0.001), (*z - 0.001));
			h_2d_occupancy->Fill(*x, *y, *SM_rel_BCID);
		string graphTitle = "3D Reconstruction and Line Fit for h5FileNum " + to_string(*h5_file_num_EventsCR) + ", SMEventNum " + to_string(*SM_event_num_EventsCR);
		// graphTitle.append(to_string(*SM_event_num_EventsCR));
		graph_3d->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x (mm)");
		graph_3d->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y (mm)");
		graph_3d->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("z (mm)");
		graph_3d->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0, 20); // ROOT is buggy, x and y use setlimits()
		graph_3d->GetYaxis()->SetLimits(-16.8, 0); // but z uses setrangeuser()
		graph_3d->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 40.96); 

		// Draw the graph_3d on pad1 (upper pad)

		// Draw other histogram on pad2
		if ("3d") == 0 ||"1") == 0) {
		} else if ("SM_rel_BCID") == 0 ||"2") == 0) {
		} else {
			cout << "Error: Input view_option is not valid.\n";

		// Display results, draw graph_3d and line fit
		if ("aggr") == 0) {
			cout << "Aggr EventsCR Entry Num: " << readerEventsCR->GetCurrentEntry();

		cout << "     h5 Event Num: " << *h5_file_num_EventsCR << "     SM Event Num: " << *SM_event_num_EventsCR << "\n";
		// cout << "          Number of hits: " << *num_hits << "\n";

		// Draw the fitted line only if fit did not fail.
		if (*event_status != 1) {
			double fitParams[4];
			fitParams[0] = *line_fit_param0;
			fitParams[1] = *line_fit_param1;
			fitParams[2] = *line_fit_param2;
			fitParams[3] = *line_fit_param3;

			int n = 1000;
			double t0 = 0; // t is the z coordinate
			double dt = 40.96;
			TPolyLine3D *l = new TPolyLine3D(n);
			for (int i = 0; i <n;++i) {
			  double t = t0+ dt*i/n;
			  double x,y,z;

			cout << "Sum of squares div by DoF: " << *sum_squares_div_by_DoF;
		} else {
			cout << "Sum of squares div by DoF: FIT FAILED";

		cout << "          Zenith angle: " << *zenith_angle << "\n";
		cout << "Duration: " << *duration << "\n";
		// cout << "Fraction inside sphere (1 mm radius): " << *fraction_inside_sphere << "\n";
		cout << "Length of track: " << *length_track << "\n";
		cout << "SumTots/Length: " << *sum_tots_div_by_length_track << "\n";

		// if ("3d") == 0 ||"1") == 0) {

		// } else if ("SM_rel_BCID") == 0 ||"2") == 0) {
		// 	// // Reset histogram
		// 	// h_SM_rel_BCID->Reset();

		// 	// // For every hit, fill in the histogram with the SM_rel_BCID
		// 	// readerHits->SetEntry(entryNumRange_include[0]);
		// 	// for (int i = 0; i < entryNumRange_include[1] - entryNumRange_include[0] + 1; i++) {
		// 	// 	h_SM_rel_BCID->Fill(*SM_rel_BCID); 
		// 	// 	readerHits->Next();
		// 	// }

		// 	// // Draw the hist
		// 	// c1->cd();
		// 	// pad1->Draw();
		// 	// pad1->cd();
		// 	// h_SM_rel_BCID->Draw();

		// 	// // Print info lines
		// 	// if ("aggr") == 0) {
		// 	// 	cout << "Aggr EventsCR Entry Num: " << readerEventsCR->GetCurrentEntry();
		// 	// }
		// 	// cout << "     h5 Event Num: " << *h5_file_num_EventsCR << "     SM Event Num: " << *SM_event_num_EventsCR << "\n";
		// } else {
		// 	cout << "Error: Input view_option is not valid.\n";
		// }

		// Ask for input
		if (true) { // won't show drawings or ask for input unless its a good event // CHOOSE THIS to show all events or only good events
			c1->Update(); // show all the drawings
			// handle input
			string inString = "";
			bool inStringValid = false;
            do {
	            cout << "<Enter>: next; 'b': previous; [number]: the nth SMEvent in the EventsCR file; 'q': quit.\n"; // b is for back
	            getline(cin, inString);

	            // Handles behavior according to input
	            if (inString.empty()) { // <Enter>
	            	// leave things be
					inStringValid = true;
	            } else if ("b") == 0) {
					readerEventsCR->SetEntry(readerEventsCR->GetCurrentEntry() - 2);
					// smEventNum -= 2; // because it gets incremented once at the end of this do while loop
					inStringValid = true;
				} else if ("q") == 0 ||".q") == 0) {
					quit = true;
					inStringValid = true;
				} else if (canConvertStringToPosInt(inString)) {
					readerEventsCR->SetEntry(convertStringToPosInt(inString) - 1);
					// smEventNum = convertStringToPosInt(inString) - 1; // -1 because it gets incremented once at the end of this do while loop
					inStringValid = true;
				} // else, leave inStringValid as false, so that it asks for input again
			} while (!inStringValid);
		} else {
			cout << "\n";


	cout << "Exiting program.\n";
int squares::difference(int n)
    return square_of_sums(n) - sum_of_squares(n);
Beispiel #11
int main () {
	const uint64_t n = 100;
	uint64_t d_ss2 = square_of_sums (n) - sum_of_squares (n);
	printf ("%lu\n", d_ss2);
	return 0;
Beispiel #12
bool is_right(int a, int b, int c)
	return sum_of_squares(a, b) == c*c;
Beispiel #13
Datei: 6.c Projekt: leolas95/c
int main(void)
        printf("The result is %d\n", square_of_sum() - sum_of_squares());
        return 0;
Beispiel #14
int ex6()
  return square_of_sum(101) - sum_of_squares(101);
Beispiel #15
int main() {
    printf("%d\n", square_of_sum(100) - sum_of_squares(100));

    return 0;