Beispiel #1
	//! draws an indexed triangle list
	virtual void drawIndexedTriangleList(S2DVertex* vertices, s32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, s32 triangleCount)
		const S2DVertex *v1, *v2, *v3;

		u16 color;
		f32 tmpDiv; // temporary division factor
		f32 longest; // saves the longest span
		s32 height; // saves height of triangle
		u16* targetSurface; // target pointer where to plot pixels
		s32 spanEnd; // saves end of spans
		f32 leftdeltaxf; // amount of pixels to increase on left side of triangle
		f32 rightdeltaxf; // amount of pixels to increase on right side of triangle
		s32 leftx, rightx; // position where we are 
		f32 leftxf, rightxf; // same as above, but as f32 values
		s32 span; // current span
		u16 *hSpanBegin, *hSpanEnd; // pointer used when plotting pixels
		core::rect<s32> TriangleRect;

		s32 leftZValue, rightZValue;
		s32 leftZStep, rightZStep;
		s32 spanZValue, spanZStep; // ZValues when drawing a span
		TZBufferType* zTarget, *spanZTarget; // target of ZBuffer;

		lockedSurface = (u16*)RenderTarget->lock();
		lockedZBuffer = ZBuffer->lock();
		for (s32 i=0; i<triangleCount; ++i)
			v1 = &vertices[*indexList];
			v2 = &vertices[*indexList];
			v3 = &vertices[*indexList];

			// back face culling

			if (BackFaceCullingEnabled)
				s32 z = ((v3->Pos.X - v1->Pos.X) * (v3->Pos.Y - v2->Pos.Y)) -
					((v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y) * (v3->Pos.X - v2->Pos.X));

				if (z < 0)

			//near plane clipping

			if (v1->ZValue<0 && v2->ZValue<0 && v3->ZValue<0)

			// sort for width for inscreen clipping

			if (v1->Pos.X > v2->Pos.X)	swapVertices(&v1, &v2);
			if (v1->Pos.X > v3->Pos.X)	swapVertices(&v1, &v3);
			if (v2->Pos.X > v3->Pos.X)	swapVertices(&v2, &v3);

			if ((v1->Pos.X - v3->Pos.X) == 0)

			TriangleRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = v1->Pos.X;
			TriangleRect.LowerRightCorner.X = v3->Pos.X;

			// sort for height for faster drawing.

			if (v1->Pos.Y > v2->Pos.Y)	swapVertices(&v1, &v2);
			if (v1->Pos.Y > v3->Pos.Y)	swapVertices(&v1, &v3);
			if (v2->Pos.Y > v3->Pos.Y)	swapVertices(&v2, &v3);

			TriangleRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = v1->Pos.Y;
			TriangleRect.LowerRightCorner.Y = v3->Pos.Y;

			if (!TriangleRect.isRectCollided(ViewPortRect))

			// calculate height of triangle
			height = v3->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y;
			if (!height)

			// calculate longest span

			longest = (v2->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y) / (f32)height * (v3->Pos.X - v1->Pos.X) + (v1->Pos.X - v2->Pos.X);

			spanEnd = v2->Pos.Y;
			span = v1->Pos.Y;
			leftxf = (f32)v1->Pos.X;
			rightxf = (f32)v1->Pos.X;

			leftZValue = v1->ZValue;
			rightZValue = v1->ZValue;

			color = v1->Color;

			targetSurface = lockedSurface + span * SurfaceWidth;
			zTarget = lockedZBuffer + span * SurfaceWidth;

			if (longest < 0.0f)
				tmpDiv = 1.0f / (f32)(v2->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y);
				rightdeltaxf = (v2->Pos.X - v1->Pos.X) * tmpDiv;
				rightZStep = (s32)((v2->ZValue - v1->ZValue) * tmpDiv);

				tmpDiv = 1.0f / (f32)height;
				leftdeltaxf = (v3->Pos.X - v1->Pos.X) * tmpDiv;
				leftZStep = (s32)((v3->ZValue - v1->ZValue) * tmpDiv);
				tmpDiv = 1.0f / (f32)height;
				rightdeltaxf = (v3->Pos.X - v1->Pos.X) * tmpDiv;
				rightZStep = (s32)((v3->ZValue - v1->ZValue) * tmpDiv);

				tmpDiv = 1.0f / (f32)(v2->Pos.Y - v1->Pos.Y);
				leftdeltaxf = (v2->Pos.X - v1->Pos.X) * tmpDiv;
				leftZStep = (s32)((v2->ZValue - v1->ZValue) * tmpDiv);

			// do it twice, once for the first half of the triangle,
			// end then for the second half.

			for (s32 triangleHalf=0; triangleHalf<2; ++triangleHalf)
				if (spanEnd > ViewPortRect.LowerRightCorner.Y)
					spanEnd = ViewPortRect.LowerRightCorner.Y;

				// if the span <0, than we can skip these spans, 
				// and proceed to the next spans which are really on the screen.
				if (span < ViewPortRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y)
					// we'll use leftx as temp variable
					if (spanEnd < ViewPortRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y)
						leftx = spanEnd - span;
						span = spanEnd;
						leftx = ViewPortRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y - span; 
						span = ViewPortRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y;

					leftxf += leftdeltaxf*leftx;
					rightxf += rightdeltaxf*leftx;
					targetSurface += SurfaceWidth*leftx;
					zTarget += SurfaceWidth*leftx;
					leftZValue += leftZStep*leftx;
					rightZValue += rightZStep*leftx;

				// the main loop. Go through every span and draw it.

				while (span < spanEnd)
					leftx = (s32)(leftxf);
					rightx = (s32)(rightxf + 0.5f);

					// perform some clipping

					// TODO: clipping is not correct when leftx is clipped.

					if (leftx<ViewPortRect.UpperLeftCorner.X)
						leftx = ViewPortRect.UpperLeftCorner.X;
						if (leftx>ViewPortRect.LowerRightCorner.X)
							leftx = ViewPortRect.LowerRightCorner.X;

					if (rightx<ViewPortRect.UpperLeftCorner.X)
						rightx = ViewPortRect.UpperLeftCorner.X;
						if (rightx>ViewPortRect.LowerRightCorner.X)
							rightx = ViewPortRect.LowerRightCorner.X;

					// draw the span

					if (rightx - leftx != 0)
						tmpDiv = 1.0f / (rightx - leftx);
						spanZValue = leftZValue;
						spanZStep = (s32)((rightZValue - leftZValue) * tmpDiv);

						hSpanBegin = targetSurface + leftx;
						spanZTarget = zTarget + leftx;
						hSpanEnd = targetSurface + rightx;

						while (hSpanBegin < hSpanEnd)
							if (spanZValue > *spanZTarget)
								*spanZTarget = spanZValue;
								*hSpanBegin = color;

							spanZValue += spanZStep;

					leftxf += leftdeltaxf;
					rightxf += rightdeltaxf;
					targetSurface += SurfaceWidth;
					zTarget += SurfaceWidth;
					leftZValue += leftZStep;
					rightZValue += rightZStep;

				if (triangleHalf>0) // break, we've gout only two halves

				// setup variables for second half of the triangle.

				if (longest < 0.0f)
					tmpDiv = 1.0f / (v3->Pos.Y - v2->Pos.Y);

					rightdeltaxf = (v3->Pos.X - v2->Pos.X) * tmpDiv;
					rightxf = (f32)v2->Pos.X;

					rightZValue = v2->ZValue;
					rightZStep = (s32)((v3->ZValue - v2->ZValue) * tmpDiv);
					tmpDiv = 1.0f / (v3->Pos.Y - v2->Pos.Y);

					leftdeltaxf = (v3->Pos.X - v2->Pos.X) * tmpDiv;
					leftxf = (f32)v2->Pos.X;

					leftZValue = v2->ZValue;
					leftZStep = (s32)((v3->ZValue - v2->ZValue) * tmpDiv);

				spanEnd = v3->Pos.Y;


void CTRTextureDetailMap2::drawTriangle ( const s4DVertex *a,const s4DVertex *b,const s4DVertex *c )
	sScanConvertData scan;
	sScanLineData line;

	// sort on height, y
	if ( a->Pos.y > b->Pos.y ) swapVertices(&a, &b);
	if ( a->Pos.y > c->Pos.y ) swapVertices(&a, &c);
	if ( b->Pos.y > c->Pos.y ) swapVertices(&b, &c);

	// calculate delta y of the edges
	scan.invDeltaY[0] = c->Pos.y - a->Pos.y;
	scan.invDeltaY[1] = b->Pos.y - a->Pos.y;
	scan.invDeltaY[2] = c->Pos.y - b->Pos.y;

	scan.invDeltaY[0] = inverse32 ( scan.invDeltaY[0] );
	scan.invDeltaY[1] = inverse32 ( scan.invDeltaY[1] );
	scan.invDeltaY[2] = inverse32 ( scan.invDeltaY[2] );

	if ( (f32) 0.0 == scan.invDeltaY[0] )

	// find if the major edge is left or right aligned
	f32 temp[4];

	temp[0] = a->Pos.x - c->Pos.x;
	temp[1] = a->Pos.y - c->Pos.y;
	temp[2] = b->Pos.x - a->Pos.x;
	temp[3] = b->Pos.y - a->Pos.y;

	scan.left = ( temp[0] * temp[3] - temp[1] * temp[2] ) > (f32) 0.0 ? 0 : 1;
	scan.right = 1 - scan.left;

	// calculate slopes for the major edge
	scan.slopeX[0] = (c->Pos.x - a->Pos.x) * scan.invDeltaY[0];
	scan.x[0] = a->Pos.x;

#ifdef IPOL_Z
	scan.slopeZ[0] = (c->Pos.z - a->Pos.z) * scan.invDeltaY[0];
	scan.z[0] = a->Pos.z;

#ifdef IPOL_W
	scan.slopeW[0] = (c->Pos.w - a->Pos.w) * scan.invDeltaY[0];
	scan.w[0] = a->Pos.w;

#ifdef IPOL_C
	scan.slopeC[0] = (c->Color - a->Color) * scan.invDeltaY[0];
	scan.c[0] = a->Color;

#ifdef IPOL_T0
	scan.slopeT0[0] = (c->Tex0 - a->Tex0) * scan.invDeltaY[0];
	scan.t0[0] = a->Tex0;

#ifdef IPOL_T1
	scan.slopeT1[0] = (c->Tex1 - a->Tex1) * scan.invDeltaY[0];
	scan.t1[0] = a->Tex1;

	// top left fill convention y run
	s32 yStart;
	s32 yEnd;
	s32 y;

	f32 subPixel;

	lockedSurface = (tVideoSample*)RenderTarget->lock();

#ifdef IPOL_Z
	lockedZBuffer = ZBuffer->lock();

#ifdef IPOL_T0
	IT[0].data = (tVideoSample*)IT[0].Texture->lock();

#ifdef IPOL_T1
	IT[1].data = (tVideoSample*)IT[1].Texture->lock();

	// rasterize upper sub-triangle
	if ( (f32) 0.0 != scan.invDeltaY[1]  )
		// calculate slopes for top edge
		scan.slopeX[1] = (b->Pos.x - a->Pos.x) * scan.invDeltaY[1];
		scan.x[1] = a->Pos.x;

#ifdef IPOL_Z
		scan.slopeZ[1] = (b->Pos.z - a->Pos.z) * scan.invDeltaY[1];
		scan.z[1] = a->Pos.z;

#ifdef IPOL_W
		scan.slopeW[1] = (b->Pos.w - a->Pos.w) * scan.invDeltaY[1];
		scan.w[1] = a->Pos.w;

#ifdef IPOL_C
		scan.slopeC[1] = (b->Color - a->Color) * scan.invDeltaY[1];
		scan.c[1] = a->Color;

#ifdef IPOL_T0
		scan.slopeT0[1] = (b->Tex0 - a->Tex0) * scan.invDeltaY[1];
		scan.t0[1] = a->Tex0;

#ifdef IPOL_T1
		scan.slopeT1[1] = (b->Tex1 - a->Tex1) * scan.invDeltaY[1];
		scan.t1[1] = a->Tex1;

		// apply top-left fill convention, top part
		yStart = ceil32( a->Pos.y );
		yEnd = ceil32( b->Pos.y ) - 1;

		subPixel = ( (f32) yStart ) - a->Pos.y;

		// correct to pixel center
		scan.x[0] += scan.slopeX[0] * subPixel;
		scan.x[1] += scan.slopeX[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_Z
		scan.z[0] += scan.slopeZ[0] * subPixel;
		scan.z[1] += scan.slopeZ[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_W
		scan.w[0] += scan.slopeW[0] * subPixel;
		scan.w[1] += scan.slopeW[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_C
		scan.c[0] += scan.slopeC[0] * subPixel;
		scan.c[1] += scan.slopeC[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_T0
		scan.t0[0] += scan.slopeT0[0] * subPixel;
		scan.t0[1] += scan.slopeT0[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_T1
		scan.t1[0] += scan.slopeT1[0] * subPixel;
		scan.t1[1] += scan.slopeT1[1] * subPixel;		


		// rasterize the edge scanlines
		for( y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y)
			line.y = y;

			line.x[scan.left] = scan.x[0];
			line.x[scan.right] = scan.x[1];

#ifdef IPOL_Z
			line.z[scan.left] = scan.z[0];
			line.z[scan.right] = scan.z[1];

#ifdef IPOL_W
			line.w[scan.left] = scan.w[0];
			line.w[scan.right] = scan.w[1];

#ifdef IPOL_C
			line.c[scan.left] = scan.c[0];
			line.c[scan.right] = scan.c[1];

#ifdef IPOL_T0
			line.t0[scan.left] = scan.t0[0];
			line.t0[scan.right] = scan.t0[1];

#ifdef IPOL_T1
			line.t1[scan.left] = scan.t1[0];
			line.t1[scan.right] = scan.t1[1];

			// render a scanline
			scanline_bilinear ( &line );

			scan.x[0] += scan.slopeX[0];
			scan.x[1] += scan.slopeX[1];

#ifdef IPOL_Z
			scan.z[0] += scan.slopeZ[0];
			scan.z[1] += scan.slopeZ[1];

#ifdef IPOL_W
			scan.w[0] += scan.slopeW[0];
			scan.w[1] += scan.slopeW[1];

#ifdef IPOL_C
			scan.c[0] += scan.slopeC[0];
			scan.c[1] += scan.slopeC[1];

#ifdef IPOL_T0
			scan.t0[0] += scan.slopeT0[0];
			scan.t0[1] += scan.slopeT0[1];

#ifdef IPOL_T1
			scan.t1[0] += scan.slopeT1[0];
			scan.t1[1] += scan.slopeT1[1];


	// rasterize lower sub-triangle
	if ( (f32) 0.0 != scan.invDeltaY[2] )
		// advance to middle point
		if( (f32) 0.0 != scan.invDeltaY[1] )
			temp[0] = b->Pos.y - a->Pos.y;	// dy

			scan.x[0] = a->Pos.x + scan.slopeX[0] * temp[0];
#ifdef IPOL_Z
			scan.z[0] = a->Pos.z + scan.slopeZ[0] * temp[0];
#ifdef IPOL_W
			scan.w[0] = a->Pos.w + scan.slopeW[0] * temp[0];
#ifdef IPOL_C
			scan.c[0] = a->Color + scan.slopeC[0] * temp[0];
#ifdef IPOL_T0
			scan.t0[0] = a->Tex0 + scan.slopeT0[0] * temp[0];
#ifdef IPOL_T1
			scan.t1[0] = a->Tex1 + scan.slopeT1[0] * temp[0];


		// calculate slopes for bottom edge
		scan.slopeX[1] = (c->Pos.x - b->Pos.x) * scan.invDeltaY[2];
		scan.x[1] = b->Pos.x;

#ifdef IPOL_Z
		scan.slopeZ[1] = (c->Pos.z - b->Pos.z) * scan.invDeltaY[2];
		scan.z[1] = b->Pos.z;

#ifdef IPOL_W
		scan.slopeW[1] = (c->Pos.w - b->Pos.w) * scan.invDeltaY[2];
		scan.w[1] = b->Pos.w;

#ifdef IPOL_C
		scan.slopeC[1] = (c->Color - b->Color) * scan.invDeltaY[2];
		scan.c[1] = b->Color;

#ifdef IPOL_T0
		scan.slopeT0[1] = (c->Tex0 - b->Tex0) * scan.invDeltaY[2];
		scan.t0[1] = b->Tex0;

#ifdef IPOL_T1
		scan.slopeT1[1] = (c->Tex1 - b->Tex1) * scan.invDeltaY[2];
		scan.t1[1] = b->Tex1;

		// apply top-left fill convention, top part
		yStart = ceil32( b->Pos.y );
		yEnd = ceil32( c->Pos.y ) - 1;


		subPixel = ( (f32) yStart ) - b->Pos.y;

		// correct to pixel center
		scan.x[0] += scan.slopeX[0] * subPixel;
		scan.x[1] += scan.slopeX[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_Z
		scan.z[0] += scan.slopeZ[0] * subPixel;
		scan.z[1] += scan.slopeZ[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_W
		scan.w[0] += scan.slopeW[0] * subPixel;
		scan.w[1] += scan.slopeW[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_C
		scan.c[0] += scan.slopeC[0] * subPixel;
		scan.c[1] += scan.slopeC[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_T0
		scan.t0[0] += scan.slopeT0[0] * subPixel;
		scan.t0[1] += scan.slopeT0[1] * subPixel;		

#ifdef IPOL_T1
		scan.t1[0] += scan.slopeT1[0] * subPixel;
		scan.t1[1] += scan.slopeT1[1] * subPixel;		


		// rasterize the edge scanlines
		for( y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y)
			line.y = y;
			line.x[scan.left] = scan.x[0];
			line.x[scan.right] = scan.x[1];

#ifdef IPOL_Z
			line.z[scan.left] = scan.z[0];
			line.z[scan.right] = scan.z[1];

#ifdef IPOL_W
			line.w[scan.left] = scan.w[0];
			line.w[scan.right] = scan.w[1];

#ifdef IPOL_C
			line.c[scan.left] = scan.c[0];
			line.c[scan.right] = scan.c[1];

#ifdef IPOL_T0
			line.t0[scan.left] = scan.t0[0];
			line.t0[scan.right] = scan.t0[1];

#ifdef IPOL_T1
			line.t1[scan.left] = scan.t1[0];
			line.t1[scan.right] = scan.t1[1];

			// render a scanline
			scanline_bilinear ( &line );

			scan.x[0] += scan.slopeX[0];
			scan.x[1] += scan.slopeX[1];

#ifdef IPOL_Z
			scan.z[0] += scan.slopeZ[0];
			scan.z[1] += scan.slopeZ[1];

#ifdef IPOL_W
			scan.w[0] += scan.slopeW[0];
			scan.w[1] += scan.slopeW[1];

#ifdef IPOL_C
			scan.c[0] += scan.slopeC[0];
			scan.c[1] += scan.slopeC[1];

#ifdef IPOL_T0
			scan.t0[0] += scan.slopeT0[0];
			scan.t0[1] += scan.slopeT0[1];

#ifdef IPOL_T1
			scan.t1[0] += scan.slopeT1[0];
			scan.t1[1] += scan.slopeT1[1];



#ifdef IPOL_Z

#ifdef IPOL_T0

#ifdef IPOL_T1
