Beispiel #1
void xenDemoSetPaused(bool bPaused){ 
Beispiel #2
 * Task to setup traffic light timer to send packets
void prvTrafficLightTask( void *pvParameters ) {

	// Setup timer to start the state machine
	// Send packet every 5 seconds
	sendTrafficLight = swTimerInit( 5000, REPEAT, prvSendTrafficLightCallback );

	// Initialize the first state
	light_system_state = state_1;

	// Initialize the transition times
	timer_NS = 25;
	timer_EW = 30;

	swTimerStart(sendTrafficLight, 0);

	// Let task run infinitely
	for(;;) {

		// Process any incoming packets
		if( process_packet ) {
			// Create local string to represent the packet
			char* packet = pvPortMalloc( MAX_LENGTH*sizeof(uint8_t) );

			// Pop packet from queue
			xQueueReceive( xPacketQueue, packet, 0 );

			// Process packet
			handlePacket( packet );

			// Free variables
			vPortFree( packet );

			// Reset process_packet
			process_packet = FALSE;

		// Send updated traffic packets
		if( update_traffic ) {
			// Light states
			systemState current_lights = current_system_state[light_system_state];

			// Create Header
			Header* traffic_header = pvPortMalloc( sizeof(Header) );
			traffic_header->addr = MY_ADDR;
			traffic_header->mode = allModes;

			// Iterate through all SAVs
			uint8_t sav;
			for(sav=0; sav<NUMBER_SAV; sav++){
				// Check if active
				if( wifi_channel_active[sav] == TRUE ) {
					// Define destination
					traffic_header->dest = sav;

					// Send current state packet
//					traffic_header->type = trafficLightCurrent;
//					sendTrafficLightCurrent( traffic_header, current_lights.northSouth, current_lights.eastWest );

					// Send future state packet
					traffic_header->type = trafficLightFuture;
//					sendTrafficLightFuture( traffic_header, next_light_state[current_lights.northSouth], timer_NS,
//															next_light_state[current_lights.eastWest], timer_EW );
					sendTrafficLightFuture( traffic_header, current_lights.northSouth, timer_NS,
															current_lights.eastWest, timer_EW );

			// Reset flag
			update_traffic = FALSE;

			// Free variables
			vPortFree( traffic_header );