Beispiel #1
void predict_strand_SCI_ConsMFE_Z(double *prob, double *decValue, double deltaSCI, double deltaConsMFE, double deltaZ, int n_seq, double id)
    struct svm_node node[6];
    double value=0;
    node[0].index = 1; node[0].value = deltaSCI;
    node[1].index = 2; node[1].value = deltaConsMFE;
    node[2].index = 3; node[2].value = deltaZ;
    node[3].index = 4; node[3].value = (double)n_seq;
    node[4].index = 5; node[4].value = id;
    node[5].index = -1;
    scale_strand_decision_node((struct svm_node*)&node);
    svm_predict_probability(strand_model,node,&value);  // ATTENTION: If model parameters are not set correctly, then value is not set, type of SVM need to 
                                                        // to be C_SVC or nu_SVC!

void predict(mxArray *plhs[], const mxArray *prhs[], struct svm_model *model, const int predict_probability)
	int label_vector_row_num, label_vector_col_num;
	int feature_number, testing_instance_number;
	int instance_index;
	double *ptr_instance, *ptr_label, *ptr_predict_label; 
	double *ptr_prob_estimates, *ptr_dec_values, *ptr;
	struct svm_node *x;
	mxArray *pplhs[1]; // transposed instance sparse matrix

	int correct = 0;
	int total = 0;
	double error = 0;
	double sump = 0, sumt = 0, sumpp = 0, sumtt = 0, sumpt = 0;

	int svm_type=svm_get_svm_type(model);
	int nr_class=svm_get_nr_class(model);
	double *prob_estimates=NULL;

	// prhs[1] = testing instance matrix
	feature_number = (int)mxGetN(prhs[1]);
	testing_instance_number = (int)mxGetM(prhs[1]);
	label_vector_row_num = (int)mxGetM(prhs[0]);
	label_vector_col_num = (int)mxGetN(prhs[0]);

		mexPrintf("Length of label vector does not match # of instances.\n");
		mexPrintf("label (1st argument) should be a vector (# of column is 1).\n");

	ptr_instance = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
	ptr_label    = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);

	// transpose instance matrix
		if(model->param.kernel_type == PRECOMPUTED)
			// precomputed kernel requires dense matrix, so we make one
			mxArray *rhs[1], *lhs[1];
			rhs[0] = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[1]);
			if(mexCallMATLAB(1, lhs, 1, rhs, "full"))
				mexPrintf("Error: cannot full testing instance matrix\n");
			ptr_instance = mxGetPr(lhs[0]);
			mxArray *pprhs[1];
			pprhs[0] = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[1]);
			if(mexCallMATLAB(1, pplhs, 1, pprhs, "transpose"))
				mexPrintf("Error: cannot transpose testing instance matrix\n");

		if(svm_type==NU_SVR || svm_type==EPSILON_SVR)
			mexPrintf("Prob. model for test data: target value = predicted value + z,\nz: Laplace distribution e^(-|z|/sigma)/(2sigma),sigma=%g\n",svm_get_svr_probability(model));
			prob_estimates = (double *) malloc(nr_class*sizeof(double));

	plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(testing_instance_number, 1, mxREAL);
		// prob estimates are in plhs[2]
		if(svm_type==C_SVC || svm_type==NU_SVC)
			plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(testing_instance_number, nr_class, mxREAL);
			plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0, 0, mxREAL);
		// decision values are in plhs[2]
		if(svm_type == ONE_CLASS ||
		   svm_type == EPSILON_SVR ||
		   svm_type == NU_SVR)
			plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(testing_instance_number, 1, mxREAL);
			plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(testing_instance_number, nr_class*(nr_class-1)/2, mxREAL);

	ptr_predict_label = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
	ptr_prob_estimates = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
	ptr_dec_values = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
	x = (struct svm_node*)malloc((feature_number+1)*sizeof(struct svm_node) );
		int i;
		double target_label, predict_label;

		target_label = ptr_label[instance_index];

		if(mxIsSparse(prhs[1]) && model->param.kernel_type != PRECOMPUTED) // prhs[1]^T is still sparse
			read_sparse_instance(pplhs[0], instance_index, x);
				x[i].index = i+1;
				x[i].value = ptr_instance[testing_instance_number*i+instance_index];
			x[feature_number].index = -1;

			if(svm_type==C_SVC || svm_type==NU_SVC)
				predict_label = svm_predict_probability(model, x, prob_estimates);
				ptr_predict_label[instance_index] = predict_label;
					ptr_prob_estimates[instance_index + i * testing_instance_number] = prob_estimates[i];
			} else {
				predict_label = svm_predict(model,x);
				ptr_predict_label[instance_index] = predict_label;
			predict_label = svm_predict(model,x);
			ptr_predict_label[instance_index] = predict_label;

			if(svm_type == ONE_CLASS ||
			   svm_type == EPSILON_SVR ||
			   svm_type == NU_SVR)
				double res;
				svm_predict_values(model, x, &res);
				ptr_dec_values[instance_index] = res;
				double *dec_values = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * nr_class*(nr_class-1)/2);
				svm_predict_values(model, x, dec_values);
					ptr_dec_values[instance_index + i * testing_instance_number] = dec_values[i];

		if(predict_label == target_label)
		error += (predict_label-target_label)*(predict_label-target_label);
		sump += predict_label;
		sumt += target_label;
		sumpp += predict_label*predict_label;
		sumtt += target_label*target_label;
		sumpt += predict_label*target_label;
	if(svm_type==NU_SVR || svm_type==EPSILON_SVR)
		mexPrintf("Mean squared error = %g (regression)\n",error/total);
		mexPrintf("Squared correlation coefficient = %g (regression)\n",
	/* else */
	/*   mexPrintf("Accuracy = %g%% (%d/%d) (classification)\n", */
	/* 	    (double)correct/total*100,correct,total); */

	// return accuracy, mean squared error, squared correlation coefficient
	plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3, 1, mxREAL);
	ptr = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
	ptr[0] = (double)correct/total*100;
	ptr[1] = error/total;
	ptr[2] = ((total*sumpt-sump*sumt)*(total*sumpt-sump*sumt))/

	if(prob_estimates != NULL)
Beispiel #3
void svmpredict  (int    *decisionvalues,
		  int    *probability,

		  double *v, int *r, int *c,
		  int    *rowindex,
		  int    *colindex,
		  double *coefs,
		  double *rho,
		  int    *compprob,
		  double *probA,
		  double *probB,
		  int    *nclasses,
		  int    *totnSV,
		  int    *labels,
		  int    *nSV,
		  int    *sparsemodel,

		  int    *svm_type,
		  int    *kernel_type,
		  int    *degree,
		  double *gamma,
		  double *coef0,

		  double *x, int *xr,
		  int    *xrowindex,
		  int    *xcolindex,
		  int    *sparsex,
		  double *ret,
		  double *dec,
		  double *prob)
    struct svm_model m;
    struct svm_node ** train;
    int i;
    /* set up model */
    m.l        = *totnSV;
    m.nr_class = *nclasses;
    m.sv_coef  = (double **) malloc (m.nr_class * sizeof(double*));
    for (i = 0; i < m.nr_class - 1; i++) {
      m.sv_coef[i] = (double *) malloc (m.l * sizeof (double));
      memcpy (m.sv_coef[i], coefs + i*m.l, m.l * sizeof (double));
    if (*sparsemodel > 0)
	m.SV   = transsparse(v, *r, rowindex, colindex);
	m.SV   = sparsify(v, *r, *c);
    m.rho      = rho;
    m.probA    = probA;
    m.probB    = probB;
    m.label    = labels;
    m.nSV      = nSV;

    /* set up parameter */
    m.param.svm_type    = *svm_type;
    m.param.kernel_type = *kernel_type;      = *degree;
    m.param.gamma       = *gamma;
    m.param.coef0       = *coef0;
    m.param.probability = *compprob;      

    m.free_sv           = 1;

    /* create sparse training matrix */
    if (*sparsex > 0)
	train = transsparse(x, *xr, xrowindex, xcolindex);
	train = sparsify(x, *xr, *c);

    /* call svm-predict-function for each x-row, possibly using probability 
       estimator, if requested */
    if (*probability && svm_check_probability_model(&m)) {
      for (i = 0; i < *xr; i++)
	ret[i] = svm_predict_probability(&m, train[i], prob + i * *nclasses);
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < *xr; i++)
	ret[i] = svm_predict(&m, train[i]);

    /* optionally, compute decision values */
    if (*decisionvalues)
      for (i = 0; i < *xr; i++)
	svm_predict_values(&m, train[i], dec + i * *nclasses * (*nclasses - 1) / 2);

    /* clean up memory */
    for (i = 0; i < *xr; i++)
	free (train[i]);
    free (train);

    for (i = 0; i < *r; i++)
	free (m.SV[i]);
    free (m.SV);
    for (i = 0; i < m.nr_class - 1; i++)
Beispiel #4
Datei: RNAz.c Projekt: wash/rnaz
PRIVATE void classify(double* prob, double* decValue,
		      struct svm_model* decision_model,
		      double id,int n_seq, double z,double sci,
		      double entropy, int decision_model_type){

  FILE *out=stdout; /* Output file */

  /* normal model as used in RNAz 1.0 */
  if (decision_model_type == 1) {
    struct svm_node node[5];
    double* value;
    node[0].index = 1; node[0].value = z;
    node[1].index = 2; node[1].value = sci;
    node[2].index = 3; node[2].value = id;
    node[3].index = 4; node[3].value = n_seq;
    node[4].index =-1;
    scale_decision_node((struct svm_node*)&node,decision_model_type);


  /* dinucleotide model for sequence based alignments */
  if (decision_model_type == 2) {

    /* For training we used the z-score and the SCI rounded to tow 
       decimal places. To make results comparable we do it also here. */

    char tmp[10];
    sprintf(tmp, "%.2f", (double) z);
    double z_tmp = (double) atof(tmp);

    sprintf(tmp, "%.2f", (double) sci);
    double sci_tmp = (double) atof(tmp);

    /* In some rare cases it might happen that z-score and SCI are
       out of the training range. In these cases they are just set to the 
       maximum or minimum. */
    if (z_tmp > 2.01) z_tmp = 2.01;
    if (z_tmp < -8.15) z_tmp = -8.15;
    if (sci_tmp > 1.29) sci_tmp = 1.29;

    /* construct SVM node and scale parameters */

    struct svm_node node[4];
    double* value;
    node[0].index = 1; node[0].value = z_tmp;
    node[1].index = 2; node[1].value = sci_tmp;
    node[2].index = 3; node[2].value = entropy;
    node[3].index =-1; 
    scale_decision_node((struct svm_node*)&node,decision_model_type);

    /* For training we used scaled variables rounded to five
       decimal places. To make results comparable we do it also here. */

    sprintf(tmp, "%.5f", (double) node[0].value);
    node[0].value = (double) atof(tmp);
    sprintf(tmp, "%.5f", (double) node[1].value);
    node[1].value = (double) atof(tmp);
    sprintf(tmp, "%.5f", (double) node[2].value);
    node[2].value = (double) atof(tmp);

    /* Now predict decision value and probability */



  /* dinucleotide model for structural alignments generated by locarnate */
  if (decision_model_type == 3) {

    /* For training we used the z-score and the SCI rounded to tow 
       decimal places. To make results comparable we do it also here. */

    char tmp[10];
    sprintf(tmp, "%.2f", (double) z);
    double z_tmp = (double) atof(tmp);

    sprintf(tmp, "%.2f", (double) sci);
    double sci_tmp = (double) atof(tmp);

    /* In some rare cases it might happen that z-score and SCI are
       out of the training range. In these cases they are just set to the 
       maximum or minimum. */
    if (z_tmp > 2.01) z_tmp = 2.01;
    if (z_tmp < -8.13) z_tmp = -8.13;
    if (sci_tmp > 1.31) sci_tmp = 1.31;

    /*fprintf(out," z: %f, sci: %f, entropy:%f\n",z_tmp,sci_tmp,entropy);*/

    /* construct SVM node and scale parameters */

    struct svm_node node[4];
    double* value;
    node[0].index = 1; node[0].value = z_tmp;
    node[1].index = 2; node[1].value = sci_tmp;
    node[2].index = 3; node[2].value = entropy;
    node[3].index =-1; 
    scale_decision_node((struct svm_node*)&node,decision_model_type);

    /* For training we used scaled variables rounded to five
       decimal places. To make results comparable we do it also here. */

    sprintf(tmp, "%.5f", (double) node[0].value);
    node[0].value = (double) atof(tmp);
    sprintf(tmp, "%.5f", (double) node[1].value);
    node[1].value = (double) atof(tmp);
    sprintf(tmp, "%.5f", (double) node[2].value);
    node[2].value = (double) atof(tmp);

    /*fprintf(out," z: %f, sci: %f, entropy:%f\n",node[0].value,node[1].value,node[2].value);*/

    /* Now predict decision value and probability */


Beispiel #5
double binary_class_cross_validation(const svm_problem *prob, const svm_parameter *param, int nr_fold)
	dvec_t dec_values;
	ivec_t ty;
	int *labels;

	if (nr_fold > 1)
		int i;
		int *fold_start = Malloc(int,nr_fold+1);
		int l = prob->l;
		int *perm = Malloc(int,l);
		for(i=0;i<l;i++) perm[i]=i;
			int j = i+rand()%(l-i);

			int                begin   = fold_start[i];
			int                end     = fold_start[i+1];
			int                j,k;
			struct svm_problem subprob;

			subprob.l = l-(end-begin);
			subprob.x = Malloc(struct svm_node*,subprob.l);
			subprob.y = Malloc(double,subprob.l);

				subprob.x[k] = prob->x[perm[j]];
				subprob.y[k] = prob->y[perm[j]];
				subprob.x[k] = prob->x[perm[j]];
				subprob.y[k] = prob->y[perm[j]];
			struct svm_model *submodel = svm_train(&subprob,param);
			int svm_type = svm_get_svm_type(submodel);
			if(svm_type == NU_SVR || svm_type == EPSILON_SVR){
				fprintf(stderr, "wrong svm type");

			labels = Malloc(int, svm_get_nr_class(submodel));
			svm_get_labels(submodel, labels);

			if(svm_get_nr_class(submodel) > 2) 
				fprintf(stderr,"Error: the number of class is not equal to 2\n");


			for(j=begin;j<end;j++) {
				svm_predict_values(submodel,prob->x[perm[j]], &dec_values[j]);
				ty[j] = (prob->y[perm[j]] > 0)? 1: -1;

			if(labels[0] <= 0) {
					dec_values[j] *= -1;

Beispiel #6
void binary_class_predict(FILE *input, FILE *output){
	int    total = 0;
	int    *labels;
	int    max_nr_attr = 64;
	struct svm_node *x = Malloc(struct svm_node, max_nr_attr);
	dvec_t dec_values;
	ivec_t true_labels;

	int svm_type=svm_get_svm_type(model);

	if (svm_type==NU_SVR || svm_type==EPSILON_SVR){
		fprintf(stderr, "wrong svm type.");

	labels = Malloc(int, svm_get_nr_class(model));
	svm_get_labels(model, labels);

	max_line_len = 1024;
	line = (char *)malloc(max_line_len*sizeof(char));
	while(readline(input) != NULL)
		int i = 0;
		double target_label, predict_label;
		char *idx, *val, *label, *endptr;
		int inst_max_index = -1; // strtol gives 0 if wrong format, and precomputed kernel has <index> start from 0

		label = strtok(line," \t");
		target_label = strtod(label,&endptr);
		if(endptr == label)

			if(i>=max_nr_attr - 2)	// need one more for index = -1
				max_nr_attr *= 2;
				x = (struct svm_node *) realloc(x,max_nr_attr*sizeof(struct svm_node));

			idx = strtok(NULL,":");
			val = strtok(NULL," \t");

			if(val == NULL)
			errno = 0;
			x[i].index = (int) strtol(idx,&endptr,10);
			if(endptr == idx || errno != 0 || *endptr != '\0' || x[i].index <= inst_max_index)
				inst_max_index = x[i].index;

			errno = 0;
			x[i].value = strtod(val,&endptr);
			if(endptr == val || errno != 0 || (*endptr != '\0' && !isspace(*endptr)))

		x[i].index = -1;

		predict_label = svm_predict(model,x);

		double dec_value;
		svm_predict_values(model, x, &dec_value);
		true_labels.push_back((target_label > 0)? 1: -1);
		if(labels[0] <= 0) dec_value *= -1;

	// validation_function(dec_values, true_labels);
	accuracy(dec_values, true_labels);
	bac(dec_values, true_labels);

Beispiel #7
v8::Local<v8::Object> SVMPredict::predict_single (
                                                  const struct svm_model* m,
                                                  const struct svm_node* p,
                                                  v8::Local<v8::Value> id,
                                                  int nr) {

#if defined(PROCESS_DEBUG)
  log("is called.");
  if (m==NULL) {
    std::cerr<<"The model variable is NULL\n";
  if (p == NULL) {
    std::cerr<<"The query vector variable is NULL\n";
  v8::Isolate* isolate = GetIsolate();//v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
  // v8::HandleScope scope(isolate);

  //  v8::Local<v8::Context> context =
  //      v8::Local<v8::Context>::New(isolate,context_);

  //  v8::Context::Scope context_scop(context);

  v8::Local<v8::Object> Result = v8::Object::New(isolate);
  double dec_values = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
  double pred_result = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

  double *probab_estimate = (double *) malloc(nr*sizeof(double));
  int *labels=(int *) malloc(nr*sizeof(int));

#if defined(PROCESS_DEBUG)
  //  CW_ASSERT(m==NULL);
  //  CW_ASSERT(p==NULL);
  log(" Ready to call local function predict");
  pred_result = svm_predict_values(m, p, &dec_values);

  Result->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "id"),id);
  Result->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "dec_val"),ToV8<double>(dec_values));
  Result->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "predict"),ToV8<double>(pred_result));
  if (this->predict_probability) {

#if defined(PROCESS_DEBUG)
    log(" Ready to call local function predict_prob");
    this->predict_prob(m, p, &pred_result, probab_estimate);
    //pred_result = svm_predict_probability(this->model,p,probab_estimate);

    v8::Local<v8::Object> prob = v8::Object::New(isolate);
    for(int i=0;i<nr;i++){
      std::string cl = _toString<int>(labels[i],std::dec);
      prob->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, cl.c_str()),ToV8<double>(probab_estimate[i]));
    Result->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "probability"),prob);
  return Result;
Beispiel #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
model = svm_load_model(argv[1]);

double * decision_value = new double[model->l];
int * predict_label = new int[model->l];
int * predict_state = new int[model->l];//1:TP 2:FP 3:TN 4:FN
double decval = 0;
int num_TP = 0;
int num_FP = 0;
int num_TN = 0;
int num_FN = 0;
printf("Reclassify the Support Vectors\n");
for(int i = 0; i < model->l; ++i)
predict_label[i] = svm_predict_values(model, model->SV[i], &decval);
decision_value[i] = decval;
if(model->sv_coef[0][i] > 0 && predict_label[i] == 1){
    predict_state[i] = 1;
    num_TP ++;
else if(model->sv_coef[0][i] <= 0 && predict_label[i] == 1){
    predict_state[i] = 2;
    num_FP ++;
else if(model->sv_coef[0][i] <= 0 && predict_label[i] == -1){
    predict_state[i] = 3;
    num_TN ++;
else if(model->sv_coef[0][i] > 0 && predict_label[i] == -1){
    predict_state[i] = 4;
    num_FN ++;
printf("\n TP:%d FP:%d TN:%d FN:%d\n",num_TP,num_FP,num_TN,num_FN);
int num_feature = 1250;

double *mean_1 = new double[num_feature];
double *mean_2 = new double[num_feature];
double *mean_P = new double[num_feature];
double *mean_N = new double[num_feature];

int *num_total = new int[num_feature];
int *num_P = new int[num_feature];
int *num_N = new int[num_feature];

double *var = new double[num_feature];
double *sigma = new double[num_feature];

double *zscore = new double[num_feature];

for(int i = 0; i < num_feature; ++i)
    mean_1[i] = 0;
    mean_2[i] = 0;
    mean_P[i] = 0;
    mean_N[i] = 0;

    num_total[i] = 0;
    num_P[i] = 0;
    num_N[i] = 0;

    var[i] = 0;
    sigma [i] = 0;
    zscore[i] = 0;
    for(int j = 0; j < model->l; ++j)
        int flag = 0;
        if(predict_state[j] == 1 || predict_state[j] == 3){
        for(int k = 0; model->SV[j][k].index != -1; k ++)
            if(model->SV[j][k].index == (i + 1))
            flag = 1;
            num_total[i] ++;
            mean_1[i] += model->SV[j][k].value;
            mean_2[i] += model->SV[j][k].value * model->SV[j][k].value;
            if(model->sv_coef[0][j] > 0){
                mean_P[i] += model->SV[j][k].value;
                mean_N[i] += model->SV[j][k].value;
        if(flag == 0){
        num_total[i] ++;
        if(model->sv_coef[0][j] > 0)

for(int i = 0; i < num_feature; ++i)
    printf("%d: total:%d ",i+1,num_total[i]);
    if(num_total[i] != 0){
    mean_1[i] /= num_total[i];
    mean_2[i] /= num_total[i];
    printf("mean_1:%f mean_2:%f ",mean_1[i],mean_2[i]);
    var[i] = mean_2[i] - mean_1[i] * mean_1[i];
    sigma[i] = sqrt(var[i]);
    printf("var:%f sigma:%f ",var[i],sigma[i]);
        if(num_P[i] != 0){
        mean_P[i] /= num_P[i];
        printf("mean_P:%f ",mean_P[i]);
        if(num_N[i] != 0){
        mean_N[i] /= num_N[i];
        printf("mean_N:%f ",mean_N[i]);
        if(num_P[i] != 0 && num_N[i] != 0 && var[i] != 0 && sigma[i]!= 0){
        zscore[i] = (mean_P[i] - mean_N[i])/sigma[i];
        printf("zscore:%f ",zscore[i]);
double *zscore_fabs = new double[num_feature];
int num_2 = 0;
int num_3 = 0;
int num_4 = 0;
int num_5 = 0;
int num_7 = 0;
int num_10 = 0;
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_feature; ++i){
    zscore_fabs[i] = fabs(zscore[i]);
    if(zscore_fabs[i] >= 0.2) num_2 ++;
    if(zscore_fabs[i] >= 0.3) num_3 ++;
    if(zscore_fabs[i] >= 0.4) num_4 ++;
    if(zscore_fabs[i] >= 0.5) num_5 ++;    
    if(zscore_fabs[i] >= 0.7) num_7 ++;
    if(zscore_fabs[i] >= 1.0) num_10 ++;
printf("Number of features whose zscore is\n");
double *zscore_fabs_select = new double[num_10];
int *idx_select = new int[num_10];
j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_feature; ++i){
    if(zscore_fabs[i] >= 1.0){
    idx_select[j] = i;
    zscore_fabs_select[j] = zscore_fabs[i];

//for(int i = 0; i < num_10; ++i)
//    printf("index:%d zscore:%f total:%d P:%d N:%d mean_1:%f mean_2:%f var:%f sigma:%f mean_P:%f mean_N:%f\n",idx_select[i],zscore[idx_select[i]],num_total[idx_select[i]],num_P[idx_select[i]],num_N[idx_select[i]],mean_1[idx_select[i]],mean_2[idx_select[i]],var[idx_select[i]],sigma[idx_select[i]],mean_P[idx_select[i]],mean_N[idx_select[i]]);
quicksort(zscore_fabs_select, idx_select, 0, num_10 - 1);
printf("Features whose zscore is bigger than 1.0:\n");
for(int i = num_10 - 1; i >= 0; --i)
    printf("index:%d zscore:%f mean_1:%f mean_2:%f var:%f sigma:%f mean_P:%f mean_N:%f\n",idx_select[i] + 1,zscore[idx_select[i]],mean_1[idx_select[i]],mean_2[idx_select[i]],var[idx_select[i]],sigma[idx_select[i]],mean_P[idx_select[i]],mean_N[idx_select[i]]);

double *threshold = new double[num_10];
double *TPR = new double[num_10];
double *FPR = new double[num_10];
double *ratio = new double[num_10];

printf("Rank the features by TPR/FPR ratio:\n");
for(int i = 0; i < num_10; ++i){
double threshold_1 = -1;
int TP = 0;
int FP = 0;
double ratio_1 = 0;
int index = idx_select[i];

//printf("index:%d zscore:%f ",index,zscore[index]);
if(zscore[index] > 0)
  for(double threshold_2 = mean_N[index]; threshold_2 <= mean_P[index] ; threshold_2 += 0.001){
    int TP_tmp = 0;
    int FP_tmp = 0;
    //ratio = 0;
    //threshold = -1;
    for(int j = 0; j < model->l ; ++j){
        int flag = 0;
        if(predict_state[j] == 1){
            for(int k = 0; model->SV[j][k].index != -1; k ++){
                if(model->SV[j][k].index == (index + 1)){
                    flag = 1;
                    if(model->SV[j][k].value > threshold_2)
            if(flag == 0){
            if( 0 > threshold_2)
                TP_tmp ++;
        else if(predict_state[j] == 3){
            for(int k = 0; model->SV[j][k].index != -1; k ++){
                if(model->SV[j][k].index == (index + 1)){
                    flag = 1;
                    if(model->SV[j][k].value > threshold_2)
                        FP_tmp ++;
            if(flag == 0){
            if( 0 > threshold_2)
                FP_tmp ++;
    //printf("threshold2:%f TP_tmp:%d FP_tmp:%d ratio_tmp:%f ",threshold_2,TP_tmp,FP_tmp,TP_tmp/FP_tmp);
    if(ratio_1 < (TP_tmp * 1.0 / FP_tmp)){
    TP = TP_tmp;
    FP = FP_tmp;
    ratio_1 = TP * 1.0 / FP;
    threshold_1 = threshold_2;
    //printf("threshold1:%f TP:%d FP:%d ratio:%f \n",threshold_1,TP,FP,ratio_1);
  for(double threshold_2 = mean_N[index]; threshold_2 >= mean_P[index] ; threshold_2 -= 0.001){
    int TP_tmp = 0;
    int FP_tmp = 0;
    //ratio = 0;
    //threshold = -1;
    for(int j = 0; j < model->l ; ++j){
        int flag = 0;
        if(predict_state[j] == 1){
            for(int k = 0; model->SV[j][k].index != -1; k ++){
                if(model->SV[j][k].index == (index + 1)){
                    flag = 1;
                    if(model->SV[j][k].value < threshold_2)
            if(flag == 0){
            if( 0 < threshold_2)
                TP_tmp ++;
        else if(predict_state[j] == 3){
            for(int k = 0; model->SV[j][k].index != -1; k ++){
                if(model->SV[j][k].index == (index + 1)){
                    flag = 1;
                    if(model->SV[j][k].value < threshold_2)
                        FP_tmp ++;
            if(flag == 0){
            if( 0 < threshold_2)
                FP_tmp ++;
    //printf("threshold2:%f TP_tmp:%d FP_tmp:%d ratio_tmp:%f ",threshold_2,TP_tmp,FP_tmp,TP_tmp * 1.0 /FP_tmp);
    if(ratio_1 < (TP_tmp * 1.0 / FP_tmp)){
    TP = TP_tmp;
    FP = FP_tmp;
    ratio_1 = TP * 1.0 / FP;
    threshold_1 = threshold_2;
    //printf("threshold1:%f TP:%d FP:%d ratio:%f \n",threshold_1,TP,FP,ratio_1);
//printf("TP:%d FP:%d ",TP,FP);
threshold[i] = threshold_1;
TPR[i] = TP * 1.0 / num_TP;
FPR[i] = FP * 1.0 / num_TN;
ratio[i] = ratio_1 * num_TN / num_TP;
//printf("threshold:%f TPR:%f FPR:%f ratio:%f \n",threshold[i],TPR[i],FPR[i],ratio[i]);
quicksort_2(ratio, idx_select, threshold, TPR, FPR, 0, num_10 - 1);
for(int i = num_10 - 1; i >= 0; --i){
    printf(" |   %d   |  %f  | %f | %f | %f | %f |\n",idx_select[i] + 1,zscore[idx_select[i]],threshold[i],TPR[i],FPR[i],ratio[i]);
    printf(" +---------+------------+-----------+----------+----------+-----------+\n");

int **state_P = new int*[num_10];
for(int i = 0; i < num_10; ++i){
    state_P[i] = new int[num_TP];
    memset(state_P[i], 0, sizeof(** state_P) * (num_TP));

int **state_N = new int*[num_10];
for(int i = 0; i < num_10; ++i){
    state_N[i] = new int[num_TN];
    memset(state_N[i], 0, sizeof(** state_N) * (num_TN));

for(int i = 0; i < num_10 ; ++i){
int count_P = 0;
int count_N = 0;
int index = idx_select[i];
if(zscore[index] > 0)
    for(int j = 0; j < model->l ; ++j){
        int flag = 0;
        if(predict_state[j] == 1){
            for(int k = 0; model->SV[j][k].index != -1; k ++){
                if(model->SV[j][k].index == (index + 1)){
                    flag = 1;
                    if(model->SV[j][k].value > threshold[i])
                        state_P[i][count_P] = 1;
            if(flag == 0){
            if( 0 > threshold[i])
                state_P[i][count_P] = 1;
            count_P ++;
        else if(predict_state[j] == 3){
            for(int k = 0; model->SV[j][k].index != -1; k ++){
                if(model->SV[j][k].index == (index + 1)){
                    flag = 1;
                    if(model->SV[j][k].value > threshold[i])
                        state_N[i][count_N] = 1;
            if(flag == 0){
            if( 0 > threshold[i])
                state_N[i][count_N] = 1;
            count_N ++;
    for(int j = 0; j < model->l ; ++j){
        int flag = 0;
        if(predict_state[j] == 1){
            for(int k = 0; model->SV[j][k].index != -1; k ++){
                if(model->SV[j][k].index == (index + 1)){
                    flag = 1;
                    if(model->SV[j][k].value < threshold[i])
                        state_P[i][count_P] = 1;
            if(flag == 0){
            if( 0 < threshold[1])
                state_P[i][count_P] = 1;
            count_P ++;
        else if(predict_state[j] == 3){
            for(int k = 0; model->SV[j][k].index != -1; k ++){
                if(model->SV[j][k].index == (index + 1)){
                    flag = 1;
                    if(model->SV[j][k].value < threshold[i])
                        state_N[i][count_N] = 1;
            if(flag == 0){
            if( 0 < threshold[i])
                state_N[i][count_N] = 1;
            count_N ++;
for(int i = 0; i < num_10; ++i){
    printf("index:%d ",idx_select[i]);
    double sum_TP = 0;
    double sum_FP = 0;
    for(int j = 0; j < num_TP; ++j)
        sum_TP += state_P[i][j];
    printf("TPR_1:%f TPR:%f ",sum_TP * 1.0 / num_TP, TPR[i]);
    for(int j = 0; j < num_TN; ++j)
        sum_FP += state_N[i][j];
    printf("FPR_1:%f FPR:%f ",sum_FP * 1.0 / num_TN, FPR[i]);

int *sum_state_P = new int[num_TP];
memset(sum_state_P, 0, sizeof(*sum_state_P) * (num_TP));

for(int i = 0; i < num_TP; ++i){
    for(int j = 0; j < num_10; ++j){
    //if(ratio[j] >= 10)
    sum_state_P[i] += state_P[j][i];
int sum_TP = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_TP; ++i){
    if(sum_state_P[i] >= 1) sum_state_P[i] = 1;
    sum_TP += sum_state_P[i];

int *sum_state_N = new int[num_TN];
memset(sum_state_N, 0, sizeof(*sum_state_N) * (num_TN));

for(int i = 0; i < num_TN; ++i){
    for(int j = 0; j < num_10; ++j){
    //if(ratio[j] >= 10)
    sum_state_N[i] += state_N[j][i];
int sum_FP = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_TN; ++i){
    if(sum_state_N[i] >= 1) sum_state_N[i] = 1;
    sum_FP += sum_state_N[i];

printf("total TP:%d total FP:%d \n", sum_TP, sum_FP);

int *rule_state_P = new int[num_TP];
memset(rule_state_P, 0, sizeof(*rule_state_P) * (num_TP));
int *rule_state_N = new int[num_TN];
memset(rule_state_N, 0, sizeof(*rule_state_N) * (num_TN));

int *rule_state = new int[num_10];
memset(rule_state, 0, sizeof(*rule_state) * (num_10));
rule_state[21] = 1;
rule_state[20] = 1;
rule_state[19] = 1;
rule_state[18] = 1;
rule_state[16] = 1;
rule_state[15] = 1;
rule_state[14] = 1;
rule_state[10] = 1;

int sum_TP_pre = 0;
int sum_TP_new = 0;
int sum_FP_pre = 0;
int sum_FP_new = 0;
for(int i = num_10 - 1; i >= 0; --i){
if(rule_state[i] == 1){
    sum_TP_new = 0;
    for(int j = 0; j < num_TP; ++j){
        rule_state_P[j] += state_P[i][j];
    for(int j = 0; j < num_TP; ++j){
    if(rule_state_P[j] >= 1) rule_state_P[j] = 1;
    sum_TP_new += rule_state_P[j];

    sum_FP_new = 0;
    for(int j = 0; j < num_TN; ++j){
        rule_state_N[j] += state_N[i][j];
    for(int j = 0; j < num_TN; ++j){
    if(rule_state_N[j] >= 1) rule_state_N[j] = 1;
    sum_FP_new += rule_state_N[j];
    //printf("index:%d new TP:%d new FP:%d \n",idx_select[i],sum_TP_new - sum_TP_pre, sum_FP_new - sum_FP_pre);
    sum_TP_pre = sum_TP_new;
    sum_FP_pre = sum_FP_new;
int rule_TP = sum_TP_new;
int rule_FP = sum_FP_new;
double rule_TPR = rule_TP * 1.0 / num_TP;
double rule_FPR = rule_FP * 1.0 / num_TN;
double rule_ratio = rule_TPR / rule_FPR ;

struct rule{
int index;
double threshold;
int state;
int num_rule = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_10; i ++)
    num_rule += rule_state[i];
struct rule *rule_set = new struct rule[num_rule];
int count_rule = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_10; i ++){
    if(rule_state[i] == 1){
    rule_set[count_rule].index = idx_select[i] + 1;
    rule_set[count_rule].threshold = threshold[i];
    rule_set[count_rule].state = zscore[idx_select[i]] > 0?1:-1;
printf("Rule Set:\n");
for(int i = 0; i < num_rule; i ++){
printf("%d %f %d \n",rule_set[i].index,rule_set[i].threshold,rule_set[i].state);
printf("TP:%d FP:%d TPR:%f FPR:%f ratio:%f \n",rule_TP,rule_FP,rule_TPR,rule_FPR,rule_ratio);

}//end of main