Beispiel #1
// Performs a soft limit check. Called from mc_line() only. Assumes the machine has been homed,
// the workspace volume is in all negative space, and the system is in normal operation.
void limits_soft_check(float *target)
  uint8_t idx;
  uint8_t soft_limit_error = false;
  for (idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++) {
      // When homing forced set origin is enabled, soft limits checks need to account for directionality.
      // NOTE: max_travel is stored as negative
      if (bit_istrue(settings.homing_dir_mask,bit(idx))) {
        if (target[idx] < 0 || target[idx] > -settings.max_travel[idx]) { soft_limit_error = true; }
      } else {
        if (target[idx] > 0 || target[idx] < settings.max_travel[idx]) { soft_limit_error = true; }
      // NOTE: max_travel is stored as negative
      if (target[idx] > 0 || target[idx] < settings.max_travel[idx]) { soft_limit_error = true; }
    if (soft_limit_error) {
      // Force feed hold if cycle is active. All buffered blocks are guaranteed to be within 
      // workspace volume so just come to a controlled stop so position is not lost. When complete
      // enter alarm mode.
      if (sys.state == STATE_CYCLE) {
        do {
          if (sys.abort) { return; }
        } while ( sys.state != STATE_IDLE );
      mc_reset(); // Issue system reset and ensure spindle and coolant are shutdown.
      system_set_exec_alarm_flag((EXEC_ALARM_SOFT_LIMIT|EXEC_CRITICAL_EVENT)); // Indicate soft limit critical event
      protocol_execute_realtime(); // Execute to enter critical event loop and system abort
// Method to ready the system to reset by setting the realtime reset command and killing any
// active processes in the system. This also checks if a system reset is issued while Grbl
// is in a motion state. If so, kills the steppers and sets the system alarm to flag position
// lost, since there was an abrupt uncontrolled deceleration. Called at an interrupt level by
// realtime abort command and hard limits. So, keep to a minimum.
void mc_reset()
  // Only this function can set the system reset. Helps prevent multiple kill calls.
  if (bit_isfalse(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_RESET)) {

    // Kill spindle and coolant.

    // Kill steppers only if in any motion state, i.e. cycle, actively holding, or homing.
    // NOTE: If steppers are kept enabled via the step idle delay setting, this also keeps
    // the steppers enabled by avoiding the go_idle call altogether, unless the motion state is
    // violated, by which, all bets are off.
    if ((sys.state & (STATE_CYCLE | STATE_HOMING | STATE_JOG)) ||
      if (sys.state == STATE_HOMING) { 
        if (!sys_rt_exec_alarm) {system_set_exec_alarm(EXEC_ALARM_HOMING_FAIL_RESET); }
      } else { system_set_exec_alarm(EXEC_ALARM_ABORT_CYCLE); }
      st_go_idle(); // Force kill steppers. Position has likely been lost.
// Perform tool length probe cycle. Requires probe switch.
// NOTE: Upon probe failure, the program will be stopped and placed into ALARM state.
uint8_t mc_probe_cycle(float *target, plan_line_data_t *pl_data, uint8_t parser_flags)
  // TODO: Need to update this cycle so it obeys a non-auto cycle start.
  if (sys.state == STATE_CHECK_MODE) { return(GC_PROBE_CHECK_MODE); }

  // Finish all queued commands and empty planner buffer before starting probe cycle.
  if (sys.abort) { return(GC_PROBE_ABORT); } // Return if system reset has been issued.

  // Initialize probing control variables
  uint8_t is_probe_away = bit_istrue(parser_flags,GC_PARSER_PROBE_IS_AWAY);
  uint8_t is_no_error = bit_istrue(parser_flags,GC_PARSER_PROBE_IS_NO_ERROR);
  sys.probe_succeeded = false; // Re-initialize probe history before beginning cycle.

  // After syncing, check if probe is already triggered. If so, halt and issue alarm.
  // NOTE: This probe initialization error applies to all probing cycles.
  if ( probe_get_state() ) { // Check probe pin state.
    probe_configure_invert_mask(false); // Re-initialize invert mask before returning.
    return(GC_PROBE_FAIL_INIT); // Nothing else to do but bail.

  // Setup and queue probing motion. Auto cycle-start should not start the cycle.
  mc_line(target, pl_data);

  // Activate the probing state monitor in the stepper module.
  sys_probe_state = PROBE_ACTIVE;

  // Perform probing cycle. Wait here until probe is triggered or motion completes.
  do {
    if (sys.abort) { return(GC_PROBE_ABORT); } // Check for system abort
  } while (sys.state != STATE_IDLE);

  // Probing cycle complete!

  // Set state variables and error out, if the probe failed and cycle with error is enabled.
  if (sys_probe_state == PROBE_ACTIVE) {
    if (is_no_error) { memcpy(sys_probe_position, sys_position, sizeof(sys_position)); }
    else { system_set_exec_alarm(EXEC_ALARM_PROBE_FAIL_CONTACT); }
  } else {
    sys.probe_succeeded = true; // Indicate to system the probing cycle completed successfully.
  sys_probe_state = PROBE_OFF; // Ensure probe state monitor is disabled.
  probe_configure_invert_mask(false); // Re-initialize invert mask.
  protocol_execute_realtime();   // Check and execute run-time commands

  // Reset the stepper and planner buffers to remove the remainder of the probe motion.
  st_reset(); // Reset step segment buffer.
  plan_reset(); // Reset planner buffer. Zero planner positions. Ensure probing motion is cleared.
  plan_sync_position(); // Sync planner position to current machine position.

    // All done! Output the probe position as message.

  if (sys.probe_succeeded) { return(GC_PROBE_FOUND); } // Successful probe cycle.
  else { return(GC_PROBE_FAIL_END); } // Failed to trigger probe within travel. With or without error.