Beispiel #1
void ata_mass_storage_device::ide_build_identify_device()
	memset(m_identify_buffer, 0, sizeof(m_identify_buffer));
	int total_sectors = m_num_cylinders * m_num_heads * m_num_sectors;

	/* basic geometry */
	m_identify_buffer[0] = 0x045a;                    /*  0: configuration bits */
	m_identify_buffer[1] = m_num_cylinders;           /*  1: logical cylinders */
	m_identify_buffer[2] = 0;                         /*  2: reserved */
	m_identify_buffer[3] = m_num_heads;               /*  3: logical heads */
	m_identify_buffer[4] = 0;                         /*  4: vendor specific (obsolete) */
	m_identify_buffer[5] = 0;                         /*  5: vendor specific (obsolete) */
	m_identify_buffer[6] = m_num_sectors;             /*  6: logical sectors per logical track */
	m_identify_buffer[7] = 0;                         /*  7: vendor-specific */
	m_identify_buffer[8] = 0;                         /*  8: vendor-specific */
	m_identify_buffer[9] = 0;                         /*  9: vendor-specific */
	swap_strncpy(&m_identify_buffer[10],               /* 10-19: serial number */
			"00000000000000000000", 10);
	m_identify_buffer[20] = 0;                         /* 20: vendor-specific */
	m_identify_buffer[21] = 0;                         /* 21: vendor-specific */
	m_identify_buffer[22] = 4;                         /* 22: # of vendor-specific bytes on read/write long commands */
	swap_strncpy(&m_identify_buffer[23],               /* 23-26: firmware revision */
			"1.0", 4);
	swap_strncpy(&m_identify_buffer[27],               /* 27-46: model number */
			"MAME Compressed Hard Disk", 20);
	m_identify_buffer[47] = 0x8001;                    /* 47: read/write multiple support */
	m_identify_buffer[48] = 0;                         /* 48: reserved */
	m_identify_buffer[49] = 0x0f03;                    /* 49: capabilities */
	m_identify_buffer[50] = 0;                         /* 50: reserved */
	m_identify_buffer[51] = 2;                         /* 51: PIO data transfer cycle timing mode */
	m_identify_buffer[52] = 2;                         /* 52: single word DMA transfer cycle timing mode */
	m_identify_buffer[53] = 3;                         /* 53: field validity */
	m_identify_buffer[54] = m_num_cylinders;           /* 54: number of current logical cylinders */
	m_identify_buffer[55] = m_num_heads;               /* 55: number of current logical heads */
	m_identify_buffer[56] = m_num_sectors;             /* 56: number of current logical sectors per track */
	m_identify_buffer[57] = total_sectors & 0xffff;    /* 57-58: current capacity in sectors (ATA-1 through ATA-5; obsoleted in ATA-6) */
	m_identify_buffer[58] = total_sectors >> 16;
	m_identify_buffer[59] = 0;                         /* 59: multiple sector timing */
	m_identify_buffer[60] = total_sectors & 0xffff;    /* 60-61: total user addressable sectors for LBA mode (ATA-1 through ATA-7) */
	m_identify_buffer[61] = total_sectors >> 16;
	m_identify_buffer[62] = 0x0007;                    /* 62: single word dma transfer */
	m_identify_buffer[63] = 0x0407;                    /* 63: multiword DMA transfer */
	m_identify_buffer[64] = 0x0003;                    /* 64: flow control PIO transfer modes supported */
	m_identify_buffer[65] = 0x78;                      /* 65: minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word */
	m_identify_buffer[66] = 0x78;                      /* 66: mfr's recommended multiword DMA transfer cycle time */
	m_identify_buffer[67] = 0x014d;                    /* 67: minimum PIO transfer cycle time without flow control */
	m_identify_buffer[68] = 0x78;                      /* 68: minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY */
	m_identify_buffer[69] = 0x00;                      /* 69-70: reserved */
	m_identify_buffer[71] = 0x00;                      /* 71: reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET command */
	m_identify_buffer[72] = 0x00;                      /* 72: reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET command */
	m_identify_buffer[73] = 0x00;                      /* 73: reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET command */
	m_identify_buffer[74] = 0x00;                      /* 74: reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET command */
	m_identify_buffer[75] = 0x00;                      /* 75: queue depth */
	m_identify_buffer[76] = 0x00;                      /* 76-79: reserved */
	m_identify_buffer[80] = 0x00;                      /* 80: major version number */
	m_identify_buffer[81] = 0x00;                      /* 81: minor version number */
	m_identify_buffer[82] = 0x00;                      /* 82: command set supported */
	m_identify_buffer[83] = 0x00;                      /* 83: command sets supported */
	m_identify_buffer[84] = 0x00;                      /* 84: command set/feature supported extension */
	m_identify_buffer[85] = 0x00;                      /* 85: command set/feature enabled */
	m_identify_buffer[86] = 0x00;                      /* 86: command set/feature enabled */
	m_identify_buffer[87] = 0x00;                      /* 87: command set/feature default */
	m_identify_buffer[88] = 0x00;                      /* 88: additional DMA modes */
	m_identify_buffer[89] = 0x00;                      /* 89: time required for security erase unit completion */
	m_identify_buffer[90] = 0x00;                      /* 90: time required for enhanced security erase unit completion */
	m_identify_buffer[91] = 0x00;                      /* 91: current advanced power management value */
	m_identify_buffer[92] = 0x00;                      /* 92: master password revision code */
	m_identify_buffer[93] = 0x00;                      /* 93: hardware reset result */
	m_identify_buffer[94] = 0x00;                      /* 94: acoustic management values */
	m_identify_buffer[95] = 0x00;                      /* 95-99: reserved */
	m_identify_buffer[100] = total_sectors & 0xffff;   /* 100-103: maximum 48-bit LBA */
	m_identify_buffer[101] = total_sectors >> 16;
	m_identify_buffer[102] = 0x00;
	m_identify_buffer[103] = 0x00;
	m_identify_buffer[104] = 0x00;                     /* 104-126: reserved */
	m_identify_buffer[127] = 0x00;                     /* 127: removable media status notification */
	m_identify_buffer[128] = 0x00;                     /* 128: security status */
	m_identify_buffer[129] = 0x00;                     /* 129-159: vendor specific */
	m_identify_buffer[160] = 0x00;                     /* 160: CFA power mode 1 */
	m_identify_buffer[161] = 0x00;                     /* 161-175: reserved for CompactFlash */
	m_identify_buffer[176] = 0x00;                     /* 176-205: current media serial number */
	m_identify_buffer[206] = 0x00;                     /* 206-254: reserved */
	m_identify_buffer[255] = 0x00;                     /* 255: integrity word */
Beispiel #2
static void ide_build_features(struct ide_state *ide)
	int total_sectors = ide->num_cylinders * ide->num_heads * ide->num_sectors;
	int sectors_per_track = ide->num_heads * ide->num_sectors;

	memset(ide->buffer, 0, IDE_DISK_SECTOR_SIZE);

	/* basic geometry */
	ide->features[ 0*2+0] = 0x5a;						/*  0: configuration bits */
	ide->features[ 0*2+1] = 0x04;
	ide->features[ 1*2+0] = ide->num_cylinders & 0xff;	/*  1: logical cylinders */
	ide->features[ 1*2+1] = ide->num_cylinders >> 8;
	ide->features[ 2*2+0] = 0;							/*  2: reserved */
	ide->features[ 2*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[ 3*2+0] = ide->num_heads & 0xff;		/*  3: logical heads */
	ide->features[ 3*2+1] = ide->num_heads >> 8;
	ide->features[ 4*2+0] = 0;							/*  4: vendor specific (obsolete) */
	ide->features[ 4*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[ 5*2+0] = 0;							/*  5: vendor specific (obsolete) */
	ide->features[ 5*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[ 6*2+0] = ide->num_sectors & 0xff;	/*  6: logical sectors per logical track */
	ide->features[ 6*2+1] = ide->num_sectors >> 8;
	ide->features[ 7*2+0] = 0;							/*  7: vendor-specific */
	ide->features[ 7*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[ 8*2+0] = 0;							/*  8: vendor-specific */
	ide->features[ 8*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[ 9*2+0] = 0;							/*  9: vendor-specific */
	ide->features[ 9*2+1] = 0;
	swap_strncpy(&ide->features[10*2+0], 				/* 10-19: serial number */
			"00000000000000000000", 10);
	ide->features[20*2+0] = 0;							/* 20: vendor-specific */
	ide->features[20*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[21*2+0] = 0;							/* 21: vendor-specific */
	ide->features[21*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[22*2+0] = 4;							/* 22: # of vendor-specific bytes on read/write long commands */
	ide->features[22*2+1] = 0;
	swap_strncpy(&ide->features[23*2+0], 				/* 23-26: firmware revision */
			"1.0", 4);
	swap_strncpy(&ide->features[27*2+0], 				/* 27-46: model number */
			"MAME Compressed Hard Disk", 20);
	ide->features[47*2+0] = 0x01;						/* 47: read/write multiple support */
	ide->features[47*2+1] = 0x80;
	ide->features[48*2+0] = 0;							/* 48: reserved */
	ide->features[48*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[49*2+0] = 0x03;						/* 49: capabilities */
	ide->features[49*2+1] = 0x0f;
	ide->features[50*2+0] = 0;							/* 50: reserved */
	ide->features[50*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[51*2+0] = 2;							/* 51: PIO data transfer cycle timing mode */
	ide->features[51*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[52*2+0] = 2;							/* 52: single word DMA transfer cycle timing mode */
	ide->features[52*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[53*2+0] = 3;							/* 53: field validity */
	ide->features[53*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[54*2+0] = ide->num_cylinders & 0xff;	/* 54: number of current logical cylinders */
	ide->features[54*2+1] = ide->num_cylinders >> 8;
	ide->features[55*2+0] = ide->num_heads & 0xff;		/* 55: number of current logical heads */
	ide->features[55*2+1] = ide->num_heads >> 8;
	ide->features[56*2+0] = ide->num_sectors & 0xff;	/* 56: number of current logical sectors per track */
	ide->features[56*2+1] = ide->num_sectors >> 8;
	ide->features[57*2+0] = sectors_per_track & 0xff;	/* 57-58: number of current logical sectors per track */
	ide->features[57*2+1] = sectors_per_track >> 8;
	ide->features[58*2+0] = sectors_per_track >> 16;
	ide->features[58*2+1] = sectors_per_track >> 24;
	ide->features[59*2+0] = 0;							/* 59: multiple sector timing */
	ide->features[59*2+1] = 0;
	ide->features[60*2+0] = total_sectors & 0xff;		/* 60-61: total user addressable sectors */
	ide->features[60*2+1] = total_sectors >> 8;
	ide->features[61*2+0] = total_sectors >> 16;
	ide->features[61*2+1] = total_sectors >> 24;
	ide->features[62*2+0] = 0x07;						/* 62: single word dma transfer */
	ide->features[62*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[63*2+0] = 0x07;						/* 63: multiword DMA transfer */
	ide->features[63*2+1] = 0x04;
	ide->features[64*2+0] = 0x03;						/* 64: flow control PIO transfer modes supported */
	ide->features[64*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[65*2+0] = 0x78;						/* 65: minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word */
	ide->features[65*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[66*2+0] = 0x78;						/* 66: mfr's recommended multiword DMA transfer cycle time */
	ide->features[66*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[67*2+0] = 0x4d;						/* 67: minimum PIO transfer cycle time without flow control */
	ide->features[67*2+1] = 0x01;
	ide->features[68*2+0] = 0x78;						/* 68: minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY */
	ide->features[68*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[69*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 69-70: reserved */
	ide->features[69*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[71*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 71: reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET command */
	ide->features[71*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[72*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 72: reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET command */
	ide->features[72*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[73*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 73: reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET command */
	ide->features[73*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[74*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 74: reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET command */
	ide->features[74*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[75*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 75: queue depth */
	ide->features[75*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[76*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 76-79: reserved */
	ide->features[76*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[80*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 80: major version number */
	ide->features[80*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[81*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 81: minor version number */
	ide->features[81*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[82*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 82: command set supported */
	ide->features[82*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[83*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 83: command sets supported */
	ide->features[83*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[84*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 84: command set/feature supported extension */
	ide->features[84*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[85*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 85: command set/feature enabled */
	ide->features[85*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[86*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 86: command set/feature enabled */
	ide->features[86*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[87*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 87: command set/feature default */
	ide->features[87*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[88*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 88: additional DMA modes */
	ide->features[88*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[89*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 89: time required for security erase unit completion */
	ide->features[89*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[90*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 90: time required for enhanced security erase unit completion */
	ide->features[90*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[91*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 91: current advanced power management value */
	ide->features[91*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[92*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 92: master password revision code */
	ide->features[92*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[93*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 93: hardware reset result */
	ide->features[93*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[94*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 94: acoustic management values */
	ide->features[94*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[95*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 95-99: reserved */
	ide->features[95*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[100*2+0] = total_sectors & 0xff;		/* 100-103: maximum 48-bit LBA */
	ide->features[100*2+1] = total_sectors >> 8;
	ide->features[101*2+0] = total_sectors >> 16;
	ide->features[101*2+1] = total_sectors >> 24;
	ide->features[102*2+0] = 0x00;
	ide->features[102*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[103*2+0] = 0x00;
	ide->features[103*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[104*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 104-126: reserved */
	ide->features[104*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[127*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 127: removable media status notification */
	ide->features[127*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[128*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 128: security status */
	ide->features[128*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[129*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 129-159: vendor specific */
	ide->features[129*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[160*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 160: CFA power mode 1 */
	ide->features[160*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[161*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 161-175: reserved for CompactFlash */
	ide->features[161*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[176*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 176-205: current media serial number */
	ide->features[176*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[206*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 206-254: reserved */
	ide->features[206*2+1] = 0x00;
	ide->features[255*2+0] = 0x00;						/* 255: integrity word */
	ide->features[255*2+1] = 0x00;