//${HSMs::QHsmTst::SM::s::s2::s21::s211} ..................................... Q_STATE_DEF(QHsmTst, s211) { QP::QState status_; switch (e->sig) { //${HSMs::QHsmTst::SM::s::s2::s21::s211} case Q_ENTRY_SIG: { BSP_display("s211-ENTRY;"); status_ = Q_RET_HANDLED; break; } //${HSMs::QHsmTst::SM::s::s2::s21::s211} case Q_EXIT_SIG: { BSP_display("s211-EXIT;"); status_ = Q_RET_HANDLED; break; } //${HSMs::QHsmTst::SM::s::s2::s21::s211::H} case H_SIG: { BSP_display("s211-H;"); status_ = tran(&s); break; } //${HSMs::QHsmTst::SM::s::s2::s21::s211::D} case D_SIG: { BSP_display("s211-D;"); status_ = tran(&s21); break; } default: { status_ = super(&s21); break; } } return status_; }
PushNotificationReceiveJob::PushNotificationReceiveJob(OsIndependentContext* context) { super(context, JobParameters.newBuilder() .withRequirement(new NetworkRequirement(context)) .withGroupId("__notification_received") .withWakeLock(true, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS).create()); }
/** * @fn MainView *MainView::initWithFrame(MainView *self, const SDL_Rect *frame) * @memberof MainView */ static MainView *initWithFrame(MainView *self, const SDL_Rect *frame) { self = (MainView *) super(View, self, initWithFrame, frame); if (self) { Outlet outlets[] = MakeOutlets( MakeOutlet("background", &self->background), MakeOutlet("logo", &self->logo), MakeOutlet("version", &self->version), MakeOutlet("contentView", &self->contentView), MakeOutlet("primaryMenu", &self->primaryMenu), MakeOutlet("secondaryMenu", &self->secondaryMenu) ); View *this = (View *) self; $(this, awakeWithResourceName, "ui/main/MainView.json"); $(this, resolve, outlets); this->stylesheet = $$(Stylesheet, stylesheetWithResourceName, "ui/main/MainView.css"); assert(this->stylesheet); $(self->background, setImageWithResourceName, va("ui/backgrounds/%d.tga", Random() % 6)); $(self->logo, setImageWithResourceName, "ui/logo.tga"); $(self->version->text, setText, va("Quetoo %s", cgi.GetCvarString("version"))); } return self; }
int main() { int i, n; int p[100001]; /* p[0] is not used */ for(;;) { (void)scanf( "%d", &n); if( n==0 ) return 0; for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) { (void)scanf( "%d", p+i ); } if( super(n, p) ) { printf( "super\n" ); } else { printf( "not super\n" ); } } }
EntityZombie(World EntityZombie::world) { super(world); texture = "/mob/zombie.png"; moveSpeed = 0.5; attackStrength = 5; }
//${Comp::Philo::SM::thinking} ............................................... Q_STATE_DEF(Philo, thinking) { QP::QState status_; switch (e->sig) { //${Comp::Philo::SM::thinking} case Q_ENTRY_SIG: { m_timeEvt.armX(think_time(), 0U); status_ = Q_RET_HANDLED; break; } //${Comp::Philo::SM::thinking} case Q_EXIT_SIG: { (void)m_timeEvt.disarm(); status_ = Q_RET_HANDLED; break; } //${Comp::Philo::SM::thinking::TIMEOUT} case TIMEOUT_SIG: { status_ = tran(&hungry); break; } //${Comp::Philo::SM::thinking::TEST} case TEST_SIG: { status_ = Q_RET_HANDLED; break; } default: { status_ = super(&top); break; } } return status_; }
/** * @see Object::isEqual(const Object *, const Object *) */ static _Bool isEqual(const Object *self, const Object *other) { if (super(Object, self, isEqual, other)) { return true; } if (other && (self->clazz == other->clazz)) { const Error *this = (Error *) self; const Error *that = (Error *) other; if (this->code == that->code) { if ($((Object * ) this->domain, isEqual, (Object * ) that->domain)) { if (this->message) { return $((Object * ) this->message, isEqual, (Object * ) that->message); } return that->message == NULL; } } } return false; }
/** * @fn PlayerModelView *PlayerModelView::init(PlayerModelView *self) * * @memberof PlayerModelView */ static PlayerModelView *initWithFrame(PlayerModelView *self, const SDL_Rect *frame) { self = (PlayerModelView *) super(View, self, initWithFrame, frame); if (self) { self->view.backgroundColor = Colors.Charcoal; self->view.backgroundColor.a = 64; self->animation1.animation = ANIM_TORSO_STAND1; self->animation2.animation = ANIM_LEGS_RUN; const SDL_Rect iconFrame = MakeRect(0, 0, 64, 64); self->iconView = $(alloc(ImageView), initWithFrame, &iconFrame); assert(self->iconView); self->iconView->view.alignment = ViewAlignmentTopRight; $((View *) self, addSubview, (View *) self->iconView); self->view.padding.top = 4; self->view.padding.right = 4; self->view.padding.bottom = 4; self->view.padding.left = 4; } return self; }
foreach (const CloudComposerItem* input_item, input_data) { QVariant variant = input_item->data (ItemDataRole::CLOUD_TEMPLATED); typename PointCloud <PointT>::Ptr input_cloud = variant.value <typename PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr> (); float resolution = parameter_model_->getProperty("Resolution").toFloat (); qDebug () << "Octree resolution = "<<resolution; float seed_resolution = parameter_model_->getProperty("Seed Resolution").toFloat (); qDebug () << "Seed resolution = "<<seed_resolution; float rgb_weight = parameter_model_->getProperty("RGB Weight").toFloat (); float normal_weight = parameter_model_->getProperty("Normals Weight").toFloat (); float spatial_weight = parameter_model_->getProperty("Spatial Weight").toFloat (); pcl::SupervoxelClustering<PointT> super (resolution, seed_resolution); super.setInputCloud (input_cloud); super.setColorImportance (rgb_weight); super.setSpatialImportance (spatial_weight); super.setNormalImportance (normal_weight); std::map <uint32_t, typename pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr > supervoxel_clusters; super.extract (supervoxel_clusters); std::map <uint32_t, typename pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr > refined_supervoxel_clusters; super.refineSupervoxels (3, refined_supervoxel_clusters); typename pcl::PointCloud<PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr color_segments; color_segments= super.getColoredVoxelCloud (); CloudItem* cloud_item_out = CloudItem::createCloudItemFromTemplate<PointXYZRGBA>(input_item->text(),color_segments); output.append (cloud_item_out); }
/** * @see View::updateBindings(View *) */ static void updateBindings(View *self) { super(View, self, updateBindings); TextView *this = (TextView *) self; free(this->defaultText); this->defaultText = NULL; MutableArray *keys = $$(MutableArray, array); SDL_Scancode key = SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN; while (true) { key = cgi.KeyForBind(key, ((BindTextView *) this)->bind); if (key == SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN) { break; } $(keys, addObject, str(cgi.KeyName(key))); } if (keys->array.count) { String *keyNames = $((Array *) keys, componentsJoinedByCharacters, ", "); this->defaultText = strdup(keyNames->chars); release(keyNames); } release(keys); }
// SS4 signalling: void ss4Signal(int signal) { if(signal==49) { // A mf(15); delay(250); sf(2400,350); return; } if(signal==50) { // B signal==11; } if(signal==51) { // C signal==12; } if(signal==52) { // D sf(2600,750); return; } if(signal==-13) { signal = 10; } if(signal==-6) { // super(); return; } for(int i=0; i<=3; i++) { (ss4[signal][i]) ? freq[0].play(ss4Tone[1],35) : freq[0].play(ss4Tone[0],35); delay(70); } return; }
QScriptValue ScriptableSyntaxDefinition::KEYWORD_(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) { checkNumberOfArguments(context, 1); QString keys = context->argument(0).toString(); NODE node = super(context)->KEYWORD(keys.toUtf8()); return nodeToScriptValue(engine, node); }
QScriptValue ScriptableSyntaxDefinition::NOT_(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) { checkNumberOfArguments(context, 1); NODE entry = context->argument(0).toVariant().value<NODE>(); NODE node = super(context)->NOT(entry); return nodeToScriptValue(engine, node); }
QScriptValue ScriptableSyntaxDefinition::EXCEPT_(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) { checkNumberOfArguments(context, 1, 2); if (context->argumentCount() == 2) { QChar a = context->argument(0).toString().at(0); QChar b = context->argument(1).toString().at(0); NODE node = super(context)->EXCEPT(a, b); return nodeToScriptValue(engine, node); } else if (context->argumentCount() == 1) { QString s = context->argument(0).toString(); NODE node = super(context)->EXCEPT(s.constData()); return nodeToScriptValue(engine, node); } return QScriptValue(); }
QScriptValue ScriptableSyntaxDefinition::STRING_(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) { checkNumberOfArguments(context, 1); QString s = context->argument(0).toString(); NODE node = super(context)->STRING(s.constData()); return nodeToScriptValue(engine, node); }
// our main() function: void loop(void) { // Here we just get the button, pressed or held, and 2600 switch char button = keypad.getKey(); // check for button press if(digitalRead(10)==HIGH) { // play 2600Hz if top button pressed super(); // supervisory signalling } return; // end main() }
static void *Iterable_destructor (void *_self) { struct Iterable *self = cast (Iterable (), _self); Class_destructor_m dtor = method (super (Iterable ()), "__destructor__"); return dtor (self); }
//${Comp::Philo::SM::eating} ................................................. Q_STATE_DEF(Philo, eating) { QP::QState status_; switch (e->sig) { //${Comp::Philo::SM::eating} case Q_ENTRY_SIG: { m_timeEvt.armX(eat_time(), 0U); status_ = Q_RET_HANDLED; break; } //${Comp::Philo::SM::eating} case Q_EXIT_SIG: { (void)m_timeEvt.disarm(); // asynchronously post event to the Container TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, DONE_SIG); pe->philo = this; AO_Table->postLIFO(pe); status_ = Q_RET_HANDLED; break; } //${Comp::Philo::SM::eating::TIMEOUT} case TIMEOUT_SIG: { status_ = tran(&thinking); break; } default: { status_ = super(&top); break; } } return status_; }
/** * @fn Array *Array::initWithObjects(Array *self, ...) * * @memberof Array */ static Array *initWithObjects(Array *self, ...) { self = (Array *) super(Object, self, init); if (self) { va_list args; va_start(args, self); while (va_arg(args, ident)) { self->count++; } va_end(args); if (self->count) { self->elements = calloc(self->count, sizeof(ident)); assert(self->elements); va_start(args, self); for (size_t i = 0; i < self->count; i++) { self->elements[i] = retain(va_arg(args, ident)); } va_end(args); } } return self; }
/** * @see Object::isEqual(const Object *, const Object *) */ static _Bool isEqual(const Object *self, const Object *other) { if (super(Object, self, isEqual, other)) { return true; } if (other && $(other, isKindOfClass, &_Array)) { const Array *this = (Array *) self; const Array *that = (Array *) other; if (this->count == that->count) { for (size_t i = 0; i < this->count; i++) { const Object *thisObject = this->elements[i]; const Object *thatObject = that->elements[i]; if ($(thisObject, isEqual, thatObject) == false) { return false; } } return true; } } return false; }
QScriptValue ScriptableSyntaxDefinition::OTHER_(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) { checkNumberOfArguments(context, 1); QChar ch = context->argument(0).toString().at(0); NODE node = super(context)->OTHER(ch); return nodeToScriptValue(engine, node); }
QScriptValue ScriptableSyntaxDefinition::ENTRY_(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) { checkNumberOfArguments(context, 1); const char* name = 0; constCharFromScriptValue(context->argument(0), name); super(context)->ENTRY(name); return QScriptValue(); }
QScriptValue ScriptableSyntaxDefinition::GLUE_(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) { checkNumberOfArguments(context, 2, intMax); NODE node = super(context)->GLUE(); for (int i = 0, n = context->argumentCount(); i < n; ++i) node->appendChild(context->argument(i).toVariant().value<NODE>()); return nodeToScriptValue(engine, node); }
/** * @see Object::dealloc(Object *) */ static void dealloc(Object *self) { Option *this = (Option *) self; release(this->title); super(Object, self, dealloc); }
/** * @see Object::dealloc(Object *) */ static void dealloc(Object *self) { PlayerModelView *this = (PlayerModelView *) self; release(this->iconView); super(Object, self, dealloc); }
QScriptValue ScriptableSyntaxDefinition::VARSTRING_(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) { checkNumberOfArguments(context, 1); const char* name = 0; constCharFromScriptValue(context->argument(0), name); NODE node = super(context)->VARSTRING(name); return nodeToScriptValue(engine, node); }
EntityPainting(World EntityPainting::world) { super(world); field_695_c = 0; direction = 0; yOffset = 0.0F; setSize(0.5, 0.5); }
Grid::Grid(int w, int h) { width = winWidth = w; height = winHeight = h; num = w*h; super(); }
/** * @see Object::dealloc(Object *) */ static void dealloc(Object *self) { BindTextView *this = (BindTextView *) self; free(this->bind); super(Object, self, dealloc); }
ofxScene::ofxScene( ofxPath _x, ofxPath _y, ofxPath _z, ofxPath _t, ofxPath _alpha, ofxPath _xR, ofxPath _yR, ofxPath _zR) { super( _x, _y, _z, _t, new Path( 255 ), new Path( 255 ), new Path( 255 ), _alpha, _xR, _yR, _zR ); ready = false; scenes = new ArrayList(); name = this.getClass().getName(); String[] temp = splitTokens( name, "$" ); name = temp[ temp.length - 1 ]; };