void InspectorPanel::newItemsInspected(const Selection& objects) { // Ignore items in both // Create items in objects and not in current // Delete items in current and not in objects Selection toCreate, toDelete; std::set_difference(objects.begin(), objects.end(), m_currentSel.begin(), m_currentSel.end(), std::inserter(toCreate, toCreate.begin())); std::set_difference(m_currentSel.begin(), m_currentSel.end(), objects.begin(), objects.end(), std::inserter(toDelete, toDelete.begin())); for(const auto& object : toDelete) { auto widget_it = m_map.get<0>().find(object); if(widget_it != m_map.get<0>().end()) { (*widget_it)->deleteLater(); *m_map.get<0>().erase(widget_it); } } for(const auto& object : toCreate) { auto widget = InspectorWidgetList::makeInspectorWidget(object->objectName(), object, m_tabWidget); m_tabWidget->addTab(widget, widget->tabName()); m_map.insert(widget); } m_currentSel = objects; }
wstring QueryAssembler::getQueryTemplateFromDB(const wstring& frameName, const string& pathToDb) { DataTuple<QueryColumnTypes> key; std::list<DataTuple<QueryResultTypes>> rows; string sframeName = ""; string tabName(tableName); CONVERT_TO_UTF8_STRING(frameName, sframeName); key.set<frame_name>(sframeName); getTemplate(tabName, key, rows); if(rows.size() == 0) { throw ENoInterpretation(frameName.c_str()); } if(rows.size() > 1) { throw EMultipleInterpretations(frameName.c_str()); } wstring wtemplate = L""; for (std::list<DataTuple<QueryResultTypes> >::iterator i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { wtemplate = CONVERT_TO_WSTRING(i->get<0>()); } return wtemplate; }
void TabBar::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { int tabIndex = dropItemsTabIndex(*event, *this); if ( tabIndex != -1 ) emit dropItems( tabName(tabIndex), event->mimeData() ); else QTabBar::dropEvent(event); }
void LuminaryDialog::OnClickButtonAdd(wxCommandEvent& event) { if(m_nbPanels < NB_MAXFLAMMES){ m_luminaryPanels[m_nbPanels] = new LuminaryPanel(m_luminaryNotebook, -1, m_currentConfig->nbLuminaries); m_nbPanels++; wxString tabName(_("Luminary #")); tabName << m_nbPanels; m_luminaryNotebook->AddPage(m_luminaryPanels[m_nbPanels-1], tabName); m_luminaryNotebook->SetSelection(m_nbPanels); } }
void OpenOtherDialog::on_treeWidget_currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *current, QTreeWidgetItem*) { if (current->data(0, Qt::UserRole).isValid()) { QString currentData(current->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString()); for (int i = 0; i < ui->methodTabWidget->count(); i++) { QString tabName(ui->methodTabWidget->widget(i)->objectName()); if (currentData == tabName) { ui->methodTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(i); QWidget* w = ui->methodTabWidget->currentWidget(); if (w == ui->networkTab) m_current = ui->networkWidget; else if (w == ui->decklinkTab) m_current = ui->decklinkWidget; else if (w == ui->v4lTab) m_current = ui->v4lWidget; else if (w == ui->colorTab) m_current = ui->colorWidget; else if (w == ui->noiseTab) m_current = ui->noiseWidget; else if (w == ui->isingTab) m_current = ui->isingWidget; else if (w == ui->lissajousTab) m_current = ui->lissajousWidget; else if (w == ui->plasmaTab) m_current = ui->plasmaWidget; else if (w == ui->colorbarsTab) m_current = ui->colorbarsWidget; else if (w == ui->pulseTab) m_current = ui->pulseWidget; else if (w == ui->jackTab) m_current = ui->jackWidget; else if (w == ui->alsaTab) m_current = ui->alsaWidget; else if (w == ui->x11grabTab) m_current = ui->x11grabWidget; else if (w == ui->dshowVideoTab) m_current = ui->dshowVideoWidget; else if (w == ui->toneTab) m_current = ui->toneWidget; break; } } } }
std::wstring ResponseAssembler::getResponseTemplateFromDB(const wstring& frameName, const wstring& _question, const string& _templateType) { std::list<DataTuple<QueryResultTypes> > rows; string sframeName = ""; CONVERT_TO_UTF8_STRING(frameName, sframeName); string squestion = ""; CONVERT_TO_UTF8_STRING(_question, squestion); string templateType = _templateType; string tabName(tableName); DataTuple<QueryColumnTypes> key; key.set<frame_name>(sframeName); key.set<question>(squestion); key.set<type>(templateType); getTemplate(tabName, key, rows); std::wstring currentTemplate = L""; for (std::list<DataTuple<QueryResultTypes> >::iterator i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { currentTemplate = CONVERT_TO_WSTRING(i->get<0>()); } if(rows.size() > 1) { throw EMultipleInterpretations(frameName.c_str()); } else if(rows.size() == 0) { ENoInterpretation(frameName.c_str()); } return currentTemplate; }
void LuminaryDialog::doLayout() { m_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_sizer->Add(m_activateGlobalSolverCheckBox, 0, 0, 0); m_luminaryNotebook->AddPage(m_globalSolverPanel, _("Global Solver")); if(!m_currentConfig->useGlobalField) m_globalSolverPanel->Disable(); for(uint i = 0; i < m_currentConfig->nbLuminaries; i++) { wxString tabName(_("Luminary #")); tabName << i+1; m_luminaryNotebook->AddPage(m_luminaryPanels[i], tabName); } m_sizer->Add(m_luminaryNotebook, 1, wxEXPAND, 0); wxBoxSizer* buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); buttonSizer->Add(m_addLuminaryButton, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 0); buttonSizer->Add(m_deleteLuminaryButton, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 0); buttonSizer->Add(m_okButton, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE|wxLEFT, 20); buttonSizer->Add(m_cancelButton, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 0); m_sizer->Add(buttonSizer, 0, wxEXPAND, 0); SetAutoLayout(true); SetSizerAndFit(m_sizer); }
QString ScriptableProxyHelper::tab() { BROWSER_INVOKE(tabName(), QString()); }