Method	   : readOrderFill()
Description: Reads the message type Order Fill from the binary file and increments the total packet count
and also stores the Fill message count.
void readBinaryData::readOrderFill()

	order_Fill of = {};
	binfile.read((char*)&of, sizeof(of));

	bool b = true;

		order_Fill_repeat_firm ofrf;
		binfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ofrf.firm_id), sizeof(ofrf.firm_id));
		if (ofrf.firm_id == 'D')
			b = false;
			binfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ofrf.terminationstr), sizeof(ofrf.terminationstr) - 1);
			order_Fill_repeat ofr1;
			binfile.read((char*)&ofr1, sizeof(ofr1));

			// Keep track of the trader with the largest filled volume.
			int count = 0;
			std::string tTag(ofr1.trader_tag);
			std::string tragerTag = tTag.substr(0, 3);
			if (most_active_trader_tag.find(tragerTag) == most_active_trader_tag.end())
				most_active_trader_tag[tragerTag] = ++count;
				count = most_active_trader_tag[tragerTag];
				most_active_trader_tag[tragerTag] = ++count;
	} while (b);
Method	   : readOrderEntry()
Description: Reads the message type Order Entry from the binary file and increments the total packet count
and also stores the Entry message count.
void readBinaryData::readOrderEntry()
	// Count the number of total packets and also Order Entry packets 

	order_Entry orderEntry = {};
	binfile.read((char*)&orderEntry, sizeof(orderEntry));

	// Get the Instrument tag
	std::string iTag(orderEntry.instrument);
	// Discard any junk characters in the tag
	std::string instrumentTag = iTag.substr(0, 10);

	// Count the Instruments, store it in a map
	int countIns = 0;
	if (Instrument_count.find(instrumentTag) == Instrument_count.end())
		Instrument_count[instrumentTag] = ++countIns;
		countIns = Instrument_count[instrumentTag];
		Instrument_count[instrumentTag] = ++countIns;

	// Discard any junk characters in the tag.
	std::string tTag(orderEntry.trader_tag);
	std::string tragerTag = tTag.substr(0, 3);

	if (orderEntry.time_in_force == '\x2')
		// Keep track of the trader with the largest GFD volume entered into the market.
		int countLiq = 0;
		if (most_liquidity_trader_tag.find(tragerTag) == most_liquidity_trader_tag.end()) {
			most_liquidity_trader_tag[tragerTag] = ++countLiq;
			countLiq = most_liquidity_trader_tag[tragerTag];
			most_liquidity_trader_tag[tragerTag] = ++countLiq;

	// Keep track of the trader with the largest filled volume.
	int count = 0;
	if (most_active_trader_tag.find(tragerTag) == most_active_trader_tag.end()) {
		most_active_trader_tag[tragerTag] = ++count;
		count = most_active_trader_tag[tragerTag];
		most_active_trader_tag[tragerTag] = ++count;

	std::string tempStr = "";
	char endByte;
	bool b = true;
	order_Entry_firm oef = {};
		binfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&endByte), 1);
		// Check if we encounter the end of message
		if (endByte != 'D'){
			// If not then add the firm to temp string
			tempStr = tempStr + endByte;
			// On encountering the end of message string DBDBDBDB add the temp string to firm.
			strcpy_s(oef.firm, tempStr.c_str());
			// read the remaining end of message string
			binfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&oef.terminationstr), sizeof(oef.terminationstr) - 1);
			b = false;
	} while (b);
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Simple parsing of the parameters related to the image acquisition
	int tXRes = 640;
	int tYRes = 480;
	int tCameraIndex = 0;
	if (argc > 2) {
		tXRes = std::atoi(argv[1]);
		tYRes = std::atoi(argv[2]);
	if (argc > 3) {
		tCameraIndex = std::atoi(argv[3]);

	// The source of input images
	cv::VideoCapture tCapture(tCameraIndex);
	if (!tCapture.isOpened())
		std::cerr << "Unable to initialise video capture." << std::endl;
		return 1;
#ifdef OPENCV3
	tCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, tXRes);
	tCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, tYRes);
	tCapture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, tXRes);
	tCapture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, tYRes);


	// The time at which run was last called, to compute the fps.
	int64 tTickCount = cv::getTickCount();

	// The tag detection happens in the DetectChilitags class.
	// All it needs is a pointer to a OpenCv Image, i.e. a cv::Mat *
	// and a call to its update() method every time the image is updated.
	cv::Mat tInputImage;
	chilitags::DetectChilitags tDetectChilitags(&tInputImage);

	// Main loop, exiting when 'q is pressed'
	for (; 'q' != (char) cv::waitKey(1); ) {

		// Capture a new image.

		// Detect tags on the current image.
	    int64 tStartCount = cv::getTickCount();
        std::cout << "Time to update markers: " << ((double)cv::getTickCount() - tStartCount)/cv::getTickFrequency() << "ms" << std::endl;

		// The color (magenta) that will be used for all information
		// overlaid on the captured image
		const static cv::Scalar scColor(255, 0, 255);

		// These constants will be given to OpenCv for drawing with
		// sub-pixel accuracy with fixed point precision coordinates
		static const int scShift = 16;
		static const float scPrecision = 1<<scShift;

		// We dont want to draw directly on the input image, so we clone it
		cv::Mat tOutputImage = tInputImage.clone();

		// We iterate over the 1024 possible tags (from #0 to #1023)
		for (int tTagId = 0; tTagId < 1024; ++tTagId) {

			// The Chilitag class is a convenience handle to acces information
			// related to a given tag.
			// The object itself is lightweight, so we can create and delete it
			// frequently (we don't need to store it as member for example)
			chilitags::Chilitag tTag(tTagId);

			// Chilitag allows us to easily access the two main pieces of data
			// First, the isPresent() method tells us whether the related tag
			// has been detected in the last frame.
			// This is a first and necessary step to access further information
			// about the tag, as a "absent" tag will have obsolete information.
			if (tTag.isPresent()) {
				// Second, now that we know that the tag has been updated, the
				// getCorners() method returns the coordinates of the
				// quadrilateral containing the tag on the input picture.
				chilitags::Quad tCorners = tTag.getCorners();

				// We start by drawing this quadrilateral
				for (size_t i = 0; i < chilitags::Quad::scNPoints; ++i) {
						scColor, 1, CV_AA, scShift);

				// The quadrilateral is given under the form of a Quad class,
				// which provide a minimal set of geometrical functionalities,
				// such as getCenter()
				cv::Point2f tCenter = tCorners.getCenter();

				// We will print the identifier of the tag at its center
				cv::putText(tOutputImage, cv::format("%d", tTagId), tCenter,
					cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, scColor);

				// Other points an be computed from the four corners of the Quad.
				// Chilitags are oriented. It means that the points 0,1,2,3 of
				// the Quad coordinates are consistently the top-left, top-right,
				// bottom-right and bottom-left
				// (i.e. clockwise, starting from top-left)
				// Using this, we can compute (an approximation of) the middle of
				// the top side of the tag...
				cv::Point2f tTop = 0.5f*(tCorners[0]+tCorners[1]);
				// and of its right side
				cv::Point2f tRight = 0.5f*(tCorners[1]+tCorners[2]);

				// We display the length in pixel of these sides
					cv::format("The top border is %.2fpx long.",
						cv::norm(tCorners[0] - tCorners[1])), tTop,
					cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, scColor);

					cv::format("The right border is %.2fpx long.",
						cv::norm(tCorners[1] - tCorners[2])), tRight,
					cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, scColor);

				// And we draw a line from the center to the midlle of these sides,
				// to show the orientation of the tag.
					scColor, 1, CV_AA, scShift);
					scColor, 1, CV_AA, scShift);
		// Some stats on the current frame (resolution and framerate)
		int64 tNewTickCount = cv::getTickCount();
			cv::format("%dx%d@%.0f fps (press q to quit)",
				tOutputImage.cols, tOutputImage.rows,
				cv::getTickFrequency() / ((double) (tNewTickCount-tTickCount))),
			cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, scColor);
		tTickCount = tNewTickCount;

		// Finally...
		cv::imshow("DisplayChilitags", tOutputImage);


	return 0;