static char *dss_fingerprint(void *key)
    struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
    struct MD5Context md5c;
    unsigned char digest[16], lenbuf[4];
    char buffer[16 * 3 + 40];
    size_t pos;
    int numlen, i;

    MD5Update(&md5c, (unsigned char *)"\0\0\0\7ssh-dss", 11);

#define ADD_BIGNUM(bignum) \
    numlen = (bignum_bitcount(bignum)+8)/8; \
    PUT_32BIT(lenbuf, numlen); MD5Update(&md5c, lenbuf, 4); \
    for (i = numlen; i-- ;) { \
        unsigned char c = bignum_byte(bignum, i); \
        MD5Update(&md5c, &c, 1); \

    MD5Final(digest, &md5c);

    pos = szprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "ssh-dss %d ", bignum_bitcount(dss->p));
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
	pos += szprintf(buffer + pos, sizeof(buffer) - pos, "%s%02x", i ? ":" : "",
    return dupstr(buffer);
static char *dss_fmtkey(void *key)
    struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
    char *p;
    size_t len, pos;
    int i, nibbles;
    static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
    if (!dss->p)
	return NULL;
    len = 8 + 4 + 1;		       /* 4 x "0x", punctuation, \0 */
    len += 4 * (bignum_bitcount(dss->p) + 15) / 16;
    len += 4 * (bignum_bitcount(dss->q) + 15) / 16;
    len += 4 * (bignum_bitcount(dss->g) + 15) / 16;
    len += 4 * (bignum_bitcount(dss->y) + 15) / 16;
    p = snewn(len, char);
    if (!p)
	return NULL;

    pos = szprintf(p, len, "0x");
    nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(dss->p)) / 4;
    if (nibbles < 1)
	nibbles = 1;
    for (i = nibbles; i--;)
	p[pos++] =
	    hex[(bignum_byte(dss->p, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF];
    pos += szprintf(p + pos, len - pos, ",0x");
    nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(dss->q)) / 4;
    if (nibbles < 1)
	nibbles = 1;
    for (i = nibbles; i--;)
	p[pos++] =
	    hex[(bignum_byte(dss->q, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF];
    pos += szprintf(p + pos, len - pos, ",0x");
    nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(dss->g)) / 4;
    if (nibbles < 1)
	nibbles = 1;
    for (i = nibbles; i--;)
	p[pos++] =
	    hex[(bignum_byte(dss->g, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF];
    pos += szprintf(p + pos, len - pos, ",0x");
    nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(dss->y)) / 4;
    if (nibbles < 1)
	nibbles = 1;
    for (i = nibbles; i--;)
	p[pos++] =
	    hex[(bignum_byte(dss->y, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF];
    p[pos] = '\0';
    return p;
Beispiel #3
int main() {
   int len;
   char *message = szprintf(stdlib_memory, &len, "%s:%d", "test", 42);
   assert(!strcmp(message, "test:42"));
   assert(len == 7);;
   return 0;
Beispiel #4
 * ScreenShot(): Convenience function to take a screenshot of the game.
 * @return 0 on success; non-zero on error.
int ImageUtil::ScreenShot(void)
	// If no game is running, don't do anything.
	if (!Game)
		return 1;
	// Variables used:
	// VDP_Num_Vis_Lines: Number of lines visible on the screen. (bitmap height)
	// MD_Screen: MD screen buffer.
	// VDP_Reg.Set4: If 0x01 is set, 320 pixels width; otherwise, 256 pixels width.
	// TODO: Use macros in video/v_inline.h
	const int w = (VDP_Reg.Set4 & 0x01 ? 320 : 256);
	const int h = VDP_Num_Vis_Lines;
	// Build the filename.
	int num = -1;
	char filename[GENS_PATH_MAX];
	const char *ext;
	ImageFormat fmt;
#ifdef GENS_PNG
	if (gsft_png_dll_init() == 0)
		// PNG initialized.
		ext = "png";
#endif /* GENS_PNG */
		// Couldn't initialize PNG.
		// Use BMP instead.
		ext = "bmp";
		szprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s%s_%03d.%s", PathNames.Screenshot_Dir, ROM_Filename, num, ext);
	} while (gsft_file_exists(filename));
	void *screen;
	if (bppMD == 15 || bppMD == 16)
		screen = (void*)(&MD_Screen[8]);
	else //if (bppMD == 32)
		screen = (void*)(&MD_Screen32[8]);
	// Attempt to save the screenshot.
	int rval = WriteImage(filename, fmt, w, h, 336, screen, bppMD);
	if (!rval)
		vdraw_text_printf(1500, "Screen shot %d saved.", num);
	return rval;
Beispiel #5
 * gsft_file_rel_to_abs(): Convert a relative pathname to an absolute pathname.
 * @param path_rel	[in] Relative pathname to convert.
 * @param path_root	[in] Root of the relative ptah.
 * @param path_abs	[out] Buffer for the absolute pathname.
 * @param path_abs_len	[in] Length of the absolute pathname buffer.
void GSFT_FNCALL gsft_file_rel_to_abs(const char *path_rel, const char *path_root,
				      char *path_abs, size_t path_abs_len)
	// Check if the relative pathname is actually relative.
	if (path_rel[0] != '.' || path_rel[1] != GSFT_DIR_SEP_CHR)
		// Not relative. Copy the path as-is.
		strlcpy(path_abs, path_rel, path_abs_len);
	// Relative pathname.
	szprintf(path_abs, path_abs_len, "%s%s", path_root, &path_rel[2]);
Beispiel #6
 * gsft_file_abs_to_rel(): Convert an absolute pathname to a relative pathname.
 * @param path_abs	[in] Absolute pathname to convert.
 * @param path_root	[in] Root of the relative path.
 * @param path_rel	[out] Buffer for the relative pathname.
 * @param path_rel_len	[in] Length of the relative pathname buffer.
void GSFT_FNCALL gsft_file_abs_to_rel(const char *path_abs, const char *path_root,
				      char *path_rel, size_t path_rel_len)
	// Check if the absolute pathname has the root path in it.
	const size_t path_root_len = strlen(path_root);
	if (strncmp(path_abs, path_root, path_root_len) != 0)
		// Root path not found. Copy the absolute path as-is.
		strlcpy(path_rel, path_abs, path_rel_len);
	// Root path found.
	szprintf(path_rel, path_rel_len,
		 "." GSFT_DIR_SEP_STR "%s", &path_abs[path_root_len]);
Beispiel #7
static int MDP_FNCALL ips_event_handler(int event_id, void *event_info)
	if (event_id == MDP_EVENT_OPEN_ROM)
		mdp_event_open_rom_t *openROM = (mdp_event_open_rom_t*)(event_info);
		if (!openROM->rom_name)
			return MDP_ERR_OK;
		// IPS patch file is [save directory]/ROM_name.ips.
		char patch_filename[1024];
		szprintf(patch_filename, sizeof(patch_filename),
			 "%s/%s.ips", ips_save_path, openROM->rom_name);
		// Attempt to load the patch.
		// TODO: Make autoloading based on filename user-configurable.
	// TODO
	return MDP_ERR_OK;
Beispiel #8
 * wav_dump_start(): Start dumping a WAV file.
 * @return 0 on success; non-zero on error.
int wav_dump_start(void)
#ifdef GENS_OS_WIN32
	// Make sure relative pathnames are handled correctly on Win32.
	/* A game must be loaded in order to dump a WAV. */
	if (!Game)
		return 0;
	if (WAV_Dumping)
		vdraw_text_write("WAV sound is already dumping.", 1000);
		return 0;
	/* Build the filename. */
	char filename[GENS_PATH_MAX];
	int num = -1;
		szprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s%s_%03d.wav", PathNames.Dump_WAV_Dir, ROM_Filename, num);
	} while (!access(filename, F_OK));
	/* Open the file. */
	WAV_File = fopen(filename, "wb");
	if (!WAV_File)
		vdraw_text_write("Error opening WAV file.", 1000);
		return 1;
	/* Create the WAV header. */
	memset(&WAV_Header, 0x00, sizeof(WAV_Header));
	/* "RIFF" header. */
	static const char ChunkID_RIFF[4] = {'R', 'I', 'F', 'F'};
	static const char FormatID_WAV[4] = {'W', 'A', 'V', 'E'};
	memcpy(WAV_Header.riff.ChunkID, ChunkID_RIFF, sizeof(WAV_Header.riff.ChunkID));
	memcpy(WAV_Header.riff.Format, FormatID_WAV, sizeof(WAV_Header.riff.Format));
	/* "fmt " header. */
	static const char SubchunkID_fmt[4] = {'f', 'm', 't', ' '};
	memcpy(WAV_Header.fmt.SubchunkID, SubchunkID_fmt, sizeof(WAV_Header.fmt.SubchunkID));
	WAV_Header.fmt.SubchunkSize	= cpu_to_le32(sizeof(WAV_Header.fmt) - 8);
	WAV_Header.fmt.AudioFormat	= cpu_to_le16(1); /* PCM */
	WAV_Header.fmt.NumChannels	= cpu_to_le16((audio_get_stereo() ? 2 : 1));
	WAV_Header.fmt.SampleRate	= cpu_to_le32(audio_get_sound_rate());
	WAV_Header.fmt.BitsPerSample	= cpu_to_le16(16); /* Gens is currently hard-coded to 16-bit audio. */
	/* Calculated fields. */
	WAV_Header.fmt.BlockAlign	= cpu_to_le16(WAV_Header.fmt.NumChannels * (WAV_Header.fmt.BitsPerSample / 8));
	WAV_Header.fmt.ByteRate		= cpu_to_le32(WAV_Header.fmt.BlockAlign * WAV_Header.fmt.SampleRate);
	/* "data" header. */
	static const char SubchunkID_data[4] = {'d', 'a', 't', 'a'};
	memcpy(, SubchunkID_data, sizeof(;
	/* Write the initial header to the file. */
	fwrite(&WAV_Header, sizeof(WAV_Header), 1, WAV_File);
	/* WAV dump started. */
	vdraw_text_write("Starting to dump WAV sound.", 1000);
	WAV_Dumping = 1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #9
 * input_get_key_name(): Get a key name.
 * @param key Key.
 * @param buf Buffer to store the key name in. ("Unknown Key" is stored on error.)
 * @param size Size of the buffer.
 * @return 0 on success; non-zero on error.
int input_get_key_name(uint16_t key, char* buf, int size)
	if (size == 0)
		return -1;
	if (key == 0)
		// 0 == not configured.
		strlcpy(buf, "Not Configured", size);
		return 0;
		// Not a joystick input.
		// Defer the key name lookup to the current input handler.
		if (input_cur_backend)
			int rval = input_cur_backend->get_key_name(key, buf, size);
			if (!rval)
				return 0;
				// Unknown key.
				strlcpy(buf, "Unknown Key", size);
				return rval;
		// No backend available. Return an error.
		strlcpy(buf, "Unknown Key", size);
		return -1;
	// Joystick input.
	static const char pov_directions[4][8]	= {"Up", "Right", "Down", "Left"};
	static const char axis_names[6][4]	= {"X", "Y", "Z", "Rx", "Ry", "Rz"};
	// Joystick number.
	const int joy_num = INPUT_JOYSTICK_GET_NUMBER(key);
			int axis = INPUT_JOYSTICK_GET_AXIS(key);
			if (axis < 6)
				szprintf(buf, size, "Joy %d, Axis %s%c", joy_num, axis_names[axis], dir);
				szprintf(buf, size, "Joy %d, Axis %d%c", joy_num, axis, dir);
			szprintf(buf, size, "Joy %d, Button %d", joy_num,
			szprintf(buf, size, "Joy %d, POV %d %s", joy_num,
			strlcpy(buf, "Unknown Joy Key", size);
			return -1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #10
 * z80dis(): Disassemble Z80 code.
 * @param buf Z80 code to disassemble.
 * @param Counter ???
 * @param str Disassembled Z80 code.
 * @param size Size of str.
 * @return ???
int z80dis(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int *Counter, char *str, int size)
	char S[80], T[80], U[80], *P, *R;
	int I, J;
	if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
		return (0);
	memset(S, 0x00, sizeof(S));
	memset(T, 0x00, sizeof(T));
	memset(U, 0x00, sizeof(U));
	memset(str, 0x00, size);
	szprintf(str, size, "%.4X: %.2X", (*Counter)++, I);
	switch (I)
		case 0xCB:
			if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
				return 0;
			sprintf(U, "%.2X", I);
			strcpy(S, MnemonicsCB[I]);
		case 0xED:
			if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
				return 0;
			sprintf(U, "%.2X", I);
			strcpy(S, MnemonicsED[I]);
		case 0xFD:
			if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
				return (0);
			sprintf (U, "%.2X", I);
			if (I == 0xCB)
				if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
					return 0;
				if ((J = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
					return 0;
				sprintf(U, "%s%.2X%.2X", U, I, J);
				sprintf(S, "%s, (IY+%.2X)", MnemonicsCB[J], I);
				strcpy(S, MnemonicsXX[I]);
				if ((P = strchr(S, '%')))
					*P = 'Y';
		case 0xDD:
		if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
			return 0;
		sprintf (U, "%.2X", I);
		if (I == 0xCB)
			if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
				return 0;
			if ((J = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
				return 0;
			sprintf(U, "%s%.2X%.2X", U, I, J);
			sprintf(S, "%s, (IX+%.2X)", MnemonicsCB[J], I);
			strcpy(S, MnemonicsXX[I]);
			if ((P = strchr(S, '%')))
				*P = 'X';
		strcpy(S, Mnemonics[I]);
	if ((P = strchr(S, '*')))
		if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
			return 0;
		sprintf(U, "%s%.2X", U, I);
		*P++ = '\0';
		sprintf(T, "%s%hX", S, I);
		if ((R = strchr(P, '*')))
			if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
				return 0;
			sprintf(U, "%s%.2X", U, I);
			*R++ = '\0';
			sprintf(strchr(T, '\0'), "%s%hX%s", P, I, R);
			strcat(T, P);
	else if ((P = strchr(S, '#')))
		if ((I = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
			return 0;
		if ((J = buf[*Counter]) < 0)
			return 0;
		sprintf(U, "%s%.2X%.2X", U, I, J);
		*P++ = '\0';
		sprintf(T, "%s%hX%s", S, 256 * J + I, P);
		strcpy(T, S);
	strlcat(str, U, size);
	if (size >= 19)
		// Pad the field to 18 characters.
		int n;
		for (n = strlen(str); n <= 17; n++)
			str[n] = ' ';
		str[18] = 0x00;
	strlcat(str, T, size);
	strlcat(str, "\n", size);
	return 1;
Beispiel #11
 * sgens_window_update(): Update the information display.
void MDP_FNCALL sgens_window_update(void)
	if (!sgens_window)
	if (sgens_current_rom_type <= SGENS_ROM_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED)
	// String buffer.
	char tmp[64];
	// Get the widget information.
	sgens_widget_info info;
	// Values common to all supported Sonic games.
	// Score.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", info.score);
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_SCORE], tmp);
	// Time.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%02d:%02d:%02d", info.time.min, info.time.sec, info.time.frames);
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_TIME], tmp);
	// Rings.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", info.rings);
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_RINGS], tmp);
	// Lives.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", info.lives);
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_LIVES], tmp);
	// Continues.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", info.continues);
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_CONTINUES], tmp);
	// Rings remaining for Perfect Bonus.
	// This is only applicable for Sonic 2.
	if (sgens_current_rom_type >= SGENS_ROM_TYPE_SONIC2_REV00 &&
	    sgens_current_rom_type <= SGENS_ROM_TYPE_SONIC2_REV02)
		szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", info.rings_for_perfect_bonus);
		Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_RINGS_PERFECT], tmp);
	// Water status.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s", (info.water_level != 0 ? "ON" : "OFF"));
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_WATER_ENABLED], tmp);
	// Water level.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%04X", info.water_level);
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_WATER_LEVEL], tmp);
	// Number of emeralds.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", info.emeralds);
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_EMERALDS], tmp);
	// Camera X position.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%04X", info.camera_x);
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_CAMERA_X], tmp);
	// Camera Y position.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%04X", info.camera_y);
	Static_SetTextU(lblLevelInfo[LEVEL_INFO_CAMERA_Y], tmp);
	// Player angle.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%0.02f" DEGREE_SYMBOL, info.player_angle);
	Static_SetTextU(lblPlayerInfo[PLAYER_INFO_ANGLE], tmp);
	// Player X position.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%04X", info.player_x);
	Static_SetTextU(lblPlayerInfo[PLAYER_INFO_X], tmp);
	// Player Y position.
	szprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%04X", info.player_y);
	Static_SetTextU(lblPlayerInfo[PLAYER_INFO_Y], tmp);
	// SGens window has been updated.
 * ntsc_event_handler(): Event handler function.
 * @param event_id Event ID.
 * @param event_info Event information.
 * @return MDP error code.
static int MDP_FNCALL ntsc_event_handler(int event_id, void *event_info)
	int i, val;
	char buf[128];
	switch (event_id)
			// Load NTSC configuration.
			// Check for presets.
			ntsc_host_srv->config_get(&mdp, "_Preset", NULL, buf, sizeof(buf));
			for (i = 0; i < NTSC_PRESETS_COUNT; i++)
				if (!ntsc_presets[i].setup)
					// "Custom". This is the last item in the predefined list.
					// Since the current setup doesn't match anything else,
					// it must be a custom setup.
					// Check if this preset matches the current setup.
					if (!strncasecmp(buf, ntsc_presets[i].name, sizeof(buf)))
						// Match found!
						memcpy(&mdp_md_ntsc_setup, ntsc_presets[i].setup, sizeof(mdp_md_ntsc_setup));
			// If "Custom", load customized values.
				for (i = 0; i < NTSC_CTRL_COUNT; i++)
					ntsc_host_srv->config_get(&mdp, ntsc_controls[i].name, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf));
					if (buf[0] == 0x00)
						// Empty value. Use "Composite" preset.
						mdp_md_ntsc_setup.params[i] = md_ntsc_composite.params[i];
						// Non-empty value. Convert it to an integer.
						errno = 0;
						val = strtol(buf, NULL, 0);
						if (errno != 0)
							// Error occurred while converting the number.
							// Use the default value. ("Composite" preset.)
							mdp_md_ntsc_setup.params[i] = md_ntsc_composite.params[i];
							// Number converted.
							// Convert it to an internal NTSC value.
							mdp_md_ntsc_setup.params[i] = ntsc_display_to_internal(i, val);
			// Effects.
			mdp_md_ntsc_effects = 0;
			// Scanlines.
			ntsc_host_srv->config_get(&mdp, "_Scanlines", "1", buf, sizeof(buf));
			if (buf[0])
				errno = 0;
				val = strtol(buf, NULL, 0);
				if (errno != 0)
					val = 1;
				val = 1;
			if (val)
				mdp_md_ntsc_effects |= MDP_MD_NTSC_EFFECT_SCANLINE;
			// Interpolation.
			ntsc_host_srv->config_get(&mdp, "_Interpolation", "1", buf, sizeof(buf));
			if (buf[0])
				errno = 0;
				val = strtol(buf, NULL, 0);
				if (errno != 0)
					val = 1;
				val = 1;
			if (val)
				mdp_md_ntsc_effects |= MDP_MD_NTSC_EFFECT_INTERP;
			// Sony CXA2025AS US decoder matrix.
			ntsc_host_srv->config_get(&mdp, "_Sony_CXA2025AS_US", "0", buf, sizeof(buf));
			if (buf[0])
				errno = 0;
				val = strtol(buf, NULL, 0);
				if (errno != 0)
					val = 0;
				val = 0;
			if (val)
				mdp_md_ntsc_effects |= MDP_MD_NTSC_EFFECT_CXA2025AS;
			// Reinitialize the NTSC settings.
			// Save NTSC configuration.
			// Check if the current configuration is a preset.
			for (i = 0; i < NTSC_PRESETS_COUNT; i++)
				if (!ntsc_presets[i].setup)
					// "Custom". This is the last item in the predefined list.
					// Since the current setup doesn't match anything else,
					// it must be a custom setup.
					ntsc_host_srv->config_set(&mdp, "_Preset", ntsc_presets[i].name);
					// Check if this preset matches the current setup.
					if (!memcmp(&mdp_md_ntsc_setup, ntsc_presets[i].setup, sizeof(mdp_md_ntsc_setup)))
						// Match found!
						ntsc_host_srv->config_set(&mdp, "_Preset", ntsc_presets[i].name);
			// Save individual values.
			for (i = 0; i < NTSC_CTRL_COUNT; i++)
				szprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", ntsc_internal_to_display(i, mdp_md_ntsc_setup.params[i]));
				ntsc_host_srv->config_set(&mdp, ntsc_controls[i].name, buf);
			// Scanlines.
			buf[1] = 0x00;
			buf[0] = ((mdp_md_ntsc_effects & MDP_MD_NTSC_EFFECT_SCANLINE) ? '1' : '0');
			ntsc_host_srv->config_set(&mdp, "_Scanlines", buf);
			// Interpolation.
			buf[0] = ((mdp_md_ntsc_effects & MDP_MD_NTSC_EFFECT_INTERP) ? '1' : '0');
			ntsc_host_srv->config_set(&mdp, "_Interpolation", buf);
			// Sony CXA2025AS US decoder matrix.
			buf[0] = ((mdp_md_ntsc_effects & MDP_MD_NTSC_EFFECT_CXA2025AS) ? '1' : '0');
			ntsc_host_srv->config_set(&mdp, "_Sony_CXA2025AS_US", buf);
			// Unhandled event.
	return MDP_ERR_OK;
 * Log an SSH packet.
 * If n_blanks != 0, blank or omit some parts.
 * Set of blanking areas must be in increasing order.
void log_packet(void *handle, int direction, int type,
		char *texttype, const void *data, int len,
		int n_blanks, const struct logblank_t *blanks,
		const unsigned long *seq,
                unsigned downstream_id, const char *additional_log_text)
    struct LogContext *ctx = (struct LogContext *)handle;
    char dumpdata[80], smalldata[5];
    int p = 0, b = 0, omitted = 0;
    int output_pos = 0; /* NZ if pending output in dumpdata */

    if (!(ctx->logtype == LGTYP_SSHRAW ||
          (ctx->logtype == LGTYP_PACKETS && texttype)))

    /* Packet header. */
    if (texttype) {
        logprintf(ctx, "%s packet ",
                  direction == PKT_INCOMING ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing");

	if (seq)
	    logprintf(ctx, "#0x%lx, ", *seq);

        logprintf(ctx, "type %d / 0x%02x (%s)", type, type, texttype);

        if (downstream_id) {
	    logprintf(ctx, " on behalf of downstream #%u", downstream_id);
            if (additional_log_text)
                logprintf(ctx, " (%s)", additional_log_text);

        logprintf(ctx, "\r\n");
    } else {
         * Raw data is logged with a timestamp, so that it's possible
         * to determine whether a mysterious delay occurred at the
         * client or server end. (Timestamping the raw data avoids
         * cluttering the normal case of only logging decrypted SSH
         * messages, and also adds conceptual rigour in the case where
         * an SSH message arrives in several pieces.)
        char buf[256];
        struct tm tm;
	tm = ltime();
	strftime(buf, 24, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
        logprintf(ctx, "%s raw data at %s\r\n",
                  direction == PKT_INCOMING ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing",

     * Output a hex/ASCII dump of the packet body, blanking/omitting
     * parts as specified.
    while (p < len) {
	int blktype;

	/* Move to a current entry in the blanking array. */
	while ((b < n_blanks) &&
	       (p >= blanks[b].offset + blanks[b].len))
	/* Work out what type of blanking to apply to
	 * this byte. */
	blktype = PKTLOG_EMIT; /* default */
	if ((b < n_blanks) &&
	    (p >= blanks[b].offset) &&
	    (p < blanks[b].offset + blanks[b].len))
	    blktype = blanks[b].type;

	/* If we're about to stop omitting, it's time to say how
	 * much we omitted. */
	if ((blktype != PKTLOG_OMIT) && omitted) {
	    logprintf(ctx, "  (%d byte%s omitted)\r\n",
		      omitted, (omitted==1?"":"s"));
	    omitted = 0;

	/* (Re-)initialise dumpdata as necessary
	 * (start of row, or if we've just stopped omitting) */
	if (!output_pos && !omitted)
	    szprintf(dumpdata, sizeof(dumpdata),
		     "  %08x%*s\r\n", p-(p%16), 1+3*16+2+16, "");

	/* Deal with the current byte. */
	if (blktype == PKTLOG_OMIT) {
	} else {
	    int c;
	    if (blktype == PKTLOG_BLANK) {
		c = 'X';
		szprintf(smalldata, sizeof(smalldata), "XX");
	    } else {  /* PKTLOG_EMIT */
		c = ((unsigned char *)data)[p];
		szprintf(smalldata, sizeof(smalldata), "%02x", c);
	    dumpdata[10+2+3*(p%16)] = smalldata[0];
	    dumpdata[10+2+3*(p%16)+1] = smalldata[1];
	    dumpdata[10+1+3*16+2+(p%16)] = (isprint(c) ? c : '.');
	    output_pos = (p%16) + 1;


	/* Flush row if necessary */
	if (((p % 16) == 0) || (p == len) || omitted) {
	    if (output_pos) {
		strcpy(dumpdata + 10+1+3*16+2+output_pos, "\r\n");
		logwrite(ctx, dumpdata, strlen(dumpdata));
		output_pos = 0;


    /* Tidy up */
    if (omitted)
	logprintf(ctx, "  (%d byte%s omitted)\r\n",
		  omitted, (omitted==1?"":"s"));
Beispiel #14
 * vdpdbg_window_update_lstRegList(): Update the VDP register list.
 * @param reg_vdp VDP registers.
static void vdpdbg_window_update_lstRegList(mdp_reg_vdp_t *reg_vdp)
    // Go through the list and update the registers.
    // TODO: If a user is editing a register, don't update that register.
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    int reg_num;
    char hex_value[16];
    char desc[1024];
    uint8_t reg_value;
    int prev_value;

    // DMA Length and DMA Src Addr stuff.
    GtkTreeIter iter_DMA_Len;
    GtkTreeIter iter_DMA_Src;
    gboolean DMA_Len_NeedsUpdate = FALSE;
    gboolean DMA_Src_NeedsUpdate = FALSE;

    gboolean valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(lmRegList), &iter);
    while (valid)
        gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(lmRegList), &iter, 0, &reg_num, 2, &prev_value, -1);
        if (reg_num < 0 || reg_num >= 24)
            // Invalid register number. Go to the next entry.
            valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(lmRegList), &iter);

        // TODO: If these aren't found but 20/22/23 are, an error will occur.
        if (reg_num == 19)
            iter_DMA_Len = iter;
        else if (reg_num == 21)
            iter_DMA_Src = iter;

        // Get the register value.
        // (prev_value == -1) means the register hasn't been updated yet.
        // TODO: DMA Length and DMA Src Addr are multibyte values.
        // With this method, they're only updated if the low byte is changed.
        // Maybe they should be displayed in a different area...
        reg_value = reg_vdp->data[reg_num];
        if (prev_value != -1 && ((uint8_t)prev_value == reg_value))
            // Register hasn't been changed. Skip it.
            valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(lmRegList), &iter);

        // Create the hexadecimal value.
        szprintf(hex_value, sizeof(hex_value), "0x%02X", reg_value);

        // Get the description.
        vdpdbg_get_m5_reg_desc(reg_num, reg_value, reg_vdp, desc, sizeof(desc));
        if (reg_num == 19 || reg_num == 20)
            DMA_Len_NeedsUpdate = TRUE;
        else if (reg_num >= 21 && reg_num <= 23)
            DMA_Src_NeedsUpdate = TRUE;

        // Set the value and description.
        gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(lmRegList), &iter,
                           2, reg_value,	// Value.
                           3, hex_value,	// Value (in hex).
                           4, desc, -1);	// Description.

        // Get the next list element.
        valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(lmRegList), &iter);

    // Check if DMA Length or DMA Src Address need to be updated.
    if (DMA_Len_NeedsUpdate)
        // DMA Length needs to be updated.
        vdpdbg_get_m5_dma_len_desc(reg_vdp, desc, sizeof(desc));
        gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(lmRegList), &iter_DMA_Len, 4, desc, -1);

    if (DMA_Src_NeedsUpdate)
        // DMA Src Address needs to be updated.
        vdpdbg_get_m5_dma_src_desc(reg_vdp, desc, sizeof(desc));
        gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(lmRegList), &iter_DMA_Src, 4, desc, -1);