Beispiel #1
void zVerse::findOffset(char testmt, long idxoff, long *start, unsigned short *size, unsigned long *buffnum) const
	__u32 ulBuffNum    = 0;	          // buffer number
	__u32 ulVerseStart = 0;	       // verse offset within buffer
	__u16 usVerseSize  = 0;	       // verse size
	// set start to offset in
	// set size to
	// set
	*start = *size = *buffnum = 0;
	//fprintf(stderr, "Finding offset %ld\n", idxoff);
	idxoff *= 10;
	if (!testmt) {
		testmt = ((idxfp[0]) ? 1:2);
	// assert we have and valid file descriptor
	if (compfp[testmt-1]->getFd() < 1)
	long newOffset = compfp[testmt-1]->seek(idxoff, SEEK_SET);
	if (newOffset == idxoff) {
		if (compfp[testmt-1]->read(&ulBuffNum, 4) != 4) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error reading ulBuffNum\n");
	else return;	
	if (compfp[testmt-1]->read(&ulVerseStart, 4) < 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error reading ulVerseStart\n");
	if (compfp[testmt-1]->read(&usVerseSize, 2) < 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error reading usVerseSize\n");

	*buffnum = swordtoarch32(ulBuffNum);
	*start = swordtoarch32(ulVerseStart);
	*size = swordtoarch16(usVerseSize);

Beispiel #2
void TreeKeyIdx::getTreeNodeFromDatOffset(long ioffset, TreeNode *node) const {
	unsnappedKeyText = "";
	char ch;
	__s32  tmp;
	__u16  tmp2;

	if (datfd > 0) {

		datfd->seek(ioffset, SEEK_SET);

		datfd->read(&tmp, 4);
		node->parent = swordtoarch32(tmp);

		datfd->read(&tmp, 4);
		node->next = swordtoarch32(tmp);

		datfd->read(&tmp, 4);
		node->firstChild = swordtoarch32(tmp);

		SWBuf name;
		do {
			datfd->read(&ch, 1);
			name += ch;
		} while (ch);

		stdstr(&(node->name), name.c_str());

		datfd->read(&tmp2, 2);
		node->dsize = swordtoarch16(tmp2);

		if (node->dsize) {
			if (node->userData)
				delete [] node->userData;
			node->userData = new char [node->dsize];
			datfd->read(node->userData, node->dsize);
Beispiel #3
void RawVerse::findOffset(char testmt, long idxoff, long *start, unsigned short *size) const {
	idxoff *= 6;
	if (!testmt)
		testmt = ((idxfp[1]) ? 1:2);
	if (idxfp[testmt-1]->getFd() >= 0) {
		idxfp[testmt-1]->seek(idxoff, SEEK_SET);
		__s32 tmpStart;
		__u16 tmpSize;
		idxfp[testmt-1]->read(&tmpStart, 4);
		long len = idxfp[testmt-1]->read(&tmpSize, 2); 		// read size

		*start = swordtoarch32(tmpStart);
		*size  = swordtoarch16(tmpSize);

		if (len < 2) {
			*size = (unsigned short)((*start) ? (textfp[testmt-1]->seek(0, SEEK_END) - (long)*start) : 0);	// if for some reason we get an error reading size, make size to end of file
	else {
		*start = 0;
		*size = 0;
Beispiel #4
signed char RawStr::findOffset(const char *ikey, __u32 *start, __u16 *size, long away, __u32 *idxoff) const
	char *trybuf, *maxbuf, *key = 0, quitflag = 0;
	signed char retval = -1;
	long headoff, tailoff, tryoff = 0, maxoff = 0;
	int diff = 0;
	bool awayFromSubstrCheck = false;	

	if (idxfd->getFd() >=0) {
		tailoff = maxoff = idxfd->seek(0, SEEK_END) - 6;
		retval = (tailoff >= 0) ? 0 : -2;	// if NOT new file
		if (*ikey && retval != -2) {
			headoff = 0;

			stdstr(&key, ikey, 3);
			if (!caseSensitive) toupperstr_utf8(key, strlen(key)*3);

			int keylen = strlen(key);
			bool substr = false;

			trybuf = maxbuf = 0;
			getIDXBuf(maxoff, &maxbuf);
			while (headoff < tailoff) {
				tryoff = (lastoff == -1) ? headoff + ((((tailoff / 6) - (headoff / 6))) / 2) * 6 : lastoff;
				lastoff = -1;
				getIDXBuf(tryoff, &trybuf);

				if (!*trybuf && tryoff) {		// In case of extra entry at end of idx (not first entry)
					tryoff += (tryoff > (maxoff / 2))?-6:6;
					retval = -1;

				diff = strcmp(key, trybuf);

				if (!diff)

				if (!strncmp(trybuf, key, keylen)) substr = true;

				if (diff < 0)
					tailoff = (tryoff == headoff) ? headoff : tryoff;
				else headoff = tryoff;

				if (tailoff == headoff + 6) {
					if (quitflag++)
						headoff = tailoff;

			// didn't find exact match
			if (headoff >= tailoff) {
				tryoff = headoff;
				if (!substr && ((tryoff != maxoff)||(strncmp(key, maxbuf, keylen)<0))) {
					awayFromSubstrCheck = true;
					away--;	// if our entry doesn't startwith our key, prefer the previous entry over the next
			if (trybuf)
			delete [] key;
                        if (maxbuf)
		else	tryoff = 0;

		idxfd->seek(tryoff, SEEK_SET);

		__u32 tmpStart;
		__u16 tmpSize;
		*start = *size = tmpStart = tmpSize = 0;
		idxfd->read(&tmpStart, 4);
		idxfd->read(&tmpSize, 2);
		if (idxoff)
			*idxoff = tryoff;

		*start = swordtoarch32(tmpStart);
		*size  = swordtoarch16(tmpSize);

		while (away) {
			unsigned long laststart = *start;
			unsigned short lastsize = *size;
			long lasttry = tryoff;
			tryoff += (away > 0) ? 6 : -6;
			bool bad = false;
			if (((tryoff + (away*6)) < -6) || (tryoff + (away*6) > (maxoff+6)))
				bad = true;
			else if (idxfd->seek(tryoff, SEEK_SET) < 0)
				bad = true;
			if (bad) {
					retval = -1;
				*start = laststart;
				*size = lastsize;
				tryoff = lasttry;
				if (idxoff)
					*idxoff = tryoff;
			idxfd->read(&tmpStart, 4);
			idxfd->read(&tmpSize, 2);
			if (idxoff)
				*idxoff = tryoff;

			*start = swordtoarch32(tmpStart);
			*size  = swordtoarch16(tmpSize);

			if (((laststart != *start) || (lastsize != *size)) && (*size))
				away += (away < 0) ? 1 : -1;
		lastoff = tryoff;
	else {
		*start = 0;
		*size  = 0;
		if (idxoff)
			*idxoff = 0;
		retval = -1;
	return retval;
Beispiel #5
int main(int /* argc */, char ** /* argv */) {
    printf("0x%.4x 0x%.4x\n", 255, swordtoarch16(255));
    printf("0x%.8x 0x%.8x\n", 255, swordtoarch32(255));
//    printf("0x%.16x 0x%.16llx\n", 255, __swap64(255));
    return 0;