s32 cellFsWrite(PPUThread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::cptr<void> buf, u64 nbytes, vm::ptr<u64> nwrite) { cellFs.Log("cellFsWrite(fd=0x%x, buf=*0x%x, nbytes=0x%llx, nwrite=*0x%x)", fd, buf, nbytes, nwrite); // call the syscall return sys_fs_write(fd, buf, nbytes, nwrite ? nwrite : vm::var<u64>(ppu)); }
s32 cellFsWrite(u32 fd, vm::cptr<void> buf, u64 nbytes, vm::ptr<u64> nwrite) { cellFs.trace("cellFsWrite(fd=0x%x, buf=*0x%x, nbytes=0x%llx, nwrite=*0x%x)", fd, buf, nbytes, nwrite); // call the syscall return sys_fs_write(fd, buf, nbytes, nwrite ? nwrite : vm::var<u64>{}); }
int _tprintf(const char* form,...){ int r; va_list args; va_start(args,form); r=_tvsprintf(printf_buffer,form,args); r=sys_fs_write(_devid_console,0,0,printf_buffer,r); //r=write(STDOUT_FILENO,printf_buffer,r); va_end(args); return (r<0)?0:r; }
int mts_putch(char c){ uint32_t s=c; return sys_fs_write(_devid_console,0,0,&s,1); }