Beispiel #1
Datei: lab.c Projekt: Raumo0/Labs
int proverka (int chislo)                  
	int i, _chislo, found;

	found = YES;
	for (i = 2; i <= 9 && found; i++) {
		_chislo = chislo * i;
		if (summa (_chislo) != summa (chislo))
			found = NO;
	return found;
int main() {
	int mas[N][M];
	double x;
	getmas(mas); //Запрашиваем ввод массива
	sum(mas); //Считаем сумму столбцов, где нет отрицательных символов
	printf("\nМинимум среды сумм элементов диагоналей, параллельных побочной диагонали матрицы = %d",pobmin(mas));
	printf("Программа вычисляет сумму членов бесконечного ряда для заданного значения x с точностью до эпсель = 0.00001: 2 * Сигма n=0/infinity (x^(2n+1))/(2n+1))\nВведите x: ");
	printf("\nСумма членов ряда = %lf",summa(x));
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
int compute(){
    //Assuming that the processes form a square
    int n_procs_row = sqrt(number_of_processes);
    int n_procs_col = n_procs_row;
    if (n_procs_col * n_procs_row != number_of_processes) {
        std::cerr << "number of proccessors must be a perfect square!" << std::endl;
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

    int n_dims = 2;
    int dims[n_dims] = {n_procs_row, n_procs_col};
    int periods[n_dims] = {0, 0};
    int repeat = 0;

    //create comm_groups
    MPI_Comm comm_cart;
    MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, n_dims, dims, periods, repeat, &comm_cart);

    int m_block = m / n_procs_row;
    int n_block = n / n_procs_col;
    int k_block = k / n_procs_col;

    if (m_block * n_procs_row != m) {
        std::cerr << "m must be dividable by n_procs_row" << std::endl;
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
    if (n_block * n_procs_col != n) {
        std::cerr << "n must be dividable by n_procs_col" << std::endl;
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
    if (k_block * n_procs_col != k) {
        std::cerr << "k must be dividable by n_procs_col" << std::endl;
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

    double * A_local = (double *) calloc(m_block * n_block, sizeof(double));
    double * B_local = (double *) calloc(n_block * k_block, sizeof(double));
    double * C_local = (double *) calloc(m_block * k_block, sizeof(double));

    double * A = (double *) calloc(m * n, sizeof(double));
    double * B = (double *) calloc(n * k, sizeof(double));

    initMatrices(A_local, B_local, C_local, m_block, n_block, comm_cart);

    testing the scatter function
    if(rank == 0){
        double * A_1 = (double *) calloc(n * k, sizeof(double));
        double * B_1 = (double *) calloc(n * k, sizeof(double));
        double * C_1 = (double *) calloc(n * k, sizeof(double));

        initMatrices(A_1, B_1, C_1, n, n, comm_cart);

        distributeSquareMatrix(A_1, n, C_1);

    gatherMatrix(m_block, n_block, A_local, m, n, A);
    gatherMatrix(n_block, k_block, B_local, n, k, B);
    /*if (rank == 3) {
    std::cout << "A" << std::endl;
      printMatrix(m_block,m_block, A_local);
      std::cout << "B" << std::endl;
      printMatrix(m_block,m_block, B_local);
      std::cout << "C" << std::endl;
      printMatrix(m_block,m_block, C_local);
    double start_time, end_time;

    start_time = MPI_Wtime();

    summa(comm_cart, m_block, n_block, k_block, A_local, B_local, C_local);

    end_time = MPI_Wtime();

    getTimes(start_time, end_time);

    double * C = (double *) calloc(m * n, sizeof(double));
    double * C_naive = (double *) calloc(m * n, sizeof(double));

    gatherMatrix(m_block, k_block, C_local, m, k, C);

    if (rank == 0) {

        multMatricesLineByLine(m, n, k, A, B, C_naive);

        double eps = validate(n, k, C, C_naive);
        if (eps > 1e-4) {
            std::cerr <<  "ERROR: Invalid matrix -> eps = " << eps << std::endl;
            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
        } else {
            std::cout << "Valid matrix" << std::endl;
 * Creates random A, B, and C matrices and uses summa() to
 *  calculate the product. Output of summa() is compared 
 *  to CC, the true solution.
bool random_matrix_test(int m, int n, int k, int px, int py, int panel_size) {
  int proc = 0, passed_test = 0, group_passed = 0;
  int num_procs = px * py;
  int rank = 0;
  double *A, *B, *C, *CC, *A_block, *B_block, *C_block, *CC_block;

  A = NULL;
  B = NULL;
  C = NULL;
  CC = NULL;

  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); /* Get process id */

  if (rank == 0) {
    /* Allocate matrices */
    A = random_matrix(m, k);
    B = random_matrix(k, n);
    C = zeros_matrix(m, n);

    /* Stores the solution */
    CC = zeros_matrix(m, n);

     * Solve the problem locally and store the
     *  solution in CC
    local_mm(m, n, k, 1.0, A, m, B, k, 0.0, CC, m);

   * Allocate memory for matrix blocks 
  A_block = malloc(sizeof(double) * (m * k) / num_procs);

  B_block = malloc(sizeof(double) * (k * n) / num_procs);

  C_block = malloc(sizeof(double) * (m * n) / num_procs);

  CC_block = malloc(sizeof(double) * (m * n) / num_procs);

  /* Distrute the matrices */
  distribute_matrix(px, py, m, k, A, A_block, rank);
  distribute_matrix(px, py, k, n, B, B_block, rank);
  distribute_matrix(px, py, m, n, C, C_block, rank);
  distribute_matrix(px, py, m, n, CC, CC_block, rank);

  if (rank == 0) {

     * blocks of A, B, C, and CC have been distributed to
     * each of the processes, now we can safely deallocate the 
     * matrices

#ifdef DEBUG
  /* flush output and synchronize the processes */

   * Call SUMMA

  summa(m, n, k, A_block, B_block, C_block, px, py, 1);

#ifdef DEBUG
  /* flush output and synchronize the processes */

#ifdef DEBUG
  /* Verify each C_block sequentially */
  for (proc=0; proc < num_procs; proc++) {

    if (rank == proc) {

      bool isCorrect = verify_matrix_bool(m / px, n / py, C_block, CC_block);

      if (isCorrect) {
        printf("CBlock on rank=%d is correct\n",rank);
      } else {
        printf("**\tCBlock on rank=%d is wrong\n",rank);

        printf("CBlock on rank=%d is\n",rank);
        print_matrix(m / px, n / py, C_block);

        printf("CBlock on rank=%d should be\n",rank);
        print_matrix(m / px, n / py, CC_block);


        passed_test = 1;
    MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* keep all processes synchronized */
  }/* proc */


  /* each process will verify its C_block in parallel */
  if (verify_matrix_bool(m / px, n / py, C_block, CC_block) == false) {
    passed_test = 1;


  /* free A_block, B_block, C_block, and CC_block */

   *  passed_test == 0 if the process PASSED the test
   *  passed_test == 1 if the process FAILED the test
   *  therefore a MPI_Reduce of passed_test will count the
   *   number of processes that failed
   *  After the MPI_Reduce/MPI_Scatter, if group_passed == 0 then every process passed

  MPI_Reduce(&passed_test, &group_passed, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0,
  MPI_Bcast(&group_passed, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (rank == 0 && group_passed == 0) {
        "random_matrix_test m=%d n=%d k=%d px=%d py=%d pb=%d............PASSED\n",
        m, n, k, px, py, panel_size);

  if (rank == 0 && group_passed != 0) {
        "random_matrix_test m=%d n=%d k=%d px=%d py=%d pb=%d............FAILED\n",
        m, n, k, px, py, panel_size);

  /* If group_passed==0 then every process passed the test*/
  if (group_passed == 0) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
  int i=0, nRow, nCol=NY+2, myid, nProcs, NlocX, rest;
  float *temp, *temp_new;
  double tinit, tstart, tstop, tio;  	

	char filename_0[25];
	char filename_1[25];

	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);	
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nProcs);

	NlocX = NY / nProcs;

	rest = NY % nProcs;

	if(myid == nProcs - 1)
		NlocX += rest;

		filename_0[i] = 0;
		filename_1[i] = 0;

	sprintf(filename_0, "transport-mpi_%d.dat\n", myid);

	printf("I am process %d and my dimension is %d x %d. Filename will be %s\n", myid, NlocX, NY, filename);

	nRow = NlocX+2;

	temp = (float *) malloc (nRow*nCol*sizeof(float));
	temp_new = (float *) malloc (nRow*nCol*sizeof(float));

	if(0 && myid == 0){

		tinit = seconds();
		temp = (float *) malloc (nRow*nCol*sizeof(float));
		temp_new = (float *) malloc (nRow*nCol*sizeof(float));

		init_transport(temp, myid);

	#ifdef __DEBUG
		float before=summa(NX, NY, temp);
		printf(" sum temp before: %f\n",before);

		tstop = seconds();

		printf("\ninitialization done\n");
		printf("cpu time in seconds %.3g\n", tstop-tinit );

		tstart = seconds();
		save_gnuplot("transport-serial.dat", temp);
		tstop = seconds();

		tio = tstop - tstart;

		tstart = seconds();
		for(i=1;i<=STEPS;++i) {
		  evolve(DT, temp, temp_new);
		tstop = seconds();

		printf("\nevolution done\n");
		printf("cpu time in seconds %.3g\n", tstop-tstart);

	#ifdef __DEBUG
		float after=summa(NX, NY, temp);
		printf(" sum temp after: %f\n",after);

		tstart = seconds();
		save_gnuplot("transport-end-serial.dat", temp);
		tstop = seconds();

		tio = tio + tstop - tstart;
		printf("\nsave_data done\n");
		printf("IO time in seconds %.3g\n", tio);
		printf("\ntotal cpu time in seconds %.3g\n", tstop - tinit);



  return 0;