Beispiel #1
 * flite_synth : synthesize current text-buffer
void flite_synth(t_flite *x) {
  cst_wave *wave;
  int i,vecsize;
  t_garray *a;
  t_float *vec;

  post("flite: got message 'synth'");
# endif

  // -- sanity checks
  if (!(a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(x->x_arrayname, garray_class))) {
    pd_error(x,"flite: no such array '%s'", x->x_arrayname->s_name);
  if (!x->textbuf) {
    pd_error(x,"flite: attempt to synthesize empty text-buffer!");

  post("flite: flite_text_to_wave()");
# endif
  wave = flite_text_to_wave(x->textbuf,voice);

  if (!wave) {
    pd_error(x,"flite: synthesis failed for text '%s'", x->textbuf);

  // -- resample
  post("flite: cst_wave_resample()");
# endif

  // -- resize & write to our array
  post("flite: garray_resize(%d)", wave->num_samples);
# endif

  garray_resize(a, wave->num_samples);
  if (!garray_getfloatarray(a, &vecsize, &vec))
    pd_error(x,"flite: bad template for write to array '%s'", x->x_arrayname->s_name);

  post("flite: ->write to garray loop<-");
# endif
  for (i = 0; i < wave->num_samples; i++) {
    *vec++ = wave->samples[i]/32767.0;

  // -- outlet synth-done-bang

  // -- cleanup

  // -- redraw
Beispiel #2
void maxfreq(t_gendyn *x, double l){
	if(l < 0) l = 0;
	if(l > sys_getsr()) l = sys_getsr();
	x->g_maxfreq = l;
Beispiel #3
static void pique_doit(int npts, t_word *fpreal, t_word *fpimag,
    int npeak, int *nfound, t_float *fpfreq, t_float *fpamp,
        t_float *fpampre, t_float *fpampim, t_float errthresh)
    t_float srate = sys_getsr();      /* not sure how to get this correctly */
    t_float oneovern = 1.0/ (t_float)npts;
    t_float fperbin = srate * oneovern;
    t_float pow1, pow2 = 0, pow3 = 0, pow4 = 0, pow5 = 0;
    t_float re1, re2 = 0, re3 = fpreal->w_float;
    t_float im1, im2 = 0, im3 = 0, powthresh, relativeerror;
    int count, peakcount = 0, n2 = (npts >> 1);
    t_float *fp1, *fp2;
    t_word *wp1, *wp2;
    for (count = n2, wp1 = fpreal, wp2 = fpimag, powthresh = 0;
        count--; wp1++, wp2++)
            powthresh += (wp1->w_float) * (wp1->w_float) +
                (wp2->w_float) * (wp2->w_float) ; 
    powthresh *= 0.00001;
    for (count = 1; count < n2; count++)
        t_float windreal, windimag, pi = 3.14159;
        t_float detune, pidetune, sinpidetune, cospidetune,
            ampcorrect, freqout, ampout, ampoutreal, ampoutimag;
        t_float rpeak, rpeaknext, rpeakprev;
        t_float ipeak, ipeaknext, ipeakprev;
        t_float errleft, errright;
        re1 = re2;
        re2 = re3;
        re3 = fpreal->w_float;
        im1 = im2;
        im2 = im3;
        im3 = fpimag->w_float;
        if (count < 2) continue;
        pow1 = pow2;
        pow2 = pow3;
        pow3 = pow4;
        pow4 = pow5;
            /* get Hanning-windowed spectrum by convolution */
        windreal = re2 - 0.5 * (re1 + re3);
        windimag = im2 - 0.5 * (im1 + im3);
        pow5 = windreal * windreal + windimag * windimag;
        /* if (count < 30) post("power %f", pow5); */
        if (count < 5) continue;
            /* check for a peak.  The actual bin is count-3. */
        if (pow3 <= pow2 || pow3 <= pow4 || pow3 <= pow1 || pow3 <= pow5
            || pow3 < powthresh)
            /* go back for the raw FFT values around the peak. */
        rpeak = fpreal[-3].w_float;
        rpeaknext = fpreal[-2].w_float;
        rpeakprev = fpreal[-4].w_float;
        ipeak = fpimag[-3].w_float;
        ipeaknext = fpimag[-2].w_float;
        ipeakprev = fpimag[-4].w_float;
            /* recalculate Hanning-windowed spectrum by convolution */
        windreal = rpeak - 0.5 * (rpeaknext + rpeakprev);
        windimag = ipeak - 0.5 * (ipeaknext + ipeakprev);
        detune = ((rpeakprev - rpeaknext) *
            (2.0 * rpeak - rpeakprev - rpeaknext) +
                (ipeakprev - ipeaknext) *
                    (2.0 * ipeak - ipeakprev - ipeaknext)) /
                        (4.0 * pow3);
        /* if (count < 30) post("detune %f", detune); */
        if (detune > 0.7 || detune < -0.7) continue;
            /* the frequency is the sum of the bin frequency and detuning */ 
        freqout = fperbin * ((t_float)(count-3) + detune);
        pidetune = pi * detune;
        sinpidetune = sin(pidetune);
        cospidetune = cos(pidetune);
        ampcorrect = 1.0 / hanning(pidetune, sinpidetune);
                /* Multiply by 2 to get real-sinusoid peak amplitude 
                and divide by N to normalize FFT */
        ampcorrect *= 2. * oneovern;
            /* amplitude is peak height, corrected for Hanning window shape */

        ampout = ampcorrect * sqrt(pow3);
        ampoutreal = ampcorrect *
            (windreal * cospidetune - windimag * sinpidetune);
        ampoutimag = ampcorrect *
            (windreal * sinpidetune + windimag * cospidetune);
        if (errthresh > 0)
            /* post("peak %f %f", freqout, ampout); */
            errleft = peakerror(fpreal-4, fpimag-4, pidetune+pi,
                2. * oneovern, ampoutreal, ampoutimag);
            errright = peakerror(fpreal-2, fpimag-2, pidetune-pi,
                2. * oneovern,  ampoutreal, ampoutimag);
            relativeerror = (errleft + errright)/(ampout * ampout);
            if (relativeerror > errthresh) continue;
        /* post("power %f, error %f, relative %f",
            pow3, errleft + errright, relativeerror); */
        *fpfreq++ = freqout;
        *fpamp++ = ampout;
        *fpampre++ = ampoutreal;
        *fpampim++ = ampoutimag;
        if (++peakcount == npeak) break;
    *nfound = peakcount;
Beispiel #4
void *HoaBinaural_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_HoaBinaural *x = NULL;
	int order = 3;
    std::string pinnaSize = "small";
    std::string filePath = "HrtfDatabase/";
    std::string absoluteHrtfFilePath = "";
    x = (t_HoaBinaural *)object_alloc(HoaBinaural_class);
	if (x)
		if(atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
			order = atom_getlong(argv);
		if(atom_gettype(argv+1) == A_SYM)
			pinnaSize = atom_getsym(argv+1)->s_name;
        if (pinnaSize == "small")
            pinnaSize = "Small";
            pinnaSize = "Large";
#ifdef __APPLE__
        // OSX only : access to the hoa.binaural~ bundle
        CFBundleRef hoaBinaural_bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.cycling74.hoa-binaural-"));
        CFURLRef hoaBinaural_ref = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(hoaBinaural_bundle);
        UInt8 bundle_path[512];
        Boolean res = CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(hoaBinaural_ref, true, bundle_path, 512);
        // Built the complete resource path
        absoluteHrtfFilePath = std::string((const char*)bundle_path) + std::string("/Contents/Resources/") + std::string(filePath);
#ifdef WIN32
        HMODULE handle = LoadLibrary("hoa.binaural~.mxe");
        if (handle) {
            // Get hoa.binaural~.mxe path
            char name[512];
            GetModuleFileName(handle, name, 512);
            string str_name = string(name);
            str_name = str_name.substr(0, str_name.find_last_of("\\"));
            // Built the complete resource path
            absoluteHrtfFilePath = string(str_name) + string("/Contents/Resources/") + string(filePath);
        } else {
            post("Error : cannot locate hoa.binaural~.mxe...");
            absoluteHrtfFilePath = "";
		x->f_ambiBinaural = new AmbisonicsBinaural(order, absoluteHrtfFilePath, pinnaSize, sys_getsr(), sys_getblksize());
		dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, x->f_ambiBinaural->getNumberOfInputs());
		for (int i = 0; i < x->f_ambiBinaural->getNumberOfOutputs(); i++)
			outlet_new(x, "signal");
        x->f_ob.z_misc = Z_NO_INPLACE;
        attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);
	return (x);
Beispiel #5
// Create - Contruction of signal inlets and outlets
void *autotune_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
    unsigned long sr;
    int fft_window = 0;
    int fft_hop = 0;

    t_autotune *x = (t_autotune *)pd_new(autotune_class);

    if (argc && argv->a_type == A_FLOAT) // got FFT window
        fft_window = (int)atom_getint(argv);

        if (fft_window < 0) fft_window = 0;
        if (!autotune_power_of_two(fft_window)) fft_window = 0;

    if (argc && argv->a_type == A_FLOAT) // got hop number
        fft_hop = (int)atom_getint(argv);

        if (fft_hop < 2 || fft_hop > 32) fft_hop = 0;

    if (fft_window != 0)
    	x->cbsize = fft_window;

    if (fft_hop != 0)
    	x->noverlap = fft_hop;
	if(sys_getsr()) sr = sys_getsr();
	else sr = 44100;
	autotune_init(x , sr);
	// second argument = number of signal inlets
    //dsp_setup((t_object *)x, 1);
	//inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd,gensym("signal"));
	//inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd,gensym("signal"), gensym("signal"));
	//floatinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->fAmount);
	//inlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("correct"));

	//floatinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->fGlide);

	//floatinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->fSmooth);
	//inlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("smooth"));

	//floatinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->fMix);
	//inlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("mix"));

	//floatinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->fShift);
	//inlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("shift"));

	//floatinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->fTune);
	//inlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("tune"));

	//floatinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->fPersist);
	//symbolinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->fAmount);
	outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal"));
	//x->f_out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
	x->confout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
	x->periodout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
	//x->confout = outlet_new(x, "float");
	//x->periodout = outlet_new(x, "float");
    x->clock = clock_new(x,(t_method)autotune_processclock);
	x->clockinterval = 10.;
    return (x);									// Return the pointer
Beispiel #6
void gendy_dsp(t_gendy *x, t_signal **sp, short *count){
    x->mFreqMul = (float) 1.f/sys_getsr();
	dsp_add(gendy_perform, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
Beispiel #7
void *pitcher_new(Symbol *s, short argc, Atom *argv) {
	/* Lowest pitch to allow from the pitch detector. Lower pitches are interpreted
	  * as a "don't know." A "don't know" causes the input signal to pass through
	  * this external unmodified.
	float min_pitch;
	/* approx. input-output delay, in samples.
	int delay_samps;
	int i;
	t_pitcher *x;
	if (argc == 0) {
		min_pitch = MINIMUM_PITCH;
		delay_samps = OUTPUT_BUFFER_DELAY;
	} else if (argc == 1) {
		if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) {
			min_pitch = (float)argv[0].a_w.w_float;
		} else if (argv[0].a_type == A_LONG) {
			min_pitch = (float)argv[0].a_w.w_long;
		} else {
			goto argerror;
	} else if (argc == 2) {
		if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) {
			min_pitch = (float)argv[0].a_w.w_float;
		} else if (argv[0].a_type == A_LONG) {
			min_pitch = (float)argv[0].a_w.w_long;
		} else {
			goto argerror;
		if (argv[1].a_type == A_FLOAT) {
			delay_samps = (int)argv[1].a_w.w_float;
		} else if (argv[1].a_type == A_LONG) {
			delay_samps = (int)argv[1].a_w.w_long;
		} else {
			goto argerror;
	} else {
		goto argerror;
	if ((min_pitch <= 0) || (delay_samps <= 0) ){
		error("pitcher~: Minimum pitch and Delay samples must be positive!");
		goto argerror;

	post ("*** pitcher~: Minimum pitch %f Hz, %ld delay samples",
		  min_pitch, delay_samps);
	post ("*** pitcher~: latency = minimum pitch (in samples) + delay samples");

    x = (t_pitcher *)newobject(pitcher_class);
    x->outlet = listout(x);
    x->outputQelem = qelem_new(x, OutputProcedure);
    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,3);  // The object has 3 signal inlets: audio in, pitch scale factor, pitch in
    outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal"); // Add a signal outlet.
    	x->sampleRate = sys_getsr(); // Set the sampling rate.
    	x->outputDelay = delay_samps;
	x->ringBufSize = (int) (2*delay_samps);

	x->minimumPitch = min_pitch;
	x->minimumPitchSamps =(int)((1/x->minimumPitch)*x->sampleRate);
	/* Initialize input ring buffer */
	x->inputRingBuf = 0;
	x->inputRingBufWritePos = 0;
	// Allocate memory for the input circular buffer.
	x->inputRingBuf = (float *)t_getbytes((long) (x->ringBufSize* sizeof(float)));
	// Check if the allocation suceeded.
	if (x->inputRingBuf == NULL) {
			ouchstring("pitcher~: out of memory!");
			x->ringBufSize = 0;
	// Initiallize the input circular buffer to a zero value in each element.
	for (i = 0; i<x->ringBufSize; i++) {
			x->inputRingBuf[i] = 0.0f;
	/* Initialize output ring buffer */

	x->outputRingBuf = 0;
	x->outputRingBufPitchMarkerPos = 0;
	// Allocate memory for the output circular buffer.
	x->outputRingBuf = (float *)t_getbytes((long) (x->ringBufSize* sizeof(float)));
	// Check if the allocation suceeded.
	if (x->outputRingBuf == NULL) {
			ouchstring("pitcher~: out of memory!");
			x->ringBufSize = 0;
	// Initiallize the output circular buffer to a zero value in each element.
	for (i = 0; i<x->ringBufSize; i++) {
			x->outputRingBuf[i] = 0.0f;
	/* Initialize the current output ring buffer read postition.
	  * Maybe need to add ringBuffSize because % does not like negative numbers?
	x->readPos = (x->inputRingBufWritePos - x->outputDelay + x->ringBufSize) % x->ringBufSize;
	//x->readPos = 98000;  // FOR DEBUG
	/* Initialize this to 0 so that the <inputPeriodLength> parameter will be updated in the first
	  * call to the perform method.
	x->samplesLeftInPeriod = 0;
	x->inputPeriodLength = 100;
	x->isUnvoiced = 1; // Set unvoiced until we get a pitch to use.
    return (x);
	error("pitcher~: usage: pitcher~ [Minimum input pitch] [Delay samples]");
	post("If only 1 arg, it sets minimum input pitch.");
	post("If no args, minimum pitch and delay samples use default of %f Hz, %ld delay samples.", (float) MINIMUM_PITCH, (long) OUTPUT_BUFFER_DELAY);
	return 0;
Beispiel #8
void *getonset_new(t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv) {

    t_getonset *x = (t_getonset *)newobject(getonset_class);
    t_float ms2samp;    
    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,10);
	x->g_clock = clock_new(x,(method)getonset_tick);
	x->g_outcent = floatout((t_getonset *)x);
	x->g_outener = floatout((t_getonset *)x);
    x->g_outoffset = bangout((t_getonset *)x);
    x->g_outonset = bangout((t_getonset *)x);
 	x->g_Fs = sys_getsr();
	x->g_energy = 0.0f;
	x->g_lastEner = 0.0f;
	x->g_centroid = 0.0f;
	x->g_onset = 0;
	x->g_offset = 0;
	x->g_noteOn = 0;
	x->g_attackReady = 0;
	x->g_timer = 0;
	x->BufWritePos = 0;
	x->BufReadPos = vs;
	ms2samp = x->g_Fs * 0.001f;
	// Look at first argument
	if (argv[0].a_type == A_LONG) x->BufSize = argv[0].a_w.w_long; // Samples
	else if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->BufSize = (int)(argv[0].a_w.w_float * ms2samp); // Time in ms
	else x->BufSize = DEFBUFSIZE;
	x->FFTSize = x->BufSize;

	// Take a convenient FFT Size
	if (x->BufSize < vs) { 
		post(" Minimum FFT Size is %i",vs);
		x->FFTSize = vs;
		x->BufSize = vs;
	else if ((x->BufSize > vs) && (x->BufSize < 128))  x->FFTSize = 128;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 128) && (x->BufSize < 256)) x->FFTSize = 256;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 256) && (x->BufSize < 512)) x->FFTSize = 512;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 512) && (x->BufSize < 1024)) x->FFTSize = 1024;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 1024) && (x->BufSize < 2048)) x->FFTSize = 2048;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 2048) && (x->BufSize < 4096)) x->FFTSize = 4096;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 4096) && (x->BufSize < 8192)) x->FFTSize = 8192;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 8192) && (x->BufSize < 16384)) x->FFTSize = 16384;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 16384) && (x->BufSize < 32768)) x->FFTSize = 32768;
	else if (x->BufSize > 32768) {
		post(" Maximum FFT Size is 65536",0);
		x->FFTSize = 65536;
		x->BufSize = 65536;

	// Look at second argument
	if (argv[1].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_overlap = argv[1].a_w.w_long; // Samples
	else if (argv[1].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->g_overlap = (int)(argv[0].a_w.w_float * ms2samp); // Time in ms
	else x->g_overlap = DEFBUFSIZE/2;

	// Look at third argument
	if (argv[2].a_w.w_sym == ps_rectangular) x->c_window = Recta;
	else if (argv[2].a_w.w_sym == ps_hanning) x->c_window = Hann;
	else if (argv[2].a_w.w_sym == ps_hamming) x->c_window = Hamm;
	else if (argv[2].a_w.w_sym == ps_blackman) x->c_window = Black;
	else x->g_window = Hann;

	if (argv[3].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_deltattack = 44 * argv[3].a_w.w_long;
	else if (argv[3].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->g_deltattack = 44 * (long)argv[3].a_w.w_float;
	else x->g_deltattack = DEFATTACKTIME;

	if (argv[4].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->g_attackthres = argv[4].a_w.w_float;
	else if (argv[4].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_attackthres = (float)argv[4].a_w.w_long;
	else x->g_attackthres = DEFATTACKTHRESH;
	if (argv[5].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->g_decaythres = argv[5].a_w.w_float;
	else if (argv[5].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_decaythres = (float)argv[5].a_w.w_long;
	else x->g_decaythres = DEFDECAYTHRESH;
	if (argv[6].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->g_highthres = argv[6].a_w.w_float;
	else if (argv[6].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_highthres = (float)argv[6].a_w.w_long;
	else x->g_highthres = DEFHIGHTHRESH;
	if (argv[7].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->g_enerthres = argv[7].a_w.w_float;
	else if (argv[7].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_enerthres = (float)argv[7].a_w.w_long;
	else x->g_enerthres = DEFENERGYTHRESH;
	if (argv[8].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->g_lowthres = argv[8].a_w.w_float;
	else if (argv[8].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_lowthres = (float)argv[8].a_w.w_long;
	else x->g_lowthres = DEFLOWTHRESH;
	if (argv[9].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->g_centhres = argv[9].a_w.w_float;
	else if (argv[9].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_centhres = (float)argv[9].a_w.w_long;
	else x->g_centhres = DEFCENTHRESH;

	// Allocate memory
	x->Buf1 = t_getbytes(x->BufSize * sizeof(float));
	x->Buf2 = t_getbytes(x->BufSize * sizeof(float));
	x->memFFT = t_getbytes(CMAX * x->FFTSize * sizeof(float)); // memory allocated for fft twiddle

	x->Window = t_getbytes(x->BufSize * sizeof(float));
	if (x->FFTSize != x->BufSize)	
		x->WindFFT = t_getbytes(x->FFTSize * sizeof(float));
	else x->WindFFT = x->Window;

	// Compute and store Windows
	if ((x->g_window > Recta) && (x->g_window <= Black)) {
		switch (x->c_window) {

			case Hann: 	for (i=0; i<x->BufSize; ++i)
							x->Window[i] = HANNING_W(i, x->BufSize);
						if (x->FFTSize != x->BufSize)	
							for (i=0; i<x->FFTSize; ++i)
								x->WindFFT[i] = HANNING_W(i, x->FFTSize);
			case Hamm:	for (i=0; i<x->BufSize; ++i)
							x->Window[i] = HAMMING_W(i, x->BufSize);
						if (x->FFTSize != x->BufSize)	
							for (i=0; i<x->FFTSize; ++i)
								x->WindFFT[i] = HAMMING_W(i, x->FFTSize);
			case Black: for (i=0; i<x->BufSize; ++i)
							x->Window[i] = BLACKMAN_W(i, x->BufSize);
						if (x->FFTSize != x->BufSize)	
							for (i=0; i<x->FFTSize; ++i)
								x->WindFFT[i] = BLACKMAN_W(i, x->FFTSize);
    return (x);
Beispiel #9
void k_jackd_tilde_setup(void)
  static struct aipc_receiver *main_receiver=NULL;

  // jack-server init
    char *homedir=getenv("HOME");
    char temp[500];
    DIR *dir;


	sprintf(temp,"mkdir %s/.k_jackd",homedir);
      fprintf(stderr,"k_jackd_init: Unable to open socket \"%s\".\n",temp);
      fprintf(stderr,"Unless k_jackd is allready running, just delete that file.\n");
    sprintf(temp,"rm -f %s/.k_jackd/datadir_*",homedir);



    k_jackd_class = class_new(

    class_addmethod(k_jackd_class, (t_method)k_jackd_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);

    class_addmethod (k_jackd_class,
		     gensym ("signal"),

    class_sethelpsymbol(k_jackd_class, gensym("help-k_jackd~.pd"));


Beispiel #10
static t_int *voicing_detector_tilde_perform(t_int *w)
  t_voicing_detector_tilde     *x =   (t_voicing_detector_tilde *)(w[1]);  
  t_voicing_control *ctl = (t_voicing_control *)(w[2]);  
  t_int                n =                 (int)(w[3]);
  t_float            *in = ctl->c_input;
  if (x->f_high < x->f_low)
      float tmp = x->f_low;
      x->f_low = x->f_high;
      x->f_high = tmp;
  t_float current, previous, next, temp0, temp1, avg, max, peak0;
  current = previous = next = temp0 = temp1 = avg = max = peak0 = 0;
  t_float min = 1000;
  t_float samplerate = sys_getsr();
  t_float start = samplerate / x->f_high;
  start = start > 1 ? start : 1;
  t_float end = samplerate / x->f_low;
  end = end < (n-1) ? end : n-1;
  t_float result, prob, diff, diff2;
  t_int i = 0;
  int j;
  int l = n;
  int maxp = 0;
  int maxi = 0;
  float temp[n];
  ctl->f_sum_abs = 0.0;
  for (i=0;i<l;i++)
      ctl->f_sum_abs += fabs(in[i]); /* I have to calculate f_sum_abs for the whole block before I can calculate amdf */
      temp[i] = 0.0;
      SETFLOAT(&ctl->otemp[i], 0.0);
  for (i=1;i<l;i++)
      temp1 = 0;
      for (j=start;j<=end;j++) /* the Average Magnitude Difference Function */
	    temp[j] = i + j < l ? in[i+j] : 0.0;
	    temp0 = atom_getfloatarg(i, 4096, ctl->otemp);
	    temp1 += fabs(in[j] - temp[j]);
      temp1 += ((float)i / (float)l) * ctl->f_sum_abs;
      SETFLOAT(&ctl->otemp[i], temp1);

  for (i=start+1;i<end;i++)
      previous= atom_getfloatarg(i-1, 2048, ctl->otemp);
      current = atom_getfloatarg(i, 2048, ctl->otemp);
      next = atom_getfloatarg(i+1, 2048, ctl->otemp);
      max = current > max ? current : max;
      min = current < min ? current : min;
      avg += current;
  avg = avg / (end-start);
  diff = avg - min;
  diff2 = max - min;
  result = ctl->method == 0 ? ((avg - min) > (x->f_thresh) ? 1 : 0) : ((max - min) > x->f_thresh ? 1 : 0);
  prob = diff2 / max;
  outlet_float(x->prob, prob);
  outlet_float(x->voiced, result);
Beispiel #11
/* open method.  Called as: open [args] filename with args as in
static void ambix_write_open(t_ambix_write *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
  t_symbol *filesym;
  t_float samplerate;

  ambix_fileformat_t fileformat;
  ambix_sampleformat_t sampleformat;

  if (x->x_state != STATE_IDLE) {

  if (ambixwrite_argparse(x, &argc, &argv,
                               &filesym, &fileformat, &sampleformat, &samplerate)) {
             "ambix_write~: usage: open [-bytes [234]] [-rate ####] filename");

  if (argc)
    pd_error(x, "extra argument(s) to ambix_write~: ignored");

  while (x->x_requestcode != REQUEST_NOTHING) {
    pthread_cond_wait(&x->x_answercondition, &x->x_mutex);
  //x->x_bytespersample = bytespersamp;
  x->x_filename = filesym->s_name;
  x->x_fileformat = fileformat;
  x->x_requestcode = REQUEST_OPEN;
  x->x_sampleformat = sampleformat;

  x->x_fifotail = 0;
  x->x_fifohead = 0;
  x->x_eof = 0;
  x->x_fileerror = 0;

  x->x_state = STATE_STARTUP;

#if 0
  else if (samplerate > 0)
    x->x_samplerate = samplerate;
  else if (x->x_insamplerate > 0)
    x->x_samplerate = x->x_insamplerate;
  else x->x_samplerate = sys_getsr();

  /* set fifosize from bufsize.  fifosize must be a
     multiple of the number of bytes eaten for each DSP
     tick.  */

  x->x_fifosize = x->x_bufframes-(x->x_bufframes%x->x_vecsize);
  /* arrange for the "request" condition to be signalled 16
     times per buffer */
  x->x_sigcountdown = x->x_sigperiod = (x->x_fifosize / (16 * x->x_vecsize));

Beispiel #12
static t_float calc_coa(t_float hlife)
  return (exp(LN2 * 1000 / (((hlife > 0)?hlife:15) * sys_getsr())));
Beispiel #13
/* calcs */
static t_float calc_holdsamples(t_float htime, int buf)
  /* hold_time must be greater than buffer_time to make sure that any peak_sample is amplified with its own factor */
  t_float min_hold = buf / sys_getsr();
  return (0.001 * sys_getsr() * ((htime > min_hold)?htime:((min_hold > 50)?min_hold:50)));
Beispiel #14
void *ambipan_tilde_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv )
	int    i, hp, newVersion;
	char   car = 'c';
	//--------- Allocation de la dataspace ---------------------------//
	t_ambipan_tilde *x = (t_ambipan_tilde*)object_alloc(ambipan_tilde_class);
	/*R�cup�ration du nombre de sorties et de haut-parleurs. */
	if( argc >= 1 ){
		if( argv[0].a_type == A_LONG )
			x->N = argv[0].a_w.w_long;
		else x->N = 0;               
		x->N = Ndefaut;
	if( Nmax < x->N || 2 > x->N ){
		x->N = Ndefaut;
		object_error((t_object *)x, "Bad number of loudspeaker setup, %d by default", Ndefaut);
	x->Nout = x->N;  //M�me nombre de sorties et d'haut-parleur.
	/*R�cup�ration du type rep�re ************************/
	if( argc >=2 ){
		if( argv[1].a_type == A_SYM )
			car = (char)(atom_getsym(argv+1)->s_name[0]);
		if( car == 'c' )
		else if( car == 'p' )
		else {
			object_error((t_object *)x, "Unknown type of coordinates, cartesian by default");
		x->base = 1; //Cart�sienne par d�faut.
	/*R�cup�ration du type des entr�es (pour des questions de compatibilit� avec l'ancienne version) *******************/
	if( argc >=3 && argv[2].a_type == A_SYM){
		object_error((t_object *)x, "The signal/control argument has no effect in this version");
		newVersion = 0;
	} else newVersion = 1;
	if (!newVersion) { // si ancienne version : arg 4 = offset, arg 5 = interp time :
		/*R�cup�ration de l'offset ***************************/
		if( argc >= 4 && (atom_gettype(argv+3) == A_FLOAT || atom_gettype(argv+3) == A_LONG) )
			x->offset = fabs(atom_getfloat(argv+3));
			x->offset = (float)OFFSET;
		if( x->offset <= EPSILON ){
			object_error((t_object *)x, "No negative offset please");
			x->offset = (float)OFFSET;;
		/*R�cup�ration du temps d'interpolation **************/
		if( argc >= 5 && argv[4].a_type == A_LONG )
			x->dtime = (int)(argv[4].a_w.w_long*sys_getsr()/1000.);
			x->dtime = DTIME*sys_getsr()/1000.;
		if( x->dtime <= 0 ) //Pas de temps d'interpolation nul ou n�gatif.
			x->dtime = 1;
	else { // si ancienne version : arg 3 = offset, arg 4 = interp time :
		/*R�cup�ration de l'offset ***************************/
        if( argc >= 3 && (atom_gettype(argv+2) == A_FLOAT || atom_gettype(argv+2) == A_LONG) )
            x->offset = fabs(atom_getfloat(argv+2));
			x->offset = (float)OFFSET;
		if( x->offset <= EPSILON ){
			object_error((t_object *)x, "No negative offset please");
			x->offset = (float)OFFSET;;
		/*R�cup�ration du temps d'interpolation **************/
		if( argc >= 4 && argv[3].a_type == A_LONG )
			x->dtime = (int)(argv[3].a_w.w_long*sys_getsr()/1000.);
			x->dtime = DTIME*sys_getsr()/1000.;
		if( x->dtime <= 0 ) //Pas de temps d'interpolation nul ou negatif.
			x->dtime = 1;

	/*Initialisation des donn�es de la classe. ***************/
	for( hp = x->N-1; hp >= 0; hp--) //Initialisation des P
		x->P[hp] = 0;
	x->mute= 0;             //entr�es signal non mut�es
	x->y   = Ydefaut;       //initialisation de y
	x->phi = Phidefaut;     //initialisation de phi
	//Initialisation des angles des haut-parleurs et des rayons,
	for( hp=0; hp<x->N; hp++)
		x->teta[hp] = (float)( Pi*( .5 + (1 - 2*hp )/(float)x->N) );
		x->dist[hp] = 1;
	/* Cr�ation des tableaux cosinus, cos_teta et sin_teta.  */
	/* pour l'audio.                                         */
	x->cos_teta = (float*)getbytes( (short)((T_COS+2*x->N)*sizeof(float)) );
	x->sin_teta = x->cos_teta+x->N;
	//Pr�calculs des cos et sin des haut-parleurs.
	for( hp=0; hp<x->N; hp++){
		x->cos_teta[hp] = (float)cos( x->teta[hp] );
		x->sin_teta[hp] = (float)sin( x->teta[hp] );
	//Remplissage du tableau cosinus,
	x->cosin = x->sin_teta+x->N;
	/*Pour avoir besoin de cos( phi ), on cherche:
	 cos(phi) = 
	 cosin[ (int)( phi*T_COS/360 ))&(((int)T_COS-1) ] */
	for( i=0; i<T_COS; i++) x->cosin[i] = (float)cos( i*2*Pi/T_COS );
	//initialisation de x, X, Y, W et Pn par la m�thode recoit x.
	if(x->base) ambipan_tilde_recoit_x( x, Xdefaut);
	else        ambipan_tilde_recoit_x( x, Rdefaut);     
	/*Cr�ation des nouvelles entr�es. ************************/
	dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, 3);
	/*Cr�ation des sorties************************************/
	for(i=0; i < x->N; i++) outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");
	return (void *)x;
Beispiel #15
static void *dkfm_tilde_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom * argv){
	int i,j;
	t_dkfm_tilde *x = (t_dkfm_tilde *)pd_new(dkfm_tilde_class);
        //setting defaults
        t_float freq = 0.;
        t_float carharm = 1;

	x->x_carphs = 0.f;

        //init mod arrays
        for(i=0; i<FMMMOD; i++){
            x->x_modharm[i] = 0.f;
            x->x_modidx[i] = 0.;
            x->x_modphs[i] = 0.;

        //now parse args
        int curarg = 0; //current arg number
        int nummod = 0; //number of modulators
            if(argv->a_type == A_FLOAT){
                t_float curfloat = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv);
                if(curarg == 0){
                    //first arg is freq
                    freq = curfloat;
                else if(curarg == 1){
                    int idx = (int)(curarg/2) - 1; //index for arrays
                    if(curarg % 2 == 0){
                        //even args = harmonics
                        x->x_modharm[idx] = harmbounds(curfloat);
                        //odd indices = indices
                        x->x_modidx[idx] = (double)curfloat;
                goto errstate;
        x->x_sin = dksintab;
        x->x_nummod = nummod;
        x->x_freq = freq;
        x->x_carharm = carharm;
        x->x_conv = ((double)TABLEN)/(double)sys_getsr();
	x->x_carhlet = inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("carharm"));
	x->x_modhlet = inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_list, gensym("modharm"));
	x->x_modilet = inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_list, gensym("modidx"));
	x->x_phaselet = inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("ft1"));
	x->x_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal"));
	return (x);
		pd_error(x, "dkfm~: improper args");
		return NULL;
void ep_ambipan::getInfo()
	int hp;
	object_post(ep_MSP::getObjectPointer(), "Info Ambipan~ : ");
	if(this->base) post("   coordonnees cartesiennes,");
	else post("   coordonnees polaires,");
	post("   offset = %f,", this->offset);
	post("   temps d'interpolation (pour le controle)  = %d ms,", (int)(this->dtime*1000/sys_getsr()));
	post("   nombre de haut-parleurs = %d," , this->N);
	post("   position des haut-parleurs:");
	for( hp=0; hp<this->N-1; hp++)
		post("      hp n°%d: %f.x + %f.y,", hp+1, this->dist[hp]*cos(this->teta[hp]), 
	post("      hp n°%d: %f.x + %f.y.", hp+1, this->dist[hp]*cos(this->teta[hp]), 
	post("      ***");
Beispiel #17
static void *matrix_new(t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
    t_pd *z;
    if (!fittermax_get() &&
	(z = fragile_class_mutate(matrixps_matrixtilde,
				  (t_newmethod)matrix_new, ac, av)))
	return (z);
    else if (ac < 2)
	loud_error(0, "bad creation arguments for class '%s'",
	loud_errand(0, "missing number of %s", (ac ? "outlets" : "inlets"));
	return (0);  /* CHECKED */
	t_matrix *x = (t_matrix *)pd_new(matrix_class);
	int i;
	if (av[0].a_type == A_FLOAT)
	    if ((x->x_ninlets = (int)av[0].a_w.w_float) < 1)
		x->x_ninlets = 1;
	else x->x_ninlets = 1;  /* CHECKED */
	if (av[1].a_type == A_FLOAT)
	    if ((x->x_noutlets = (int)av[1].a_w.w_float) < 1)
		x->x_noutlets = 1;
	else x->x_noutlets = 1;  /* CHECKED */
	x->x_ncells = x->x_ninlets * x->x_noutlets;
	x->x_ivecs = getbytes(x->x_ninlets * sizeof(*x->x_ivecs));
	x->x_ovecs = getbytes(x->x_noutlets * sizeof(*x->x_ovecs));
	x->x_nblock = x->x_maxblock = sys_getblksize();
	x->x_osums = getbytes(x->x_noutlets * sizeof(*x->x_osums));
	for (i = 0; i < x->x_noutlets; i++)
	    x->x_osums[i] = getbytes(x->x_maxblock * sizeof(*x->x_osums[i]));
	x->x_cells = getbytes(x->x_ncells * sizeof(*x->x_cells));
	if (ac >= 3)
	    if (av[2].a_type == A_FLOAT)
		x->x_defgain = av[2].a_w.w_float;
		x->x_defgain = MATRIX_DEFGAIN;
	    x->x_gains = getbytes(x->x_ncells * sizeof(*x->x_gains));
	    for (i = 0; i < x->x_ncells; i++)
		x->x_gains[i] = x->x_defgain;
	    x->x_ramps = getbytes(x->x_ncells * sizeof(*x->x_ramps));
	    matrix_ramp(x, MATRIX_DEFRAMP);
	    x->x_coefs = getbytes(x->x_ncells * sizeof(*x->x_coefs));
	    for (i = 0; i < x->x_ncells; i++)
		x->x_coefs[i] = 0.;
	    x->x_ksr = sys_getsr() * .001;
	    x->x_incrs = getbytes(x->x_ncells * sizeof(*x->x_incrs));
	    x->x_bigincrs = getbytes(x->x_ncells * sizeof(*x->x_bigincrs));
	    x->x_remains = getbytes(x->x_ncells * sizeof(*x->x_remains));
	    for (i = 0; i < x->x_ncells; i++)
		x->x_remains[i] = 0;
	    x->x_gains = 0;
	    x->x_ramps = 0;
	    x->x_coefs = 0;
	    x->x_incrs = 0;
	    x->x_bigincrs = 0;
	    x->x_remains = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < x->x_ninlets; i++)
	    sic_newinlet((t_sic *)x, 0.);
	for (i = 0; i < x->x_noutlets; i++)
	    outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_signal);
	x->x_dumpout = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_list);
	return (x);
Beispiel #18
static void *oggamp_new(t_floatarg fdographics, t_floatarg fnchannels, t_floatarg fbufsize)
    t_oggamp *x;
    int nchannels = fnchannels, bufsize = fbufsize * 1024, i;
    float *buf;
    if (nchannels < 1)
    	nchannels = 2;		/* two channels as default */
    else if (nchannels > MAXSTREAMCHANS)
    	nchannels = MAXSTREAMCHANS;
		/* check / set buffer size */
    if (!bufsize) bufsize = DEFBUFPERCHAN * nchannels;
    else if (bufsize < MINBUFSIZE)
    	bufsize = MINBUFSIZE;
    else if (bufsize > MAXBUFSIZE)
    	bufsize = MAXBUFSIZE;
    buf = getbytes(bufsize*sizeof(t_float));
    if (!buf) return (0);
    x = (t_oggamp *)pd_new(oggamp_class);
    for (i = 0; i < nchannels; i++)
    	outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal"));
    x->x_noutlets = nchannels;
    x->x_connection = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("float"));
	x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)oggamp_tick);
	x->x_outvec = (t_sample **)getbytes(nchannels * sizeof(t_sample *));

    pthread_mutex_init(&x->x_mutex, 0);
    pthread_cond_init(&x->x_requestcondition, 0);
    pthread_cond_init(&x->x_answercondition, 0);

    x->x_vecsize = 2;
	x->x_disconnect = 0;
    x->x_state = STATE_IDLE;
    x->x_canvas = canvas_getcurrent();
    x->x_streamchannels = 2;
    x->x_fd = -1;
    x->x_buf = buf;
    x->x_bufsize = bufsize;
	x->x_siginterval = 16;	/* signal 16 times per buffer */
    x->x_fifosize = x->x_fifohead = x->x_fifotail = x->x_fifobytes = x->x_requestcode = 0;

	x->x_connectstate = 0;  /* indicating state of connection */
    x->x_samplerate = x->x_streamrate = sys_getsr();
	x->x_resample = 0;
	x->x_vorbis = 0;
	x->x_sync = 0;
	x->x_recover = -1;   /* just ignore buffer underruns */

		/* graphical buffer status display */
    x->x_graphic = (int)fdographics;
    x->x_canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); 
    logpost(NULL, 4, oggamp_version);
	post("oggamp~: set buffer to %dk bytes", bufsize/1024);

		/* start child thread */
    pthread_create(&x->x_childthread, 0, oggamp_child_main, x);
    return (x);
Beispiel #19
void *gendy_new(t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av){
	t_gendy *x = NULL;
    long init_cps;
    x = (t_gendy *)object_alloc(gendy_class);
	if (x) {
		dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, 0);
        x->mFreqMul     = (float) 1.f/sys_getsr();
        x->mPhase       = 1.f;	//should immediately decide on new target
        x->mAmp         = 0.0;
        x->mNextAmp     = 0.0;
        x->mSpeed       = 100;
        x->mIndex       = 0;
        // if the first value is a long use it as our number of cps
        // non incremented av always points to the first value in the atom array
        if (attr_args_offset(ac, av) > 0 && atom_gettype(av) == A_LONG) {
            init_cps = atom_getlong(av);

                x->g_cps = (int) init_cps;    
                object_post((t_object*) x, "number of cps: %d", x->g_cps);
            } else {
                x->g_cps = CONTROL_POINTS;  
                object_error((t_object*) x, "number of cps too small, setting to default (12)");
        } else {
            x->g_cps = CONTROL_POINTS;
            object_post((t_object*)x, "no number of cps supplied, using the default (12)");
        x->mMemoryAmp = (float*)sysmem_newptr(x->g_cps * sizeof(float));
        x->mMemoryDur = (float*)sysmem_newptr(x->g_cps * sizeof(float));
        // defaults
        x->g_ampdist      = 0;
        x->g_durdist      = 0;
        x->g_adparam      = 1.f;
        x->g_ddparam      = 1.f;
        x->g_minfreq      = 440.f;
        x->g_maxfreq      = 660.f;
        x->g_ampscale     = 0.5f;
        x->g_durscale     = 0.5f; 
        // process the attributes after the defaults have been set
        attr_args_process(x, ac, av);
        // set up the random generator
        //initialise to zeroes and separations
        int i=0;
        for(i=0; i < x->g_cps; ++i) {
            x->mMemoryAmp[i] = 2 * x->rgen.frand() - 1.0;
            x->mMemoryDur[i] = x->rgen.frand();
        outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");
	return (x);
Beispiel #20
void *grans_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
    int n;
	t_grans *x = (t_grans *)object_alloc(grans_class);

	if (x) {
		dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, 6);
        //object_post((t_object *)x, "%d agrc", argc);

        x->maxoscillators = DEFAULTMAXOSCILLATORS;
        if( argc > 0)
            int i;
            t_atom *ap;
            for (i = 0, ap = argv; i < argc; i++, ap++) {
                if(atom_gettype(ap) == A_LONG)
                        case 0:
                            n = atom_getlong(ap);
                            x->maxoscillators = n;
                           // object_post((t_object *)x, "%d oscillators initialized", n);
                        case 1:
                            n = atom_getlong(ap);
                            x->numoutlets = n;
                           // object_post((t_object *)x, "%d outlets?", n);

                                outlet_new(x, "signal");
            x->numoutlets = 1;
            outlet_new(x, "signal");
           // outlet_new(x, "signal");
        x->ob.z_misc |= Z_NO_INPLACE;

		x->base = (t_osc *)calloc(x->maxoscillators, sizeof(t_osc));
        x->sinetab = (double *)calloc(STABSZ, sizeof(double));
        x->wind_costab = (double *)calloc(STABSZ, sizeof(double));
        x->expdecaytab = (double *)calloc(STABSZ, sizeof(double));
        x->dampedsinetab = (double *)calloc(STABSZ, sizeof(double));
        x->sincwindow = (double *)calloc(STABSZ, sizeof(double));

        double coefshape[NSHAPINGTABS];

        PowTableFunction(NSHAPINGTABS, coefshape, 1, 0.0001, 1.0, 2.0);

        x->exptab = (double **)calloc(NSHAPINGTABS, sizeof(double *));

        long i;
        for(i = 0; i < NSHAPINGTABS; i++){
            x->exptab[i] = (double *)calloc(STABSZ, sizeof(double));
                PowTableFunction(STABSZ, x->exptab[i], 1, 0.0001, 1.0, coefshape[i] * 10.0);
            } else {
                object_error((t_object *)x, "could not allocate memory for lookup table");
        //put some allocation checking in here probably
        x->samplerate =  sys_getsr();
            x->samplerate = 44100;
        x->sampleinterval = 1.0 / x->samplerate;
        x->pk = ( STABSZ * x->sampleinterval ) * ( 1l << ( 32 - TPOW )) ;
        x->pkw = ( STABSZ * x->sampleinterval ) ;

        x->maxhz = (x->samplerate / 2) * x->pkw;
        x->nosc = x->next_nosc = 0;
        x->prev_in1 = 0.0;
        x->sincripples = 5; //could make this an attribute, or maybe compute sinc in realtime...
        x->always_on = 0;
        t_dictionary *d = NULL;
        d = dictionary_new();
        if (d) {
            attr_args_dictionary(d, argc, argv);
            attr_dictionary_process(x, d);

    } else {
        object_post((t_object *)x, "this is potentially bad!");
	return (x);
t_eobj* wrappedClass_new(t_symbol* name, long argc, t_atom* argv)
	WrappedClass*		wrappedPdClass = NULL;
    WrappedInstancePtr	x = NULL;
	TTValue				sr(sys_getsr());
	TTValue				v, none;
 	long				attrstart = attr_args_offset(argc, argv);		// support normal arguments
	TTErr				err = kTTErrNone;
	// Find the WrappedClass
    //hashtab_lookup(wrappedPdClasses, name, (t_object**)&wrappedPdClass);
    wrappedPdClass = (WrappedClass*)wrappedPdClasses[name->s_name];
	// If the WrappedClass has a validity check defined, then call the validity check function.
	// If it returns an error, then we won't instantiate the object.
	if (wrappedPdClass) {
		if (wrappedPdClass->validityCheck)
			err = wrappedPdClass->validityCheck(wrappedPdClass->validityCheckArgument);
			err = kTTErrNone;
		err = kTTErrGeneric;
	if (!err)
        x = (WrappedInstancePtr)eobj_new(wrappedPdClass->pdClass);
    if (x) {
		x->wrappedClassDefinition = wrappedPdClass;
		x->maxNumChannels = 2;		// An initial argument to this object will set the maximum number of channels
		if (attrstart && argv)
			x->maxNumChannels = atom_getlong(argv);
		ttEnvironment->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_sampleRate, sr);
		if (wrappedPdClass->options && !wrappedPdClass->options->lookup(TT("numChannelsUseFixedRatioInputsToOutputs"), v)) {
		   TTUInt16	inputs;
		   TTUInt16	outputs;
		   inputs = v[0];
		   outputs = v[1];
		   x->numInputs = x->maxNumChannels * inputs;
		   x->numOutputs = x->maxNumChannels * outputs;
		else if (wrappedPdClass->options && !wrappedPdClass->options->lookup(TT("fixedNumChannels"), v)) {
			TTUInt16 numChannels;
			numChannels = v[0];
			x->numInputs = numChannels;
			x->numOutputs = numChannels;
		else if (wrappedPdClass->options && !wrappedPdClass->options->lookup(TT("fixedNumOutputChannels"), v)) {
			TTUInt16 numChannels;
			numChannels = v[0];
			x->numInputs = x->maxNumChannels;
			x->numOutputs = numChannels;
		else {
		   x->numInputs = x->maxNumChannels;
		   x->numOutputs = x->maxNumChannels;
		if (wrappedPdClass->options && !wrappedPdClass->options->lookup(TT("additionalSignalInputSetsAttribute"), v)) {
			x->numControlSignals = v.size();
			x->controlSignalNames = new TTSymbol[x->numControlSignals];
			for (TTUInt16 i=0; i<x->numControlSignals; i++) {
				x->controlSignalNames[i] = v[i];
		x->wrappedObject = new TTAudioObject(wrappedPdClass->ttblueClassName, x->maxNumChannels);
		x->audioIn = new TTAudio(x->numInputs);
		x->audioOut = new TTAudio(x->numOutputs);
		attr_args_process(x,argc,argv);				// handle attribute args

		x->dumpOut = outlet_new((t_object*)x,NULL);

        for (short i=1; i < x->numInputs; i++)
            inlet_new(&x->obj.o_obj, &x->obj.o_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);

        // eobj_dspsetup(x,x->numInputs,0);
        // dsp_setup(x, x->numInputs);			// inlets
		//if (wrappedPdClass->options && !wrappedPdClass->options->lookup(TT("numControlOutlets"), v))
		//	v.get(0, numControlOutlets);
		if (wrappedPdClass->options && !wrappedPdClass->options->lookup(TT("controlOutletFromNotification"), v)) {
            TTUInt16    outletIndex = 0;
            TTSymbol	notificationName;
 			outletIndex = v[0];
 			notificationName = v[1];
            // TODO: to support more than one notification->outlet we need see how many args are actually passed-in
            // and then we need to track them in a hashtab or something...
            x->controlOutlet = outlet_new((t_object*)x, NULL);
            x->controlCallback = new TTObject("callback");
            x->controlCallback->set("function", TTPtr(&wrappedClass_receiveNotificationForOutlet));
            x->controlCallback->set("baton", TTPtr(x));	
        	// dynamically add a message to the callback object so that it can handle the 'objectFreeing' notification
            x->controlCallback->instance()->registerMessage(notificationName, (TTMethod)&TTCallback::notify, kTTMessagePassValue);
            // tell the source that is passed in that we want to watch it

        x->outlets = new t_outlet*[x->numOutputs];
		for (short i=0; i < x->numOutputs; i++)
            x->outlets[i] = outlet_new(&x->obj.o_obj, &s_signal);

        // x->obj.z_misc = Z_NO_INPLACE;
    return (t_eobj*)x;
Beispiel #22
static void *pluck_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv){
    t_pluck *x = (t_pluck *)pd_new(pluck_class);
    s = NULL;
    static int seed = 1;
    random_init(&x->x_rstate, seed++);
    float freq = 0;
    float decay = 0;
    float cut_freq = 15000;
    x->x_noise_input = 0;
    int argnum = 0;
    int flag = 0;
    while(argc > 0){
        if(argv->a_type == A_FLOAT && !flag){ //if current argument is a float
            t_float argval = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv);
                case 0:
                    freq = argval;
                case 1:
                    decay = argval;
                case 2:
                    cut_freq = argval;
        else if(argv->a_type == A_SYMBOL){
            flag = 1;
            t_symbol *curarg = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
            if(!strcmp(curarg->s_name, "-in")){
                x->x_noise_input = 1;
                goto errstate;
            goto errstate;
    x->x_sr = sys_getsr();
    x->x_alloc = x->x_last_trig = 0;
    x->x_xnm1 = x->x_xnm2 = x->x_ynm1 = x->x_ynm2 = 0.;
    x->x_sum =  PLUCK_MAXD;
    x->x_sz = PLUCK_STACK;
// clear out stack buf, set pointer to stack
    x->x_ybuf = x->x_fbstack;
    x->x_freq = freq;
    x->x_maxdel = 1000;
// ship off to the helper method to deal with allocation if necessary
// inlets / outlet
    x->x_trig_let = inlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_pd *)x, &s_signal, &s_signal);
    x->x_alet = inlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_pd *)x, &s_signal, &s_signal);
        pd_float((t_pd *)x->x_alet, decay);
    x->x_inlet_cutoff = inlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_pd *)x, &s_signal, &s_signal);
        pd_float((t_pd *)x->x_inlet_cutoff, cut_freq);
        inlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_pd *)x, &s_signal, &s_signal);
    x->x_outlet = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_signal);
    return (x);
        pd_error(x, "[pluck~]: improper args");
        return NULL;
Beispiel #23
void *samm_new(t_symbol *msg, short argc, t_atom *argv)
	int i,j;
	double divisor;
	t_samm *x;
	if(argc < 2){
		error("%s: there must be at least 1 beat stream",OBJECT_NAME);
		return (void *)NULL;
	if(argc > MAXBEATS + 1)
		error("%s: exceeded maximum of %d beat values",OBJECT_NAME, MAXBEATS);
		return (void *)NULL;
#if MSP
	x = (t_samm *)newobject(samm_class);
	x->metro_count = argc - 1;
	dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,1);
	for(i=0;i< x->metro_count ;i++)
		outlet_new((t_pxobject *)x, "signal");  	
	x->x_obj.z_misc |= Z_NO_INPLACE;
#if PD
    x = (t_samm *)pd_new(samm_class);
    x->metro_count = argc - 1;
    for(i=0;i< x->metro_count;i++)
        outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal"));
	x->sr = sys_getsr();
	x->vs = sys_getblksize();

  x->pause = 0;
  x->mute = 0;
	x->beats = (double *) calloc(x->metro_count, sizeof(double));
	x->metro_samps = (double *) calloc(x->metro_count, sizeof(double));
	x->metro_beatdurs = (double *) calloc(x->metro_count, sizeof(double));
	x->metro = (double *) calloc(x->metro_count, sizeof(double));
	if(! x->sr ){
		x->sr = 44100;
		post("sr autoset to 44100");
	if(argc > 0) {
		x->tempo = (double) atom_getfloatarg(0,argc,argv);

	if( x->tempo <= 0.0 ){
		x->tempo = 120;
		post("tempo autoset to 120 BPM");
	x->onebeat_samps = (60.0/x->tempo) * x->sr;

	for(i = 1,j = 0; i < argc; i++, j++){
		  divisor = (double)atom_getfloatarg(i,argc,argv);
			error("%s: zero divisor given for beat stream %d",OBJECT_NAME,i);
			divisor = 1.0;
		x->metro_beatdurs[j] = 1.0 / divisor; // argument is now DIVISOR of beat 
		x->metro_samps[j] = x->metro_beatdurs[j] * x->onebeat_samps;
		x->metro[j] = 1.0; // initialize for instantaneous beat
//    post("there are %d beat streams",x->metro_count);

  return (x);
Beispiel #24
    /* initialize the lame library */
static int mp3write_tilde_lame_init(t_mp3write *x)
  time_t now;

    int    ret;
    x->lgfp = lame_init(); /* set default parameters for now */

#ifndef UNIX
    /* load lame_enc.dll library */
    HINSTANCE dll;
        error("mp3write~: error loading lame_enc.dll");
        x->x_fd = -1;
        post("mp3write~: connection closed");
        return -1;
       const char *lameVersion = get_lame_version();
       post( "mp3write~ : using lame version : %s", lameVersion );

        /* setting lame parameters */
    lame_set_num_channels( x->lgfp, 2);
    lame_set_in_samplerate( x->lgfp, sys_getsr() );
    lame_set_out_samplerate( x->lgfp, x->x_samplerate );
    lame_set_brate( x->lgfp, x->x_bitrate );
    lame_set_mode( x->lgfp, x->x_mp3mode );
    lame_set_quality( x->lgfp, x->x_mp3quality );
    lame_set_emphasis( x->lgfp, 1 );
    lame_set_original( x->lgfp, 1 );
    lame_set_copyright( x->lgfp, 1 ); /* viva free music societies !!! */
    lame_set_disable_reservoir( x->lgfp, 0 );
    lame_set_padding_type( x->lgfp, PAD_NO );
    ret = lame_init_params( x->lgfp );
    if ( ret<0 ) {
       post( "mp3write~ : error : lame params initialization returned : %d", ret );
       return -1;
    } else {
       /* magic formula copied from windows dll for MPEG-I */
       x->x_lamechunk = 2*1152;

       post( "mp3write~ : lame initialization done. (%d)", x->x_lame );
    lame_init_bitstream( x->lgfp );

    /* setting tag information */
    id3tag_set_artist(x->lgfp, "Pd Session");
    sprintf( x->x_title, "Started at %s", ctime(&now) );
    id3tag_set_title(x->lgfp, x->x_title );
    return 0;

Beispiel #25
void *HoaRecomposer_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_HoaRecomposer *x = NULL;
    t_dictionary *d;
	int order = 4, inputs = 10;
    x = (t_HoaRecomposer *)object_alloc((t_class*)HoaRecomposer_class);
	if (x)
		if(atom_gettype(argv) == A_LONG)
			order	= atom_getlong(argv);
		if(atom_gettype(argv+1) == A_LONG)
			inputs	= atom_getlong(argv+1);
        /* Base Attributes */
		x->f_ambiRecomposer	= new AmbisonicRecomposer(order, inputs, Hoa_Fixe, sys_getblksize(), sys_getsr());
        x->f_ramp_time = x->f_ambiRecomposer->getRampInMs();
        x->f_mode = gensym("fixe");
		dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, x->f_ambiRecomposer->getNumberOfInputs());
		for (int i = 0; i < x->f_ambiRecomposer->getNumberOfOutputs(); i++)
			outlet_new(x, "signal");
		x->f_ob.z_misc = Z_NO_INPLACE;
        attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);
        d = (t_dictionary *)gensym("#D")->s_thing;
        if (d) attr_dictionary_process(x, d);
        object_attr_setdisabled((t_object *)x, gensym("ramp"), (x->f_mode == gensym("fixe")) ? 1 : 0);
	return (x);
Beispiel #26
void *centroid_new(t_symbol *s, short argc, t_atom *argv) {
	t_int i;
	t_int vs = sys_getblksize();
    t_centroid *x = (t_centroid *)newobject(centroid_class);
    t_float ms2samp;    
    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,2);	
	x->c_clock = clock_new(x,(method)centroid_tick);
	x->c_outcent = floatout((t_centroid *)x);
	x->c_Fs = sys_getsr();
	x->c_centroid = 0.0f;
	x->BufWritePos = 0;
	ms2samp = x->c_Fs * 0.001f;

	if (argv[0].a_type == A_LONG) x->BufSize = argv[0].a_w.w_long; // Samples 
	else if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->BufSize = (int)(argv[0].a_w.w_float * ms2samp); // Time in ms
	else x->BufSize = DEFBUFSIZE;
	if (argv[1].a_type == A_LONG) x->c_overlap = argv[1].a_w.w_long; // Samples 
	else if (argv[1].a_type == A_FLOAT) x->c_overlap = (int)(argv[1].a_w.w_float * ms2samp); // Time in ms
	else x->c_overlap = x->BufSize/2;
	if (argv[2].a_w.w_sym == ps_rectangular) x->c_window = Recta;
	else if (argv[2].a_w.w_sym == ps_hanning) x->c_window = Hann;
	else if (argv[2].a_w.w_sym == ps_hamming) x->c_window = Hamm;
	else if (argv[2].a_w.w_sym == ps_blackman) x->c_window = Black;
	else x->c_window = Black;

	x->FFTSize = x->BufSize;

	if (x->BufSize < vs) { 
		x->FFTSize = vs;
		x->BufSize = vs;
	else if ((x->BufSize > vs) && (x->BufSize < 128))  x->FFTSize = 128;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 128) && (x->BufSize < 256)) x->FFTSize = 256;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 256) && (x->BufSize < 512)) x->FFTSize = 512;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 512) && (x->BufSize < 1024)) x->FFTSize = 1024;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 1024) && (x->BufSize < 2048)) x->FFTSize = 2048;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 2048) && (x->BufSize < 4096)) x->FFTSize = 4096;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 8192) && (x->BufSize < 16384)) x->FFTSize = 16384;
	else if ((x->BufSize > 16384) && (x->BufSize < 32768)) x->FFTSize = 32768;
	else if (x->BufSize > 32768) {
		post(" Maximum FFT Size is 65536",0);
		x->FFTSize = 65536;
		x->BufSize = 65536;
	// Overlap case
	if (x->c_overlap > x->BufSize-vs) {
		post(" You can't overlap so much...",0);
		x->c_overlap = x->BufSize-vs;
	} else if (x->c_overlap < 1)
		x->c_overlap = 0; 

	// Allocate memory
	x->Buf1 = t_getbytes(x->BufSize * sizeof(float));
	x->Buf2 = t_getbytes(x->BufSize * sizeof(float));
	x->BufFFT = t_getbytes(x->FFTSize * sizeof(float));
	x->WindFFT = t_getbytes(x->FFTSize * sizeof(float));
	x->memFFT = t_getbytes(CMAX * x->FFTSize * sizeof(float)); // memory allocated for fft twiddle
	// Compute and store Windows
	if ((x->c_window > Recta) && (x->c_window <= Black)) {
		switch (x->c_window) {

			case Hann: 	for (i=0; i<x->FFTSize; ++i)
							x->WindFFT[i] = HANNING_W(i, x->FFTSize);
			case Hamm:	for (i=0; i<x->FFTSize; ++i)
							x->WindFFT[i] = HAMMING_W(i, x->FFTSize);
			case Black: for (i=0; i<x->FFTSize; ++i)
							x->WindFFT[i] = BLACKMAN_W(i, x->FFTSize);

    return (x);
Beispiel #27
static void *dkgoertzel_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom * argv){
    t_dkgoertzel_tilde *x = (t_dkgoertzel_tilde *)pd_new(dkgoertzel_tilde_class);
    t_float maxdel = DKGOERTZEL_DELAY;
    t_float initdel = DKGOERTZEL_MINMS;
    t_float gain = DKGOERTZEL_DEFGAIN;
    x->x_sr = sys_getsr();
    x->x_alloc = 0;
    x->x_sz = DKGOERTZ_STACK;
    //clear out stack bufs, set pointer to stack
    x->x_ybuf = x->x_fbstack;
    x->x_xbuf = x->x_ffstack;

    int argnum = 0; //current argument
        if(argv -> a_type == A_FLOAT){
            t_float curf = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv);
                case 0:
                    initdel = curf;
                case 1:
                    gain = curf;
        else if(argv -> a_type == A_SYMBOL){
            t_symbol * cursym = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
            if(argc>= 2){
                if(strcmp(cursym->s_name, "-maxdelay") == 0){
                    t_float curf = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv);
                    maxdel = curf;
                    goto errstate;
                argc -=2;
                argv += 2;
                goto errstate;

    x->x_maxdel = maxdel > 0 ? maxdel : DKGOERTZEL_DELAY; 
      //ship off to the helper method to deal with allocation if necessary
    //this is 1/44.1 (1/(sr*0.001) rounded up, good enough?

    if(initdel < DKGOERTZEL_MINMS){
        initdel = DKGOERTZEL_MINMS;
    else if(initdel > x->x_maxdel){
        initdel = x->x_maxdel;

    //inlets outlets
    x->x_dellet = inlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_pd *)x, &s_signal, &s_signal);
    pd_float((t_pd *)x->x_dellet, initdel);
    x->x_gainlet = inlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_pd *)x, &s_signal, &s_signal);
    pd_float((t_pd *)x->x_gainlet, gain);
    x->x_outlet = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_signal);
    return (x);
    pd_error(x, "dkgoertzel~: improper args!");
    return NULL;
Beispiel #28
void *phasevoc_tilde_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)

  t_phasevoc_tilde *x = (t_phasevoc_tilde *)pd_new(phasevoc_tilde_class);

  inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("timestretch"));
  inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("pitchshift"));
  outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal);
  x->buffPos = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);

  x->sampleRate = sys_getsr();
  x->circBuffSeconds = 5;
  x->circBuffLength = x->sampleRate * x->circBuffSeconds;
  x->circBuffIndex = 0;
  x->circBuffWindowBackIndex = x->circBuffWindowStart = 0;
  x->sampHoldBuffIndex = x->sampHoldBuffWindowIndex = x->sampHoldBuffWindowStart = x->circBuffToSampHoldCopyIndex = 0;
  x->sampHoldBuffLength = 0;
  x->timestretch = 1.0;
  x->pitchshift = 0.0;
  x->fftSize = 1024;
  x->fftHalfSize = x->fftSize >> 1;
  x->hopSize = 64;
  x->overlapChunk = x->fftSize>>2;
  x->overlap = x->fftSize/x->hopSize;
  x->twoPi = 8.0f * atanf(1.0f);
  x->bufferPosition = 0;
  x->n = 64;
  x->inputTime = x->outputTime = x->dsp_tick = 0;
  x->buffer_limit = x->fftSize/x->n/x->overlap;
  x->fft_tick = 0;
  x->outputTime = 0;
  x->phaselock = 0;
  x->pause = 0;
  x->waszeroflag = 0;

  while (argc > 0)
      t_symbol *firstarg = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
      if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-buffsize"))
	  phasevoc_tilde_buffsize(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
	  argc-=2, argv+=2;
      else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-windowsize"))
	  phasevoc_tilde_windowsize(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
	  argc-=2, argv+=2;
      else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-hopsize"))
	  phasevoc_tilde_hopsize(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
	  argc-=2, argv+=2;
	  pd_error(x, "phasevoc: %s: unknown flag or argument missing",
	  argc--, argv++;


  x->circBuff = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->circBuff = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->circBuff, 0, sizeof(float) * x->circBuffLength);
  x->sampHoldBuff = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->sampHoldBuff = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->sampHoldBuff, 0, sizeof(float) * x->circBuffLength);
  x->inFrontBuff = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->inFrontBuff = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->inFrontBuff, 0, sizeof(float) * x->fftSize);
  x->inBackBuff = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->inBackBuff = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->inBackBuff, 0, sizeof(float) * x->fftSize);
  x->outBuff = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->outBuff = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->outBuff, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->hopSize + x->n));
  x->inFrontShift = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->inFrontShift = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->inFrontShift, 0, sizeof(float) * x->fftSize);
  x->inBackShift = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->inBackShift = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->inBackShift, 0, sizeof(float) * x->fftSize);
  x->frontReal = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->frontReal = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->frontReal, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->frontImag = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->frontImag = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->frontImag, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->backReal = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->backReal = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->backReal, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->backImag = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->backImag = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->backImag, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->prevReal = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->prevReal = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->prevReal, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->prevImag = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->prevImag = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->prevImag, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->conjReal = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->conjReal = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->conjReal, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->conjImag = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->conjImag = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->conjImag, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->outReal = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->outReal = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->outReal, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->outImag = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->outImag = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->outImag, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->rsqrt = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->rsqrt = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->rsqrt, 0, sizeof(float) * (x->fftHalfSize+1));
  x->outSpectra = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->outSpectra = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->outSpectra, 0, sizeof(float) * x->fftSize);
  x->analWindow = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->analWindow = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->analWindow, 0, sizeof(float) * x->fftSize);
  x->synthWindow = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->synthWindow = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->synthWindow, 0, sizeof(float) * x->fftSize);
  x->nonoverlappedOutBuff = (t_float *)t_getbytes(0);
  x->nonoverlappedOutBuff = (t_float *)t_resizebytes(x->nonoverlappedOutBuff, 0, sizeof(float) * x->fftSize * x->overlap);



return (void *)x;
Beispiel #29
static void plugin_tilde_plug (Pd_Plugin_Tilde* x, t_symbol* plug_name) {
  x->plugin_library_filename = NULL;
  x->plugin_library_filename = plugin_tilde_search_plugin (x, plug_name->s_name);
  if (x->plugin_library_filename == NULL)
    error("plugin~: plugin not found in any library");
  if (plugin_tilde_open_plugin (x, plug_name->s_name, x->plugin_library_filename,(unsigned long)sys_getsr ()))
    error("plugin~: Unable to open plugin");
  else {
    post("plugin~: \"%s\"", x->plugin.ladspa.type->Name);
Beispiel #30
void *munger_new(double maxdelay, long channels)
	int i, j;
    t_munger *x = (t_munger *)object_alloc(munger_class);
    //zero out the struct, to be careful (takk to jkclayton)
    if (x) { 
                ((char *)x)[i]=0; 
	if (maxdelay < 100.) maxdelay = 3000.; //set maxdelay to 3000ms by default
	post("munger: maxdelay = %f milliseconds", maxdelay);
	if (channels < 2) x->num_channels = 2;
	else x->num_channels = channels;
	if (x->num_channels > MAXCHANNELS) x->num_channels = MAXCHANNELS;
	post ("munger: number channels = %d", x->num_channels);
    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,8);
    for (i=0;i<x->num_channels;i++) {
    	outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");
    x->srate = sys_getsr();
    x->one_over_srate = 1./x->srate;
    x->srate_ms = x->srate/1000.;
    x->one_over_srate_ms = 1./x->srate_ms;
    //x->buflen = (float)BUFLENGTH;
    if (x->recordBuf)
    x->initbuflen = (float)(maxdelay + 50.) * 44.1; //adding a little extra to avoid boundary bugs.
    x->buflen = x->initbuflen;
    x->maxsize = x->buflen / 3.;
    x->twothirdBufsize = x->maxsize * 2.;
    x->onethirdBufsize = x->maxsize;
    x->minsize = MINSIZE;
    x->voices = 10;
    x->gain = 1.;
    x->randgain = 0.;
    x->twelfth = 1./12.;
    x->semitone = pow(2., 1./12.);
    x->smoothPitch = 1;
    x->scale_len = PITCHTABLESIZE;
    x->grate = 1.;				
    x->grate_var = 0.;	
    x->glen = 1.; 				
    x->glen_var = 0.; 		
    x->gpitch = 1.; 		 
    x->gpitch_var = 0.;
    x->gpan_spread = 0.;
    x->time = 0;	
    x->position = -1.; //-1 default == random positioning
    x->gimme = 0.;	
    x->power = 1;
    x->ambi = 0;
    x->maxvoices = 20;
	x->oneshot = 0;
    x->newnote = 0;
    for(i=0; i<NUMVOICES; i++) {
    	x->gvoiceSize[i] = 1000;			
    	x->gvoiceSpeed[i] = 1.;			
    	x->gvoiceCurrent[i] = 0.;		
    	x->gvoiceDirection[i] = 1;		
    	x->gvoiceOn[i] = 0;			
    	x->gvoiceDone[i] = 0;			
    	x->gvoiceRPan[i] = .5;
    	x->gvoiceLPan[i] = .5;
    	x->gvoiceGain[i] = 1.;
    	x->gvoiceADSRon[i] = 0;
    	for(j=0;j<MAXCHANNELS;j++) {
    		x->gvoiceSpat[i][j] = 0.;
    	//note and oneshot inits
	    x->noteTransp[i] = 0.;
	    x->noteSize[i] = 100.;
	    x->notePan[i] = 0.5;
	    x->noteGain[i] = 1.;
	    x->noteAttack[i] = 20.;
	    x->noteDecay[i] = 50.;
	    x->noteSustain[i] = 0.3;
	    x->noteRelease[i] = 200.;
    for(i=0;i<MAXCHANNELS;i++) {
    	x->channelGain[i] = 0.;
    	x->channelGainSpread[i] = 0.;
    //init hanning window
    x->doHanning = 0;
    for(i=0; i<WINLENGTH; i++) 
    	x->winTable[i] = 0.5 + 0.5*cos(TWOPI * i/WINLENGTH + .5*TWOPI);
    for(i=0; i<PITCHTABLESIZE; i++) {
		x->pitchTable[i] = 0.;
    x->rampLength = 256.;
    //sample buffer
    //for(i=0; i<BUFLENGTH; i++) x->recordBuf[i] = 0.;
    for(i=0; i<x->initbuflen; i++) x->recordBuf[i] = 0.;
    x->recordOn = 1; //boolean
	x->recordCurrent = 0;
	x->recordRampVal = 0; 
	x->rec_ramping = 0;
	x->externalBuffer = 0; //use internal buffer by default

    //post("mungery away");
    return (x);